676-01-13 - Lessons

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Summary: What starts out as a lesson in learning langauges turns into a discussion about different peoples,, and ends with an... Interesting offer.
Who: Luanda Brais Aeryn Firandall Domitianus and 'unnamed Ningo translator', both NPCed by Notus.
References: re:Agostino re:Barbeta Brais re:Barret Brais re:Esther re:Nathan Onimus
When: 676-01-13
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 2015-01-13
Where: Solar - Mergorand Castle
Room Desc: This room is usually very light during the day, as several windows allow the rays of the sun to enter. There is a table with chairs in one corner of the room, allowing for small meals to be taken there, as well as engaging in games of dice and cards. In anther part of the room, in front of a hearth of moderate size is a group of very comfortable wooden chairs, all of which have the coat of arms of House Brais carved into their backs. Here one can often find some noblemen engaged in the casual light conversation about current politics, as well as the occasional group of ladies exchanging the latest gossip whilst practicing their needlework.

A door at the side leads out onto a large terrace, where the magnificent view over the Plains of Perescan can be enjoyed. During especially warm days the terrace is a popular gathering place as well, as it has been designed to give the impression of a charming little garden - with plants and flowers in clay pots placed at strategic places, as well as a flower bed to the far side.

It had been a bit over a month since Patrizia Barbeta and Principe Domitianus arrived at the capital of the Two Rivers. Esther had been working with the Principe to help him to grasp the Common language of Felaguria, when Lady Aeryn had also asked for lessons she was often included in the lessons, but not always. Another translator had been summoned by the Principe to help easy Esther's burden as she was still the Handmaiden of Barbeta, and as her pregnancy progressed she needed more assistance. So it was that in the solar of Mergorand Castle Domitianus is seated in his crimson tunic which has short sleeves and descends to the knees. Under this is a pair of woven trousers, on his feet are a pair of leather sandals laced across his feet and continuing up his legs under the trousers. He listens intently as a female Ningo helps him to grasp the Common word for 'castle'. He struggles a bit with this, as it seems to be a word the Ningo don't have an equivalent for, thus making it a bit harder to explain. Fortunately gesturing around the structure they are in seems to help more. Lady Aeryn is present as well as she is part of the lesson.

Aeryn has gained a new member of the Brais family, Charlotte the wolf cub. She has the tiny cub in a scarf wrapped around her and tied off as a sling. She listens along with the lesson, participating fully. She ruffles the cub every so often to make sure she's comforted.

Both Ningo keep giving the wolf pup an odd look. It isn't one of fear or uncertainty, it seems almost like a distant curiosity. As Domitianus finally learns the word and seems to properly understand its meaning the Ningo woman looks to Lady Aeryn and asks, "You sometimes ask to learn specific words. Do you have any you wish to ask about, or shall we continue with the typical progression?" in the Common tongue. She has a distinct Ningo accent, but she knows the language well enough to be fully fluent.

Aeryn nods softly. "What do yae' call a wolf? Like this' lil' girl right 'ere? Ah'd also like tae' know the words for attack, defense, left, right, and numerics."

There is a look between the two Ningo before the women says, "We don't quite have a word for ones so small. Canis Dirus is what we call our's, but they are much larger. The Patrician is taller then his son, he has a cloak made from a Canis Dirus. That cloak comes down to the Patrician's ankles, but the hind quarters of the pelt had to be removed to leave it that short. I believe the translation into the Common language for those we have is 'Dire Wolf'." She then says something to Domitianus who then holds his hand level and flat roughly two inches above his own head as the woman adds, "The Patrician is that much taller then his son." This would mean Agostino is around six feet, five inches tall.

Aeryn blinks "Wha...really? That tall? They don't get that tall here..I found this and another after th' mother died. Ah' gave one tae' Princess Luanda, and this one 'ere is mine. If raised properly sh'll be a good companion." She opens up the scarf, looking to the Domitianus "Would yae' like to hold her? She shouldn't bite, but she's a little nippy when hungry. She shouldn't grow much larger than a dog, but she's still from the wild so she'll always have a bit of a wild streak." She smiles a little "'bit like me, I suppose."

Domitianus listens and with an exchange a few of the words at least are explained by the woman. He then says in broken Common, "We not keep Canis Dirus 'pet'. Too dangerous." Then another exchange and he stands up and moves to the side. The woman then moves to stand a distance apart from Domitianus. She then states, "This is roughly the length of the Canis Dirus the Patrician killed before the cloak was cut down." The space between them is 211.2 centimeters of 6.92 feet.

Aeryn nods "Well, I understand..your wolves..Canis Dirus, are dangerous. Large and vicious. But this is just a cub..just a baby. This one isn't dangerous..we will socialize them with the dogs, to make sure they can get along in society instead of being a beast." She smiles softly "Domitianus, are you trying to warn me that such creatures are of the utmost danger?"

Domitianus nods as he understand most, if not all the words. The woman says, "We use them to guard and attack enemies. They are equally dangerous to us, they are too wild. To make them 'pets' as we understand the word you use, they would lose all value." Survival does seem to carry a great deal of importance to the Ningo.

Aeryn nods softly "They are wolves, there will be some degree of wild. However Charlotte will stay with me. I'm more wild myself so she'll get to experience the wild, where as Princess Luanda's pup will be more subservient most likely. She has a softer, gentler hand." She tucks the sleepy cub back into the scarf securly. "Maybe this is what it feels like tae' be a mother. Probably the closest I'll ever get. Heh." She settles onto the pile of pillows "Is the cub disruptive? She's being rather good right now, but I can put her away in my rooms if that would be more productive?"

The woman shakes her head and says, "We are simply unaccustomed to seeing such a small animal of their kind." She then starts to go over the Ningo version of the words perviously requested in the order they are given.

Aeryn nods gently "Well, right now little Charlotte here is rather sweet, because she's just so small and defenseless. Later on when she's older, she just wont be as cuddly." She leans closer and participates in the lesson as it continues.

The woman continues the lesson until Aeryn has a grasp of the new words and their meaning. It is then Domitianus says, "Only pets Ningo have are eohippus." He then holds up his hand to roughly the height of a cat and says, "They like this. Like your... Hor... Har..." The woman then cuts in correcting, "Horses."

Aeryn holds up a finger and shakes her head "No no, let him finish. He's doing pretty well. Just sound it out. Whorrr-se. Hoarse...horse...you try." She inclines her hand to the Domitianus to indicate it's his turn.

Domitianus says, "Horse." just fine now, perhaps he simply forgot the correct word but was close to it. The woman then says, "We have discussed the word before, but there are a lot of new words to remember, as you no doubt know Nobildonna Aeryn of Family Firandall." Using the Ningo variant of the full title.

Aeryn nods briskly "Ah, good pronounciation." she looks to the translator "If it's easier you can call me Lady Aeryn, or Lady Firandall, but only if it's simpler. Using the full name of a noble is often done more formally or in formal occasions. Sometimes I have to remember I'm nobility as I get more caught up in wilder pursuits."

The woman nods and says, "That title is formal for us. As I understand it, Nobildonna is equal to your use of 'Lady'. Nobiluomo would be your equal to 'Lord'. Ningo have fewer titles. Patrizia is a woman who is the head of a Family, or married to the head of the Family. Patrizio is the equivalent title for a man. Principe is what you would call Prince, Principessa being what you call Princess. Patrician is what you would call King or Queen."

Aeryn nods softly, holding a hand to her chest. "Nobildonna..." Then inclines her hand out towards Domitianus "Principe Domitianus.." She looks between the two for either acknowledgement or correction.

They both nod as the woman says, "For the Ningo, title comes first, then the given name. For commoners the given name alone is used informally. Plebian and the surname for formal discussions. Plebian is the title for commoners as you know them. Informally nobles are addressed by title then given name. Formally, when not using the full address... The full address is how I spoke to you. Title, given name, then the words 'of Family' and then the surname. When not using the full address but being formal Uomo or Donna is used for what you call Lady or Lord. Your Grace is used for the head of a house or their spouse. Your Highness for Principe or Princessa whether they are heir or not. Patrician for the Patrician of course."

Aeryn nods along thoughfully. "I see..you know it sounds the same as we use here in Two Rivers. Different words referring to the same title."

She nods and says, "You have more titles for nobles then we do. Aside from that, yes it is basically the same."

Aeryn nods softly. "Well..let's take a moment to rest. Principe, may I ask you some questions?"

Domitianus nods and says, "Answer how I can." The woman takes a seat to let the two speak for now, she remains close by in case the language barrier gets in the way.

Aeryn nods gently as she twirls a finger through the curly part of her red locks. "Well..what do you think of the Royals within the Isles? I would be interested in knowing your take on them. We're particuarly interested in Prince Nathan, I heard he was quite the fighter and handsome."

Domitianus sits a few feet away from Aeryn as they seem to be taking a break from their language class. A female Ningo sits nearby, acting as teacher and, when needed, translator for words the two haven't learned yet. Aeryn has a cloth sling around her with a sleeping wolf pup dozing inside. As Aeryn asks her question Principe Domitianus says, "We have yet to meet any of them. We know your Patrici... King has informed the other..." looking to the translator her says, "Kingdoms." Sounding out the word as Domitianus gives it a few tries before getting the pronunciation right and says, "Kingdoms. We have yet to have any contact with them."

Aeryn nods "From my understanding a very religious people. We are thinking of inviting Prince Nathan to see if he would be a good pairing for Princess Luanda. Oh, that reminds me..have you met anyone from Golden Lion yet?"

Domitianus shakes his head as the woman says, "None of the Ningo have met anyone from your other kingdoms. We know their names, but little else."

Aeryn nods "I met someone from Golden Lion. That was an eye-opener. Thier women are subservient. Completely submissive to men, and that is thier culture. I can't imagine living in that kind of enviornment. I know I wouldn't make it, I imagine it takes a strong will to live in that kind of enviornment. The men and women in that culture don't share the same ideals it seems."

In from elsewhere is Luanda. She looks tired, and once the door closes behind her, she un-pins her hair and shakes it loose in long, tumbled locks. Then she turns, hearing voices, and gives a little wave. She, too, has a sling at her chest, and a little wolf-head pops out of it and gives a little squeak.

The Ningo nod as the woman says, "Ningo wouldn't function in that society. We have no divisions on one's sex. Man or woman, both are equal." The two then looks to Luanda as she enters and both offer nods of respect and study the wolf pup with her. Domitianus and the woman then share words in Ningo before the woman says, "Principe Domitianus wishes to extend best wishes on your potential marriage. If it is approved, he extends wishes of many children on you both."

Aeryn waves to Luanda from her spot on the pillows. Her cub peeks out, eyes opening as it hears the squeak of it's sister, and squeaks back. "Well, marriage isn't quite proposed yet, but let's get the two in a room and talking first. I'd like to meet Prince Nathan as well. I was just hoping you might have heard of him or met him. I don't like not having firsthand knowledge of the Princess' potential mates."

"Well. Hem. *I* have firsthand knowledge of him." Luanda raises her brows a little bit, then inclines her head to Domitianus. "Principe. You have my deepest gratitude. I know that my father wishes a match with the Isles and that he wishes to wed me to someone whith whom I am... Oh. I *am* making it complicated. He wants me to be as happy as duty to the kingdom allows. And I hope I give him many grandchildren."

The Ningo may or may not mis-interpret the comment about 'having firsthand knowledge' of the man, yet whether they do or not they don't seem to care much if more is implied or understood then is true. After all Felaguria tends to have handmaidens and guards for noblewomen and royal women to ensure nothing improper takes place. Ningo don't seem to have the same, but then the only ones who have been known have all been married.

Aeryn laughs softly "Let me correct that statement, she knows the man, but not particuarly intimately. And yes.." She grins over at Luanda "Many grandchildren, we all expect many grandchildren from you."

Once more Luanda eyes Aeryn, her lips twitching. And then she moves to sit down near the Ningo prince, inclining her head in a friendly nod. "We were prisoners together. We were tied up in the same tent. It was... a test."

The two Ningo nod as the translator says, "We have to be reminded your people put more value on sexual avoidance. We Ningo know it as a natural function and take steps to avoid undesired outcomes. It is not something we give much thought to until it is pointed out to us by others."

"I... ah.... don't really know how it works. The whole.... thing." Luanda flushes slightly. "I suppose I will find out soon enough. Or... I hope that I do. But no. It isn't considered.... seemly or proper." She tilts her head. "Steps to avoid undesired outcomes?"

The Ningo woman nods and says, "Ending up with child or catching certain illnesses related to the act. I will respect your ways and not go into details on the act. I would not wish to cause cultural problems." Domitianus for his part is quiet and looks in no way uncomfortable about such intimate talk. Perhaps it really is a non-issue for them.

"I... uh.... diseases?" Luanda looks startled, then curious. "My mother wanted to explain it to me... but when I was younger I never wanted to sit still and listen. And then it was too late. So..." She shrugs and folds her hands. "Whatever husband I am given, he will find me.... innocent of any knowledge."

The woman nods and says, "The act with someone who does not properly clean themself, or take part in poor practices related to the act can get illnesses which affect those parts of the body. Rashes, boils, things of that nature. Taking part in the act with such people will spread it. Some can be itchy, others can be life-threatening. Those who rarely, or have never taken part in the act do not have to worry about such things, unless their partner has developed such illnesses."

The princess looks a bit.... appalled... and then bends her head. She strokes the puppy, though she is blushing all the way to the edges of her ears. "I... actually don't quite know what.... ah.... is involved in the Act," she finally manages in a whisper.

The woman nods and says, "As I said I would not wish to cause any cultural problems. If your father will grant permission I can come see you to explain the details if you wish. Talking about it isn't the same as experiencing it, but it will at least let you know what to expect when the time comes."

"I.... I would like...." Luanda flushes again, then hides her face in her hands. "I... erm. Yes."

The woman nods and says,"Then speak with your father. If he agrees I will come and speak with you when you are ready. Assure him I will not go into great detail or try to teach you our ways. Merely teach you the basics so you know what to expect when the time comes."