675-06-22 - Lady-in-waiting

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THE Lady-in-waiting
Summary: The Princess brings news to Livessa.
Who: Barbeta Brais, Livessa Ivounel
References: re:Barrett Brais
When: 675-06-22
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 2014-06-22
Where: Finestra Lane - Duchy of Athereyne
Room Desc: Dark grey cobble stones mark the road climbing the rising ground that will become the foothills of the Fangs of Athereyne. The elegant mansions that are found here offer a great view of the Town of Equis, the wide plains were the horses are being bred, as well as the ocean. It is here the lower nobility will have their town residences.

Livessa is outside her Manor unloading a few fruits and vegtables and soy from the carts .. the haindmaidens help and she seems sad and thoughtfil

Barbeta gracefully approaches the young lady. The princess is wearing a wonderful long gown this time, which has some silver chords, which glint like starts in the nighty sky. She is followed by her two handmaidens. The one, which is quite chubby and remainds hamster from her features already looks breathless, while the slim one keeps up the pricness' pace easily.

Of course, all thre woman are followed by three guards.

Then the princess is close enough, she wraps her hands on abdomen and greets the lady, "Hello, lady Livessa. We need to talk. I braught you very important news."

Livessa tilts her head pausing as she moves away from the wagon, as she moves her own guards linger close. "News Princess?" she asks her currious.

The young princess nods her head. She is not smiling at all. The princess looks very serious, "I got a message from your father and my own father. I have to congratulate you. Since now you are my lady-in-waiting. I hope, that you understand, what that means?"

Livessa blinks her eyes to the young princess and she stands there a moment "lady in...a... what?" she asks her eyes blink sevral times as she nibbles on her lips

The princess rolls her eyes, "A lady-in-waiting is a female personal assistant at a royal court, attending on a queen, a princess, or a high-ranking noblewoman. In your case, it will be me. You will have many duties from now on. Actually, you will do, what I will ask you to do. You will have to learn all the proper etiquette, we will learn languages together, you will attend feast with me, you will pas time with me, you will make sure that my servants would do all their duties, you will take care of my wardrobe and will do many other tasks. This is a great chance for you to find a proper husband, raise your reputation. Simple lady has less chances on marrying famous lord than lady-in-waiting to the princess. You will live in my father's castle with me. I do hope, you won't disappoint me. I never forgive mistakes, especially for these, who represents me in public."

Livessa blinks again as she looks to the princess "I ..have my own guard and Maidens I am no servant..." she seems a little heartfallen and she forgets her manners. She is young and this news would mean she could not sneak away so easy. Her thoughts turn to Marcus and she wonders if she would ever see him again and then her attention is back on the Princess. "I am...sorry your Magisty." she curtsies.. "i do not need another baby sitter." she grumbles" .. there she starts off right dosent she.

"I am sorry, but you do not have other options. You won't be a servant. You will be my assistant. That is your father's will and the King agreed with it. Sadly, your actions prooves differently. You may be in the need of a baby sitter. I spoke with your brother. He is not cursed or bewitched by anyone. There is a possibility, that you need to spend some time away in the royal court, where you will learn more." Then the princess looks over Livessa's guard, "You still will keep her safe as Livessa will have her handmaiden too. However, she is not the one, who is paying you. It's her father and it is your duty to keep her safe. I care for my ladies. That means, that the servants who fails on keeping my ladies safe, usually goes to dungeons and we find new guards." Then she looks back at Livessa and smiles briefly.

Livessa says, "no". she says defiently as she looks to the princess "No. You can not make me.!" she breathes deeply "How is it a simple mistake of thinking he was bewitched means I have to live in your trappings. No...I will not have it!".. There is Fire in the young girls eyes and tears swell up behind them..

Her Maiden rushes forward to hug her .. "you will still see your family miss". She tries to calm her."

Barbeta rolls her eyes again, "Of course, child. You will be able to come and visit your family. Nobody asks you tobe behind my back each moment. However, you will have to be there, when I need you as I will wish to know, what are you up to, because your actions will do influence for my reputation too. So, I am sure, that we will be able to become friends. I do not bite and I am not so scary. I am just serious. I grew up sooner than most of the girls in my age. I am a princess and I do not have time for nonsense. You need to grow up too, Livessa. You are almost a woman. Soon you will have to marry someone."

Livessa stares at the princess, like a terrified fish that can not breathe. "I do not wish to go .." she says quietly and she shakes her head looking back to her house then back to the princess. She didnt want to be a Lady to begin with, and this was just terrifying. "please excuse me." she sighs dramiticly "I wish one last night on my own bed.." she turns to run back into her house.

Barbeta leans closer to her two guards and says, "I am suspicious. Tonight, you can leave her out of sight. Do you understand?" Her guards nod and move after Livessa. One will be standing whole night behind her door, while another will be standing outside under her window.

Then the princess looks at the handmaiden and guard of Livessa, "I hope you understood me. Go and make sure, that I would see her tomorrow."