
From Felaguria: The Struggle for Power
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Please read these very carefully. Not reading our policies doesn't mean you don't have to follow them.

Three GOLDEN rules:

  • RESPECT other players and staff.
  • UNDERSTAND that each IC move can have IC consequences.
  • LOGIC and REALITY are what we are trying to put in our game as the most precious spices.

Follow these three rules and you will be able to not just play the game, but enjoy it fully.

If you ever feel that you have been mistreated by another player or staff, either handle it privately and maturely with the person in question, or bring it to the attention of staff via +mail, +request or by paging one of the staff members that are online at the moment.

Under no circumstances should any issue become a public condemnation of an individual, no matter what insult you believe they are guilty of.

If you choose to discuss your problems OOCly on the +public channel, you will be as guilty as the person, who you think mistreated you. There is no attacker and victim. There is a prosecutor and a defendant. If you can’t come to an agreement without help, bring the issue silently to the court. But you should remember that until all the sides will be heard and all the evidence found – you both are even for the judges.

Consequences of causing trouble:

We don't actually aim to see ourselves as an army, where staff members are generals and players - privates. However, sometimes it has to happen in order to keep the harmony and all the rainbows in the game.

Sometime privates like to break not just regular rules but they get bold enough to break Golden Rules, too. Maybe they are imagining being cool this way, or whatever, but we ask people not to do that. It is better to impress people by being flexible with your character and understanding. Because if you break the Golden Rules you will be given a warning and one hundred push-ups.

The third time we need to discipline a player, that player will be asked to leave the game for a certain span of time. Like being sent to the hole, where he will have to peel the potatoes for others and think about his sins.

This will be not a permanent ban. This will be a request to take a break for no less than one month, and to return when the player has reached a better understanding about respect and politeness, wanting to be a positive part of the community.

If this pattern repeats itself to the point that a player is asked to leave again, it is very likely to result in a permanent ban. You won’t get a chance to get back to the army! What your betrothed will think, then? So, we please, please, please, please we ask you not to push it to this point.

Do you know the story about the lamb that was so eager for attention? She lied to her flock many times about the wolf. When the real wolf came – nobody believed her. This proves the point that if a person does something more than once, it will become a bad habit quickly. (Bad if we will talk about this particular situation. Reading a book on a Sunday evening twice and wanting to read it every Sunday for the rest of your life is wonderful!)

So, if we've had all this trouble with a single player, by the time we reach the six warnings, we will decide that /that/ player is a bad influence on the community. We don't like feeling that way about anybody. All that we ask is that people treat each other with respect, and not to air grievances publicly. Understand that there are IC actions and IC consequences and that it won’t start raining cherries, even in the MUSH. These are easy standards to live up to.

The words, which colour our lives:

We are weak human beings. We are slaves of our emotions and we explode, sometimes, doing many mistakes. It is likely that is why we have our parents with their experience who taught us such beautiful words as “Thank you” and “I am sorry”. They colour our lives with magically beautiful tones and drag us out of many troubles. So do not forget these words.

Consents and harsh reality with that thing called “Logic”:

This is a non-consent game. IC Actions = IC Consequences.
However, we encourage the same cooperation among both players and staff that you would find on a consent game. So when conflict arises:

  • Work it out amongst yourselves so that everyone has fun.
  • Use the +roll system to resolve disputes fairly.
  • Contact staff to mediate if you can't work it out.

Don't be afraid to "lose". A setback or defeat can be a wonderful opportunity for character development and a great story twist. This is not a sandbox and we are not 3 year old children. We all are grown-ups and diplomats. So, we do not start sobbing: "Oh, he does not do as I want and my sand castle is screwed now..." We think: "Oh, you made that move?! I will make a better one." And everything that happens should stay IC.

We don't take character death/loss lightly and will try to work with you rather than against you.
Also, make sure to keep things real and logical. Yes, maybe we will have magical creatures and magic. Maybe it will be just rumors. But, remember, it is early medieval times (around 7th century). Of course, each kingdom, each place, has its own culture and advantages, but still, you should remember:

  • Love and sexual relationships are not everything. If you thought they are – you are on the wrong game.
  • There are always people around, if you are not in a private room or deep in the woods, or somewhere in a cave. You can’t kiss a man or kill a person in the middle of the stables, town or beach unseen. So, don’t forget that there is a “Rumors” board for a reason. If you are brave enough to do something that may get attention of a passerby, please be brave enough to toss out a rumor about it and wait for consequences.
  • Remember that commoners have more freedom than nobles. If you are a young noble lady and you spend too much time in private with a man – rumors will float around without a warning or real knowledge of what was happening. People just will see how you entered the room and how much time you spend there. So, NO idling in IC stance. If you are not role-playing, please set yourself OOC.
  • More for nobles – remember the possible fate of an unwed character! Your parents make these decisions for you, using you to enhance their political standing and influence rather than letting you marry for love. So, don't be shocked if you end up betrothed to a player you don't know, BECAUSE it is your character betrothed to another character, not you to another player. If you want to have your character in a relationship with a specific player, it is better to create a commoner or already play an already wed or betrothed noble.


You must be at least 18 years old to play on this MUSH. We do not wish to deal with the liability of having underage players around. This game is specifically designed to be played by adults. Roleplay may contain one or more of the following: crude indecent language, adult situations, or graphic violence.

Sexual RP (TS)

When it comes to role-playing sexual themes, there are a few basic rules to follow:

  • No character below the age of 16 will be involved in sexual conduct.
  • No character below the age of 14 will be snogging/heavy petting/etc.
  • Any request to stop sexually-charged RP or to "fade to black" must be immediately respected.

The rest is just common sense. This is not a TS game. TS may happen, as part of mature role-play between responsible RL adults, but it is not a major theme of the game. We do not want to come off as a place to come to get cybered.


Theme is very important on “The Felaguria: The Struggle for Power”. If you plan to play a character in one of the Kingdoms you need to read its description carefully. The theme was created by our staffers, so each Kingdom has its own culture and traditions which are actually quite different. But they may be in part reminiscent of the medieval times of our real world, as that era (around the 7th century) is a reference. However, the kingdoms do not refer to any specific places in our real world.

If you have questions about the theme, do not hesitate to ask! We will be glad to help. For questions about a specific kingdom please contact the admin of that kingdom. If that person is not online – another staff member may try to help you, or you can always send a +request.

  • Kingdom of the Two Rivers - Rivers
  • Kingdom of the Isles - Rainstorm and Teddybear
  • Kingdom of the Golden Lion - Rivers and Teddybear
  • Kingdom of the Estoria - N/A
  • Unknown World - Notus
  • Rumorous island - Teddybear


Every character must have a unique Actor/PB ("Played By…"). When choosing an actor, try to select someone that resembles your description (or model your description on your actor). This includes using images of the appropriate age. It's also important to at least know the name of your chosen PB. The reason for this is to avoid the issue of two people accidentally choosing the same unknown model.

The PB doesn't have to be an actor. You can choose a model or singer. However, it is always preferable to choose pictures of the characters that in a way match the theme and time. If you choose a punk rock singer and his style for your character, that may cause difficulties for the medieval atmosphere. But this is just a friendly suggestion.

Another suggestion is going for actors that IRL match the age of your character. Naturally, many people insist that a given actor can "pass" for a certain age. The problem is that everyone has a different opinion about what is passable for a given age, especially, when many actors rely on the magic of makeup and plastic surgery.

Changing Actor

We prefer not to change PBs, cause it may raise some confusion, but if you feel a need to change your actor, put in a +request and staff will make time to have a chat with you about it.


You are free, and very much encouraged, to run your own tiny plots. Staff is here to help if needed, but you don't need to ask permission for every little baby step of yours. There are only a few rules:

Keep it within our theme. Plots that make animals speak are not what we are looking for. If in doubt, just ask.

Don't make drastic changes to the world or to other players' stuff without asking first. For example: having a TP involving some stealing or the burning of a tree is fine, but remember IC actions = IC consequences. However, burning down someone else's place or stealing the crown of the King? Ask first and remember IC actions = IC consequences! The King has many guards and you may spend the rest of your life in dungeons where you will be able to roleplay with rats and strangers without teeth. Oh, and usually the smell in the dungeons isn't very pleasant, either.

If you have an idea for a personal TP or something you want to run and aren't sure how to go about it - staff is glad to help. Just +request.

TPs that might affect other TPs: If there are current TPs going on and this might affect them in any way, we would like to be at least notified. This is to avoid any clashes and retcons afterwards. We trust in your sense here, and would encourage you to check with us first, if you are unsure whether or not your TP will conflict with others.


Alts are "alternate characters". All alts are public and must be registered.

You can have 4 characters: two nobles and two commoners. You can have just one noble in a good position (the Duke or a member of the King’s Council, or the heir and etc.). You can have just one commoner in a good position (innkeeper, part of the King’s council, officer, high priest, etc.). You are encouraged not to have two characters in the same kingdom. But this is not mandatory.

Alts can not be characters that are directly linked to another character of the same player. For instance: family members, friends, and so forth. Also, your characters can’t interact with each other and can't help your other characters to reach his or her goals.

You are not usually allowed to RP two alts in the same room. There may be exceptions at bigger events, but even then any interactions between your alts are not allowed.