Wiki Help
Creating Character Pages
Once your background has been approved by staff on the game, you can create a wiki page for your char.
Naming the Page
Use the Characters wiki page to create a new character page. Please enter the full name into the field on the page, meaning first name and surname, before creating the character page.
Adding Categories
Remember to add a reference to the category of the Ruling House of the region your character hails from as well as the kingdom, at the bottom of your character's wiki page.
The bottom of the char page should look like this:
[[Category:PCs]] [[Category:<Kingdom>]] [[Category:<House>]]
A member of Minor House Mordake, for example, would have the following categories: PCs, TwoRivers and Lenouvi. Commoners of no allegiance will be Unaligned, regardless of their region.
Inserting Background Info and Personal Data
You can more or less copy and paste the info you wrote in your background here. But keep in mind to keep secret parts of your char's background OOCly secret as well.
Quirks can be helpful to give other players a glimpse of your character's personality. Plot Hooks are even more important as they will make it easier for you to get into RP.
Add relations to the characters your char knows, linking to their char pages like this:
* [[Najla Eniola]]: <relation> * [[Livessa Ivounel|My sister Livessa]]: <relation>
will show as
- Najla Eniola: <relation>
- My sister Livessa: <relation>
Upload a picture
Use the Upload option in the side bar to upload some pictures. By default the picture with the name '<firstname>_<lastname>.jpg' will be displayed in the upper right corner. If your pic has another name, adjust the link by editing the page accordingly.
Posting Logs
Use the Roleplay Logs wiki page to create a log, entering a name preceded by the date according to the titling rules, before creating the log page.
To keep logs consistent, they should be titled in the following format. RP will start in the year 675, hence the three-digit format for the year:
YYY-MM-DD - Name of Log
If you are writing a Memoir log (a scene that happened well in the past), please add
to the bottom of the log.
All logs must contain the Logsummary template. The Logsummary template will automatically group the log into the Logs category.
When you create a new log on the Roleplay Logs page, the following will be automatically inserted in your Log page (no copy/paste required!):
{{Logsummary |Title= |Summary= |Who= |Refs= |Date= |Related= |OOCDate= |RoomDesc= }}
Fill in your information after the =
Some info regarding Who
Add the full names of the characters involved, in double brackets, so they will link to their respective wiki char pages, as well as have the log show up in the log list of the char pages:
Who=[[Sirelle Fennim]] and [[Avaline Brais]]
will show as:
Who: Sirelle Fennim and Avaline Brais
You can add people that are referenced in the log here, usually by being the topic of a conversation in the scene. This will be mostly used for PCs, as it will add a reference to their wiki page. Use the full name with a 're:' preceding it. Links will look like this:
Refs=[[re:Sirelle Fennim]] and [[re:Avaline Brais]]
If there are no references, insert 'None'
Related Logs
Insert here either 'None' or links to related logs.
Related=[[675-04-06 - Zorich Squire and Fennim Widower]] or Related=[[675-04-06 - Zorich Squire and Fennim Widower|Zorich Squire and Fennim Widower]]
will both link to the same log, and look like this:
Related Logs: 675-04-06 - Zorich Squire and Fennim Widower
Related Logs: Zorich Squire and Fennim Widower
Insert the name of the RP-room / location on grid here, followed by the region and the kingdom. Putting the name of the kingdom as a link will have two benefits. People reading the log can access information of the kingdom more easily, and the log can be listed on the log lisitings of the respective kingdoms.
Adding the Log
Don't forget to paste the log below the Logsummary box, and edit it, removing all OOC chatter, pages and @channel spam. Check the log using the preview button. Don't forget to save the page.
And you're done!