675-06-27 - Returning Hearts

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Returning Hearts
Summary: The young princess indulges into the conversation with the man she keeps calling her uncle.
Who: Argon Brais, Barbeta Brais
References: re:Livessa Ivounel, re:Baldwin Ivounel, re:Barret Brais, re:Rayne Devantry
When: 675-06-27
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: OOCDate
Where: Feasting Hall - Castle Equitaine
Room Desc: Banners showing the Leaping Horse of Lenouvi on a field of yellow and green cover the walls of the Feasting Hall, inbetween torches that offer a flickering light in the evenings. The floor and the walls are of an ocre toned sandstone, that give them a warm yellow glow whereever the light of sun manages to touch them during the day through four high but narrow windows. On the far side of the hall is one single trestle table on a dais overlooking the the others, and it is here the Ducal family and honour guests usually will be seated. Always present are the guards and servants, standing at the ready to serve the nobility with wine, mostly Athereyne Red, and the meals of the day.

Sitting in the hall, Argon is eating some food, and sipping some tea at the moment, expression a bit thoughtful as he does. He hasn't eaten much so far, instead looking around a bit thoughtfully for now.

"My dearest uncle!" the voice of the young princess echoes in the feasting hall. She approaches the man and even not asking if she can take a seat, the girl slips to sit beside. Her handmaiden and guards move aside, giving some privacy for relatives.

The girl leans on the table with her elbow and fixes the dark gaze on the man, "You look quite dreamily. DOn't tell me, that you have problems of the heart too!" She rolls her eyes.

Pausing for a few moments as he hears Barbeta's words, Argon looks up and offering her a quiet smile now. "Barbeta," he greets her, as he glances around for a few moments, then back to her. "Hmmm? Problems of the heart?"

The girl rolls her eyes, "Yeah, haven't you heard? The young lord Baldwin Ivounel has some issues with the commoner! She is just a healer of some sort!" The young princess laughs quietly, covering her mouth with the palm to muffle the sound, "And his sister young lady Livessa Ivounel is so jealous. She believed, that her brother is bewitched by that commoner. So, she loves her brother too much. Poor girl. I understand her at some point. If I would have an older brother, whose attention would be taken by another woman... Well, I would become jealous too. It is hard to let go of the person, who you love and care for. So, I took the young lady as my lady-in-waiting. You met her, right? She is lovely, but she should learn a lot of things! Plus... All these marriages. I met that lord Alajos once! He is soo... What can I tell, poor lady Aveline. I am glad, that my sister is not married and I still have my freedom of some sort!" Barbeta laughs.

Argon takes another bite of food again now, nodding a little bit, "I know about the Ivounels, yes." He's unable to hold back a bit of a half-smile at the mention of Livessa, before he shrugs a little. "I'm sure your time to get married will come soon," he offers.

"What is this?!" Barbeta's eyebrows jump up, "I saw that. How should I understand it? What that was? Uncle, do you like that child, that young girl? She is my lady-in-waiting... Be careful with these smiles!"

Then the young princess looks at the table and reaches for an apple, "I am so starving!" She takes a bite and chews it politely, before speaking again, "I don't care much about marriage. I mean, if it will help our Kingdom, I am ready to do anything! Or more exactly...to marry anyone. Sad, that you and I are relatives. You could marry me and then you could rule the Kingdom after the death of my father and no laws would have to be changed. I mean, I do hope, that my father will live for a very long time and will find a proper wife to give birth to a boy, but... If that won't happen... You are the first to get the crown. Of course, unless my father will change laws. Though, our people not always like changes, right?" She curiously looks at her uncle.

"What is this?" Repeating that question, Argon takes a sip of his tea now. A brief shrug, before he takes a piece of cheese from his plate now. "Let us hope your father lives for a very long time, yes. I mean, he is a good ruler for our Kingdom."

Barbeta pouts slightly, hearing not what she was expecting. She takes another bite of the apple and remains quiet for a moment. She just stares at the plate of her uncle, thinking something intently.

"What?" Argon raises an eyebrow a bit as he sees that reaction. "You're thinking about something." A brief pause as he looks around, before he shrugs a little as he finishes the piece of cheese now.

"Nothing..." drawls Barbeta. "It just..." words slowly leave her throat, "I am so worried. What if something will happen to my father before he changes the law or before he gets a son? Then you would rule, but it looks like you don't want it at all, while you should be... I don't know... Preparing yourself? After all, I guess, even if my father would get a son, you would be regent until his son will grow up. We don't believe in magic and gods. So, we should understand, that Kings do not live forever..."

Argon sighs a little bit as he hears that. "I am preparing myself, Barbeta. I spend a few hours every day trying to prepare myself for that possibility." A brief pause, before he adds, "I also know that if such a day comes, I cannot know all, and will need good advisors." A brief pause, before he adds, "And to answer something you mentioned earlier, yes, I enjoy spending time with Lady Livessa." A brief pause, and a shrug, before he adds, "And what's more strange, it would seem she enjoys spending time with me too."

The jaw of the young princess flops down. She looks at her uncle for awhile, before whispering, "You are like my brothers, who I lost for the plague. I... I should get really jealous now, because... if that will go, where I think it will go... You will forget about me. However..." She frowns slightly and sighs. The girl remains quiet for awhile again, before whsipering, "I don't feel it. The envy. I think, that the plague took away my heart, but left the body... I just have all these minds in my head," she waves with her hands around her ears, "but nothing more..." Her hands flop to the sides.

Pausing as he sees that reaction, Argon shakes his head, "I will not forget about you, Barbeta. You're family, and I will not forget family." A brief pause, as he reaches out to place a hand on her shoulder now. "Your heart will return in time, dear." Another pause, before he adds, "I mean, even mine seem to have done so..."

"Maybe..." the girl mutters. She quickly places the apple on the table and raises her gaze to the man, "It doesn't matter. There are way more important things in the world than my heart. Though, I am glad yours is back, especially if lady Livessa warms it even more! I am glad. You will be a good guidance for her. I had some plans for her, but now... I won't ruin her for you! Who would like to see how this little pure angel suddenly becomes this boring creature like her princess. So, talking about chnages... I should attend some matters, uncle." The girl raises to her feet and leans to place a peck on the uncle's forehead. She holds up her lips on his skin for a moment as if she would be afraid, that it might be their last meeting. Then she just leaves.

"A person's heart is part of what makes them able to deal with other stuff, Barbeta." A brief pause, before he adds, "I should talk with your father about this, shouldn't I?" Nodding a bit as he hears that last part, and at the peck to his forehead. Offering a quiet smile again now.

Hearing that question, which maybe does not require the answer, Barbeta freezes on the doorstep. She looks back at her uncle briefly, keeping her one hand on the wall, while the other fixes the black straight lock of the hair, "About what? How to prepare yourself to be the King in the worst case scenario? Yes. If you could court lady Livessa? Yes, of course. About the missing hearts? No, he is too old and too tired." She offers a brief smile, and then leaves for sure.