Two Rivers

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"You must not worship Gods that punish you with famine and plague!"
Map RiversB.jpg

This kingdom has lost more than half of its population in the recent two years due to a famine and a plague, resulting in a raise in bandits, a decline in wealth and a slight difficulty to bring in the harvest due to a lack of peasants to work on their fields. Still, the Triverians are a proud people, with a culture where all power lies within male hands. They are a godless people as well at the moment, as all worship of deities has been forbidden by royal decree of King Barret Brais.

The Kingdom borders onto the ocean to the South and East, but due to perilous reefs and rocky structures below the water surface the eastern coast is not really accessible for ships of even moderate size, which makes the harbour of Equis in Athereyne to the South the main port of the kingdom. To the North of Granville is the Dark Forest, an area from which occasional raids of barbarians from the Unknown Lands of the North have increased since the famine and plague have hit the kingdom. To the Northeast is the mountain range that is called The Scales, and to the West another one that is called Great Barrier, which constitues the natural border together with the River Thorne towards the Kingdom of Estoria.

Political Affiliations and Recent History

There has been war with the Kingdom of Estoria with many bloody battles, one of the most notable being the Battle of Thorne, the last great battle that had the river's waters turn red according to legend as it claimed so many lives that both sides had to realize they must end this war immediately. And so a peace treaty was agreed upon in the year 647, with the then Prince Barret Brais marrying the Princess Livia of the Ruling House Gylkrohn of Estoria, daughter of the King Arnalik. Alas, she has died of the plague. Any endeavours of King Barret to find a new wife will be watched very closely by the Estorians therefore, but make them strong allies at the same time.

Since the war the river has been used for trade and can be crossed via three bridges, There is some fishing at the river, and well paved roads with inns, since trade has flourished.

The River Thorne borders on Fennim lands, deep forests with lots of deer and boars and other small animals. At least that was the case until the famine. Nowadays it is slightly harder to hunt something down there.

The famine started with bad crops in the years 671-673, followed by a massive plague in the years 673-674. After these heavy trials King Barret came to the conclusion that the Gods were to blame, and all temples should be destroyed. Crops are slowly recovering, but still the realm is very much depending on help from outside. Actually the last harvest was moderate even, but the health of the peasants is still not back, and the poverty of the common people has many of them join the inevitable bandits that terrorize the Woods of Woriscant, making the trade routes there especially dangerous at the moment.

There are Estorian soldiers and knights patrolling the area at the bridges over the Thorne River, to keep any scum from getting into their lands.

The Region of Beresgond

Territory: 455.000 km2
Fortification: Castle Mergorand
Largest city: City of Farris
Cities: 3
Villages: 20
Ruling House: House of Brais
Population: Before the plague: 10,233,000, after: 4,564,264
Resources: Wool, diary products, dyed fabrics, honey, bees' wax, candles
Brief history and geography: The region is under direct rule of House Brais and covers the eastern coastline of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers. Castle Mergorand has been built only a hundred years ago as a fortification on the Hill of Perescan, overlooking the Fields of Perescan as well as the Glinting Lake, while one side almost leans against the southern part of the Dragon's Scales. In close vicinity is the City of Farris, the capital of the kingdom. Also in this region are the two rivers Gialdra and Verneas that join into one before flowing into the ocean - the Two Rivers that the kingdom was named after.

The Duchy of Athereyne

Territory: 321,380 km2
Fortification: Castle Equitaine
Largest city: City of Equis
Cities: 2
Villages: 12
Ruling House: House of Lenouvi
Population: Before the plague: 8,733,252, after: 6,344,211
Resources: Horses, ships, cattle, diary products
Climate and geography: Athereyne is the Duchy that was least affected by the plague, as only about a fourth of its population was lost. That being due to the horse breeding the duchy is known for, as some believe the horses where what kept the plague at bay. Also this duchy lies to the south of the Kingdom of Two Rivers, it encompasses the south coast, including the two harbours, where the ships of the Royal Navy are being built. Which gives the region the wealth it is known for, and consitutes the selfconfidence of its residents, and especially its rulers. The House of Lenouvi is envied for its fortunate history and fortune, which means they are not very well liked in the other Duchies, as they are said to be haughty, pompous and extremely picky in regards to who they will allow to marry into their house.

Duchy of Woriscant

Territory: 487,992 km2
Fortification: Woodwatch Keep
Largest city: Woodwatch
Cities: 3
Villages: 15
Ruling House: House of Fennim
Population: before the plague: 9,452,803, After: 4,722,033
Resources: Animals: deer, boars, wolves, ravens, foxes, squirrels, rabbits and other small animals and birds.
Others: wood, some forestial herbs
Professions: The region is known for its carpenters, and woodworkers.
Climate and geography: This duchy lies to the west of the kingdom right next to the neighbour kingdom of Estoria, with the natural borders of the Great Barrier and the River Thorne as a natural border. There are mostly woods to be found here, the Woods of Woriscant. It used to be a good place to hunt before the famine and the plague. But today there are bandits roaming the woods, making the travel routes towards the border less secure than they were.

The Duchy of Granville

Territory: 645,569 km2
Fortification: Whitstock Castle
Largest city: Whitstock
Cities: 2
Villages: 21
Ruling House: House of Istivean
Population: 14,223,620, after the plague: 3,657,294
Resources: Grain, agriculture, pies

Climate and geography: Granville lies to the North of the Kingdom, and is in fact the largest region, although its population has been the one that has suffered the most during the plague. Only one fourth of the people have survived. To the West there is the mountain range of the Great Barrier, the natural border to the neighbour kingdom of Estoria, while to the North lie the perils of the Dark Forest and the Dragon Scales to the Northeast, separating Granville from the Unknown Lands, with its barbarians and unknown threats.


Customs for weddings and burials, as well as important feasts of the seasons have changed a little, as the rituals have been slimmed down to the most necessary, omitting any reference to the Gods. Those rituals will be performed still by the former priests of the temples, who are closely watched if they keep to the King's Decree.

Former temples, such as the one in Athereyne are used for other purposes nowadays. The religious paintings and sculptures have not been removed, but have been covered with the white cloth with red lining - the ritualistic covering of those that died of the plague, a symbol making these artifacts a constant reminder of the deaths the Gods have imposed onto the people of the Two Rivers.

The former Priests have been turned into civil servants by the King, entrusted with keeping records of births, marriages and deaths. Although some may still practice the old faith in secret.

The Kingdom of the Two Rivers
Demonym: Trivarian
Ruling House: House of Brais
Capital: City of Farris
Vassals: Houses of Fennim, Istivean, Lenouvi
Minor Vassals: Houses of Yldon, Bainsworth, Mordake, Ivounel, Lombard, Gatwick, Norman and Lithgor
The Royal Leader: King Barret Brais
Population: currently 19,287,802 (before the famine and plague: 42,642,675)
Religion: Any worship of the Gods is currently forbidden.
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