676-02-09 - Lets keep our hands to ourselves

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Lets keep our hands to ourselves
Summary: SUMMARY
Who: Aeryn Firandall and Jerrick Onimus
References: re:Zephan Onimus
When: 676-02-09
Related Logs: RELATED
Date of RP: 10/02/2015 (?)
Where: Solar - Mergorand Castle
Room Desc: This room is usually very light during the day, as several windows allow the rays of the sun to enter. There is a table with chairs in one corner of the room, allowing for small meals to be taken there, as well as engaging in games of dice and cards. In anther part of the room, in front of a hearth of moderate size is a group of very comfortable wooden chairs, all of which have the coat of arms of House Brais carved into their backs. Here one can often find some noblemen engaged in the casual light conversation about current politics, as well as the occasional group of ladies exchanging the latest gossip whilst practicing their needlework. A door at the side leads out onto a large terrace, where the magnificent view over the Plains of Perescan can be enjoyed. During especially warm days the terrace is a popular gathering place as well, as it has been designed to give the impression of a charming little garden - with plants and flowers in clay pots placed at strategic places, as well as a flower bed to the far side.

Aeryn is in her red 'Aeryn the Red' dress, sitting on a pile of pillows that Luanda is particuarly fond of it seems. Since she isn't here, Aeryn has taken over the pillow pile like the pillow pirate that she is. Her condition is about the same as last time, but a little tiny wolf cub plays near her feet, attacking different pillows before tipping over each time. A guard sits near the entrance, keeping Aeryn and the cub in full view. Aeryn ruffles the cub every so often, playing with it as it nips at her fingers.

Jerrick has been wondering the castle for a while now, he's restless and inpatient to be on with his tasks. He's been here long enough and he's itching to go. Wondering past the solar he glances inside and spots a familar face. Raising an eyebrow he wonders closer towards the door and watches the woman pet the wolf. He doesn't make his presence known instead he simple gazes, admiring the scene before him of the woman stroking the wolf with her delicate hand.

Aeryn rolls around the little cub, obviously bigger and winning against the cub. She picks the little thing up and rests her against her bosom, having a little trouble holding her there with only one hand available. "Calm down lil' Charlotte..."

Jerrick eyes go to the pup now and watches where it gets snuggles too, for a second he can't help but wish he was the small pup then brings himself to tasks. Leaning against the door he continues to watch, wondering who this woman really is. She's different he can tell, not your usual maiden at all.

Aeryn twacks 'Charlotte' in the nose with a finger. "Don' bite. You dun' bite yae'r momma, and there's nae' milk in there anyway." The wolf yips and looks rather willfully cross, before Aeryn leans back and snuggles the little wolf further to try to calm it down, which is somewhat successful.

Jerrick can't help but chuckle at the comment she makes about her breasts, its more then loud enough to perhaps be heard. Its a good way of letting her know he's here without really saying it.

Aeryn glances over "Yae've been standing there fae'r a few minutes now Prince Jerrick Onimus, would yae' like tae' come in?" She hefts herself back up, holding the lightly squirmy wolf to her as it peeks over at the newcomomer. "Ah'll attempt to make myself a little more presentable here." The guard seems indifferent, leaning against the wall.

Jerrick smirks at her but doesn't deny the invite and comes strolling in, the guard gets a respectful nod. "I have been here for a few moments, admiring the sight, such beauty and grace." He tells her. "Its rarely seen I shall remember it when I go to hunt tomorrow."

Aeryn srokes the little cub's fur "Settle Charlotte..settle." Her blue eyes look upwards at the Prince "Forgive mae' for not rising to give proper greeting, Prince. Charlotte is rather fiesty this eve. Though being a wolf, she usually is and it'll only get more difficult as she grows. Nutmet however I have a feeling will be a sweet little thing. Charlotte is a bit more of a willful one though." Her right brow raises lightly "Hunting? Be careful out there, there's bandits as yae' can clearly see evidence of"

Jerrick shakes his head. "She will be a good guard for you." He says, then goes to gently grasp her chin and turn her face this way and that. "Though I imagine you really don't need anyone defending you. One suspects you are as fiesty as the wolf cub is hmmm?"

Aeryn doesn't turn her head, but has a resolute look in her eyes that isn't plesant. The guard stands and puts his hand on the hilt of his sword. Charlotte, the little wolf growls as she looks up, taking a few bites towards the hand, but is kept out of reach by Aeryn. "Perhaps we should keep our hands to ourselves unless invited, yes? My guard has been rather jumpy since we've run for our lives, and Charlotte gets rather jealous."

Jerrick smiles at her. "I was merely taking a look at your injuries, my pants are still on and my hands have touched nowhere but your face." He chills her gently. "Though I suppose you are use to men, just forcing themselves on you. I assure you Lady, I do not go where I am not invited. I promise you that. I believe you have yet to know me so, you asumption of my character can be forgiven."

Aeryn hides her look by folding it into one of indifference. "Touches without invite are something I struggle with. As for forceful men that isn't something really for polite company, and we do have a small little youngster in our midst." She snaps her fingers three times, and the guard sits down, releasing his hold on his sword. "Plus Jarvis' sensibilities are easily offended, you'll have to forgive as he's a man of steel and fire, yet he has this thing about being offended. Might be his oath to make sure I stay chaste till my wedding day. Not that I mind, I'm in no partiular hurry to experience such things."

Jerrick shakes his head steps back and bows his head. "I will take the insult and leave you be. Its clear you assume I'm trying to force myself upon you. So I will leave you to your imagination." He gives Jarvis a shakes of his head. "I shall not disturb your mistress again. I think the Lady has be mistaken for my brother." He's clearly irritated and angry at the insults.

Aeryn shakes her head "No, I'm aware of Zephan. I look forward to meeting him if I should have the opportunity. I know of his faults, he's like a pirate in a way. He lives his life free, and he may be a horrible womanizer but he owns it. He lives it, and there is respect for that. In his openness of his debauchery there is a certain trustworthiness there. As for insult you are twisting words to where there is adding meaning where there is none. I am a woman who avoids confrontation, and I do that by making my intentions quite clear before there is an issue. Some would say that a Lady enticing a young prince from another land would be quite scandalous. How would my reputation ever recover?"

Jerrick shakes his head. "Please, I have been insulted and had enough of my character assumed for a life time, between yourself and the man they call Slider. " He gives her a bow and with draws, shaking his head and clearly wondering why the people of this kingdom want to assume and insult people.