676-02-17 - Marriage Proposal? Ask the King not me!
Marriage Proposal? Ask the King not me! | |||||||
Summary: Prince Jerrick surprises Aeryn with a proposal. | |||||||
Aeryn is in her Aeryn the Red dress, with a black coat hang open and red and black scarves. She's on the ice of the pond, with her little wolfcub playing in the snow and two guards who stand at guard, relaxed for the moment as they talk quietly amoungst themselves
The guards however do not relax when they see the prince, something which amuses him greatly. "I will keep my hands to myself, I promise, unless she says other wise." He tells the guards, he then slips past them and heads towards the pond. There Jerrick pauses on the threshold of the ice and calls gently. "Lady Aeryn, would you please give me a few moments of your time?" He asks, then holds up his hands. "I promise I shall not touch you or go within 2 feet of you."
Aeryn puts on a look of indifference, moving closer, but behind her guards who stay very close to the woman. "Prince Jerrick." She carefully dips down into a curtsy as best she can manage one-armed and on the ice. "What is it that I can do for you ser?"
Jerrick glances at the guards then at the woman. "I wish to apologies for my actions, I have been imformed how shameful they have been viewed as and I do not wish to be viewed anything like my brother. That is not who I am. I am usual, well I usually act with more pose and dignity." He tells her softly, and bows. "So please accept my sincer apology and I hope that our relationship can only improve."
Aeryn watches the man, studying him. "Permission to be blunt, ser?"
Jerrick shrugs his shoulders. "I imagine you will be anyway, and I'm a prince not a knight."
Aeryn shrugs her shoulders lightly. "I am nobility and you are a prince, there is still protocol that should be followed. That being said I do beleive that you are rather sorry that you were caught though this may lead to change as I imagine that in the court of public opinion damage has been done. I beleive that you may have felt rather entitled as a Prince, or perhaps simply as a man. Perhaps you are used to having those of the feminine variety swooning? I beleive that you likely will not perform such actions again without great thought. This is the feeling that I have."
Jerrick nods her head. "I was caught you are correct, and no to be honest I'm not use to woman swooning at me at all. I usual viewed as the quiet intelligent one." He gives a wry smile. "So I suppose my blunders are from my own inexperience." He then pauses and lets her finish what else she has to say. "You bet I won't do it again, like I said I'm the intelligent one." He then bows, and steps back. "But I do hope that you will forgive me and know that I shall be more diligent in the future when dealing with woman and mostly other cultures."
Aeryn nods softly "That would be wise. If it comes to romance I'm certain that those of the noble classes could pick out a match for you. I will give you the advice that I give those younger than I - Live your life and do not be in such a rush to find love. The fact of the matter is that the act itself does not live up to that which it has been made out to be. It can certainly wait for the right person to come along."
Jerrick nods his head slowly. "I'm by no means younger then you, but when it comes to romance I seem to be coming up short. I'm not a young man anymore." He tells her. "Would you walk with me a while I wish to ask you something, and I really can't when your hiding behind your guards."
Aeryn nods softly as she steps off of the ice. "Yes, however the guards will accompany us. I'm afraid th' King is rather insistent that I keep guards with me. Perhaps from runnin' off with them and thwarting bandits yet perhaps not. And yae' may be older than I yet I still get the feeling that the advice still holds meaning in it's reference. What is it you wish to ask, Prince?"
Jerrick nods his head. "You seem to be a spitited young woman, one who isn't afraid to show her mind or do as she pleases." He tells her. "I feel I have slighted you, I did not wish to insult you I had no intention of doing anything you didn't wish too." He explains. "And the guards are fine, usually they are closed mouthed sort."
Aeryn shakes her head "I am a rarity in Felguria, being from rather unknown origins..even tae' myself. I have a deep love of the Brais family for they have taken me in and treated me like one of thier own. I may not be of the same blood but I feel I have had brothers and sisters. As for guards I make certain that they report any queer findings to the King. I would have them loyal to his highness, My King and nae' to me. Though unfortunately they are forced to go on the occasional misadventure when I decide to act rebellious. As for insults I've had worse. Some people care for me, but many gossip and point fingers. You are a Prince, at this point you need not worry about insult from me. Focus your attentions on being worthy of your station and to your people and that will be all that is required for me. You should love your people as I love mine.
Jerrick nods his head. "I do love my people, I have never had any problems until I decided to venture off my island." He gives another wry grin. "Where women, do not find it insultive to touch them. I guess I need to keep my action to merely words instead of touches." He then sighs softly. "Perhaps I should leave you be, I should find Zuhur and apologies to her, I guess she still harbors feelings and is upset we are no longer able to marry."
Aeryn nods softly. "Seeking permission before touching a woman, knowing yae' have her okay would be advisable. I wouldn't touch a man I had only just met. As fae'r Zuhur, are you sure that is a good idea? She is staying here in our castle as our guest."
Jerrick shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not sure to be honest, what I should do at this point. I have many things I wanted to do some of them were after I thought about it were bad ideas. I know I wanted to apologies to you and I have done so."
Aeryn nods softly "Perhaps you should think of your kingdom. Would your actions bring a negative shadow on your kingdom or would it bring it honor? It is something that I use to guide my actions often."
Jerrick hmmms softly and then glances at Aeryn. "I'm not sure how to say this Aeryn, because well I'm going to assume you will say no and tell me I'm being rash. But all I could think of when I dishonored you, was how I can show everyone that you are not a woman who should be slighted and that I should make amends...Zuhur is gone from me and so is Luanda. I need a wife, I have been to long alone and frankly I am lonely, I need companionship and I along for children." He looks at her. "I would marry you if you would let me." He tells her. "To make amends and to show you my actions weren't simply for sex or pleasure or however else preceieved my motives towards you. I know you are going to deny this request. How can you trust me now, what sort of man am I and the fact you barely even tolerate me never mind, like and love."
Aeryn shakes her head "There was no dishonor as I simply did nae' let it get thus far. As fae'r marriage ah'm a noble of the Brais house. These things are not for me to decide and get decided directly from the King. Everyone has a past and you may want tae' look into mine before you make such an offer. I'm not allowed to talk about it generally as it was unpleasant, however if you spend enough time and effort you should be able to uncover the essentials rather readily."
Jerrick is shocked she did not deny him out right and it takes him a few moments to recover from the surprise. "We all have pasts Aeryn, but I would like to get to know you a little and I will be talking to Luanda. She I'm sure will be the one to agree. I will however not take you away from her. So, you will be able to remain here along side Luanda and I shall travel between here and the isles I am a man I'm not very useful there anyway. I will more then likely join you here once my mother dies." He tells her sadly.
Aeryn shakes her head "I do not say yes or no because I simply do not have that ability. It is mae' King's decision, and his alone. To speak of marriage this quickly would seem rash especially without permission. My place has always been beside Princess Luanda and it will continue to be so. That being said I am my own woman and make mae' own independant actions. As faer your mother you have mae' apologies. We lost our queen here whom was like a mother to me and put up with mae' as a rambuctious child. The sting of her passing still rests in the hearts of all o' Two Rivers." She peers over curiously "Yae' do know that I don't beleive that the Onimus family is descended from divinity? Most likely because I have nae' beleif in any gods or goddess. Of any lands. At all."
Jerrick smiles at her briefly, almost relieved to hear her call him rash, for some odd reason it makes him feel better. "Thank you, I am very close to my mother we have always enjoyed a very good relationship and her passing will affect me deeply. She is too young to leave us, far too young, but our healers have said there is nothing that can be done." His voice is soft and regretful. "I am sorry you also lost your Queen, she sounds from what I have heard a remarkable woman not unlike my own Queen." He looks off towards the distance. "I ask you first because I want to show you I respect you. You would not I imagine have liked me making deal behind your back with your king. Though after Zuhur's Emir I think I can do whatever he throws at me. Pet from the unknown world and a dire wolves pelt will be hard to top."
Jerrick he then hears what he said about not being decended from gods. That is your opinion and I will not judge or fault you for it."
Aeryn responds "The King is like a father tae' me. I have complete confidence that he would nae' match me with someone that he feels would be ill-suited and I trust in him completely. I also am nae' Royalty so I do not have the pressure of policitcal marriage. As for Dire wolves..I have a wolf, and in a sense it is mae' patron animal."
Jerrick nods his head slowly. "Yes, I can imagine you were not pleased to hear I had to kill one. That I do regret." He tells her looking down at her pup. "You pup is a very sweet animal, is she the first you have raises or did you have another companion before her?"
Aeryn shakes her head "It didn' thrill mae' no. Charlotte is the first I've had and probably the last. Her mother didnae' make it and there were only two cubs that survived."
Jerrick closes his eyes wincing. "It is a kindness you have taken her in then, she is a wild beast and no doubt could harm you one do if she choose too. Or are you going to release her once she is old enough to fed for herself?