Aeryn Firandall

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"I must always remember where I came from, and where I am now. The love that has been shown to me has made me the person I am today. I strive to share that kind of love with others so I too can be a better person today than I was yesterday."
-Aeryn Firandall

Some people’s trash are another’s treasure. Aeryn came to live in Two Rivers when she was around 8 years old. Before this time she was known as ‘Aeryn The Red’, a slinky little redheaded pirate scamp of a girl. She had on pirate ships as long as she can remember where she was kicked around, verbally abused, and more. The captains were never shy about pointing out to her that she was so useless that her mother paid them to take her away. That is till she showed some promise with a bow. Then she became not as useless, but hardly a member that could pull her own weight.

During an attack on a Royal ship Aeryn protected Princess Luanda Brais who was about the same age as her at the time at the cost of her own body, taking a beating that would have surely been for the Princess. The royals won the battle, and took Aeryn. She was given a title for her defense of Luanda and even a name; Firandall. She has resided with royal family since. Over the years she has been reguarded as a non-blood related member of the family. Loyal to a fault to the family the little pirate girl flourished. A companion for the Brais sisters she remained particularly close to Luanda.

The Pirate has almost been educated out of Aeryn now, and she has grown into a beauty of a woman. She’s strong, and has developed a sharp wit. In an effort to hone her skill to the best that she could continue to protect her loved ones she’s become obsessively devoted to the bow, often carrying both a short bow and a long bow when she travels. She has sat in on many lessons that the Princesses have taken, and considering where she had started has done very well.

It’s no secret that she considers King Barret Brais a father-figure, and his daughters sisters. She has done well by the Brais family. Growing up beside his daughters she’s more rough-and-tumble than they are considering her harsher beginnings. She knows more about brawling than any of them likely ever will, she enjoys hunting, and is very athletic.

Personality and Appearance

Appearance: One could say that Aeryn is a stunning redhead, certainly living up to the nickname 'Aeryn the Red'. She has fair feminine features that are pleasing to the eye and her red long hair falls to her bust and is curled in the front with these tresses falling over her shoulders in the front. The rest of her hair has a little curl teased into it here or there and falls to her back giving it a somewhat purposeful wild or untamed look. Bangs are long on the sides and seem to have a natural curl away from her face so that at the cheeks otherwise the natural length would be chin level if straightend. The natural red of her lips is highlighted with beauty product, giving them a heavier shade of red so they contrast against the orangey red of her hair's color.

Her hair frames a face that is lightly freckled. The little tiny specks of red bring some color to an otherwise fair skintone. Her eyebrows are trim and uniform. Her eyes have short lashes that have been. Her nose is not too prominent a feature however beneath it is a fairly lush set of lips brought out further A softly rounded chin finishes the features of her face, her ears being hidden behind the locks of firey red.

Her neck connects her head to small shoulders which do not seem very strong at all. One thing becomes evident however and it is that the freckles go all the way down her body. Though they do not become horribly pronounced, they are more noticible on her shoulders, neck, legs, and even bustline. Her arms are slender and her fingers are painted with a red to match her lips. Her bust is a feminine curve that lends to her female shape. Her body indents inward at a slimmer waist. She is a healthy weight, however she isn't built as the tallest or stoutest woman that there could be. Hips round the curves out as they widen her form as most women's do, leading into a fit rear that is long with cushion, however without a swelling that many women seem to have. Her legs are long giving her a rather high waistline.

Personality: Aeryn has a resolute personality. She has a caring heart however this is often hidden underneath a determined exterior. She has known some harsh times. She’s taken lives before, and has seen people at both their best and worst. She is fiercely loyal to Princess Luanda Brais, whom it’s no secret she considers to be her sister. She is rather humble always considering her beginnings in life, however her very early years leave a mystery that leave her with a curiosity that she imagines will never be resolved.

Known outstanding traits: Aeryn is known to be particularly athletic and an elite archer, with her blending of skills and talents it’s expected she may eventually become the best all-round archer in the kingdom of Two Rivers. Her reflexes are top-notch, her mind and body are both sharp, and she has a professional level of perception and a veteran level of marksmanship that if she continues to hone could become near-unparralelled.

New Addition: Charlotte the wolf Just a very young cub at the moment, she is being reared by Aeryn with her sister being reared by Princess Lunda Brais. She is mostly gray with white markings and blue eyes. The pair of cubs were found in the woods after the injured mother passed away from her injuries.

Known Quirks: Her quirks include a powerful ability to concentrate, ambidexterity, the ability to learn new things very quickly. She’s also known to be humble, and to have an undying loyalty to the Brais Family.

Reputation: Commoners: Aeryn has a bit of a mixed reputation in the commoner crowd. She was some kind of little pirate scamp that saved Princess Luanda or something. The two have been fairly inseparable since. She was originally seen as someone less than commoner status sponging off the King. In the years since her arrival however she’s proven to have a rather giving and caring heart to the people, a strong and resolute personality, and has reknown for her skill with a bow. She’s given back to the common people and has a good reputation currently with most. She can mingle with the common folk far easier than royalty, and has a semi-regular presence with the locals, often dealing with traders or merchants. She will fetch a somewhat better than fair deal with local merchants. She can be considered to go to for advice when dealing with matters of the Castle. She started out with the knickname Aeryn The Red, a carryover from her pirate days. Originally it was meant as derogatory however since has become a term of affection for the townspeople. Her address when not in noble company is usually Aeryn, Aeryn the Red, or ‘Miss Red’. She has been called Lady Firandall before as well, however this title isn’t usually used unless someone is requesting something formally from her, or they are in the company of nobility.

Nobility: Aeryn was originally seen as some little girl that was lower and dirtier than even a common girl would be. Over the years she’s spent learning however she has proven that she can be rather capable in matters of nobility and court. Her physical prowress has been noted before. She is always one to curtsy appropriately, address properly, and accommodating to guests. She’s become an attractive woman, and her red hair sets her out a bit from the crowd. By no means is she the only one with Red hair, but they aren’t that common either. She’s known to have become a capable member of nobility and an example that if you shine someone enough that anyone can aspire to better themselves. She is well known to be fiercely loyal to the Brais family, and Princess Luanda in particular. She is the personal confidant of the princess and it was assumed she would become her handmaiden or something, however she has excelled enough that this probably won’t be her fate. What’s to become of the little upstart lady isn’t yet clear, but she has the favor of King Barrett Brais and he dotes on her like she was one of his own.

Pirates: Aeryn’s original reputation was one of useless little scamp. She would clean mostly as a little girl. She wasn’t treated well, verbally and physically abused as one might expect on a ship filled with violent pirates. She was passed around to a few different ships till she was about 6 or 7. She demonstrated some skill with a bow, able to demonstrate this as intuitive talent and not just luck, her lot was upgraded not quite to full pirate, but not someone kicked around as much. She would fire upon people from the eagle’s nest. Eventually around 8 years old she was part of an attack on a Two Rivers royal ship in an attempt to kidnap a Princess. The result was failure and a breakaway from the Royal ship. She was captured and assumed executed. She was addressed by her nickname most commonly, Aeryn the Red. She was sold to pirates originally, and it’s known that Aeryn is not her real name. Pirates of a higher rank and who’ve been in operation for at least 12 years may know about her past before she became a pirate but it is far from common knowledge.


House Brais:

  • Luanda Brais: Aeryn protected her when she was just a little whisp of pirate scamp and has been a protector ever since. In private company she refers to her as sister, in public as Princess. As far as Aeryn is concerned she's family. She's a thinker and has made Aeryn smarter. Aeryn is the brawny girl and is intent to use her strength to keep the Princess safe at all times. She is Aeryn's bestie.
  • Barbeta Brais: Aeryn has never gotten that close to Barbeta. She's strongwilled if perhanps not quite as mature as Luanda. However she doesn't have the naivety that Luanda has. She has never really broken through to Barbeta and knows she has plans and ambitions, but she doesn't know what they are. They are on good terms however not close.
  • Barret Brais: My King. He is as her adoptive father, and when she uses the term 'My King' it's used in place of father. She is very close to the King and completely loyal. They have talks and conversations they both generally enjoy and is in good standing. She was brought up aside the Brais children as a rare occurance, and sat in on many sessions of instruction and training that the children had.


  • Slider:A mercenary that has some high measure of honor. In things for money but she hasn't come across anything of trouble. Trustworthy. Would use his services without hesitation. Was one of her teachers that taught her the Ningo language and is held in very high reguard by the Ningo.
RP Hooks

Former Pirate: Aeryn was a pirate when she was very young, the time being from when she was 2-8 years old. She's been out of the life for a dozen years now. Maybe you know her, maybe you kicked her around? She was transferred from ship to ship and treated very poorly.

Aeryn The Red: Aeryn's old pirate name. Sometimes commoners will refer to her as this when speaking of her. Sometimes it's respectful, sometimes it's that they refuse to acknowledge the name Firandall given to her by King Barret.

Huntress: Aeryn enjoys hunting, not as much for meat but to develop her skills as an archer. She enjoys tracking small moving targets which helps her to develop her aim and accuracy. She's been known to give her catches to locals or sell them for a fraction of coin of what they are worth.

Pirate Talk: Aeryn used to speak a good amount of Pirate gibberish, a heavy accent more difficult to understand. It still creeps into her speech with fair regularity on a minor level. When excited or under duress a much heavier tinge tends to slip out.



Aeryn Firandall
Aeryn Firandall.jpg
Fullname: Lady Aeryn Firandall
Portrayed By: 'Ruvia Acobreado'
Birthday: June 5th, 655
Kingdom: Two Rivers
House: Brais
Title/Profession Lady
Position Lady (ennobled)
Place of birth Unknown
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Spouse None
Children None