675-04-26 - Escorts, Tourneys and Sights

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Escorts, Tourneys and Sights
Summary: ...are the topics of the conversation between some Two Rivers people and an Islander
Who: Zakkai Landos, Livessa Ivounel, Baldwin Ivounel, Rayne Devantry and Slider
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: April 26th, 675
Related Logs: None?
Date of RP: 26/04/2014
Where: Deave Plaza - Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: Beyond the gates lies the main square of the city of Deavell. The focal point of the square is the beautiful fountain found in the middle; a large lily bush carved from marble, and to the delight of all, water is found to squirt from each flower into the basin that surrounds it. Benches are found placed about the fountain, offering places to sit near it, while others are placed beneath the few trees that dot the area, offering shade on sunny days. The square is a favored place for people to picnic when the weather is pleasant. It is easy to reach everything you need from this plaza. There are roads to the public bath house, the Deave Inn, the guild's square on the right, and there are paths to the market, public gardens, stables on the left. There is a wide cobbled road to the west that leads towards an inner walled area. From over this wall, it is possible to see towers of the castle.

Marcus is indeed walking around the area and as he does move about, his eyes fall on the fountain. Walking on over and taking a seat beside it, sitting at a bench. Some where along the road he purchased a small bag of what may be apples and at this moment in time is chewing on a piece he had taken a few moments ago.

Rayne is just getting back into town and from the looks of it all she's been trampling through the woods. Dusty and dirty from her hands to her feet, her hair is in shambled tangles, but she's...kinda happy. Though she mutters one thing or another as she sits herself on the fountain - near Marcus - but distracted enough she doesn't take note of him just yet. For now, it's muttered curses about Princes being nothing but Royal pains.

Marcus is a man that keeps his eyes open and his ears opened alittle wider. There is a familiar looking woman that comes on along to the fountain, his eyes look to her and notes she has been through alot, though the words coming out of her lips seem to make him chuckle and openly. It is here that Marcus stands up and walks on over, taking a palce right beside her, where she can see him. The bag of apples still in hand as he sets it down beside. " Miss Rayne, glad to see a familiar face about and you seem to have had a bit if a trek by the look of you. May I help you in any way? Wash your feet perhaps, it would be easier." all the while he is speaking in a very nice and smooth talk, like he was a lord speaking to a lady.

Rayne regards Marcus for a moment before shaking her head. "Certainly not. I'll have a bath when I am ready to and not a moment more." Then, as if realizing she was being snippish, she would soften her looks and sighs. "Forgive me, Marcus. It's been an...interesting evening so far. And despite my looks - which I happen to enjoy as it means I've been hard at work - I'm happy to be back here in town." She would offer him a smile then.

Marcus smiles and nods. " Sure, I can help you when your ready." then not even stopping to say anything else, he reaches down and pulls out a apple. He cleans it by rubbing it on his shirt and then hands it over to her if she takes it that is. " Here you go miss Rayne, I will presume in your travels you may have forgoten to eat." then taking a moment ot look at her and then back to the fountains water he smiles. " Did you go exploring by yourself?"

In the middle of the square - of sorts - upon the dusk of evening, Marcus and Rayne sit on the edge of the fountain, talking. Marcus has just recently offered an apple to Rayne, who accepts it with a soft thank you. Looking to the apple, she bites into it after a moment, chewing thoughtfully. "The forests would never harm me. Whether back home in Two Rivers, or here on The Isles...but yes. I did go exploring by myself." She would answer Marcus in a sort of round-about way as they continue talking.

Marcus nods as he takes a apple for himself and then nods. " Well, I can't say the same about myself. I tend to walk with at least a weapon and some fast foot wear." then eaches down and brings his hand down to touch the water. " The area of the Isles is rich with many plants and herbs, which can help in remedies. Perhaps if you like, I could help you, since I am also looking for certain herbs."

As Slider(Marcus) and Rayne are enganged in conversation in the center of the square, a small group of individuals enter into the the PLaza itself, stepping through the mud, and avoiding the occasional damnable peasent, if such opportunties for social contact were to present themselves. Zakkai is at the front, his arms soon making a sweeping gesture, a grin on his lips as he offers, "Lo,' Behold the beauty of our great city.." He offers, as a cliche before he turns to look back at Livessa, the woman he is guiding along, with her entourage in tow, offering, "Is there anywhere in particular you would prefer I guide you through, today, m'lady? Today's tour is just getting underway as you know.."

"Why do you think I went into the woods to begin with, Marcus? Had I known where you went off to, I would have had you come along. I have a few plants and herbs that I've never seen in Two Rivers...cultivated gently from the ground and here in my satchel." Rayne would speak before a slight commotion would gain her attention and her gaze shifts over to Zakkai and the small entourage he brings with him. Of course, she takes note of how he sort of avoids puddles and peasants alike - as if they were one and the same - which only causes her to scowl. "What have you been up to then, Marcus?"

Livessa smiles a little as she follows Zakkai through the city, and she smiles a bit though she pauses as she hears her hometown mentioned. Her eyes look over Rayne and then Marcus as if wondering which of them was indeed from the kingdom mentioned. Her eyes however come back to Zak and she smiles brilliantly as she follows his wake bemused.

Marcus smiles and nods. " Ah, well I had no clue but now I know. I had some business to attend to, look into the events that are coming up. I am curious is all and I like to wander. " then he hears the commotion and he looks in that direction and finds the Lord Zakkai and been followed by a lady. Thoguh they seem to be avoiding their kind and the puddles he turns to look back to Rayne and manages ot spot the lady looking in their direction. So been polite he bows his head towards her and then looks back to Rayne. " So, how about this, if your planning to go back, ask me and I shall go along. Though tomorrow I have entered a event and may nto be available. Though it would mean alot of you came to watch."

"Our crafts and herbology, you see.. along with our plethora of wonderful and by your turn of the phrase, 'exotic' fruits can be purchased in the market.." Zakkai comments offering a small movement of the hands to point the direction, just playing the part of the nobleman tour guide to the best of his ability. However, his head soon turns to look over at Rayne and Slider now, his brow raising. "You are the man from.. ah.. the delegation as well, a wonderful coincidence and suprise!" Zakkai calls out now to the man, and his gaze soon passes over to Rayne, "I hope you both have been finding your time here.. wonderful?"

Rayne smiles a little to Marcus and gives a nod. "I've heard about these events. You're entering? I shall have to come watch then, I think." She would take another bite of her apple before her attention is drawn by the Lady which seems to regard them a moment. Then she listens to Zakkai and the bibble of cluster-speech coming from him. Though a question is passed along and she raises a brow before giving a shrug. "Some of your residents could use a few lessons in mannerisms I suppose, but otherwise, it's a fine city and land." Disregarding him as she speaks more to the apple when answering his question, taking a bite out of it once more. A glance to Marcus then. "Is he talking about the same delegation thing I was somehow suddenly a part of?"

Livessa tilts her head as she looks to those he greats and she lets her eyes linger on Slider <Ahh you are with my delegation then?> she asks in The Rivers tounge <It is good to see more of the people here.> She pauses looking over to Zak a bit then back to Slider intrested in listening to what he might be intrested in. She moves forward a little and curtsies to them both. "I am Lady Livessa Ivounel, Sister of Sir Baldwin" she introduces.

It is the call or maybe it is simple Marcus(Slider). " Yes please, I would appreciate it." As he speak to Rayne. Then he sighs and winks to her as he turns to look at Zakkai. He stands up then and smiles. " Lord Zakkai, pleassure to meet such a outstanding individual in your kingdom once again." Then he looks to Livessa and he bows low to the lady and then slowly stands up straight. " Lady Livessa, a pleassure to finaly see you. I have spoken to Sir Baldwin on the ship and he seems to be a fine young Knight." then a slight tilt to his head. " Though I have yet to see him about, I suppose he is getting ready to enter the Knights Event." Then he looks to Rayne and extends a hand out to her to introduce her. " This is Miss Rayne, apothacary and healer, also of Two Rivers."

"Oh?" Zakkai's head tilts to the side now in response to Rayne more than anyone else, "Think of it as an opportunity, for the more abrasive, the more perceived they are emotionally honest.." Zakkai's expression turns to one of wonderment, his hand reaching up to tap his lips with his index finger as he continues, "Of course, abrasive, agressive confrontationlisim could be seen as a defensive measure to hide ones emotional weakness and insecurities!" The grin returns as Zakkai claps his hands together, "Either way, if you have found your journey here to be a varied experience, does that not make it all the better? For like a fine wine, one must learn to appreciate the differneces in taste, all the small things.. that make it a beautiful pleasure to enjoy, just as, I am certain you will find our island to be." A beat or two as he looks between Livessa and Marcus now before he offers, "I am curious, please, I have heard much of this.. Sir Baldwin, but I Know so very little.."

Livessa stands near Zakkai, the young lord having decided to give her a little tour. She has one Guard and two handmaidens with her as they stand a respected distance from them. Her green eyes flicker over Markcus then look to Rayne "well met."

Speaking of the devil... Baldwin enters the Deave Plaza in a confident stride, coming from the direction of the castle. He wears his chainmail below a tabard of yellow and green - the colours of House Lenouvi, and a sword hangs from his side. His steps will slow down as he notices the group engaged in conversation, and his brows will twitch a touch upwards when his gaze comes to linger on Livessa. "Sister.", he greets, his eyes flickering a little, as he studies her attentively for a moment with the hint of a smile that shows both warmth and worry. His gaze will shift to Slider and Rayne next and he will incline his head. "Master Marcus. Mistress... Rayne." That smile fades for a brief moment as his gaze drifts back to Livessa, as if to ask 'What have you been up to?'. Then the Isles noble is greeted with more deference, and a bow. "My lord. I don't believe we have met. Sir Baldwin Ivounel."

"Why does the name Baldwin sound familiar? Is that the Knight that we ran into back home?" Rayne would feel a little out of sorts then, standing as well. A glance to Livessa and she receives a slight bow from the woman. "Lady Livessa, it's an honor to meet you." It truly was, as unruly as Rayne looked at the moment. All covered in dirt and grime, a few rips in her clothing here and there. Then she was about to answer Zak when her own question is answered and she looks over to Baldwin giving the Knight a smile. "Ah, yes, Sir Baldwin...a pleasure it is to see you again. I never did get to thank you for your kindness back home, so do allow me the honor now." There. That was it right? Right.

Marcus smiles towards Livessa and then nods back to Rayne. " Yes, that is Sir Baldwin." Marcus glances towards Zakkai then, there is a slight grin on his lips but then looks back to the lady Livessa. " I am sure that..." It is then that Balwin shows up and he bows to the man. " Sir Baldwin, pleassure to have your aquaintance again. This is Lord Zakkai of the Isles." as he looks towards Zakkai. It is at this time that Marcus steps back alittle bit more, closer to Rayne, so he can give Balwin and Licessa as well as Zakkai room, they are his betters, right?

Livessa smiles a bit more to her brother and her eyes flicker coyly up to him. "Brother." she greets fondly, "The Lord here was providing me a tour of the city, it has been lovely so far. The sights, the sounds and the company." she inclines her head to Zak and she looks once more over Rayne and Marcus. "If you are performing I can not wait to see you both?" she asks before her eyes return to Marcus as he steps nearer to Rayne and she nods her head to the couple.

Zakkai's attention turns slightly to look over at Baldwin now, his gaze settling on the man, still smiling the whole time not unlike a fool. "Ah? This is the man I have heard so much about? I heard you might be the one to sweep the fesitivities with your skill.." Zakkai offers as he looks the man over. "I am, as this wonderful man.." A motion towards Marcus is given, "Lord Zakkai Landos, a humble servant and lord of the Isles, all in one." He soon straightens from his bow to continue, "I was hoping to show Lady Livessa here all of the beauty these isles had to offer, there are many fruits that I have heard cannot be found anywhere else."

"Oh?" Brows twitching upwards at Rayne's expressed thanks. "Th..thank me for what?" Baldwin's manner gets a bit nervous as his gaze drops for a moment to his hands that have folded before him. Then a flicker in his eyes as he looks up. "Ah,... you m-mean... That I escorted you back to the inn? No need to thank me for that, Mistress." Still looking a bit uncomfortable, as his attention shifts to Slider, nodding to the introduction. "Well met, Lord Zakkai.", he says to the Isles noble with a polite smile. His gaze is wary as it finds Livessa again, but there is nothing really in her reply that should cause him discomfort. "Glad to hear it, sis."

But then Zakkai addresses him, and Baldwin's jaw drops. "You've heard much about me? That /does/ take me by surprise, Lord Zakkai. I have an uncle of great skill and accomplishment, and my grandfather, of course, was a most famous knight. I have had little chance to excel thus far." A modest smile flickers over his face. "As for the festivities... Aye, I plan to take part." When Zakkai continues about showing Livessa the beauty of the Isle, Baldwin will just incline his head. "I see. That is very kind of you, my lord."

Rayne regards Marcus with a side glance as he steps closer. Lifting the apple to her lips, she takes another bite, chewing thoughtfully. When Baldwin answers her with that ever so subtle stutter she merely gives a soft smile. "Indeed, for the escort, Sir Baldwin." She kept it simple as that before glancing to the three nobles before them and then back to Marcus. Though she takes note that Baldwin states he will be joining in the festivities and a smile creeps over her lips. "Well then, I shall definitely attend, to watch two people that I know take part." Tilting her head in such a way then. "Do we know if Master Ottis is also taking part, Marcus?" Asking as much while taking yet another bite of that apple.

Livessa snickers as she watches her brother, her fingers raise up to cover a smile as she watches Baldwin fumble for words round the lady. She seems to think it cute as she watches his discomfort. But then the conversation changes "oh?" she looks to Baldwin "you are going to win a Lady of your own?" she asks him then.

Marcus looks towards Baldwin and smiles. " Great, glad your taking my advice Sir Knight and hope you win that grand price." Then looking to Zakkai he smiles at the man, always full of compliments. Then looking to Rayne and nods. "I am nto sure, last tiem I spoke to him he had no intensions of doing so. Though if a event has and opportunity to show his skill in his craft, I am sure he take that opportunity." then looking back to Livessa. " Oh, that is the grand price for the knights Lady Livessa. According to what I have heard, he would give up hsi name, take on a new name and own a Isle. Which then they, the happy couple would then start a new House in the isles." then looks to Zakkai. " Am I correct in my findings Lord Zakkai?"

"It has been the way of our people for centuries, yes, there are many islands within our realm that remain only remotley or poorly settled, and the touch of the nobility will hopefully cuase the Islands to produce more for the Kingdom as a whole." Zakkai responds to Marcus, offering a nod of his head. "This tourny will be yet another one.. though to be fair, if a woman were to be in a major house already.. well, it could be possible that other things could happen..." Zakkai's head tilts to the side as he peers up towards the sky, "That might be a bit scandelous.." To Baldwin now he looks over to the man, "I wish you luck, many of or Sirs and knights hope to obtain the prestige themselves as well, I think I might enter for a good showing, perhaps pad out the rosters, but I have no hope nor intention to win, not against such a refined, and battle-hardened man such as yourself." Exageration.. there.. a bit. "As for Lady Livessa, she has been an aboslute pleasure to help find her way about, it is my duty after all."

Rayne tightens her jaw a bit, turning then to walk towards the fountain and takes her seat there once more. Finishing up the apple, she tucks the core away into her satchel - likely intending to harvest the seeds or some such as that. All the talk about nobility and fetching women and titles of grand stature...at least Marcus was honest and going after the gold. Still, it was no concern of hers, and she would bide her time by looking through her satchel, as if to determine if she would work through the night or get some sleep and start fresh on the morrow.

Baldwin's eyes flit briefly downwards as he acknowledges Rayne's answer with a faint nod. A glance is shot towards the snickering Livessa next and he rolls his eyes ever so slightly. "I do not expect to win, really," he clarifies with a cough. "But I owe it to our family to give a demonstration of my skill, don't you agree?" Another cough follows, when Marcus speaks to him. "I'd... rather prefer you'd better not speak of my intentions, and opportunities I will take, when I am present and able to speak for myself. Marcus.", he remarks with a bit of irritation, maybe caused by the fact that the information was passed to Rayne. He will fall silent for a moment as customs of matrimony are clarified by Zakkai, before his eyes narrow a bit when he hears himself being praised once again. "I wish I could call myself just that, battle-hardened... But to be honest, my battles have been against bandits in the woods so far, and the famine that has weakened our country," he replies, with a slightly sharp undertone.

Livessa does nod to her brother "where is it we are staying?" she asks "I have yet to see the quarters." she pauses "I should retire my trip was long."

Marcus simply bows his head at Baldwin. Then he looks towarsd Zakkai, listening ot him. Though right now he seems to be thinking a bit as he looks back to Rayne, watching her. " Miss Rayne. Like I mentioned before, if your inclined to go out again, I like to go with you. You never know and two are better than one." then he looks about then. " Though, I do have to be some where now. I may be a bit late, though if your wishing to take a walk later at night, I be so willing to do so." After a brief moment he looks to both men. " If you will excuse me both." then looking back to Rayne and smiling. " Perhaps later Miss Rayne."

"Sir Baldwin, I must say, Regardless of your experience, it does not do anything to dispell the rumor and training you have experienced.." Zakkai states, still grinning like a fool. "I will watch with bated breath, you see, to watch the winner stride out across the winners podium, I just wonder who it will be.." He looks to Marcus and Rayne now, continuing, "If I may inquire, what exactly were both of you brought here for? I am most curious.. are you servants of the nobles?"

Baldwin steps over to Livessa and offers her a low muttered reply, his gaze following her as she moves off with her small retinue, a slightly relieved smile curving his lips. "Marcus." A nod is offered to the departing Slider, his demeanour a bit more friendly as he studies the man. Brows twitching at the offer of accompanying Rayne late at night, but that really is none of his business, so he does not remark on it at all. His attention shifts to Zakkai next. A reply is almost about to jump from his lips, as he restrains himself, and gives the commoners the chance to reply to the Islander.

Rayne nods towards Marcus and offers him a smile. "If you are still up and about, Marcus, I think I shall take you up on that offer. If nothing else, perhaps we'll be able to go out into the woods at least once before we take leave of the Isles." If he takes leave, he might wind up staying, or sailing away with another venue. Though after a moment she would nod. "Of course, be well Marcus." As the man was going to take his leave, which left Rayne...practically alone. So she glances between Zakkai and Baldwin, but that question from Zakkai has her pausing in any sort of thought or motion. Her back up, it was stupid since he was a noble of sorts, any way above her, and yet... "Nay, my lord, I am a servant of no one save perhaps nature herself. I am an apothecary and healer, though for the moment I simply try to make a living off of selling my salves and potions, sometimes visiting those who are sick or ailing in some way." Servitude. The nerve. Did she /look/ like a servant? (Perhaps, now, yes, but she's not going to admit that to herself or anyone.)

Marcus was indeed about to leave, even after getting a reply from Rayne. Though it was Zakkai's words that simply make him stop in his tracks. There is a grin on his lips, even as he licks them slowly and looks to Zakkai. It was then that Rayne speaks up and he blinks, there is amuzement on his eyes and he nods, seeming to agree with her answer. " Same as Miss Rayne, I was asked to come along because of my skill. I wish I could enlighten you further but I must head out, excuse me." then looking at Balwin, a slight bow, then Zakkai a slight now. Finaly a smile and a bow to Rayne. " Until tonight, if the fates make it so." now he moves, off to where ever a man like that goes to.

"Truly? You must be one of the best in your kingdom to be granted such an honor, well either way, I welcome you both.." He offers this to Marcus's back, and Rayne, "If either of you are in need of a wonderful tour, or anything at all, you can consider me someone to talk to.." Zakkai continues as he laughs aloud and moves to hold his hands behind his back, looking to adress Baldwin again, "Have you been about to see all of the beauty this island has to offer sir Baldwin?"

Baldwin keeps silent for a moment, as he listens to Rayne's reply and Slider's statement. Then shakes his head at Zakkai's question. "I fear I have not," he admits with a shrug. "And to be honest,... with that tournament coming up I need to prepare, and practice, Lord Zakkai." The duties of a knight. He sighs. "But thank you again, for showing my sister around. She is most eager for new impressions..." Remarked with a thoughtful smile.

Of all the people to be leaving at this point, taking their moments to rest or practice, Rayne would simply take a breath to let out slowly. She was actually happy to see Baldwin, as despite his demeanor of nervousness around her, she found his company endearing - and they had only been in each others company a couple of times. Still, clearing her throat, she stands and gives a light bow towards Baldwin. "I wish you luck in the tournament, tomorrow, Sir Baldwin. I hope my presence there will give you luck as well." Offering the man a smile before regarding Zakkai once more. "I've not the pleasure of a tour just yet, but I've been making my way around well enough." The proof is in the dirt covering her clothing and skin of course!

"Well perhaps when the time comes we can start the tour.." He looks off to the side of the Plaza towards the Bath house for a second, "I will be certain to bring alon a few attendents, nothing but the best treatment for our guests.." Zakkai idly comments before he shrugs his shoulders. "Well, it is unfortunate, the women of this island, I have heard, are a sight to behold, the food.. amazing, and one has not lived until they have been along our beaches, to watch the sunset.."

"Ah,... umm... yes.", Baldwin sort of replies to Rayne. "Thank you." There, briefly, a warm flicker appears in his grey-blue eyes as they connect with her gaze, before he lowers them again, lips slightly curved upwards. But suddenly silent as a fish, and perhaps relieved her attention shifts to the Islander next. "Certainly, my lord. After the tournament I would be happy to see... the beach and the sunset you speak of.", Baldwin replies to Zakkai.

Rayne removes her satchel to set against the fountain. Having heard Baldwin's reply and finding his grey-blue gaze meeting her green ones for a moment, she offers a smile. Though their attentions are drawn by Zakkai once more and then it is simply Baldwin speaking to him so she attempts to take a seat on the edge of the fountain once more. Though she wondered, briefly, if she should just make her way to the inn and take a look at the plants she had gathered. Of course, such a thing would mean she would need to ensure her lodgings were still good for the time being as she had barely a coin on her person.

After a Minute or two of silence than, Zakkai starts to speak again. "Well of course, when you are both ready for your tours, I will show you whatever you so wish, plants, beauty, women, men, wealth, splendor.. happiness, all can be within reach while you are here, you see.." Zakkai continues before he turns away, "However, for today, I will leave you to your devices, Sir Baldwin, Apothecary, I am however, most pleased to meet you both." He soon steps away and moves towards the castle gates once more.

A polite bow is offered to the departing Islander. "It has been a pleasure indeed, Lord Zakkai." Baldwin remarks, his gaze following the man until he has vanished through the castle gates. He turns his head and shoots Rayne a glance. "Do you require another escort, Mistress?", he enquires. "Or would you prefer to remain here, on your own?" As he is obviously about to leave as well. Maybe for the sword practice he had mentioned earlier.

Rayne glances over to Baldwin and gives a shake of her head. "I think I'll just stay here and enjoy the evening for a little while, but thank you, Sir Baldwin." Offering that much as she shifts to sit upon the ground. Her satchel reopened, she pulls out a couple of bowls, a small vial of water, a pestel and mortar, as well as a handful of a couple plants. Apparently, she's decided to work under the stars for the moment, but sometimes such was the life of an apothecary. Work where you could with what you have.

"I see," the knight replies, his gaze flickering a little. "I will leave you then, as I need to go and check on my sister." Offering a nod in goodbye, he adds: "Mistress Rayne. A good evening to you." Is that even a little smile playing at the corners of his lips? Straightening, his gaze will linger on her for a moment longer, before he turns and leaves, soon vanishing from sight as he heads for the quarters, he and his sister have been provided with.

Rayne catches that smile, perhaps, and gives the Knight a nod. "A good evening to you, as well, Sir Baldwin." Watching, then, as the Knight turns to leave and go do...whatever it is nobles do. Suddenly feeling a little out in the open, she quickly packs up all the items she recently took from her satchel, closing it and standing. Hefting the strap over her shoulder, she moves to walk towards and into the Inn to take up residence in her room for the evening.