675-12-06 - Joyful News

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Joyful News
Summary: Barbeta arrives with her son-in-law at Castle Mergorand and is greeted by the king himself. Some news is exchanged, as well as hospitality offered.
Who: Barbeta Brais, Barret Brais, Jarvis Bainsworth and Domitianus Valeria (NPCed by Notus)
References: re:Agostino, re:Luanda Brais, re:Livessa Brais, re:Argon Brais
When: December 6th, 675
Related Logs: None directly
Date of RP: 21-27/12/2014
Where: Courtyard / Feasting Hall - Mergorand Castle, Beresgond, Two Rivers
Room Desc: Courtyard: desc to be added later...
Feasting Hall: The high walls are built of the same more durable kind of red sand stone as the rest of the keep. Banners of House Brais cover the walls, the black and red of the tower and the lilies giving the hall an almost royal aura. There is a dais to the far side, with a trestle table on top - the High Table, which offers an ample view of the numerous other trestle tables below, those to the front intended for nobility, those further away for lesser nobility and infuential commoners. The floor is even and consists of tiles in white and black, not much unlike a board of chess. To the sides of the hall are two large hearths of white marble, showing the coat of arms of the Royal Family. During the colder days of autumn and winter these hearths will always be lit, offering a flickering light as well as a means to fend off the chill. Almost always there are torches burning at the walls as well as some candles on the tables, which together with the red colour of the walls provides a warm light and have earned this hall the nick name - Sanguine Hall.

Winter was finally there. December had brought the snow that was usual for the season, as well as a chilly wind. Despite the cold air outside the King has left the castle, taking a deep inhale as he stepped outside. He is clad in a warm cloak of wool with a bit of fur worked into it, over a warmer version of his courtly attire. The crown is absent, still the people passing him in the courtyard do offer the bows required and show the necessary respect.

Because everyone knows the king even when he is not wearing the crown. A few steps behind him is Jarvis Bainsworth, who follows him in a few feet’s distance. Perhaps waiting to approach him on some important matter in a less formal setting than the audience chamber. The man will remain where he is for now, perhaps waiting for the right opportunity to bring his matter forth.

The Dragon will carry a young princess into the courtyard. The fume will raise from the nozzle of the stud, when he wildly trots in and stands on his back legs, making Barbie laugh. The moment, when Dragon lands on the ground again, young princess leans to hug his strong neck and give a peck, "I missed this too! I missed it so much! The wind..." She sighs and wide smile is dancing in her features.

She shows up alone, yes. Nobody is with her. There are too options - barbarians were left behind for some reasons. For example- they do not ride horses. Or maybe Barbeta ran away from Unitas? Who knows!

She is wearing long black cloak, decorated with brown furrs. Quite wide neckline made out of the furrs of the same color keeps her neck warm. Her tress hair mixes with these furs. The woman's cheek are brightly red from the wind and she sneezes just once, before sliding down from the stud.

Then her gaze finds the king. Barbeta is not in a hurry to run to him. No. Instead she burries her face into Dragon's manes, calming herself down, maybe. Just then she straightens and mannerly glides closer to the King to offer him polite curtsy, "Your Majesty..." She says.

A bit behind the horse-led Princess is a group of eleven soldiers in what looks to be an odd variant of chainmail. Their helmets, grieves, shields, and weapons mark them clearly as Ningo based on how much those items were seen worn by Agostino months ago. Especially those crimson tunics that descend to the knee and woven trousers underneath, likely a defense from the cold. Both men and women are present in the procession of foreign soldiers, yet their weapons are sheathed and there are no signs of aggression, as if they were an honor guard.

It is at least five minutes if not longer before the group arrives in the courtyard, which gives a little bit of time for father and daughter to catch up before marching soldiers interrupt.

The brown eyes of the king will shift to the gate when he hears the familiar whinny - and yes indeed, it is Dragon, the steed of his youngest daughter, which means… Barbeta has come home! Barret Brais steps forward, a smile warming his features when he greets the former Princess of Two Rivers.

“Barbeta!”, he says, studying her with both pride and joy that she seems to be in good spirits - albeit their last encounters had not been that pleasant. “My daughter.” When she ventures over to where he is he will spread his arms to the side, offering a warm welcoming hug, if she allows it, and for a moment he is too moved for words. “Welcome home, little one,” he’ll mutter into her ear, before he straightens and casts a glance about the courtyard, obviously relieved when he sees the escort that arrives shortly after Barbeta.

Barbeta hugs her father, when he extands his arms to the sides. The girl burries her face into the man's chest. Maybe their last encounter ended up in the dark mood, but these days spent apart... She missed her father. So, the girl whispers, "Father... I... missed you..."

She raises her look up, but does not release the man, when others come into courtyard, "The oldest son of Agostino came with me. He is older than me, but calls me mother. It's so strange. If I would have known that his son is so handsome and not just a child..." Barbie giggles and shakes her head, "I am joking. Thank you for allowing me to marry Agostino. He is incredibly good for me. Also, he is very.... Well..."

Barbeta beams and takes her father's hand if allowed. Just to place it on her belly, "I came to tell you, that you will be grandfather. I wanted to tell you this in person." She looks up at the King.

The eleven soldiers come to a halt in the courtyard with a single foreign command from the one in front. The commander of the small force gives another command as the soldiers take on a stiff, but more casual stance and their commander removes his helmet and makes his way over to Barbeta and the king. It doesn’t take long to guess who he is as he looks nearly exactly like Agostino. The only differences is that he is two inches shorter and has a smaller and narrower nose. He offers a respectful bow to Barbeta and Barret and says in very broken Common, “Me Domitianus of Family Valeria. One son, Patrician Agostino of Family Cornelia. Heir of Ningo.” At least the words that are in Common are poorly worded as he is obviously still learning the language. Given how Agostino explained naming traditions to the king before, seems Domitianus took his mother’s name as her family held the superior position in that marriage. Unlike his father Domitianus shows clear military-style discipline, and where Agostino seemed to have worn his armor more like it was an honorary right, Domitianus wears his like he’s actually been trained to use it.

“I’ve missed you too,” Barret replies, as his gaze seeks that of his daughter and fondness is clearly visible in this face on which the traces of time and many worries can be found. His gaze shifts to Agostino’s son, and he will incline his head in greeting. His attention soon is drawn back to his daughter as she takes his hand and places it on her belly. “Barbeta! So soon?” The joy in his eyes seems to be genuine, and yes, his hand withdraws from her to offer her another long hug. “My dearest Barbeta. These are happy news indeed.”

The Patrizia is released from his grasp, although he remains standing beside her when Domitianus introduces himself. “Welcome to Mergorand Castle, Domitianus,” the king intones with a friendly smile. Although his eyes study the foreigner with keen eyes while he listens to his words. “You speak Common quite well,” he compliments the Ningo prince. “And certainly much better than I would ever be able to speak your tongue. Be our guest. See to it that they are taken care of.” This an aside to Bainsworth, who has stepped closer and offers a bow to king and Patrizia alike. “Certainly, Your Majesty.”

“Perhaps we should go inside. I believe there is a meal prepared in the kitchens. Bainsworth here will arrange for chambers for you, Domitianus and your people. Patrizia Barbeta may claim her room, if she so wishes.”

“Not so sooooon…” drawls Barbeta at her father’s comment of the child. “I am very excited of it. I do hope, that it will be a boy. I don’t know… I just want a boy!” She giggles and then bows her head to the son of her husband.

“You know, we will stay some time here, father. Domitianus doesn’t know how to ride a horse,” the girl chuckles again, covering her lips with the palm to muffle the sound, “I thought, that maybe our best riders could teach him how to become friends with the stud? He could surprise his father, when he will be back.”

Her gaze follows the Dragon, who is led by the stable boy to the stables. The animal stares at Barbeta and shakes his head playfully a few times, making the boy stumble. Patrizia just giggles at that and sighs later, “Yes, we should go. I still would love to ride, but I am starving more!”

The girl will follow her father, adding, “I would like to stay in my chambers, yes. Also, where is Luanda, father?”

Domitianus listens, or tries to, to the conversation. As he is clearly being addressed he nods respectfully to the king but that is all for now. Once the two stops talking he looks to Barbeta as though he only understood some of the words and wants clarification. As they start walking Domitianus begins to follow and asks in the Ningo language, “What is this about those animals of yours and chambers being provided? I assume chambers are being provided for us, and your father seems happy you are with child.”

“Soon enough,” King Barret counters to Barbeta’s reply, the smile still curling his lips. “Now let us just hope, everything goes well…” The latter part is spoken in Two Rivers tongue, maybe in the intention to remind his daughter of her roots. “This is good news,” he assures her once again, as he turns towards the keep, taking her by the hand to lead her inside, expecting Domitianus to follow as well as the rest of the retinue.

“We can teach him how to ride,” he continues, towards his daughter. “I am surprised you haven’t taught him. You are quite a good rider, Barbie. Or… is this about you missing home and wanting to spend a bit of time here, with us…? And this is a good pretext to do so?” He shoots her a curious glance. The question about Luanda has his mien grow a bit distant. “She is fine,” he assures. “But she is not here. A pity really. She would be glad to see you and eager about tales from your new life as Patrizia.”

He’ll not object when Domitianus addresses Barbeta in the Ningo language, how could he, really? As it has already become apparent, the young Ningo prince is not that fluent yet in the Common language.

They enter the keep and are shown over to the Great Hall, if they should be inclined to do so. While Bainsworth will see to the necessary arrangements being made for their lodgings.

Barbeta takes Barret's hand, but makes sure that the son of her husband would walk beside her too. She speaks in his language and she is quite good with that, "My father's best riders will teach you how to become friends with these magnificent creatures. When we will finish with you, Agostino will be proud. And yes. Servants will prepare you the chambers.You amd your people." She smioes warmly at the man, before turning to the King.

"Pity," she sighs, "It would be amazing if she would be here. I missed her too at some point," Patrizia tells about Luanda and then laughs, shaking her head, "Definitely not necause I am looking for reasons. He just... he does not listen for me. I tried. He is scared, that he may fall, somehow hurt me. He knows that I am with child. Plus, I am a woman. It's not comfortable for him to... well... I am so young and should be called his mother? I believe these and maybe many other reasons do not allow the man to take lessons with me serious. Would be great if you could find a man for the boy," Barbie chuckles.

"So, how things around? How is my uncle? How is his wife and her family?" The girl looks up at the King really curiously.

Domitianus nods to Barbeta as she explains, then calls out orders to the other soldiers, informing them that rooms are being prepared for them and for now to relax and take account of their things until the rooms are ready for them. He then moves to follow Barbeta silently looking a lot like a personal bodyguard.

A sigh escapes the king when Barbeta expresses her regret about Luanda's absence, and a shadow brushes over his features. "In fact, some ill fate has befallen her on her voyage to the Isles. She and Princess Madalyn were caught by a group of Pirates, after her ship sank in a storm. But," and here he raises his hands in a calming gesture, "they have been saved. She is in the Isles now, recovering, and she'll be fine."

When the topic shifts to Barbeta's plans for Domitianus, the King will incline his head. "As you wish, Barbeta.", he says with a smile. "I will ask Bainsworth to pick someone capable for that task, someone hailing from Athereyne, I'd suggest. They have after all the best understanding of horses.

"Livessa is with child," Barret replies to his daughter's question. "She and Argon are well enough." They have arrived in the Feasting Hall, often called Sanguine Hall becuase of the red stone of the walls. The King bids his guests to have a seat, Barbeta and Domitianus he asks to sit with him at the high table, while the other Ningo will be seated further down.

"Hmm..." Barbeta drawls, "Good. Quite an adventure she had, huh? Why she was traveling with princess Madalyn to the Kingdom of the Isles?" Patrizia asks calmly. After all, everything is over and Luanda is safe. So, there is no need to be worried.

At the ideas of who could teach the son of Agostino how to ride the horse, Barbie just nods and settles near the table.

Domitianus watches and listens silently. He seems to understand the offered seat and accepts it, the other soldiers stay out in the yard until their respective rooms are prepared. Domitianus looks about the room silently and either isn’t paying attention to the words spoken, doesn’t understand them, or both. Seems Agostino’s heir is more the quiet soldier type, unlike his more talkative father.

"Princess Madalyn had invited Luanda to accompany her to the Isles, after all we are still in negotiations to get her betrothed to one of the Onimus princes.", King Barret explains with a faint smile. A gesture is given to a servant to bring them some beverages and snacks. "Would you like some wine? Or anything else..?" he inquires of Domitianus with a friendly smile.

“Ah!” Barbeta nods at father’s explanation, but then she consentrates on the meal, “I would love to get gingerbread, and some meat with vegetables. Do we still have some vegetables? Oh, and I want a cake. A few slices of different cakes with barries!”

Domitianus looks to the king as though trying to determine what is being said. Finally he looks to Barbeta and asks in the Ningo language, “I assume he offers refreshment as a host typically does?”

"Certainly, Barbeta. In fact, they are preparing a stew with onion, turnips and some chicken.", Barret replies, raising his brows just a tad. "How are things proceeding in Unitas, dear? Have you run out of vegetables there? And tell me, how is Patrician Augostino? How does he take the news?" The latter part is added with a good-natured smile, as his gaze drifts towards his daughter's belly once again.

A servant comes with a flagon of red wine, pouring the king first before he turns with an inquiring glance towards Barbeta, and then Domitianus.

Barbeta looks at the boy and laughs, “You need to learn our language,” she says in his native tongue. “My father offers you meal and drinks, yes. We hope you will like it and will have wonderful time while I will pack our things and will deal with some other matters.”

Then she looks back at the King and speaks in her own native tongue, “My husband was very happy. He grabed me the moment I told him the news and he raised me into the air, and whirled!” She laughs, “He is such a huge man. I feel so tiny like an ant beside him,” she giggles, “I hope his baby won’t be so huge as he is… I mean, babies are smaller, yes, but I mean…everyone in his family is so huge! Some women said, that his children usually were born pretty huge too and they chuckled, that I am too tiny!” The girl blushes and lowers her gaze for a few thoughtful moments.

But then she looks back at her father, “Unitas is great. Buildings are amazing, and people are comming there to live. I love seeing how two different cultures interract. The home, castle for us looks great.”

Domitianus nods to Barbeta as she explains. When wine is brought over, he looks to the servant then looks for a cup or glass or such to offer so it can be poured. He glances over as he hears the word Unitas, but doesn’t comment on it. After all it is a Ningo word.

It seems Bainsworth is done with making the necessary arrangements. He enters the Hall and walks over to the King, leaning in to murmur some words into the royal ear, while Barbeta speaks. Straightening, Lord Jarvis's pale grey eyes will linger on the princess with polite curiosity.

"I am certain your husband will have his best healers look after you, to make sure you and the child will be alright.", King Barret remarks before he lifts his brows in curious bewilderment. "A castle? Your home? In Unitas? I was thinking it was intended to be a mere Trade Hub, not a Capital of sorts." He chuckles and exchanges a glance with Bainsworth.

The servant meanwhile will pour Domitianus a cup and hand it to him with a respectful bow, as is required when dealing with foreign royalty.

"Amm..." Barbeta's eyes widen and her cheek blush a bit, "Well... Am... Not the castle. Not actual Castle... Maybe small palace? I mean... Something like that. Where have to stay somewhere, when we are not in our actual home in the unknown world!" The girl explains and turns to the "son".

"The thing your father is building for us in Unitas..." she speaks in barbarian's language, "... it will be our residence there, right? Small palace?"

Domitianus sniffs the wine poured for him then takes a sip, trying out the flavor, at least he doesn’t spit it out. He then looks to Barbeta when she asks about their home and says in the Ningo language, “It is the home of the Patrician’s Family, whichever Family holds that honor. Of course as your people believe it to be a trade hub that is being left out. Father intends for it to be declared the capital for our people in time, but that will be years.”

Taking another sip of the wine and swallowing he asks, “Is that what your Father asks you about? If so, it may be said to be a secondary home closer to the border so that we may conduct meetings with foreign powers. Also to escape the cold of winter as it gets quite cold further north. The temperature here and at Unitas is closer to Autumn weather where the old settlements are.”

"A small palace, I see," King Barret says with a faint smile, noting his daughter's blush and her stammering, his gaze shifting from her to the Ningo prince as they share that brief exchange in the native tongue of the barbarians. His demeanour remains cordial enough, and he will nod, an ever so brief sideways glance being shot Bainsworth's way.

The King's advisor will remain silent, he will study Barbeta and Domitianus attentively. The fact that the name of the trade hub is mentioned by the Patrizia as well as the reply of the man suggests she may indeed ask about that new mysterious building, may it by castle, a small palace; or something else entirely.

"If there isn't anything else, Your Majesty, I will leave you now," Lord Jarvis intones with a respectful bow, his tone polite and calm; more rational than showing emotion of any kind. The King will dismiss him with a gesture of his hand and a good-natured chuckle. "I will see you later, Bainsworth." He, for his part has spoken in Common all the while, apart from that brief exchange in Two Rivers tongue upon Barbeta's arrival.

As the advisor withdraws, the talk turns to other topics none of which while be thoroughly pursued, such as Barbeta's state of health, the progress at the building site, and even the current weather.