675-04-30 - Slider Fumble
Social Fumble | |||||||
Summary: Slider mistakes a favor for more. | |||||||
It is a spring night and the weather is warm and fair. Marcus is moving about and admiring many things and he seems to be talking to the common folk around here like he is from the local. This man is smiling, nodding and on occasion dipping to kiss a young lass on the hand and then moves on his way. Eventualy he comes upon the fountain and takes a seat, thinking ab it as he looks up to see the stars.
Livessa seems to be walking around the Isles, a piece of fruit in her fingers, she seems thoughtful. She walks with a smile on her lips her eyes down as she moves in her own little world admiring the fruit in her hands. She runs into Slider then and she looks blankly up, "Oh Parden M'lord" she says.
Ottis enters from the beach, a large towel draped over his shoulders his woolen shirt and pants still dripping from the waters, his boots making that squishing sounds. Ottis has a large grin on his face as he seems quite pleased to have gotten a chance to relax, more so since the day before was a dripping wet mess for a competition.
Marcus looks towards Livessa and smiles, standing up then and bowing his head low towards her. " Malady Livessa, tis a pleassure to see you once again." he smiles and speaks very politely. He manages to look around then, seeign if there is a escort of sorts, they may be hiding in waiting to get him. "I am but a common man your Ladyship. So need not apologies and I am simply Marcus and I am at your service." Then looking about once again, there is a grin appearing on his lips as he looks just past her. " Master smith, you seem to have drowned, almost." yup, did not know big men could float.
Livessa has her brothers guards and two handmaids who obviously were not doing there jobs! Someone is going to get into trouble later. She looks to Marcus and she nods her head to him before her eyes follow his greeting to the smith. She chuckles and takes a step back to finish her fruit.
Ottis scowls at Marcus.. "Drown'd my foot, I'll have you know sir that the water didn't get any deepr than my thigh. Granted I did slip on something and got dunked but Im not entirely unable to stay afloat.. " he rubs the towel over his face and looks to the lady and her guards, giving her a bow as he straightens back up.. "Lady... "
Marcus chuckles and it's a lively laugh and then nods. " Well, at least you did not drown, your wifewould have beet very upset. Specialy after she kept you from getting to sick on the ship.." Then looking back to Livessa and thinks. " So Malady, where you care to go. I know I am no expert but I have been in the Isles a few times in my life." then looking to Ottis. " So, the beach is that way right?"
Livessa smiles to Ottis "you should try to wade in the waters there are some very still coves along the shore. With proper coverings.." she says quietly as she smiles to Ottis before turning her green eyes back on Marcus. "Oh would you be my tourguide?"
Ottis looks at the pair of you and snorts. "Aye, if I'd only thought of that an hour 'go." as he goes back to drying his hair, though he does seem to have a bit of a grin on his face. He looks to Marcus and nods. "Oh aye she'd be right mad she would. Prolly try to get me to come back just to kill me for drownin' she would, but as you can see that wont be need'n to happen as Im still here breathe'n and all. "
Marcus looks back to Livessa and smiles. " I could, I am not the greatest but I may be able to guide you, unlike a resident here." Then looking back to Ottis he chuckles and nods. " Yes indeed, she most definitely would do that, or blame me for not helping you out." then looking back to Livessa. " So, my question is, are they going to be with us all the time?" as he points to the guards and the handmaidens.
Livessa sighs as she gives a little nod of her head "believe me Lord Zakkai tried to loose them and could not." she chuckles a bit before she looks to Marcus "but perhaps my brother would trust you over anyone else to watch over me." she says thoughtfully knowing he traveled with him. "perhaps not though." she eyes her guards then she finishes up her fruit. Looking to Ottis she smiles "you should go home, your going to get blisters on your feet walking about in wet shoes."
Ottis smiles softly. "aye and I'd be bette for them Lady, toughen my feet as well as my hands. Though as that one will attest me wife might very well enjoy the fact I've blistered my feet, just so she can tell me so. " he chuckles. "But don't let me keep ya two if you've got plans. " he glances to Marcus.. " Now you still going to win that tourny are you not, and get all that gold. " he smirks. "best you come by when you do and place an order for a new blade. Got me some new designs I do.. "
Marcus looks towards the gaurds and then back to Livessa and smiles. " Ah I see, they are your guards Malady and they do their jobs well. I know of palceswhere if a guard failed his duty, he be beheaded." then blinks at hr suggestion and he shakes his head. " Oh no, not with a commom commoner like myself Malady, it would not be wise and rumors would fly." then there is a glint of abusement. " though, if I were ever part of a rumor like so, it would defintiely be with you Malady." then he winks and smiles to her. Then composes himself but he cant help himself. Then looks to Ottis. " Well I sure plan too, though I have heard of the many expert swordsmen aroud, I may not be able to win. If I do, I would look into getting a nother blade."
Livessa pffts a little and she chuckles hiding a smile behind her hands as she flirts with Marcus. Her Handmaid touches her arm to remind her of her manners and she rolls her eyes slightly. A bemused smile however dances over her lips and she gives Marcus a little nod of her head.
Ottis chuckles as he watchs the handmaidens interventions. "Marcus, I know you've a better chance than I... and I'f I were any good I might try as the shop could use more improvements. To display my skilled work."
Marcus looks at Livessa and smiles as she hides her smile. It is the intervention of the handmaiden that makes this moment stop and he sighs. " I would also warn of a man like myself Malady, I am but a common man, who at least knows when a beauty as yourself can only be viewed from a distance." then hangs his head shamelessly. Then he slowly lifts it and looks to Ottis. " Master Smith, perhaps we can make a deal. If I do have a chance and manged to win, I may be inclined to help you with that remodeling of the shop. Though that may mean I would get free touch up on my blades and discounts for new ones."
Livessa shakes her head she opens her lips to argue but she closes her mouth as her chaprones keep close watch on the Lady who wants so bad not to be. She watches Marcus's conversation and she tilts her head "have you chosen a Lady for a Favor if you are to be competing?" well that was something she can talk to him about perhaps
Ottis grins and nods to marcus, then tilts his heads towards Lady Livessa, "best you get her favor fast, before she finds another charmer to dot upon. " he grins, clearly teasing both of you.
Marcus nods to Ottis, they may have a deal. Then looking to Livessa he smiles. " Oh no I have not. I did not know it was a requirement." then looking to Ottis he grins and then shakes his head. " Master Ottis, your charming ways do amaze me. Plus who would even consider me, I am but a lowly commoner and I thought only Knights got such treasures." then looking back to Livessa. " Am I right Malady or am I mistaken?"
Livessa shrugs her shoulders "I would argue that you are competing so therefore should get a favor, from a lady of your choosing." she says this before she looks to Ottis the she grins "I am sure I can." she says before she is elbowed once more.
Ottis chuckles, more at the elbowing handmaiden than the lady herself. He looks to marcus and sighs. " Shall I coach you on how this goes. ?" he can't help but look smug a bit. "Get over there and ask the lady for her favor. Then during the tourny make sure its visible for all to see. " he shakes his head, looks to Livessa. " can it really be that hard?" as he can't help but tease the sellsword.
Marcus blinks at Livessa as she speaks that she could and then gets elbowed. " Your hand maiden is getting bold, at least some ask for permission before hitting a noble born." then grins and winks towards Livessa. Then he looks at Ottis and blinks at his words, his eeys look at him like he is insane. " Master Ottis. How can a kiss be displayed for all to see? Plus why I would sahem Malady here for such a Favor. Though I will say, if be a honor and I would not ever wash my cheek again."
Livessa blinks a little and she chuckles "my ...help is loyal to my brother." she says quietly before she shakes her head then steps away at the talk of kisses. She chuckles and shakes her head "ahh I hope you find...um." she is not sure what to say then and she just shakes her head as she begins to move on.
Ottis sighs. "Marcus a favor in this case isn't a kiss but a ribbon or some other small Item the lady hands you to wear on your arm so that its visible to those you compete against. " he looks at the lady is about to leave and says. "Your chance to aquire such a favor is about to walk out if you dont move fast enough."
Marcus must of said something wrong and obviously he has as Livessa seems to be stunned by his words. Alright, he may be wordly but obviously he has never been to a tournament like that before. As she excuses herself to leave, it is Ottis that speaks up and he looks at him. If this man could blush, he be blushing but he does not, he just looks alittle stunned. The man goes silent, for the first time in a long time, he goes silent and stands there. He nods like he is not really there towards Ottis and then looks to Livessa as she departs. " My apologies Malady, obviously a low comoner had no clue..I am ...shamed." Then /if/ she leaves, his hands palm goes to his forehead and loudly. " Sometimes I stick my dick up my own ass, it hurts." he shakes his head then.
Livessa left before she could hear such statements..