Livessa Brais

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- I will be what I wish to be. You will not make me a Lady, or can you? -

Livessa is the older daughter of Sir Erek Ivounel and Lady Amera, Sister to Sir Baldwin Ivounel. A noblewoman of the house Lenouvi she grew up as being outcasted with the others in the so called bastard branch. Livessa grew up watching her brother struggle proving his duty to his kingdom.

She was born as the middle child to the respectable family of Ivounel, and brought up with the same high standards that her brother had. Though she was never a child to simply take her place in the world. Livessa was a wild-child and she would often slink after her brother tracking him everywhere, there was nowhere he could go without her following.

Livessa was never the lady her parents wished her to be, she was never accepting her place as a woman. She would often sneak off and ride her brothers horses through the countryside, when she could not follow her brother she would sneak off to the tavern and watch the games the men would do to earn money. This Gambling was an addiction of the highest sorts, and when she became of age she would be playing, and collecting coin. It was no place for a Lady, it was no place for a Ivounel, and somehow she hid it from her parents.

Lady Amera had her daughter schooled, and cultivated her skill at painting. oh yes, Livessa could paint, it was one thing she could sit still and just do, without the distraction of cards and coins. She became well known for her paintings and was even asked on her sixteenth birthday to do a portrait by one of the high noble families .. this was a great honor for her family and they were all very eager to see if other nobles would follow.

There was no time really for other nobles to follow however, When Baldwin returned from his training he knew something had changed in his sister, instead of tracking him she would slip away. One night he followed her and he thought it would be a fun game, this time he would be tracking her instead of the other way around! But when he found his sister carousing and gambling he grew furious and snatched her away from the tavern, Vowing never to allow her out of his sights again.

Of course he was now a Knight, and could not always watch her .. now could he.

Recently she has wedded Argon Brais and has taken the surname Brais. Some would say the young woman has finally settled down. The pair are said to be trying for an heir .. just what the kingdom needs.

Personality and Appearance

There is a little mixture of wild to this young female, Her skin is a nice pale cream color, which contrasts nicely against her dark beautiful hair. The dark locks are kept neatly up in an elaborate style of long braided locks and woven around and back to be held in place by a few hairclips. Little strays of hair caress her face, soft, with that hint of baby fat that still lingers in the cheeks, but it softens the otherwise angular features. A button nose rests between to oval eyes of Kelly green and brushed with hazel flecks; The look gives her a distinct vision of beautiful mixed with a breath-catching freedom of spirit mingled together. Her outfit lends to this look an off-white dress shirt that is buttoned near to the top, only hinting at her lovely bosom. She wears a deep blue corset that hugs her middle and rests over a long flowing dress which billows out over her ankles. She wears a set of riding boots on her feet.

  • Name: Explanation
RP Hooks
  • Gambling: She will win, she has to win.
  • Painting: She is known to be a good painter if you can convince her to do it.
  • Tracking: She can find most things, but her favorite thing to find is her brother.


Livessa Brais
Fullname: Livessa Brais, née Ivounel
Portrayed By: Lily Collins
Birthday: September 2nd
Kingdom: Two Rivers
House: Brais
Title/Profession Lady
Position Painter
Place of birth Castle Equitaine
Father Sir Erek Ivounel
Mother Lady Amera
Siblings Baldwin Ivounel and Verlak
Spouse Argon Brais
Children None