Wanted Characters

From Felaguria: The Struggle for Power
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"Grow your character up from the seed to the wonderful arbor of your dreams."


  • Duke Herrik Lenouvi (32) - Duke of Athereyne, Head of House Lenouvi, married, has a four-year-old son. As can be seen from the wiki page, this char is still in a pretty blank state, so most of the background, quirks and skills will have to be created by the player. Duke Herrik has been NPCed once so far, at the Feast at Castle Equitaine, the log can be found here
  • Staff Wanted for Castle! Duke Alajos Fennim needs staff for Woodwatch Keep: A (female) housekeeper who runs the day-to-day business of the castle, a lady's maid for his bride, a male steward, a stable boy, a gardener, several others. But mostly a housekeeper.


  • We are especially looking for the members of the Queen's Council. You can find the list of members here: The Queen's Council Here is the short list:
  • The Royal Mother Eleora Machuri
  • The Royal Mother Denna Machuri
  • The Royal Mother Nimoria
  • The Royal Mother <name you want to have>
  • The Royal High Oni (or The Fourth) - is one of the four advisers for the Queen. They are the most important members of the Queen's council. The Royal High Oni must be from the first line of the vassal houses or house of Onimoria. The Fourth is a regent of the Kingdom of the Isles, if the Queen is away or the heir must turn 16 before taking the throne.
  • The Duchess Debrah Kiari.
  • The Duchess Kelyn Machuri.
  • Mistress of Coins - the old woman died and the Isles have no Mistress of Coins for now, because former mistress was really grumpy and she hated pretty much everyone. So, she did not leave named apprentice suitable for such position.
  • Mistress of the Law. This woman was mentioned as old and a true perfectionist. That is all. You will be responsible for this wiki page: The Book of Lotingus, because you will be responsible to read and always improve the laws of the Kingdom. You will have to give offers for the Queen's Council. Also, there is Chief Constable of the Kingdom of the Isles, who controls the Constables of the each existing island of the Kingdom. He is the one who reports all the troubles to the Oni of the Law (judge) and Mistress of Laws. They decide if the Queen's Council and the Queen should be bothered with these troubles or not. Chief Constable must make sure that everyone else in the Kingdom is following the laws, while Mistress of Laws dictates the laws to Chief Constable.
  • Mistess of Common Affairs Abbey Blackrobe - (37 years old) She was really loved by her mother and father: Delilah Blackrobe and Heman Blackrobe. As she loved her brother and he loved her. Their mother Delilah Manchuri lost her name and had to take the name of her husband – Blackrobe. She was disowned and her children were understood as bastards. Delilah fall in love and lust with the commoner from the Kiari‘s lands. He was just one of these blacksmiths. However, her daughter grew up as an incredibly clever, good and with impressive baggage of the diplomacy skills. She was the bastard, but this way she was close to all the commoners. This was the reason, even if it was a huge surprise to all, she managed to become a part of the Queen‘s Council as a Master of Common affairs. Though, even if she is talented, her blood is muddy, she shouldn‘t be there.
  • Marshal Dame Leah Landos
  • Admiral Jaquetta Onimus

  • Also, we are looking for any members from the religion circle,what would be Royal High Onises, Onises, Apretices of Onises, Guardians of Onimoria. More information here: The Onimoria
  • We would love to see at least a few followers of the cult of Asmenachia. Though, these characters would be in a huge danger. More information here too: The Onimoria
  • We are in lack of commoners.
  • We really need Chief Constable of the Kingdom of the Isles, and Contables of Kingdom's islands. More information here on Laws section: The Book of Lotingus

Friendly advice: Don't forget to read about the Kingdom's laws: The Book of Lotingus


PreCGed and on +roster:

  • Deen Zorich, squire to Sir Fordric Istivean, preCGed and on +roster.


  • Lord Jefferay Norman: Skilled ranger and minor noble, was part of the Going North TP.
  • Sir Thadeus Istivean (25), a young knight of a lesser branch of House Istivean.
  • Dowager Duchess Fayme Istivean, née Lenouvi (56), widow of the late Duke of Granville, aunt to the current Duke of Athereyne.
  • Sir Berec Ivounel (40), Commander of the Royal Cavalry, uncle to Baldwin Ivounel
  • A member of House Bainsworth would be nice, as some of that family may have a bone to pick with Leander Vainhill
  • Lord Fordric Istivean (31), brother-in-law to Ralph Fennim and cousin to the Duke Herrik Lenouvi, also this knight took over his late cousin Brodny's squire Deen Zorich in the year of 674.

Also if you'd like to pick any other living character from the respective family trees on the House pages: House Brais, House Fennim, House Istivean or House Lenouvi or have other ideas for a commoner character in any of those Duchies, please contact Rivers on the game (via page or +mail).

There are minor houses as well in each of the duchies, so if you feel like creating one and playing its leader, let us know and we'll make it happen!


If you are interested in any of these characters and you have questions, feel free to speak with Teddybear, or others if this Staff member is not online.

IMPORTANT: We are in the need of many various commoners right now. However, if you are interested in playing noble, you need to have in mind, that just nobles mentioned on this wanted list can be apped. Also you can take a look at the +roster list on our game. Nobles, who are not on this list or +roster, who are not in the family trees of the exisiting houses - won't be approved for now. Also, once again - we need commoners and priestesses!


Madalyn Onimus (16 years old) - daughter of the queen, heir of Isles. CGed and on +roster.
Jaquetta Onimus (38 years old) - younger sister of the Queen, who is the Admiral of the whole navy. Married. (OPEN FOR APP)
Joey Onimus (Zorich) - husband of Jaquetta Onimus. (OPEN FOR APP)
Abell Kiari (Onimus) (37 years old) - first born son, married to Kiari's Ducthess. (OPEN FOR APP)
Mikhail Grunhaid (41 years old) - The son of the Abegayle's brother.

More information about the House of Onimus - ***HERE***


Avidor Zorich (45 years old) unmarried (OPEN FOR APP)
Iyov Zorich (Born 633, 42 years old) married to Adara Zorich, father of Liat and Kinneret Zorich, uncle by marriage to Duchess Lisabette Zorich, born to House Grunhaid (OPEN FOR APP)
Lord Lazar Zorich (Landos) (42 years old) - married to Debbie, father of the Dutchess Lisabette and her siblings. (OPEN FOR APP)
Liat Zorich (Born April 6, 661, 15 years old) unmarried, eldest daughter of Adara and Iyov Zorich and older sister to Kinneret Zorich, being trained as Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen, can turn 16 when app'ed. (OPEN FOR APP)
Deen Zorich (16 years old) - Brother of the Dutchess Lisabette Zorich (is squire to a knight from the Kingdom of Two Rivers). Joey Zorich (39 years old) married to Jaquetta Onimus (637 - ...). She is the sister of now Queen. The man takes woman's surname in this Kingdom. So, he becomes Joey Onimus (Zorich). (OPEN FOR APP)
Noach Zorich (24 years old) Unmaried (OPEN FOR APP)
Annalisa Zorich (18 years old) Unmarried (OPEN FOR APP)
Leah Landos (35 years old) - Marshal in the Queen's Council. Zakkai Landos (28 years old) - brother to Leah Landos, ambassador in the Golden Lion.

More information about the House of Zorich - ***HERE***


Adah Kiari (19 years old) - Heir to the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano, daughter of Debrah Kiari. Duke Abell Kiari (Onimus) (37 years old) - husband of the Debrah Kiari, son of the Queen Abegayle Onimus. (OPEN FOR APP)
Lord Jaydon Kiari (36 years old) - He was born in the year 639 and is 36 years old now. He is the brother of Debrah Kiari - The Dutchess of the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano, and the twin brother of Efraim.
Lord Efraim Kiari (36 years old) - responsible for the whole army of the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano, also he is the one, who is responsible for the trainning of the archers from the whole Kingdom of the Isles. (OPEN FOR APP)
More information about the House of Kiari - ***HERE***


Kelyn Machuri (53 years old) - Dutchess of the Isle of the Giant Pearl. Rachele Machuri (34 years old) – the heir and the pride of Kelyn. (OPEN FOR APP)
The Royal mother Eleora Machuri (30 years old) – The Royal High Oni and the pride of the house. (OPEN FOR APP)
The Royal mother Denna Machuri (27 years old) – The Royal High Oni and the pride of the house. (OPEN FOR APP)
Noam Machuri (25 years old) - the first son of the Dutchess Kelyn. (OPEN FOR APP)
Orin Machuri (20 years old) - the youngest son of the Ducthess Kelyn. (OPEN FOR APP)
Abbey Blackrobe (37 years old) – aunt‘s of Kelyn Machuri bastard daughter from the commoner of the Isle o the Sleeping Volcano. Her mother was disowned and took the name of the husband. However, Abbey managed to become Master of Common affairs. (OPEN FOR APP)
Arion Blackrobe (25 years old) – aunt‘s of Kelyn Machuri bastard son from the commoner of the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano. His mother was disowned and took the name of the husband. He walked his father‘s feet and became blacksmith. (OPEN FOR APP)

More information about the House of Machuri - ***HERE***



Shoshana Grunhaid (51 years old) - this lady became the Lady Solicitor just being 44 years old. She was the third daughter of the former Lady Solicitor Oma Grunhaid. She never expected that her dream to administrate the Isle of the family may become true. However, her older sisters died not leaving female heirs at all.
Illias Grunhaid (Cohen) (49 years old) - husband of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana. House of Cohen is solicitor of the Queen of the Kingdom of the Isles.
Abner Grunhaid (32 years old) - son of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana. Tone Deaf, can't sing.
Danell Grunhaid (30 years old) - son of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Ismael Grunhaid (25 years old) - son of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Junien Grunhaid (19 years old) - son of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Kaydin Grunhaid (23 years old) - son of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana. (PC, taken)
Kaniel Grunhaid (16 years old) - son of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Guiseppina Grunhaid (25 years old) - daughter and the heir of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Lilith Grunhaid (49 years old) - sister of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Elazar Grunhaid (Langaha) (49 years old) - husband of lady Lilith Grunhaid, who is the sister of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.
Avraham Grunhaid (31 years old) - son of lady Lilith Grunhaid. This character is NPC, controled by TeddyBear, but can be apped by a player. However, you must contact TeddyBear, before apping this character. He has some secrets and is involved into some plots.
Aksel (29 years old) - son of lady Lilith Grunhaid.
Mathew (21 years old) - son of lady Lilith Grunhaid.
Talmai (16 years old) - son of lady Lilith Grunhaid.
Iyov Grunhaid (42 years old) - Husband of the Master of Whispers, brother of the current Lady Solicitor Shoshana.

More information about the House of Grunhaid - ***HERE***


Danya Grunhaid (42 years old) - cousin to Imma Aidyl. Widower. No kids. Once handmaiden, now living on Hailyd and helping take care of things. Perhaps future nanny. (OPEN TO APP)
Advon Wirth (50 years old) - Seneschal at Hailyd for Aidyl family. (OPEN TO APP).

More information about the House of Aidyl - ***HERE*** or ***HERE***.

IMPORTANT: If you are interested in any of these characters, please, speak with TeddyBear. If he is not connected, feel free to send +mail or write all your questions and letters to felaguria@gmail.com . We will answer quickly.




Hroaldr Gylkrohn (626) - 49 years old, current King of the Kingdom of Estoria. He became King being 24 years old, after unexpected and strange death of his father.

Valda Gylkrohn nee Galtiblar (626) - 49 years old wife of the current King Hroaldr Gylkrohn.

Eirik Gylkrohn (644) - 31 years old son of the current King Hroaldr Gylkrohn.

Halstein Gylkrohn (647) - 28 years old son of the current King Hroaldr Gylkrohn.

Erland Gylkrohn (650) - 25 years old son of the current King Hroaldr Gylkrohn.

Bjorn Gylkrohn (650) - 25 years old son of the current King Hroaldr Gylkrohn.

Stefan Gylkrohn (629) - 46 years old King's Hroaldr brother. Anagret Gylkrohn nee Arnstor (630) - 45 years old wife of Stefan Gylkrohn.

Sigrid Bjornsvartr nee Gylkrohn (647) - 28 years old daughter of King's brother Stefan. Was married to the duke Erik Bjornsvartr and gave birth to three daughters. The Duke Erik died and she is now betrothed to King Barret Brais.

Agata Gylkrohn (651) - 24 years old daughter of King's brother Stefan.

Frida Gylkrohn (654) - 21 years old daughter of King's brother Stefan.


Albin Arnstor (636) - 39 years old current Duke of Duchy of Rosenaas. Dominica Arnstor nee Galtiblar

Yvette Galtiblar nee Arnstor (640) - 35 years old sister to the current Duke of Duchy of Rosenaas, wife to the current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen Geir Galtiblar.

Geir Galtiblar (627) - 48 years old current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen, husband of Yvette Galtiblar nee Arnstor.

Karl Galtibla r (657) - 18 years old son of the current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen.

Hallgerd Galtiblar (659) - 16 years old daughter of the current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen.

Odile Arnstor (647) - 28 years old sister of the current Duke of Duchy of Rosenaas.

Thias Arnstor (649) - 26 years old brother of the current Duke of Duchy of Rosenaas.


Geir Galtiblar (627) - 48 years old current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen, husband of Yvette Galtiblar nee Arnstor.

Yvette Galtiblar nee Arnstor (640) - 35 years old sister to the current Duke of Duchy of Rosenaas, wife to the current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen Geir Galtiblar.

Karl Galtiblar (657) - 18 years old son of the current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen.

Hallgerd Galtiblar (659) - 16 years old daughter of the current Duke of Duchy of Fjallmen.

Selene Galtiblar nee Bjornsvartr (634) - 41 years old daughter of Zacharias Bjornsvartr, twin to Majka Bjornsvartr.

Ian Galtiblar (632) - 43 years old brother of Geir Galtiblar, husband to Selene Galtiblar nee Bjornsvartr.

Geira Galtiblar (650) - 25 years old daughter of Ian Galtiblar.

Wendy Galtiblar (657) - 18 years old daughter of Ian Galtiblar.


Avaline Brais (656) - 19 years old daughter of Emelyn.

Majka Bjornsvartr (634) - 41 years old daughter of Zacharias Bjornsvartr, twin to Selene Bjornsvartr.

Camilla Hrossmork (655) - 20 years old daughter of Ulf and Majka Hrossmorks.

Janna Hrossmork (659) - 16 years old daughter of Ulf and Majka Hrossmorks.

Selene Galtiblar nee Bjornsvartr (634) - 41 years old daughter of Zacharias Bjornsvartr, twin to Majka Bjornsvartr.

Ian Galtiblar (632) - 43 years old brother of Geir Galtiblar, husband to Selene Galtiblar nee Bjornsvartr.

Geira Galtiblar (650) - 25 years old daughter of Ian Galtiblar.

Wendy Galtiblar (657) - 18 years old daughter of Ian Galtiblar.

Sigrid Bjornsvartr nee Gylkrohn (647) - 28 years old daughter of King's brother Stefan. Was married to the duke Erik Bjornsvartr and gave birth to three daughters. The Duke Erik died and she is now betrothed to King Barret Brais.

Eilif Bjornsvartr (666) - 9 years old daughter of Sigrid and Erik.


Hans Hrossmork (642) - 33 years old current Duke of the Duchy of Fevang.

Majka Hrossmork nee Bjornsvartr (634) - 41 years old daughter of Zacharias Bjornsvartr, twin to Selene Bjornsvartr.

Camilla Hrossmork (655) - 20 years old daughter of Ulf and Majka Hrossmorks.

Janna Hrossmork (659) - 16 years old daughter of Ulf and Majka Hrossmorks.

Carla Hrossmork (646) - 29 years old sister to the current Duke of Fevang.

Agnes Hrossmork (648) - 27 years old sister to the current Duke of Fevang.

Bastian Hrossmork (650)- 25 years old brother to the current Duke of Fevang.

Edward Hrossmork (653) - 22 years old brother to the current Duke of Fevang.


If you are interested in any of these characters, feel free to speak with Teddybear or Rivers.


Prince Altaf Nuru (645 - …) - 30 years old brother to the current King Munsif Nuru.

Prince Zahir Nuru (649 - …) - 26 years old brother to the current King Munsif Nuru.

Lady Yusra Nuru (f) (645 - …) - 30 years old cousin to the current King Munsif Nuru.

Lady Kalila Nuru (f) (647 - …) - 28 years old cousin to the current King Munsif Nuru.

Prince Taj Nuru (660 - …) - 15 years old son to the current King Munsif Nuru, the heir.


Munjid Sefu (617 - …) - 58 years old Duke, Father of Arif, Fellah, Aludra.

Aludra Sefu (f) (648 - …) - 27 years old lord's Arif Sefu sister. She chose the way of priestess.

Ulfah Sefu (654 - …) - 21 years old male cousin to the lord Arif Sefu.

Known bastard children of the lord Arif Sefu:
Taqaa <surname> (f) (659 - …) - 16 years old.
Saja <surname> (f) (661 - …) - 14 years old.
Husam Sefu (662 - …) - 13 years old.
Fadil <surname> (662 - …) - 13 years old.
Mirah <surname> (f) (665 -…) - 10 years old.
Dani Sefu (669 - …) - 6 years old.
Ghalib <surname> (670 - …) - 5years old.

Known mothers of bastard children of Arif Sefu. More about them you can find on Arif Sefu wiki page.
Chanda (643 - ...) - 32 years old mother of Saja.
Fariha (650 - ...) - 25 years old mother of Ghalib.
Fatma (644 - ...) - 31 years old mother of Fadil.
Taheera (625 - ...) - 50 years old mother of Mirah.
Aamira (643 - ...) - 32 years old mother of Taqaa.
Laila ( 645 - ... ) - 30 years old mother of Dani and Husam. The only one, who is made official concubine.

There might be many others unknown children. IF the bastard is not recognized as legitimate by his father, then the child carries his mother's surname. There are not just player's age limit on the game, but also character's too. Characters can't be younger than 15 years old. However, mothers or other relatives of these children are very welcomed.


Afya Imamu (f) - (640 - …) - 35 years old daughter o the Hilmi Imamu, known by her incredibly huge fights with father and revolutionary thoughts, trying to defend women rights in their Kingdom.

Begum Cantarea Sefu (f) - (650 - …) - 32 years old cousin to Nawaab Arif Sefu and Nadhir Imamu.
Begum Qamara Sefu (f) (653 - …) - 27 years old cousin to Nawaab Arif Sefu and Nadhir Imamu.
Begum Inaya Sefu (f) (655 - …) - 24 years old cousin to Nawaab Arif Sefu and Nadhir Imamu.
Ulfah Sefu (m) (655 - …) - 21 years old cousin to Nawaab Arif Sefu and Nadhir Imamu.



However... stay tuned. One area may be open for application soon!



All characters from the Rumorous Island are elite characters and can be apped just as alts by the players, who are already active in the MUSH. What does it mean being active at the MUSH? The player has:

  • to be active for three months.
  • to have at least five logged scenes, where his character is involved in the plots run by the staff or other players, or where his character has any other interactions with other characters.
  • to run at least one plot during these three months. It can be a personal plot, or it can be more public plot.

When you fill all these three requirements, you are free to app a character, who comes from the Rumorous Island. If you are a new player, check out our +roster or wanted list! We are in the need of other very special and interesting characters. Moreover, feel free to create fully yours character and jump on the grid, meet existing characters, get to know the world of Felaguria, dive into the adventures and then you will be ready, you may app one of these strange islanders.

What do we require from the application?

  • Your gift can't be higher than lvl 5. When you will be approved, you will get xp points (1,5 per week + cookies!) and you will be able to raise it.
  • Please, give us a detailed background of your character, that wewould understand, how she or he learned/found the gift and how improved it.

And that is all! Just enjoy your new character after approval!



Craftsmen, commoner knights (yes indeed!), guardsmen, shopkeepers, barmaids, handmaidens, servants, minstrels/entertainers.

Especially employees wanted for:

City of Equis (Athereyne):

  • Leaping Horse Inn
  • Wolf's Den Tavern
  • Shopkeepers for the Market Place

City of Woodwatch (Woriscant):

  • The Limping Boar Tavern
  • Bow & Arrow Inn
  • Carpenters and woodworkers


We need these patrons (HEADS) of these Guilds:
The Patron of the Healers' Guild;
The Patron of the Blacksmiths' Guild;
The Patron of the Cloth makers' Guild;
The Patron of the Masons' Guild;
The Patron of the Artists' Guild;
The Patron of the Bakers' Guild;

We need these Innkeepers:
The Inkeeper of the Herder's Inn - This is the Inn in the Deavell's Harbor.
The Innkeeper of the Pirate's Heart - This is the Inn in the low-class dangerous city, which has a bad reputation, - Piradin.
The Innkeeper of the Golden Sword's Inn - This is the Inn in the rich city, which has a very good reputation, - Steelea.

We need owners of these brothels:
The Purple Ribbon - This is the brothel in the low-class dangerous city, which has a bad reputation, - Piradin.

We really need these people:
The Oni of the Law - The Head of The Castle of Onimoria (courthouse).
The High Oni - The head of the Temple of the Isle of the Crown.
The Onises - Servants in the Temple or convent.
The Apprentices of the Onises - Feature Onises.
The Guardians of The Onimoria - Men are not allowed to join the temple or serve for the religion in any other way but defense or spreading of the faith, and controling the followers of the Cult of Asmenachia. That means, they may become The Guardians of Onimoria. These guardians are usually dressed in their armor, but their cloaks must be black with the symbol of The Onimoria.

Also, we need knights, guards, capitains. You can read more about Army and Military - [| HERE]

And feel free to app anyone else you want. If you have questions - TeddyBear will help you!


If you want to take the character from the +roster, please fill the application and send it to felaguria@gmail.com . You must include this information in your letter:

  • Character's name.
  • Explain, why you are interested in this character.
  • What are your expectations? What goals of your character you see, where you would like to lead your character?
  • How much experience in the MUSH world you have?

But please, give at least 48 hours for the staff to answer. However, we will try to get back to you as fast as we can.