
From Felaguria: The Struggle for Power
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Once your character has been approved, you may want to have a place created for him or her on grid. Depending on the background and profession of your char, this may be a single room that has to be added to a castle or manor, or a new building, i.e. a shop at the market place.

Either way, if such quarters don't already exist, your best bet will be to put in a +request to have the room/rooms built. Please include room descs, as that will certainly reduce your time of waiting; and make things much easier for our staffers, while giving you the opportunity to give your quarters your own personal touch.

The rule here is to keep it simple. Private quarters will consist of only one grid room, while you can of course include several areas/rooms in your desc. Shopkeepers at the market place will have a shop grid room plus an adjacent private grid room. Manors are the city residences of the minor noble Houses, and can consist of a main grid room, the public area visitors will usually see, plus an optional garden, as well as additional private rooms, one per PC.

If you have questions or suggestions, or need help with creating descs, feel free to contact the staffers via +mail, page or +request.

Once your place has been created, you may want to set your room as your '+home'. Go to the room and enter the following command: '+home/set'. Afterwards this room will be the one you will return to when typing '+home', which will for example spare you from getting lost on grid after a tourney.