676-01-03 - Pups and Faeries

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Pups and Faeries
Summary: Luanda receives a gift from Aeryn, and they have a talk that is soon joined by King Barret. The topic shifts from the two little pups of the ladies to more serious matters, like, wedding nights, and the workings of baby making.
Who: Luanda Brais, Aeryn Firandall and Barret Brais
References: re:Barbeta Brais, re:Madalyn Onimus, re:Nathan Onimus
When: January 3rd, 676
Related Logs: None directly?
Date of RP: 03/01/2015
Where: Solar - Castle Mergorand, Beresgond, Two Rivers
Room Desc: This room is usually very light during the day, as several windows allow the rays of the sun to enter. There is a table with chairs in one corner of the room, allowing for small meals to be taken there, as well as engaging in games of dice and cards. In anther part of the room, in front of a hearth of moderate size is a group of very comfortable wooden chairs, all of which have the coat of arms of House Brais carved into their backs. Here one can often find some noblemen engaged in the casual light conversation about current politics, as well as the occasional group of ladies exchanging the latest gossip whilst practicing their needlework. A door at the side leads out onto a large terrace, where the magnificent view over the Plains of Perescan can be enjoyed. During especially warm days the terrace is a popular gathering place as well, as it has been designed to give the impression of a charming little garden - with plants and flowers in clay pots placed at strategic places, as well as a flower bed to the far side.

It is just after breakfast, and Luanda is sitting in front of the hearth of the solar. It was sunny at dawn, but now heavy clouds are rolling in, portending snow at best and a blizzard at worst. They look like muddy sheep, pregnant ones, heavy and ponderous. The Princess is sitting in a nest of cushions, a shawl about her shoulders, and her left foot is carefully propped on a cushion on a footstool. She has a needlework basket beside her, but the work lies still in it. Luanda looks out the window, half-awake.

Aeryn steps in still half in her hunting gear. White wool dress with two white scarves, heavy white wool stockings and long boots that are laced up tightly to the knee, with a leather pad that curves around the knee. A couple arrows with the point downward attached at the side of each boot. Both hands have an archer's glove, with two arrows attached over the hands. She's rid herself of her bows and her coat is open. There is a makeshift scarf-sling that squirms lightly. She holds some kind of flask inside of it.

Moving further inside she kneels down next to Luanda "'Ey..are yae' feelin' better, Princess?" A noisy suckling sound comes from inside the scarf.

Luanda smiles vaguely, shaking herself. "Mostly. Except for my ankle. It was hurt during my.... well. During what happened. I believe I twisted it last night. At any rate, it's swollen again..." She narrows her eyes, staring at the scarf. "Aeryn... whatever is making that sound?"

Aeryn looks around slyly, then carefully scoots next to the Princess. She opens the scarf a bit to reveal two tiny pups..wait, no..the markings...those are wolf cubs! And they are very tiny, they can't be very old. One of them is asleep, the other is suckling at at the flask, which appears to have some kind of milk in it. "There was a wolf in bad shape. Sh' must've been in heat at a bad time. Sh' was injured, probably hunters. Ah've been watchin' her, killed a couple o' rabits for her, but things were too severe. Ah' went lookin' faer' her t'day and found these."

"Oh! They're precious!" Luanda gasps. She reaches out her hand, placing it on one tiny cub. "Oh my. So soft." She smiles, and for the first time since the plague struck, she has an expression of real happiness on her face. This clouds soon enough, though, and she tilts her head. "You poor things. To lose your mother so young..." Her chin lifts. "What are you going to do with them, Aeryn?"

Aeryn smiles softly and stares down at the cubs. "They are cute, aren' they? Ah' didn' know th' wolf was pregnant..but yae' can't really do anything more for an adult wolf. These two though, since they're sae' young ah'm thinkin' they can be tamed. They'll still be wild, ah' mean, they aren't dogs, but ah' figure they'd be very loyal. They're both girls..this one here needs some extra care though. There were more, but only these two were still warm. She'll need lots of love though." She looks over to Luanda "Well Princess..what do yae' think? Are yae' up to th' task? Ah' was thinkin' that yae' might be a good choice."

"Maybe they can also spend time at the kennels to be raised with some of the other pups. Not all day.... they need to be with people more than that. But maybe..." Luanda hesitates a moment, and then she lifts the smaller one up. "She's such a pale color. White and nutmeg...." She cuddles the pup in her shawl, cooing to it. "I will care for her. Poor thing. I will be her mother."

Aeryn slips one of her scarves off, and wraps it carefully around Luanda to give her a sling for the cub, tying it off snugly behind her neck. "Here, this should help. Ah' didn' think about socializing with other pups. That's not a bad idea, I think we'll do that. For now she'll need tae' be fed when she's hungry, and kept warm. You should keep her with you at all times, next to you to keep her warm. You'll need t'take her out for privvy breaks, and discipline her. It's important you do these things so she'll bond tae' you. But most importantly, you'll need tae' give her a name." She holds the other cub up a moment with both hands. "Ah'm going tae' name this one Charlotte. Seems lik' a nice enough name, and it seems vaguely familiar somehow but ah' can't put my finger on it. How about you, hmm? What're yae' going to name her?" 'Charlotte' gives a little few yips, and Aerin puts her back into the sling, giving her the flask again. "Alright, alright, here.."

"Nutmeg. Because she reminds me of nutmeg sprinkled on cream." Luanda cuddles the little sleepy pup, running her hands over the fur. "She doesn't have any fat on her. I can feel her bones." She frowns, then looks over at her cup. "Goat milk. It'll do for now...." She dips her finger in the milk and then wriggles her finger into the pup's mouth. A tiny pink tongue comes out and licks the milk from her finger. "There we go..."

Aeryn smiles as she watches "Oh, thats so cute! Nutmeg and Charlotte eh? Ah'd sleep with th' lil' one for a while till she really gets healthy. She'll need your warmth." She rests so she's on her back, letting Charlotte suckle at the flask. "Sae..how are yae' now? Yae' want tae' talk about what went on? Ah'm sorry ah' didn' protect yae'. Ah' jus' knew that I should've gone with you on your trip. Ah' knew it..Ah'm sae' sorry, yae' were injured because o' mae' failure."

"How well can you swim?" Luanda turns her head. She reaches into her embroidery basket, pulling out a piece of muslin. She dips that into the milk, then lets the pup suckle from it. "Even better," she says. "And I will speak to the kennel-master. But..." She lets out a slow breath. "The wave flung us all willy-nilly, even those of us who were near each other. There isn't anything you could have done, Aeryn." She smiles wearily. "So there is no reason to be sorry."

Aeryn gives a shrug of her shoulders. "Pretty well..haven't needed tae' for a while now though." She looks over "Yae' know, ah' mae' not be able to call yae' sister, but you know ah' think of you just as one. Ah protected yae' from th' moment we met, and ah'll always do the same. Ah' know firsthand what pirates do to girls, and ah' wasn't about tae' let that happen tae' you back then. The way you responded..are you sure shipwreck was all that happened? Yae' seem like yae've seen more, and those waters are covered with Pirates. If yae' say that was all, ah'll ask yae' no more. But ah've been raised tae' have a sharp wit, and my intuition tells me there's more tae' th' story.."

"I promised Princess Madalyn I would protect her. And yet...." Luanda sighs. "It's all a haze. From the time we went under to the time we were washed ashore. We were hurt. And she was waaaaaay across the beach. I dragged myself to her. I used what was left of my clothing to bandage her. And then I crawled to the forest. That's where the pirates found me. They made me walk across the island... on this ankle. I was naked. They put a sack-dress on me when they tied me up.... but... I saw how the men looked at me. The leader, though, was a woman. That helped.""

Aeryn nods softly, color draining lightly from her face. She moves a little closer to rest her head on the Princess' shoulder and arm. "Well..every pirate crew is unique, none are th' same. They are the same in the sense they desire power and coin. They are th' same that some have ideals, but it always boils down tae' selfishness. They have tae' pay a crew." She sighs softly, pulling her sleepy cub into her bosom, holding it there with an arm. "It sounds like they didn' do..more tae' ya? That's good..you were one o' the lucky ones then. Sometimes, some of us aren' sae' lucky in that respect." She's quiet a moment "Did Princess Madalyn make it out?"

"They tied me to a pole, threatened to kill me, send bits of me to my father... and gave me nothing but rum to drink. They treated none of my injuries. It was...." Luanda shakes her head. "It is over. That much I know is true. And we shall see what the future holds..."

Aeryn looks up at Luanda with her blue eyes. "Well...yeah, tha's about as best yae' can do with pirates. Though, it's stupid because rum will dry yae' out..but they don't know, nor care about that. It might dull th' pain though but nae' to a sufficent extent." She sighs softly "Ah'm glad yaer' in one peice, and that your back. I missed yae' y'know, even when I thought you were doing well. You'll need to be far more cautious now. Now that pirates know who you are, your profile will raise with them and you'll be more of a target for kidnapping, or other things."

"I think the main part of them are dead, actually." Then Luanda shudders and looks away. She licks her lips, then bends her head to attend to the pup. "Still."

Aeryn reaches up and rubs at the Princess' shoulder. "Well..caution is needed. And I promise you, I will look out for you. I'll make sure to make sure you heal myself. And no one, no one will harm you while I am around. My life wasn't worth living before I met you, Princess. I've learned how to live, love, and smile again only because of you and your family's love given to me. I would give my life if it meant shielding you from harm. I've done it before, and that has not, nor ever will change."

"I want you to be happy for your own self, Aeryn. Know that. And when I am wed.... know there will always be a place for you in my home." Luanda leans her head against Aeryn. "And you will be an aunt to my children." She winces slightly, closing her eyes.

Aeryn smiles softly, closing her eyes. "Thank yae', ah'll take that to heart always. I wouldn't have a life worth living if I hadn't met you. It might've been me who captured you if I hadn't had opportunity to change. When you are wed if things are safe for you, I may stay here to keep his majesty company. I fear with no princesses in the home he may find the silence deafening. For the moment I'm going to be studying Ningo. His Majesty thought it a good idea. The Ningo seem to be on the up and up, but I have my concerns that we don't know enough about thier culture to be fully prepared. I think that Princess Barbete's husband's son fancies me too. He stares at me a lot, but I think it's my hair. Princess Barbete has always seemed somewhat guarded but I don't think she'd take kindly to him fancing me. I don't know what I would do if he did. I haven't really thought about it." She peeks an eye open, looking up at Luanda. "You know if you get married, have child, especially a boy..things could get difficult. I will stay by your side and support you should this come to fruition."

"Barbeta is... ambitious." Luanda's voice quiets. "I do not know how she would feel about her son with you. But that is a complicated thing. Know though... that the one who asks is in a subordinate position." She shifts her foot on the cushion. "Maybe it is your hair. Or maybe he *does* fancy you." She strokes the wolf-pup thoughtfully.

Aeryn laughs softly "Who, me? Why would someone fancy me? I was a pirate, and I must come from no-good stock since they were more than happy to pay pirates to take me away. There's just a big question mark on my heritage. Don't most people just assume I've come from street trash?" She peeks down at her bosom, and her cub is fast asleep. "Men can be very good, Luanda. Brave, proud, full of valor. You'll usually have a feeling on these men right away. Marry a good man, Luanda. He'll need to be brave, and he'll need to be smart, but most of all in your position he'll need to be cautious. Men can also be ruled by thier lusts. Drunk on thier strengths. Drunk on their man-blades they trust in places willing or not. Usually easy to weed out, but not always. You'll need to keep an eye open, a sense open. Everyone has thier vices. Your father has his children. I have my love of your father, and my love of you. Your sister is ambitious, and wants to lead. What you need to do is sense out the vice, or weakness of your mate and determine if it's something you can live with. Noone is completely pure."

"Nor I." Luanda shakes her head. "I want to be heir, to lift my father's burden. Of course, it cannot be, and even if it could, the very thought of it chills me. And yet... for his sake... and the sake of Two Rivers... I would do it. But..." She shifts in the chair, the wince a little more obvious. "And I don't assume any of that about you. You are.... my sister."

Aeryn smiles and a blush comes to her cheeks. "And you are mine. I've sensed that fear in you, unfortuntely you will have to be the one to conquer that fear. Just know you have support. Your father and I can be leaned upon." She peeks about making certain noone else is about. When satisfied they are not she continues "I worry about Barbete. She keeps those in her confidence very close. I don't know who all is in her confidence she's so good at it now. She has a direct influence in the marriage to a lot of power. Ester will be devoted to her, and is in a position of much power right now. Her husband is very strong. Ah' have tae' say she's now in a very powerful position. If things didn't go her way she has a lot of powerful support behind her. And even the common folk know she wants leadership. We would both serve her if she came to power. However..I'm concerned that once she has true power, if it'll be enough for her. I don't know inside her mind enough to know that."

"I love her. I do not trust her. And I *will not* serve her." Luanda shakes her head. "I will not force you one way or another, though, Aeryn. I.... will likely marry a man of the Isles. Which means I shall stay here in Two Rivers." She looks down. "Can you check my ankle for me? It's throbbing."

Aeryn sits up and nods. "Ah' can't tell what she's thinking, and ah've been with you twelve years. Ah'll stay with you wherever you go. I'll serve your father of anything he asks, and when his time comes ah'll remain by your side to honor him, always." She slips up Luanda's dress just a little to see the ankle better. She then slips hers up to reveal her boot, untying a flap in the back to reveal tied off little pouches, and a shealthed dagger as well as the spare arrows. "I love you all, but something has happened to you twice now at sea. Ah' hone my skills to make sure ah'm ready at any time. If something happens, it will be unexpected." She examines the foot carefully "Have you used anything for the pain or swelling?"

"They gave me something in my tea this morning. It's making me sleepy. They mentioned something about a poultice if it swells too much. I don't know what 'too much' is. I just know it's hard to walk." Luanda smiles and rubs the pup's belly; it wriggles a little. "You are too kind to me, Aeryn."

Aeryn slips out a clean cloth from her boot, and several pouches. She puts the contents together and creates a poultice, putting the mixture over the inflamation and wraps the cloth around. Tying it snugly in place, she pulls out another cloth and wraps it over so that it's doubly secure. "You should see a proper healer, but this should do for now. I made sure to have some supplies on hand, and asked the castle healer what I should have on hand when I saw your leg. You need to make sure it's not infected, especially given the circumstances. You also should stay off of it, and use at least a cane. You need to not put weight on it. I'll give you a longbow if you need something taller, it'll do for taking the physical weight, the frame able to take the physical force."

"A cane should suffice." Luanda nods, though she doesn't speak as Aeryn wraps her ankle. She doesn't complain, either, but she grits her teeth and looks out the window. "A longbow? That...." She shakes her head. "I'd look rather silly. Anyway..." She shifts the pup si she is pressed against the princess' skin, then re-adjusts the scarf. "And we shall have Charlotte and Nutmeg to protect us."

It is mid-morning in the solar, and the sun of the earlier morning has given way to thick storm-clouds. Light snow is starting to fall, though the storm looks like it could be a bad one. Aeryn and Luanda are in the solar near the hearth.

Aeryn lays back down on the pillows when done, and presses her head against Luanda's. "How's that then? It'll take some time for the swelling to go down some, it's not instant, but it should start shortly." She rests her hand on her pup in a scarf wrapped as a sling around her, the pup settled and sleeping in her bosom. Luanda has a simliar setup from one of Aeryn's long scarves, the little pup sleeping. "Ah' dont care what it looks like if it helps you heal. Jus' try to stay off that foot for a bit, and make sure to have a proper healer look at it daily for a few days.".

With the change of the year, matters of the kingdom are on hold, and so the required audiences and council meetings are currently not as frequent as usual. This allows the king certainly more leisure, and so he enters the solar on this mid-morning, clad in a more casual attire of red and black tunic and breeches, with the crown absent. His demeanour lightens up when he spots his daughter and Aeryn, and a merry greeting is tossed their way. "Good morning, Luanda. Lady Aeryn." A hint of a frown appears when he observes the action currently taken by the latter. "Is your ankle not getting any better?", Barret inquires then. The odd scarfs with their cute content have his bushy eyebrows lift next. "Oh. What's that?" Maybe there is a bit of snoring coming from one of the pups, but it will be enough to make the king's features ease into a slightly amused smile.

"I twisted it last night," answers Luanda. She looks down with her cheeks flushing slightly. "I wanted to make sure I still remembered some of the more formal dances...." She clears her throat. "And so I put on my dancing slippers and I was pivoting and the ankle just... turned. And it's a bit swollen now today. It *was* better, though." She looks over at Aeryn, then shifts her scarf and holds up the wolf-pup: pale cream and white, with nutmeg-brown markings. "This is Nutmeg." The pups's eyes aren't even open.

Aeryn looks up "Oh, your highness!" she sounds rather excited. She pulls her scarf down to reveal her little one. "Wolf pups. Th' mother was injured some days ago and ah' found her passed. This is Charlotte." Charlotte is a gray and white wolf and seems quite contentedly asleep. "These were th' two survivors, they wouldn't have made it. Something was wrong ah' think since they were born so late. Ah' wasn't expecting them when ah' came across them."

"Poor you," Barret comments with concern in his voice, when Luanda speaks of her misshap. "Didn't I tell you to rest...?" A low disapproving grumble leaves the depths of his chest, a mild reproach at Luanda's carelessness. When the pups are presented, the king will give them both a share of his attention. "Nutmeg, hmm?" he says, studying the pup in question with a kind smile. "What a cute little fellow." He nods when Aeryn explains, his gaze shifting to Charlotte. "This one also. Wolf cubs, hmm?" He studies the animals thoughtfully, before he shrugs. "You saved them, Lady Aeryn. And I believe they will not turn against you, when they receive all the love and care from you two." Although Aeryn's story makes him ponder a bit more. "Lady Aeryn. I hear you have been much out on your own of late. And while I know you and your confidence in your abilities, I would like to ask you to at least take one of the hunters with you. You are a lady, and thus you should not take any unnecessary risks." The advice is brought forth in a friendly tone. After that, the king will take a seat.

"I thought it was healed enough, Father, and I've been resting." Luanda looks over at Barret and smiles. "They're both she-cubs. And we will make certain that they do not turn on us." She falls silent, then looks between her father and Aeryn. "Father... are there many wolves and other dangerous animals about, then? Now that there are less of us hunting them?"

Aeryn nods softly "Ah' do so because ah' need tae' hone my skills. Ah' can foresee a time when ah'll need tae' be ready for th' unexpected. With Princess Luanda's life in major jepordy twice now of note. I will always be ready tae' protect th' Princess. Ah' know what yae' are saying however, and ah' will comply with yaer' request, yaer' highness." She picks out her pup and holds the sleepy thing up. "Would yae' like to hold her? Luanda is taking Nutmeg. Nutmeg seems pretty good, this girl is a bit bigger and a fussier fiesty one."

"It is not so much the wolves I worry about," King Barret clarifies in regards to his daughter's question. "There are still bandits in the woods, and their number has increased since the famine." He will nod to Aeryn's words, seemingly relieved she shows enough common sense to follow his advice. A low chuckle comes when Charlotte is held out to him, and he accepts her with his hands. "Charlotte's her name, is it?", he inquires, towards Aeryn, while he holds the cute little animal for a moment.

"Father... I've been thinking of something else..." She coughs. "I .... I was wondering if perhaps..." Then she flushes. "Erm.... I... that is... have you heard any word from the Isles?" She dips the cloth in the goat milk and lets Nutmeg suckle at it. Then she steals a glance at Aeryn, and her cheeks redden more.

Aeryn nods "Yes, ah'm nae' sure where ah' heard it, but it has a vaguely familiar ring. Can't put my finger on it, but seems lik' a good enough name. She just ate so she's pretty sleepy. Might nip a little." She watches Luanda, then her own cheeks redden. "Oh, that huh? Well.." She looks at the King. "Okay, ah'll handle this. So your highness, there comes a time in a girl's life when she gets a monthly visitor. This little visitor brings the gift of the ability to bear children. Sometimes th' children are very large, sometimes they are very small. It depends on the girl, and the visitor, and the visitor's special helper, the uh.." A glance at Luanda, then to the King again. "The uh, pregnancy fairy. It's a uh, boy fairy, and it lives inside all men. Well, probably. Not every man can have a pregnancy fairy, maybe some just have fairies, except for unichs. They have no fairies at all. Anyways, when the pregnancy fairy of a man visits a girl at the right time while the monthly visitor is present but not visiting, they create a baby. And this is why Princess Luanda was wondering if there were any elegible men you knew of for pairings in the isles." Her blush reddens her face, really making the freckles stand out. She peeks at Luanda without moving her face. "That was it...right?"

The next question from Luanda draws the attention of the king, especially the odd way in which it is being brought forth. "There have been some storms, and with all the snow, conditions have probably kept any ships from arriving here from the Isles since your return. So no, there hasn't been any news, daughter." He'll continue to hold Charlotte in his arms as he sits there, nodding to Aeryn's explanation about the name. The exchange between Luanda and Aeryn is observed with curiosity, but it is Aeryn next who will have his full attention. He will listen to her words, with faint amusement curling his lips, and also there is that sparkle of mischief in his eyes as he follows the rather complicated way the lady presents a very simple question.

"So... if I understand you right, you are asking whether it is known that one of the princes has already fathered a child?", he finally asks, amusement now clearly visible in his mien. "Or of it is known, that any of the princes have not fathered children despite plenty of opportunity to do so?" Checking if he gets her meaning, before he admits: "Indeed, none of this is known. It can't really be. As all the princes of House Onimus have not been wed before. They are not allowed to engage in dalliances of any kind, by law, as I've heard. The only thing I do know is that this Prince Nathan has been sent away from court. I do not know if it was on his own request, or if he has caused some trouble."

"Oh my....." Luanda blinks, and then she turns absolutely scarlet. "It isn't that so much. It's that.... well..." She pauses, then rubs her hand down the back of her neck. "If he has fathered children before.... I can forgive that as an indiscretion. He did not know me. And it shows he can sire an heir.... but..." She clears her throat. "Father, when you are wed.... will your new wife explain all these things to me? All this talk of fairies and all.... I... don't actually know... how... I mean..." She motions to the wolf. "I'm afraid if it was covered in lessons, I was.... absent."

Aeryn blinks and stares at Luanda, running a hand down her face. "Yae' don' know that yet? Really? Really-really really? Well, yae' know when you go tae' th' privvy n' pee? Well men do that too. But they do it a totally and completely different way. That's where th' pregnancy faries live. The fairy goes inside of you looking for the visitor. But it only does that when your married, with a proper husband. Or..um...well, um..." She pauses a moment, then blurts out very quickly "Jus'don'do'it unless yaer' married.".

"Livia did not tell you about this?" Barret looks astonished and he exhales, as he hands Charlotte back over to Aeryn. He clears his throat. "You may ask Lady Sigrid, of course! She would be glad to help you, I am sure. As for... fairies and all... it's the first time I heard it being explained /that/ way. Fact is," and here he draws a bit of breath, as he ponders how to put it, "your husband and you will become intimate, from your wedding night onwards. It is a natural thing, not something you need to know about how it works exactly, for it to work. Pregnancy is a natural consequence... Umm..." He falls silent when Aeryn interjects her very picturesque description, it is enough to make even this old king blush. "Yes. Yes... Something in that vein... And marriage is the only context where it is allowed."

"Something always came up....." Luanda tells the king. And then she blinks, and her eyes go wide. "Mn pass water differently? Are they... Wait. So a man passes water inside of me and then I get pregnant? That sounds positively abhorrent. How do women bear it?"

Aeryn listens to the King, then nods very quickly. "Yes, Yes. What he said. What he said was better." She takes Charlotte back and hugs her to her bosom, putting her back in the sling. "Well..I've heard it can be quite pleasurable in the right circumstances. At some point you'll probably be drawn to it. Two things, very important." She looks between the two. "A man will try to impose his will on you at some point. He may not try to take you, he may try to coerce you. No matter the man if he forces himself on you it isn't worth it. If you dont want it it's the most unpleasent thing you can think of. Indescribale. I speak from experience. Even if you find a man you enjoy it with, it's really not worth risking scandal for. Wait. Wait for the right time. Wait for your wedding day. Your body may try to betray you, but if you keep your wits about always you can overcome."

"No! Not water, child. It's a different thing, a seed if you will, to make... a child grow within your womb until it is born," the king cuts in hastily, when Luanda's question suggests she got the explanation in the wrong way." He falls silent. His eyes go wide and wider when Aeryn continues to explain. "You have been coerced to do such a thing, Aeryn?", he gasps. "Where? When? Who was it? And... how come do you know so much about this anyway? a woman of your station, unwed, is not supposed to." It seems, there is indeed a lot to be explained by the Lady Aeryn Firandall!

Luanda's eyes grow wide and wider still, and she stares at Aeryn. The flush has left her cheeks now, and she looks between Barret and Aeryn, blinking owlishly. She doesn't say a word, though; she merely sits and holds Nutmeg in shocked silence.

Aeryn looks down as she sits upwards. "Ah' was on several pirate boats. Full o' men. You see things. You know things. And nae' every man is of a respectable nature. Pirate boats are filled with men whom are not...and ah' was nae' of an age of th' ability tae' defend myself. As bad as ah' had it, there are those that are worse. These things would've probably happened tae' Luanda if they captured her that day. And ah' couldn't allow that tae' happen tae' another girl. Ah'll never allow that kind o' thing tae' happen tae' her. Not then, not ever. Ah've saved her, and in return she has saved me. Your love for me, Princess, your highness, has transformed me intae' a woman that ah' am now. If we never met, it could've been me as th' pirate woman that held Luanda captive. Every day I need tae' prove tae' myself that ah' am worth the love given tae me. If ah' can give a sliver of that tae' others and improve thier lives then ah' try tae' spread that light. Men are capable of such darkness and ah' hated them. Your highness, you've shown me they are also capable of incredible compassion and love. Of light. Ah know ah' can't call yae' such as ah'm nae' blood, but ah think o' yae' as mae' father, ah' try tae' follow the example you set and ah' hope ah' live up to both o' yaer' expectations o' mae."

King Barret needs a moment to digest the words, his gaze slips from Aeryn's face to his hands. "I wasn't aware of that, Aeryn," he says then, "and I am sorry you had to experience such horrible things in your childhood. This has happened before our paths crossed and you became our close friend. You have the protection of the court, and don't hesitate to take some guards with you should you venture outside of the castle. Just make sure to look after your own safety and accept help from others to do that. It is not just the safety. It's your reputation as well. You are a lady, which comes with different requirements than being a commoner. There may be a day when you would want to wed a noble. It is in a way expected to happen at some point. Just make sure your actions live up to the demands of your station." He sighs, looking from Aeryn to Luanda. "You have us, Aeryn. And we need you. More than ever."

Luanda reaches out to put an arm around Aeryn. "You are brave and kind, Aeryn. And you saved yourself. All we have done is to help show the beauty that has always been inside of you." Her voice is gentle and warm. "And I'll make sure you get a *nice* noble. One who is gentle and understanding and who has all his teeth and who doesn't smell funny." She offers a quiet smile, then looks at her father. "Will my husband laugh at me, knowing so little?"

Aeryn plops her head over to lay on Luanda's shoulder. She looks to Barret "Yae' really think a man would want tae' take me? Even though ah've been tainted? Ah' beleive..that your own actions are what create yaer' fate. You have tae' have th' power to protect yourself from yaer' fears, and ah' focus maeself so ah' never am put in that situation again." She rolls her blue eyes to Luandra "You need to first find out how things work, then we can focus on finding yae' a husband. Good men are more excited your willing tae' be with them they wont care." Aeryn lets out a soft sigh. She smiles softly, though it's a slow one. "Ah' do my utmost tae' live to your expectations of me."

"I doubt it," Barret replies to Luanda. "It is more or less expected, I would think. I mean, in theory he is supposed to be likewise inexperienced in this area. At least I was.", he admits then, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Your mother was, too. We managed quite well in spite of that fact, I would think." He turns to Aeryn: "Our actions, yes. The further up in the hierarchy, the closer they will be watched. The taint is not to be made public. If there was a contender for a betrothal we would seriously consider, we would of course address the matter in a very subtle way. After all, you are close to the king's family, which makes you an eligible match, Lady Aeryn." A sigh comes to Aeryn's remark to Luanda about finding a husband. "It seems, the husband has been found already, at least it seems we are narrowing it down on one of the two 'respectable' Onimus princes. The betrothal may be only a week away from being announced. The wedding will happen in spring." Said with some finality, as the king looks from Luanda to Aeryn.