
From Felaguria: The Struggle for Power
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To the Felaguria: Struggle for Power

This is the New Player Guide, who will help you to find or create a character and find some roleplay. Not everything matches, but some usuful tips you can find and clicking HERE

Who I should play?

You are free to create character you wish. This guide will lead you through the CharGen, later. However, if you are not sure what to play, or you do not have time to work on your own character, or you want to jump into the RP as quickly as possible, just don‘t be shy to glance at our Wanted Characters. Here you will find not just characters, who are in the need, but, also, you will find +roster characters, which are already created and have their own wikipages. Maybe some of them will be interesting for you. Then, you just have to send an application for the character:

If you want to take the character from the +roster, please fill the application and send it to . You must include this information in your letter:

  • Explain, why you are interested in this character.
  • What are your expectations? What goals of your character you see, where you would like to lead your character?
  • How much experience in the MUSH world you have?
  • Would you like to change anything about this character and why, if yes?
  • Any other information you want to say.

Please, give at least 48 hours for the staff to answer. However, we will try to do that as fast as we can.
If you have your own idea for the character or you are interested in one of the wanted characters that are not CGed, feel free to connect to the game and ask questions to the connected staff members or players; or just send your questions to

If you are interested in a specific kingdom or region, here are the names of the staffers to contact primarily with your questions:

  • Kingdom of the Isles - RAINSTORM
  • Kingdom of the Two Rivers - RIVERS
  • Kingdom of the Golden Lion - RIVERS and TEDDYBEAR
  • Kingdom of the Estoria - N/A
  • Unknown World - NOTUS
  • Rumorous Island - TEDDYBEAR

IF you do not have questions and have your own idea for the character, feel free to jump into CharGen right away!

Character Generation

You can't proceed to Character Generation, before you approve our policy, which can be found **HERE**. Please, read it very carefully. If you do not read our policies, that doesn't mean, you don't have to follow them.
When you will +accept our policies, you may proceed.


Here you will have to set:


Take a look at the **Characters** page for an alphabetical list of characters. Try to avoid choosing a name that is going to be easily confused with an existing character (e.g. "Tomy" if we already had a "Tom," or "Sirella" when we have a "Sirelle"). Also, remember the game's theme. It is early medieval times, so avoid to use names that sound too modern or too much like nicknames. Also, do not use names of famous characters from movies, films or history (e.g. Black Shadow, Snow White, Joan of Arc).


Your character must be between 15 and 60 years of age. Also, remember the amount of points you will get for your abilities depends on your age:

  • 15-23 years old gets 50 points.
  • 24-30 years old gets 60 points.
  • 31-40 years old gets 70 points.
  • 41-50 years old gets 80 points.
  • 51-60 years old gets 90 points.

With this rule we try to avoid too young characters, having too much skills and being illogically good on some parts. Because, 16 years old boy will never know as many things as the man in his 50s.


Faction is the ruling House of the region your character lives in. Commoners, who do not serve or work for any Houses, should choose 'Commoner' as faction. The other possible factions:

Arnstor Bjornsvartr Galtiblar Gylkrohn Hrossmork
Eniola Imamu Nuru Sefu
Kiari Machuri Onimus Zorich
Brais Fennim Istivean Lenouvi


There are many possible positions in the game. Basically, this is what your character does, what is his job. If you type +positions in the game, and you do not see position you need, just choose "Other" and send a +request for the staff to set the position you want.

This is a part of the offered list:

Admiral Duchess Duke Handmaiden Healer King
Knight Lady Priest Royal Guard Sellsword Slave
Merchant Steward Squire Jester Knight


There are just four organizations:

  • Estoria
  • Golden Lion
  • Isles
  • Two Rivers

These are the kingdoms of the region of Felaguria. You must chose one of these. It should be the Kingdom where you was character born, or serves right now, or lives there.

NOTE: The Characters from the Unknown World or The Rumorous Island are restricted. If you want to have one, you need to speak with the staff member, who is responsible for the part you want. Then, maybe, your character can be from one of these parts. BUT remember, that it may have influence for your RPing possibilities.


Then you come to abilities, do not forget to +reset your +sheet, before starting to add points for your skills!
The amount of points you can spend depends on your character's age:

  • 15-23 years old gets 50 points.
  • 24-30 years old gets 60 points.
  • 31-40 years old gets 70 points.
  • 41-50 years old gets 80 points.
  • 51-60 years old gets 90 points.


There are four attributes:

  • Body
  • Presence
  • Mind
  • Reaction

You can't spend more than 12 points on attributes, as all your attributes must be at least level 1. Also, remember, that after CharGen, you won‘t be able to add points or change attributes in other way at all.
To see more what attribute means what, and what level does what, click Here


There are 14 action skills. You can't spend more than 40 points on it. Also, you can't have more than 3 abilities above level 7.

  • Administration - The art of running a keep, managing lands, business. This is for Stewards, Heirs, HoH.
  • Apothecary - The art of providing first aid, mixing of potions, counter poisons, and basic medical care.
  • Athletic - Running, climbing, tumbling, and the like. This includes general ability at common sports.
  • Blades - Fighting with swords, knifes, or any other kind of blade.
  • Bludgeons - Fighting with weapons such as axes and hammers.
  • Defense - The Ability to defend in combat.
  • Healing - Advanced apothecary and doctor skills, including surgery.
  • Horsemanship - The art of controlling a horse.
  • Marksmanship - Knowledge how to use of bows, longbows, hunting bows and crossbows.
  • Perception - Noticing things and being aware of your surroundings. This includes both active searching and the passive ability to notice things.
  • Polearms - The art of using spears, lances, pikes, etc. Used in jousting tournaments.
  • Seamanship - Knowledge about ships and how to navigate one.
  • Stealth - Being sneaky.
  • Unarmed - The use of and defense against unarmed combat.

To see more what action skill means what, and what level is suitable for you, click Here


Background Skills, Language Skills and Quirks are all freeform, meaning you can make up anything you want. The lists below are just some ideas.
Sample Background Skills:

  • A science - astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, physics, agriculture etc.
  • A humanity - history, literature, philosophy, poetry, etc.
  • A profession or trade - cook, waitress, carpenter, tailor, blacksmith, etc.
  • A game - chess, cards, etc.
  • An art - sculpting, painting, sketching, drawing, etc.
  • A form of expression - acting, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, writing
  • A sport - swimming, climbing, running, etc.
  • A craft or hobby - gardening, basketweaving, knitting, etc.
  • An unusual interest - detective novels, etc.
  • Outdoors - hunting, tracking, etc.

When you chose your character‘s background skills, just think about hobbies, what your character may learned through all his years or just started to learn. Remember, you must have at least 3 different background skills and, also, you can't have more than 3 abilities above level 7, too.


The language commonly used in all of the kingdoms is indeed Common, with the old languages of the Isles, Golden Lion, Two Rivers and Estoria being only occasionally used. Which means you should take the language of your home kingdom during CG, in addition to Common which your char already has by default.

The written form of these languages is almost exclusively known to the nobility of that area, as old tomes and books are only available in the well guarded libraries of the castle. Educated commoners can only read and write Common, if they are literate at all.

If your char has picked up a foreign language he should mention it in his bg and take the background skill of 'Linguist' with a reasonable value that is reflected in his past. Given he witnesses a conversation in that language, an appropriate +roll against his Linguist skill will be made, determining if the char understands what is being said.


You must have at least 2 and no more than 6 Quirks. There is no official list of Quirks, so you can invent your own. However, take a look at these quirks, which we recommend to use: List of Quirks.

Quirks are just little things that make your character unique. They can be physical, social, virtues, vices, or other noteworthy traits. Some of the quirks, can even have a specific effect on your character. For this reason, chose wisely. They could provide modifiers to rolls at the Storyteller’s discretion, but mostly they are just there to spur roleplay. Basically, it may say, what your character‘s personality is. Some quirks might be hidden from the other characters ICly, if you need so, and it just does influence for your inside, for example „Heartbreak“, „Dark Secret“, „Fear of the Touch“ and many others. But some may be very well known by everyone, like: „Drunkard“, „Loud“, „Lustful“ and many others.

There is one REQUIRED quirk everyone must have. This required quirk is your Wealth Level.

  • Wealth: Destitute - You have nothing. No home, no money, no belongings beyond what you can reasonably keep on your person. Just finding food and shelter is a daily struggle.
  • Wealth: Poor - At least you have a roof over your head. But your minimal income covers only the basic essentials of life. Poor characters can rent low-end housing, but cannot own real estate of any kind.
  • Wealth: Comfortable - Your basic needs are met, and you have a bit of spending cash for luxuries.
  • Wealth: Well-To-Do - You are the higher end of middle-class. You can own a nice home, and rarely have to worry about money.
  • Wealth: Rich - You are very wealthy, and can enjoy many luxuries. Only extremely expensive purchases (e.g. houses, land) require you to pay heed to costs.
  • Wealth: Opulent - Money is no object. You are swimming in wealth, and can afford to spread it around with little care.

Also, there are some quirks, which are common just for people from specific regions. They require a special approval and explanation of the staffer of your sphere. Here is the table:



The background is the most important part of your character. It is the story of your character before today. The story, which involves explanatiosn of all your quirks, which you get through your life. This is the story, which explains your goals, dreams, wishes and the package, with which your character starts the game. Some facts may be very important and have influence for your character's feature.
The background is not seen by other players. It is just for staff members, so you MUST write all the facts about your character, all the secrets and even possible TPs you see for your characters development.

You don‘t have to add the exact background to the wikipage, if you do not want to spoil things for other players. You can add just the things, which may be known by everyone easily and does not ruin the fun to play and find out new things. But it is up to you. You can add and whole background to the wiki, if you wish. The most important fact is, that background in the game must be written fully.
In short, it should cover:

  • Who is your character?
  • What sort of social and economic background does your character come from?
  • What does your character do for a living? What are his or her goals?
  • What abilities your character learned already, and how good he/she was.
  • What he likes or hates?
  • Anything else about your character that might serve as a RP hook, or that you want to make note of.

No no no...

Here are some things, which usually requires for revision. Avoiding these things or speaking about these things with the staff before submitting your background, may quicker the approval process:

  • First-Person Perspective -- Backgrounds written in the first-person. Backgrounds are for factual information, not one character's interpretation of events. The wiki, however, is a great place to insert more fanciful prose or stories.
  • Current/Future Events: Try not to refer to current or future events, or words like "recently", to avoid necessitating revision as time goes on. By keeping everything in the past tense, future chapters can be added without actually altering what has already been written.
  • Characters with mental illness -- It may seem fun to play someone with mental instabilities. But it is very serious, very sad, and frequently disturbing. So, we must to handle this subject with the respect and seriousness it deserves.
  • Unknown World - Characters from Unknown World are restricted. Unknown World is very dangerous place. People are really afraid to travel there. Those, who went there alone, never came back. Maybe just two or three were lucky, but they are understood as mad now. Understand, that people in the early medieval times were not so wise or clever. They believed in demons and all the strangest rumors. Also, if you want to be a slave, who was a part of some kind of tribe, have in mind, that slaves can have very restricted RPing possibilities. They are not free, they just work or their masters. There are just a few slaves in better positions, but even they are responsible from their masters and you will be responsible from another player.
  • The Rumorous Island - people believe, that magic was born there. Warlocks and witches come from there. Have in mind, that magic is forbidden. It may be very strictly forbidden in some parts and in some parts people may just frown at that. However, with this, if you won‘t hide it very good, there might be a possibility, that your character will be burned soon and we won‘t be able to save him/her. So, if you still want to come from The Rumorous Island, consult with the staff member, who is responsible for that part and try to prepare a very strong background.

When I am approved...

When you are approved, you are ready to jump into the action.
Don't be shy to ask people in +public channel, if they are interested into some RPing.
Type command +where and if you will see a person or even a few people sitting and RPing in the public room, for example, Gardens, Docks, Beach, feel free just to go +IC and go to that place or ask people for +meetup. All RPs in public areas are **free to join** for everyone and nobody can say "We would like to have some privacy." There are no privacy in the Tavern or Gardens. Private rooms are: houses and apartments of the people, private rooms in the Inns and brothels, TP rooms.
Don't forget to look at the +bboard. Here you can find some rumors, recent events or events which may happen soon. You will see, that each Kingdom has a different rumors bboard. It is because the rumors, which are floating in the Kingdom of Two Rivers, are not necessarily known by the people in the Kingdom of Estoria. So, chose wisely, what your character could hear and what not.
Also, there are some Rumor Mongers. They may be hidden in the Tavern, Inn or brothels. Some kind of public places, where many people come and go. The barman or keeper of the brothel may know some different type of rumors. These rumors may be insignificant, like: "On the 6th of November lord Damian came here even twice! One time in the morning, and one time in the evening. Both times he was so drunk, that he couldn't handle these whores..." As you see, they will mostly be just some kind of simple social, romance or politically related rumors, which may not be important enough for the +bboard, but may bring some interesting consequences for character's development or character's relations, or some small TPs.

So, you can try to find one of these Rumor Mongers and get some rumors, that you would have or get some ideas where to start. But remember, any rumor might be a lie, a half-lie or the truth.

Also you may want to acquire a home for your character. More information on how to do that can be found here.

So, be creative, feel free and enjoy the RP!