675-07-26 - How to Make a Father Proud

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How to Make a Father Proud
Summary: Livessa has news for her father
Who: Livessa Ivounel and Erek Ivounel
References: re:Baldwin Ivounel
When: July 26th, 675
Related Logs: None.
Date of RP: 26/07/2014
Where: Castle Garden - Mergorand Castle, Region of Beresgond
Room Desc: Later!

Livessa is in the gardens, with the royal guards and her handmaidens. They stand a little ways in the background as Livessa paints.

The steward of Castle Equitaine enters from the courtyard, in what appears to be a casual stroll. His grey-blue eyes scan the herbs and flowers, before they drift towards his daughter, and a faint smile appears on his face as he approaches. "Livessa." Lord Erek greets. "How have you been?"

Livessa looks to her father and she raises turning from her painting to move closer to him. "The princess has sent for a master painter to come give me lessons." she smiles then she whispers "I have news for you father." she sounds nervous but excited.

"Is that so?", Erek inquires. "A master painter, hmm? That is pretty generous of the princess, I'd say. You seem to have finally adjusted to your new position as lady-in-waiting, then? I am glad, as I had felt your enthusiasm hadn't been that overwhelming, really." He stands there, his hands folded behind his back, as he briefly lowers his gaze. "News?", he inquires then, after a pause. "Good news, I hope?" And he looks up to study Livessa most attentively.

Livessa rolls her shoulders indifferently, she would not admit how chained up she feels here. She looks to him and nibbles on her lips "Ser Argon Brais has shared a kiss with me in the courtyard, and expressed his intent to speak to the King about wedding me." she says softly. Her eyes look to her father timidly. He was so much older then she, but was of good position... plus she would be perhaps providing the kingdom an heir.

Erek's jaw drops at the news, and for a moment it seems as id he were to lose his balance. "Lord Argon Brais... Did what?", he inquires, shaking his head incredulously, the expression in his eyes, astonished to say the least. Impossible to tell if he is pleased or appalled by the news. At least one of his hands reach for Livessa's shoulder, a rare intimate gesture for the father. "How? How did that come about?", he inquires next, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

Livessa shakes her head softly as she is trembling a little "I am not sure, Father, he..befriended me and things..." she pauses "I believe he loves me." she says quietly. Her lips nibble her own still nervously "but he still needs to talk to the king, and I wanted you to know or when he comes to you with his request." She says shaking her head slowly.

"My dear Livessa!" Erek finally allows his joy to take over and his eyes gleam with a never before seen brilliance, as if he were actually to shed tears of joy. Both his hands move to her shoulders now, to squeeze them gently. "You make your father proud. You know, this comes just at the right time. After Baldwin has disappointed me so thoroughly at the tourney, and even chose to disobey me... I've lost a son. But with your... admirable conquest, how can I really be sad?" Can it be that a tear runs down over his cheek? "So... the King's own cousin. The possible heir! I could become the grandfather of... our future king indeed... Livessa!"

Livessa smiles faintly and she nods her head quietly "shhhh Father.. we must not have the court be talking.. I am surprised his kiss has not begun a stir." she laughs seeing his joy and she leans in to hug him. "We need to wait until he speaks to his cousin." she tells him and then she lets him go when he speaks of Baldwin she frowns ... "I still think it is witchcraft Father, I do not believe he is truly in love with her." she shakes her head, "I am sorry he has displeased you." she says quietly.

"Oh, let us not speak of him. He's none of our concern anymore.", Erek says with a dismissive gesture. "If he wants to marry that healer wench, so be it. He disobeyed me, so he's no longer part of our family. Well. I have an heir. Verlak, your younger brother, will be less of a disappointment, that's for sure." The momentary shadow of displeasure dissipates, once the thoughts of Lord Erek Ivounel return to Livessa's prosepctive betrothal. "So... I'll have to wait for the King to approach me? THE KING?" Rubbing his hands now against each other. "Splendid." He chuckles. "Excuse me, I shall retire. No way I can stay silent about this here. See you, my dearest daughter. I am so proud of you." And with that said it seems he is about to head out of the garden again.

Livessa laughs "I am not sure if it will be the King or Argon himself but you will hear soon Father.. be well" she says quietly before she moves back to her painting.