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All Things Must Come to an End...

All good things must come to and end, and so Teddy and I have finally come to the conclusion that the great adventure that was Felaguria will fade, and the mush will be closed down eventually.

There are many reasons for this decision, the most prominent being that we cannot see to our staffing duties like we should due to RL obligations and other factors, and continue with running the political plots that were originally the essence of the game. The limited size of the player base is another thing, with characters usually being scattered over three or four areas, which makes the planning and running of plots extremely difficult.

Still, we are glad for having provided a backdrop for plenty of good scenes and plots since we opened almost a year ago, and for the experiences made and the nice players (yes you!), that have found this place worthy of their attention and contribution we are very grateful.

New character applications will not be approved anymore from today, still we would like to give you, the players, the opportunity to wrap your story lines. Felaguria will close down on the 15th of March 2015. If you need any specific scenes let us know, and we will provide them!

Rivers, 22/02/2015

Thank you for a wonderful 2014!

It's time to prepare for the new year, both IRL and ICly. I will use the opportunity and thank all the players who have stuck with us for their marvelous contributions to the game. We wouldn't have come as far as we did without you! After opening in spring we had some pretty busy months on the game, with plots in the Isles and then some RP in Two Rivers. It has grown less active towards the end of the year, but I trust this is due to the holidays, and we will see much more activity in the new year.

In January, we have at least one wedding scheduled. First off is the Golden Lion Wedding which will be run on January 10th. If you don't have a Golden Lion alt yet, now's the time to CG one to attend this event! Then there is the long awaited Two Rivers Wedding, where an old king challenges fate for (hopefully) the last time and weds a lady of high birth from Estoria - who will become the new Queen of Two Rivers! Also there will be a plot in the Golden Lion kicking off in January or February, more details can be found on the Plots wiki page here.

However, we keep encouraging players to come up with their plots, and to run events. We staffers will of course continue to run events, and post some on a regular basis. The big game of political intrigue and cunning will continue!

Rivers, 30/12/2014

Game will be down today, due to hardware exchange!

Just fyi, the server hardware is being replaced, that is why the game will not be accessible today. From tomorrow onwards things should be up and jumping again.

Rivers, 22/11/2014

Rivers is Back!

So. I'm back from my 10 day vacation, and first thing I noticed was very little activity on the game. I will do what I can to change that! I am aware of some current issues on-game that lead to some temporary disabling of the code, but in my humble opinion that is no excuse for not RPing!

Stay tuned for some events in Two Rivers, that I will post this coming week. Also I would like to encourage all you wonderful players out there to log back on. Your Rivers is back, and will focus on making all of you happy again with RP and lots of attention!

As for the other staffers, they are there! But as with some of the players, some have to deal with serious RL issues. I will do what I can to help, if you have questions and concerns regarding other kingdoms.

I am sorry that I may not be online all the time, but from today onwards I will be around more often, and for much longer time frames. If you don't catch me online, shoot me a +mail or put in a +request, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Rivers, 27/10/2014

Wedding Season is in Full Swing

Three wedding events are scheduled to take place on this weekend and the next.

Kicking off today, at 5pm EST is the highly anticipated marriage in the Isles, between Nawaab Arif Sefu of Golden Lion and Lady Samuela Zorich of the Isles.

Tomorrow, on August 30th, at 9pm EST there will be the wedding feast in Beresgond (Two Rivers) celebrating the union of Lord Argon Brais and Lady Livessa Ivounel.

And next weekend, on Sunday, September 7th at 1pm EST the wedding feast at Woodwatch Keep in Two Rivers will take place, celebrating the new matrimonial bond between Duke Alajos Fennim and Lady Avaline Brais.

So, be there or be square! Times may be subject to change, so be sure to check out +events on game.

Rivers, 29/08/2014

Feast of Charity currently going on in Threewater, Beresgond (Two Rivers)

This week is the Feast of Charity happening in the City of Threewater. Feel free to scene, there are artists and entertainers about. Items of art in the widest sense will be sold, most of the earnings will be donated for two Rivers charity. We will schedule small scenes if enough people are about.

On Saturday there will be a feast at Mergorand Castle to close the festivities. Nobles and commoners alike will be welcome to participate! There may even be a minstrel contest for those that are interested in performing a song! Check +events on the game for timings.

Rivers, 11/08/2014

Betrothal Tourney in the Duchy of Woriscant this SUNDAY!

The betrothal of Duke Alajos Fennim and Lady Avaline Brais is a most welcome pretext to have a tourney this Sunday, July 20th, from 1pm EST onwards. It will happen in the city of Woodwatch in Two Rivers. For the joust only knights and noblemen will be allowed to compete. And as we are aware there are not so many PC knights out there, we'd like to fill the lists with some NPC knights! If you'd like to play one of those for the joust, please submit a brief concept via +mail or +request to Rivers, including name, desc, age, house, kingdom, and the stats Body and Reaction, plus the proposed Polearms and Horsemanship skill. But be sensible and do not boost them too high. After all, there are some humble PC knights around as well who'd prefer not to look too bad through all of this.

Knights would usually be of Two Rivers, but there may be some from Estoria as well, even from the Isles or Golden Lion.

And of course, we hope for a huge crowd of spectators, be they noble or common. There will be plenty of wine and excitement. Hope to see you there!

Jousting rules can be found on the reworked combat wiki page.

Rivers, 17/07/2014

Check out our plots wiki page for current plots!

We know summer is here, which may reduce the ongame activity, but even so we have some current plots that your characters might get involved in. There is a follow-up plot to the Portrait Theft TP in the Isles, as well as a new TP regarding a mission towards the North from Two Rivers.

Related logs and rumors can be viewed here. If any of you should be interested in getting involved in any of those, feel free to contact the person that runs the TP.

Rivers, 13/07/2014


The Queen gathered all the nobles and her council into the Great Hall on 23rd day of June. She said a very short and simple speech, which was recorded by the scribe. It was re-written and was given to all the people in the Kingdom of the Isles later. It was hanged on the walls of the building, it was read by the heralds and everyone were able to hear or read this:

"People of Onimoria, I am sure, that you all remember my urgent leave before the Feast of Onimoria. I am sure, that many of you were thinking and guessing the reasons of it. Today is the day, when all the truth must be revealed!%r%tThe Four Royal High Onises got an urgent invitation from Onimoria herself. We all had to travel urgently and secretly to the place, where she showed up for our people first time 675 years ago. Our Royal High Onises and I had to dive into the depth of the ocean in order to raise up into the Kingdom of the Clouds. We were met in the Gardens of Margueritte by Onimoria and Lotingus themselves.

We talked for three days and three nights. Our Patron of the Earth told me her visions and dreams. She saw the future of our Kingdom, she saw the destiny of the royal family. She saw the way, how to finally fulfill her will and unite whole Felaguria, making sure, that we all would live in eternal peace.

Onimoria told, that the true royal blood, a mixture of the house of Onimus and House of Brais is needed. Just that mundane blood can bring the Paradise to Earth. Onimoria herself trusted such mission to your heir, to your future Queen Madalyn Onimus. She trusted that to my only one daughter and pride. %r%tShe had to marry the King Barrett Brais. Twins would have been born to them. One girl and one boy. The boy would have ruled the Kingdom of Two Rivers, while the girl would have ruled our Kingdom. These two children had to bring the peace to our world and fulfill the will of our true Patron Onimoria.

However, today I speak and tears can't stop rippling across my cheeks. I speak with the broken heart. The soul of my only one daughter, your heir, who we understood and saw as the image of Onimoria, was cursed long time ago and it was proved today. The worst speculations became truth - Madalyn Onimus was cursed by the banished Patron, known as Ylirena, even before she was born. This child, for whom I gave my heart, for whom I cared so much, for whom we all gave our love, was bewitched to destroy our Kingdom, to bring the shame upon us. She was always a servant of the banished Patrons! I just hope, that was against her own will, because her soul was stolen and replaced with another one, sent by Ylirena.

You all remember, how Onimoria herself gave up the true love for Lotingus. She came to the Earth, created the Kingdom of the Isles and married the man she didn't love just to give birth to all of us! While here... Madalyn Onimus promised me, her own Mother and The Royal High Onises, to marry the man and save our world. However, when she left the borders of our Kingdom, she met with the King Barrett Brais and told him, that she won't marry him, because she want to marry a man, who she will fall in love with.

Madalyn Onimus, for whom we all gave our hearts, for whom the knights were ready to sacrifice their own lifes, decided to set up her own needs above the needs of our nation, of our Kingdom, of Onimoria. Even if my heart is screaming in pain, I must tell everyone and everyone shall know, that Madalyn can no longer be considered as my daughter, because my blood would never do it. The girl can't carry the name of Onimus anymore and she must be known as traitor. However, I give her three weeks to come back into the Kingdom of the Isles and beg for forgiveness. No harm can come to her without my order, because we are not sure if she actually was cursed or chose the banished Gods in her free will. I as a mother want to believe, that she was cursed and we have to check that. However, if she won't come back home in three weeks, then the answer is clear - it was her own will, and then she will have to be punsihed as all the other traitors.

However, it doesn't matter if she was cursed or she chose to betray her home, family and people, she is weak and can't be the future Queen anymore!

However, do not fear! Onimoria already had fears and niggles about the mistress Madalyn. She had the only one other option, which is our last chance. So, she gave order for me and Lotingus to start the one and true ruler of our nation, who will be so strong, that there will bo no power to resist her will. She will have the blood of Onimoria and Lotingus in her veins and she is already in my wombs. The new heir should be born on December!

We should pray!

The Prophet of Onimoria,
The Only true Queen,
Abegayle Onimus.

Abegayle Onimus, 23/06/2014


There are horsemen and pages sent through out the Isles, ships sail as fast as possible for this announcement.

Attention, Attention!

It is here announced that there will be a execution at the amphitheatre on the Isles of the Crown, Jun 10, 675.

Priestess Leshara of the Cult of Asmenachia has been charged with:

Treason to the Isles and her Queen.

Treason to destroy the Religion of the Isles.

Theft of the famous Tapestry of Onimoria.

Due to these charges the penalty is death.

Other executions of the followers of the cult will occur before the culprit's punishment is handed out.

OOC At 1:30 pst.

Noria Landos, 10/06/2014


INVITE YOUR FRIEND! If the person, who you invited to join our game, creates the character and is approved, you will get 5 xp points to your account (the invited person has to send us +request with the information, who invited him). If this invited person will stay active for a month (will get cookies each week), you will get 10 more xp points for such a wonderful friend!(This offer stands till the end of May)

TeddyBear, 11/05/2014

Get Ready for the Tournament of the Gold

After a bit of downtime during the weekend, due to maintenance issues, the game is back up again. Be sure to check out our event scheduled for Wednesday, May 7th, starting at 4pm EST: The Tournament of the Gold, open for nobles and commoners alike. If you have a char that is not likely to participate, feel free to come up with a NPC to play during the event.

Rivers, 06/05/2014

Days of Onimoria are finally here!

Before the first event of the Isles plot will kick off today, I'd like to address the topic of languages on the game. We will have people of at least three different kingdoms (maybe four!) mingling on the Isle of the Crown.

First of all, usually everyone in Felaguria speaks Common! Even at home. The local languages are known to those who have been born in the area, plus those who have spent some time there or received extended tutelage. This said in regards to the spoken word!

So what does that mean for scenes and RP? Unless you do not mark your speech with pointed brackets we assume you speak in Common. Whereas something like this "<Secret local tongue speech>" won't be understood ICly by non-natives unless a successful +roll against Linguistics is made (and the char has some knowledge of the language).

You can however always choose to 'say something in the native tongue', whithout specifying it. But be prepared to page the meaning to a foreigner char whose Linguistics +roll was successful.

Rivers, 23/04/2014

Upcoming plot in the Isles to be delayed by two weeks!

The plot surrounding the Day of Onimoria in the Isles has to be postponed due to an unplanned absence of our Isles staffer Teddybear. We are expecting to have it kick off from April 23rd onwards, with greater events to be scheduled for the weekend (April 25th-27th).

This means we have more time for preliminary RP in the other kingdoms, and more time for you to get into your shiny new characters - or even to create new alts.

I am planning to run some scenes to prepare the gathering of the Two Rivers delegation, with RP finally shifting its focus towards Equis. There will be an official event for the departure of the delegation. Stay tuned for dates and times to be posted on +events on the game.

Rivers, 31/03/2014

We are glad to announce that we are finally opening for RP!

At the moment we are looking especially for characters of the kingdoms of the Isles, the Two Rivers and the Golden Lion.

Estoria is not available at the moment, but we are hoping to change that soon. If you are willing to take a leading role in of the duchies of this kingdom, feel free to contact Rivers on the game via page or +mail, to discuss concepts.

Remember, you can have upto four alts on this game, so why limit yourself to one single character?

There is a plot coming up in the Isles, open for chars of all kingdoms that wish to attend the festivities of the Day of Onimoria, during the time of

April 5th - April 13th 2014.

So make sure you pick a char and start CGing, so you can get approved in time.

Rivers, 27/03/2014