Argon Brais

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"The Quote."
-Who said it?
Born early in the year 629, as the son of King Tearvin Brais’ younger brother Berald and his wife Wylla, Argon grew up rather comfortably, as befitting a member of the royal house of the Kingdom. One of the things that drove the people looking after him a bit crazy in his earliest years, was that he was a very light sleeper, and it wouldn’t take much to wake him. He was also a rather serious child, but has since learned a bit about enjoying life.

And then when he was old enough, he was sent to a more distant cousin of the family, Sir Edmond, to be a squire. It was here he spent the hard work needed to learn his skills with weapons, primarily with the swords, but also as a fairly okay jouster. He was also shown to be quite skilled at using shields and generally defend himself. It was also during this time it was clear that he had a rather high tolerance for physical pain. As a squire, he participated in several of the battles during the war with Estoria, including the Battle of Thorne, where he followed Sir Edmond into the battle, and ended up fighting off some enemies surrounding his wounded knight and himself. For this, he was knighted as soon as the older knight had recovered from his wounds. After the peace was secured, there was still some need for his skills, as there were bandit raids and similar things threatening the King’s Peace. In one of the situations involving bandit raids, he made a name for himself. Having been tasked to lead a group of men against one of the bandit lairs, he had the option to let one of his lieutenants lead the charge, but chose to do so himself, stating that he would not ask his men to take risks he would not be willing to take himself. He fought in similar skirmishes over the next number of years, showing himself to be a good leader on the battlefield, with the ability to show mercy when needed as well. He has never married, although there were rumors about him getting close to a Lady, but before anything would move beyond friendship, the Lady in question died in the recent plague. As the result of how that plague had ravaged the royal house, he has started to involve himself more, and are still expanding his knowledge for those matters.

Personality and Appearance
Standing an inch or two above six feet, and looking relatively athletic, it seems clear that even though he has lived a relatively long life so far, this man in his mid-forties seem to take well care of himself. Dark brown hair, almost black, is kept carefully away from his face, and at a few inches length. Other facial features include eyes that seem to watch the world a bit sternly most of the time, a nose slightly larger than the average, and pale lips that frame his two rows of teeth. He's usually cleanly shaven.
RP Hooks
  • RP HOOK: Explanation


Argon Brais
Fullname: Argon Brais
Portrayed by: Nathaniel Parker
Birthday: 629 (44)
Kingdom: Two Rivers
House: Brais
Title/Profession Knight
Position Knight
Place of birth Castle Mergorand
Father Berald Brais
Mother Wylla Brais, née Bainsworth
Siblings None (?)
Spouse Livessa Brais
Children None
Logs referring to Argon Brais