675-06-04 - Not Common for Commoners
Not Common for Commoners | |||||||
Summary: Livessa visits the king and brings forth a special request. | |||||||
Two days have passed since the return of the first part of the delegation, and King Barret Brais is still occupying the Solar of Castle Equitaine to receive visitors and hear petitions and requests of various kinds. It is already almost noon, and Barret lets out a sigh when another man leaves, this a noble of House Bainsworth. Taking the time to lean back in the comfortable chair by the hearth and enjoy a sip of his wine, the Brais man lets his weary gaze drift towards the windows, as his thoughts trail off for a moment.
Livessa is moving in line to meet with the king to give him her own report. She has with her a gift of fruits she brought from the Islands. "Your Magisty". She greets as she gives him a low curtsy.
Barret looks up when Livessa enters, his gaze flickering curiously over her frame as he tries to place her, then fails. "My lady," he greets inclining his head, obviously a bit at a loss. "I am sure I may have seen you, but forgive this old King. I just can't seem to remember your name..." He may look a bit tired, but the smile he offers the young woman is friendly enough.
"It is fine your Majesty, I am sure with the deligation returning in waves it has been busy for you. I am Lady Livessa Ivounel." she pauses "I come to report a great deed which was done by one of the common men on the trip to the Isles". She pauses "if it would please you to hear such a tale?"
Barret raises a brow at the introduction, before that slight insecurity leaves his mien and he nods. "Ah. You are one of Lord Erek's children," he greets with a smile, finally being able to place her now. "Pray join me here, child. Would you want anything to drink?" Her remark seems to arrouse his curiosity, and he gives her an attentive glance. "A great deed? I'd like to hear about it, Lady Livessa." And there he motions for the vacant chair next to him.
She smiles and nods happy to have been invited to join her king in a meal. Surely it dose not happen often. She eats and drinks, enjoying her homelands riches before she speaks.
"Well it was a great deed in my eyes at least your majesty." She begins. "I suppose it starts with my brother Baldwin. You see, one night he was in the dungeons visiting the healer known as Rayne. He was under influence of love and he forgot all about me.
I got lost in the woods and had slipped on the land, I fell and twisted my ankle. I tumbled into the water not knowing how to swim. "
She pauses to eat a little though she is engrossed in her sorry now.
Indeed there are some plates with bread, cheese and roasted park on the table, beside a bowl with red grapes of the region. "Please, help yourself," the king remarks, gesturing towards the food. Then leaning back in his chair as he eats as well in silence, allowing her to bring up the matter when she feels inclined to do so. Her attention soon shifting to Livessa when she begins to speak. Smiling at first, but then looking a little puzzled, by the way she mentions her brother. "I have heard this healer was arrested.", he remarks. "Upon unfounded accusations." Not commenting on the part about Baldwin, although that might be noted, he listens as the story continues. "That sounds like you were in a perilous situation. Although,... may I ask how you happened to be in this forest all on your own?" The tone is friendly enough, but being a father, Barret may already have had his own experiences with rebellious daughters. "So... What happened?"
"I went for a walk, I was upset at Baldwin," Livessa offers then she pauses "I slipped and fell and was trapped in the water.. until Marcus came along me. He rescued me from the water and pulled me ashore." she says softy then she shrugs a little as she smiles to her King. "I just wanted you to hear the story it is not common for a common man to rescue a lady."
Barret waits until Livessa has finished with her short speech, before he nods. "I see. So this commoner, this Marcus saved your life? You were lucky then, I suppose." Raising his brow next. "Lady Livessa, I have the feeling you did not just come here to tell me this story...?"
Livessa gives a little nod of her head. "Actually...yes." she then blushes slightly "was it none of your interest to know of a life saved?" she asks now a little nervous. "I mean.. I know you like to reward loyal citizians yes?" she asks tilting her head then she blushes a bit "I suppose because of his unselfish act I would support him as an Ambassador to your cause.." she nods then softly. And perhaps the king will see the lady has a soft spot for her savior however minor it might be.
"Oh, certainly I'd like to know," Barret replies with a chuckle. "I will have a talk with this man, mayhaps to hear what he can tell me of this incident. And who knows, maybe I can do so mething for him." He smiles when he notices that look to Livessa's eyes. "As for you... You have told your father of this incident, I suppose? As any offical act of giving this Marcus an office may need an official reason, that he may learn of."
"No.. he has other things to worry over." she says quietly, "you are the first to hear, for I wanted to hear your thoughts before speaking to anyone else" Li says.
"Oh?", Barret replies, those bushy eyebrows furrowing just a little. "You will have to tell your father then, even though he may not be pleased by this adventure of yours. I am willing to hear this Master Marcus out. I will then decide what I can do for him, based on my impression. But... ambassador will not be a position I could honestly offer to him, child. You know that. Only a man of higher rank can be awarded such a position." Setting that straight, but with a friendly smile.
Li nods and she shrugs "He would be more upset Baldwin lost me because he was making googly eyes with the healer".. she says in an undertone before she leaves the king. Thanking him for the lovely tea and bisquites.