The Rumorous Island

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"First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."
-Thomas a Kempis

Here are some IC rumors. It's up to you to decide which rumor your character ICly believes. This part may be considered IC knowledge, but it is the ONLY part, which may be considered IC knowledge about the Rumorous island. Other information, givin about Rumorous Island on the wiki is purely OOC knowledge, and only OOC.

  • There is a story, that the ghost of the white tiger lives there. The ghost of the pale tiger sucks the soul out of any human, who dares to step on his land. People guess, that the ghost creates a very strange mist around the island, which lures travelers near the coasts, because if the ghost couldn't get the souls of sinful humans, he would die and be unable to keep the island safe. He must guard a woman, who lives in the center of the island. That woman is his beloved, known as the Mother of Witches. She is the most powerful witch to ever live. She once ruled the whole world, even before the Gods created humans. Some say, that she is half-goddess, half-witch. The woman has just one goal, overtake the world from the dirty hands of simple mortals. So, she gives birth to many children, men and women. She sends them into Felaguria, where they seek provoke people to declare wars, turn friends into enemies and lead them to destruction. Her children are the witches and wizards of the world. That is why it is very important never to become friends with one of these people, and to kill them all. Otherwise, the world will fall into darkness. Some people claim, that the pale tiger is the source of Mother of Witches' power. Some believe that she uses his seed to give birth for so many children.
  • There are some sailors who try to convince everyone, that the Rumorous Island is a floating island or a massive ship created by magic. It appears to be land, but actually, when one tries to approach it, the island sails away at such a pace that instead of drawing closer the island just gets farther away. Moreover, some sailors gives quite convincing arguments how this island sometimes is close to the Two Rivers, but other times gets close to the Kingdom of the Isles, and sometimes even disappears in the Unknown World!
  • People believe that the world is flat and the Rumorous Island is the center of the world.
  • Some whisper that this island is the place where all the banished Gods and Goddesses of the Two Rivers went. They are hidding there, resting and watching people from a far. They try to help only those few people who still believe in them, even if the King Barrett Brais forbids it.
  • Some people whisper almost the same, as said above, only they are sure that the Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles are resting there and plotting their revenge over their sisters Onimoria, Margueritte, and their brother Lotingus, and the whole Kingdom of the Isles.
  • There are people, who are sure, that the island is, actually, the place where all the Gods and Goddesses of all Kingdoms gather. They hold a kind of forum there three times per year. The forum lasts for one week during which the Gods and Goddesses seek to find ways to keep their people out of the grips of sin.
  • Those who honor their dead relatives, friends, et cetera by burning their bodies and placing them in vessels, then send the vessels out into the ocean believe that the Rumorous Island is the place, where all souls rest in peace. It's the realm of the dead and no mortals should step foot on the island, because they do they will live for eternity in horror among the dead, unable to leave.

There was the time when the sky was filled with hundreds of stars and countless, varied planets. There were no humans during this time, simply five Travelers. They were the most powerful creatures in all the dark blueness; because their dreams, wishes and visions could become truth.

They were traveling from one star to another. They lived on many planets, but none of them held their interest for long. They were too empty and devoid of life. Likely, this is why when the Travelers found our world they didn't want to leave. Each of these Travelers were delighted by different things. Some loved the incredibly beautiful animals, some loved rivers and herbs, some were amused by the sunlight. The world was so full of wanders, it took many years for travelers to investigate it all and get to know it. Each day brought more and more exciting knowledge.

However, the nature of the Travelers was stronger than any passion could ever be. Such nature always finds the individual and leads them to their destiny. So, the time and urge to leave again came even if the love of this world was indefinable in their hearts.

The Travelers met on the top of a mountain the day when it was raining stars. These five as old as eternity, souls who were trying to find a way to indulge in a new adventure. Trying to find new worlds, but at the same time never wishing to leave this one.

Some say, that the discussion lasted longer than a week before a solution was found. The Travelers decided to create new animals, which would remind the Travelers of themselves. This way at least a tiny part of them would always stay here.

Their new artwork was named the First Humans. They were gifted with free will and the possibility to breed as animals do, so that these people would never become extinct. Due to one tiny flaw known as mortality (the Travelers were not able to create anything perfect, because there is no such thing as perfection. That is why the coin always has and always will have two sides). The Travelers also created homes so that the First Humans would never suffer the nature of the travelers.

Sadly, the free will given by the travelers was a gift and a curse at the same time. It became the reason why people quickly started to feel disappointed with their life isolated on one tiny island. Some of the people started to look for what they believed to be better places, more interesting places. They were not lead by the nature of the Travelers, which they didn't have. It was instead greed that made them leave their homes on the small island. So, they quickly spread and scattered around the world bringing a true chaos to the world so loved by their creators, who named themselves as Gods. Many people were born and died, some people started to present themselves as better than others, while some were made into slaves. The world drowned more and more in the chaos that was created, before the Travelers came back to have one more look at their beloved world.

The Gods were disappointed and saddened by the betrayal of their own creation. They were to take care of the world, not to destroy it.

The Gods came to those few who were still faithful, people who chose to still live on the Island, which had become known as Tawhito by then (People of the Island still call it by this name to this day, while others started to call it the Rumorous one). The people of the Island were the only ones, who didn't break the rule: "Live in peace with your surroundings". So the Gods decided to make sure that the offspring of the faithful of the First Humans wouldn't be lured by the wrong powers in the future. The Travelers looked at their creation once again in order to find ways to keep the Rumorous Island a true heaven on the earth.


It was decided, that each of the Gods would choose one family to whom they gave the most important gift they could think of. Of course, the Travelers understood things differently, and had different opinions of what is the most important gift for peace to prosper.

So the people of Rumorous Island got five gifts in general. Not everyone were able to get the gift, the chosen families were the oldest of the faithful. Some say, that the blood of specific Travelers run in the veins of these families.

That is why, to no surprise, that these families had to become the rulers of the Island and promised to live in peace for eternity. Keeping at least this Island the same way as what it was when Travelers found it.

The five chosen families had to vote and choose one person from each family who would become a part of their Senate. The Senate became the highest power on the Island, who is responsible for the peace of that land.

A bit later after only one revolt, which happened on the Rumorous Island, one more family was chosen. It was a family, who never was gifted by the Travelers. This family was chosen as the most important, whose chosen person would guide the whole Senate. The family had to represent the majority of the Islands people, who are thankful and faithful to the Travelers, even if they were not gifted. They believe that peace and safety is the best gift.


Everyone is equal on this Island. People try not to show publicly how rich they are, because an obvious gap between poor and rich may cause trouble. That is why everyone has to have around the same level of wealth. If someone becomes too rich, usually, that person would give their money to the family who had the most trouble that year/month. In this way, people are trying to help each other and live in peace.

That is why there are no titles. They call each other by their name, except the chosen families. These six chosen families are called Protectors. That is why if someone addresses the leader, who represents their family in the Senate, uses the word Protector before the individual's name. It's not considered a title in the sense that it shows that the person is above others. Instead it simply shows the individual's responsibility to the people.

The Senate consists of six people who represent each of the Protector families. Their goal is to make sure that the life on the Island remains as the Travelers expect, peaceful. "First keep peace with yourself then you can also bring peace to others." - say many of the people of the Island. They expect that if they can manage to keep peace within their borders, they will be able to remake the world later by turning others to the right path, and helping those who have lost their way.

To decide who will be the next member of the Senate is something similar to a lateral or fraternal system of succession. It mandates principles of seniority among members of a dynasty or dynastic clan, with the purpose of electing the best qualified candidate for leadership. The leaders are elected on the basis of being the most mature elders of the clan, already in possession of military power and competence. The people of Tawhito do not possess any military power. So instead, the person who has the most powerful gift is chosen as the Protector in the Senate. It doesn't matter if they are male or female.

To choose an heir, the current Protector chooses the offspring or sibling with the most potential in the gift, and teaches him what the Protector knows. This way it ensures the most powerful future Protector.

The family which leads the Senate is not gifted, so just the most talented for the role is chosen. Usually the existing Protector simply tries to teach everything they know to their eldest child. So this child is usually the heir unless another shows more potential.


Here are some pictures of how the different types of homes of the people of the Rumorous Island look like. Keep in mind that even if they have five leading families who have their heirs, who inherit the position in the Senate. They still live quite simply, because there is nothing more important than keeping their existence a secret. So their homes are simple, no huge castles. They have to blend in with the environment of the island.




All characters from the Rumorous Island are elite characters and can be apped as alts only by players. In order to apply, players must already be active in the MUSH. What does it mean being active in the MUSH? The player has:

  • to be active for no less then three months.
  • to have at least five logged scenes, where his character was involved in the plots run by staff members or other players, or where his character has any other interactions with other characters.
  • to run at least one plot during the three months in which they are required to remain active. It can be a personal plot, or it can be a more public plot.

When you fill all three requirements, you are free to app a character, who comes from the Rumorous Island. If you are a new player, please check out our +roster or wanted list! We are in need of other special and interesting characters. Moreover, feel free to create characters of your own making and jump on the grid, meet existing characters, get to know the world of Felaguria, dive into the adventures and then when you are ready, you may app one of these strange islanders.

What do we require from the application?

  • Your gift can't be higher than lvl 5, at the time you are approved. You will get xp points (1,5 per week + cookies!) and you will be able to raise it.
  • Please, give us a detailed background of your character so that we can understand how she or he learned/found the gift and how they improved it (at least three paragraphs, 10 - 14 lines each).

That is all! Just enjoy your new character after approval!

Dossier of The Rumorous Island
Domain: The Rumorous Island
Capital: The Hill of the Senate
Religion: The Travelers
Culture niche: The gifts
Important links: Culture of Tawhito
Draaks of Tawhito