675-08-30 - Ivounel/Brais Wedding Feast
Ivounel/Brais Wedding Feast | |||||||
Summary: The wedding of Livessa Ivounel and Argon Brais is celebrated at Mergorand Castle. | |||||||
After the actual wedding ceremony, a beautiful event with every bit of pomp one would expect from such a thing, and with the happy couple officially pronounced husband and wife, the entire thing moved over to the feasting hall for the reception and feast.
The hall's decoration for this occasion, has the tables draped in tablecloth of an orange color, trimmed in red. At the center of the tables, there are bouquets of flowers, with miniature yellow roses, dark red roses and black miniature calla lilies mixed together and accented by white grand lilies.
At the High Table, Livessa and Argon are seated with their families, with the rest of the guests having the seats for them at the other tables. Servants are about to make sure the food that will be served is ready. In the back of the room, there's a space cleared for dancing and such.
Today Livessa is wearing her wedding dress which creates an air of elegance, amongst pastel colors, in a lovely masquerade of flowers that matches the young woman's wild, carefree demeanor. So feminine, so beautiful, she looks wearing the pristine gown, corset in style, accentuating the contour of her torso and breast. Showing some skin at her neck before the sleeves, flair around her shoulders to delicately taper around her slender forearms, ending with white lace gloves around her wrists, lovely, and finely delicate bead-work of pearls has been woven seamlessly into the garment, creating a breathtaking visage. The Dress then flairs out, with the lace and silk medley of material ruffling one layer over the next, to exemplify the flair of her hips, to widen and flow down like a waterfall around her to the floor and hiding her feet. Blossoming here and there around the skirt of the gown, fresh spring flowers of muted pastels of light pinks and reds adhere themselves to the gown.
Livessa smiles as she sits near her now husband she was surprised not to see Slider or Baldwin but perhaps things were simpler without them. She is sharing some food from her plate with her yonger brother. "Do you want to dance with me Verlak?" she asks him with a small smile and a sample of food from her plate.
Livessa's younger brother is a lad of fifteen, and today he is dressed in Lenouvi colours. He will look up, offering his sister a smile at her question. "Right now?", he inquires, looking a tad reluctant. Before all of these people?
"A slightly odd request, Livessa," comes the comment from their father, Lord Erek, seated next to his wife Amera, who in turn sits beside their youngest son. The comment is offered with a soft amused chuckle, and Lord Erek smiles.
Next to Argon his niece Princess Luanda would sit, and beside her the King Barret Brais himself. Notably absent is Princess Barbeta, a fact that has so far not been addressed by the king, nor by anyone else.
Dressed in the colors of House Braise, the Princess Luanda sits quietly by her father, the King. She looks beautiful in her gown but there is the hint of the solemness that lingers about her. But she will have warmth in her grey eyes when she gaze towards the newlywed couple. A warmthness that vanishes when she spies the empty seat that her absent sister should be. But for now, she does not touch on the subject for it -is- a joyous occasion.
Smiling as he looks between the people seated at the table, especially the woman that is now his wife, Argon is looking quite happy. His own gaze going to the empty seat as well, his expression seems to indicate he was prepared for the sight.
Livessa smiles to her father and she grins "well not /now/" she says bemused. She did want to offer her brother a dance however because he needed to learn. Her eyes move to Argon and she grins as she touches his arm, the music plays and she leans in to kiss his cheek. "The feast is lovely thank you" she says softly to her father.
"Lady Livessa Brais," Barret will smile, bushy eyebrows lifting as he reaches for his goblet of wine before him on the table. "I would like to offer a toast to you, to welcome you into our family." Some of the guests do fall silent when the baritone of the king carries far through the hall, although he did not exactly made an effort to be heard. Argon's glance towards Barbeta's empty seat will be noticed, as the king's eyes narrow ever so slightly. But he does not go into that, not now. He certainly would not want to ruin the moment. That discussion may be left for later.
Another pair of eyes comes to rest on the empty seat, but those belong to the steward of Castle Equitaine. Erek frowns briefly, but this expression soon passes, as his attention returns to his daughter, the bride. "A lovely ceremony indeed," he smiles. "And I am glad you are content so far with the feast." A feast, which he did help to organize and prepare.
Luanda lifts her goblet when her father calls for a toast. "Welcome to the family, Lady Livessa," her voice quieter than the King's but it is clear and easily heard at their table, at least. She does notice the few glances to the empty Brais seat and the only indication of her growing displeasure is the slight tightening of her fingers on her goblet.
Argon doesn't look to the empty seat for long, as he reaches for his own goblet with one hand, to join in the toast. Smiling to Livessa, he moves the other hand to hers now. Nodding at Erek as well, with a smile. "It is quite lovely, thank you."
Livessa nods her head a little to the king "Thank you your Majesty, I am proud and happy to be here." She beams with a bright smile before looking over her guests as they eat and dance, she whispers to Argon as she raises her glass to the toast and she smiles and sips on the glass. She laughs softly and she looks to her brother and then over to her mother. "Thank everyone for coming out."
Noticing maybe the tone in Luanda's voice, as well as her fingers tensing about her goblet, her father will reach for her other hand on the table and give it a light squeeze. His brown eyes locking for a moment with that of daughter, as he shakes his head ever so slightly. No need to address the matter that the younger princess had gone missing, after embarking on a 'hunting trip'. No need to get into the fact, that many knights and guards where searching the Two Rivers at this very moment to find the younger princess.
This is supposed to be a joyful day, and King Barret has no intention of ruining it by voicing his current concerns.
A smile is offered to Livessa. "I believe your painting eqquipment is already at the manor?", Barret inquires casually.
Livessa had been a bad lady in waiting for she was not close to the younger princess as she should perhaps be. Her eyes move to the king and she smiles "yes they have, I have grown rather skilled with your daughters teacher." she says trying her hardest to pay the princess n question a complement. "We should dance first yes?" she asks Argon quietly unsure
When her hand is squeezed, Luanda looks towards Barret and her father will see in his eldest daughter's eyes how hard she is keeping her tongue in check. In the end, her dark head dips faintly in a nod, consenting to her father's silent request. Carefully re-arranging her beautiful face into a serene mask, she lifts her goblet to her lips for a tiny sip. But Livessa's words causes her grey eyes to dance in mirth briefly. "It is good to hear that you are giving the tutor someone to teach, Lady Livessa. I had feared that the tutor would have become too bored."
Argon smiles, nodding a bit at Livessa's words. "I believe we should, yes," he offers. At Luanda's words about the tutor, he's unable to hold back a chuckle, before he looks back to his wife. "I'm ready to dance whenever you are." If he's ever really ready to dance, that is. "Just don't make it too much of a fancy dance, please," he adds to her, rather quietly.
At the mention of dances, Verlak will look up, a nervous smile dancing about his lips. "Yes, sister. You should dance with your husband." he assures. Maybe hoping she would forget about the dancing threat offered to himself from earlier.
Livessa grins to him and she smiles standing up she sticks out her tongue to Verlak, playfully before squeezing his shoulder "don't worry after Father and the King, and Argon I think I will be too tired.." she tells him. Allowing him off the hook easy this time. "perhaps I can come paint one of the castle walls if it would please you." she smiles at the thought of that before she joins hands with Argon and lets him lead her away.
<FS3> Livessa rolls Dancing: Good Success. <FS3> Argon rolls Dancing: Success.
Argon offers a brief grin to Verlak. "I'm sure she'll manage to come up with a next time," he offers his now brother-in-law a bit lightly, before he nods at something Livessa whispers. Leading the way out onto the part of the floor meant for the dancing, he manages to lead the way in a slow dance, but it's clear that there are other things he's spent more time on than dancing, throughout his life.
The music plays and the couple take to the dance floor to open the dancing up for other couples should they choose. She is not very good herself but in this day and time it would seem the girl could not find falt with herself or her husband.
Like many in the room who are watching the dancing couple and probably wandering if there will be any toe stubbing, Luanda too watches her uncle and his new bride dance. She does not herself look interested in dancing - opting instead to people watch from her vintage at the high table. Her eyes flirt from person to person and should anyone should meet her eyes, she politely nods before moving on to the next person. It is far more entertaining watching the different expressions of the people in the hall.
As other people join the dance, Lord Erek will rise as well now. A bow towards his wife is offered as he extends his hand to help Lady Amera up. "Will you do me the honour...?", the Ivounel smiles, a tiny twitch at the corner of his eye, before his gaze drifts apologteically towards the others at the table. "If you will excuse us?". And there he leads his wife to the dance floor.
A curious glance will be shot Princess Luanda's way by the remaining teenage Ivounel, when Verlak notices her observant eyes. His attention will soon return to the plate before him, and he will continue to eat. Young squires do have an appetite!
It would seem that Argon is relaxing a bit more now that he doesn't seem to have made fools out of them both by not succeeding with the dance. "The musicians are playing quite lovely," he offers a bit quietly as they dance, gaze moving to Livessa's parents as they seem to be ready to dance as well now.
Having already moved on to someone else, Luanda does not notice the young Ivounel's curious glance. Long fingers again lift her goblet to her lips, perfectly content with her current passtime. "It has been a lovely event, has it not, Father?" she idly remarks to King Barret. "It is wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves."
A pensive smile curls the lips of the King, when his gaze shifts from Argon and his wife to the daughter beside of him. "It has," he affirms, "been lovely indeed. I wonder when we will see you at a feast like this - not as guest, but as the bride..."
As the dance finishes, Argon starts leading the way back towards the table, returning there alone since there's always someone else wanting to dance with the bride. Smiling as he takes his seat again, he listens to the conversation, a bit quietly for now.
Luanda is not surprised at the turn of conversation from her father. After all, she is of age to marry. The only question is..."And who have you decided will be my future husband, Father?" asks the golden leaf curiously.
The question will not be replied as swiftly, when Barret leans back in his seat and takes a long sip from his goblet of wine. "Nothing has been decided yet, Luanda," he remarks when he puts the goblet back onto the table. "But we both know, that you will marry sooner or later. In fact... There may be an opportunity for a match. A prince of the Isles. But so far we haven't even reached the stage of negotiations yet." The return of Argon will be noted, and acknowledged with a nod.
Taking a sip of his drink as he watches the dancing, Argon raises an eyebrow a little as he listens to the conversation between Barret and Luanda now. A smile is also given to Verlak. "I hope you are having a good time," he offers to the young Ivounel now.
Luanda continues to eye her father as he speaks and remains silent once he is done. She again lifts her goblet to take a sip, only to realise it is empty. Staring into the empty vessel, it is clear her mind is turning over what she has been told. Then she gives a nod and says, "I will marry whoever you decide, Father." There is a noticable pause before she adds firmly, "So long as you make sure my future husband is capable of showing common sense."
Verlak looks up from his meal, still chewing, when Argon addresses him. A nod will be the only reply the bridegroom will get, for now, as the young lad seems to be starving, judging from the swiftness wuth which he devours the delicacies on his plate.
"Oh? Are you being picky, Luanda?", Barret replies, faintly amused. "But rest assured. I am picky too. I will not allow you to marry some horrible fop. I will choose someone for you who is worthy of you. Certainly."
Luanda waits for her goblet to be filled before she replies. "I -could- be much more pickier about the choices out there. He must at least have hair and all his teeth. He should not attempt to out dress me. He should know how to hold a sword without stabbing himself in the foot. So much more. But I am the ever dutiful daughter so I shall just go with common sense and leave the rest to you, Father." She says all this with a straight face but for those who knows her well, it is not hard to pick the teasing notes from her serious tone.
"All good things in a husband, I suppose," Argon offers as his attention once more has moved to the King and the Princess. "And I'm sure your father will find the right one, Luanda."
"Of that I have little doubt, Uncle," Luanda remarks to Argon, eyes amused. She will lean then towards her father to place an affectionate kiss on his cheek if allowed. "You both know I was merely teasing. I know whatever match Father makes will be for the betterment of the kingdom and this family."