676-01-18 - Of Ice and Blades

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Of Ice and Blades
Summary: Aeryn asks for a lesson with Ningo weaponry and ends up trying to get to know Domitianus more
Who: Aeryn Firandall and Domitianus (NPCed by Notus.
References: re:Agostino re:Ambra re:Barbeta Brais re:Luanda Brais
When: 676-01-18
Related Logs: 676-01-13 - Lessons
Date of RP: 2015-01-18
Where: Courtyard - Mergorand Castle
Room Desc: A huge maple tree stands in the center of the courtyard beside a fountain made of white marble. A depiction of a young slender female standing at a river has been carved into the stone by a local famous stone mason. The fountain and the tree offer a most welcome shelter from the heat during the hot days of summer.

The tall building of the keep towers to the north, whilst stables, a smithy and a huge building for servants are located to the east and west. The faint sound of sparring can usually be heard coming from the area beyond the stables, the training yard, and a small path leads around the servants' building towards the Castle Gardens.

Aeryn is wearing a casual outfit for a change. She doesn't wear something like that very often. A red dress with long sleeves is well cut and conforms to her body well. A black embroidered 'Aeryn The Red' is on the right side on the right side between the bust and the shoulder. Snug at the waist it flares out and the skirt is open and flowing and falls down to about a foot above her feet. Brown knee-high length boots peek out from underneath. There is a cut that helps to expose her bosom, yet is covered largely by a black scarf used for decoration wrapped leisurely around her neck. She has long black ribbons in her hair tied off that stream out from the hair, giving her an overall color of the Brais colors.

Aeryn has a coat on but it's left open, it isn't as cold out in the frozen courtyard today. She's just stepped out and the chill hasn't gotten to her. She slides along the frozen water of the courtyard, one foot confidently after another, gliding across the ice. She twirls every once in a while and speeds around the rim of the ice. She's requested the company of the Principle. He is a soldier and she is not, so she's requested that if he has the patience to teach her that he could perhaps begin to teach her of blades. She has several teachers now and should be able to get along without a translator on some basic level, so wanted to put it to the test. She requested no translater be sent, deciding to test both of thier efforts.

Domitianus had answered the summons, though without a translator it may prove complicated. Without Ningo training weapons, he has brought his own, sheathed, and not attached to his body. Finding Aeryn 'skating' about he nods respectfully and says, "Danger. Careful, or fall."

Aeryn looks up and smiles softly. "Oh?" She rests a hand on her chest to indicate himself she offers in Ningo "Too bold to heed advice." The words are broken as she is still thinking about what words to add. She offers again in Ningo "Join me? Or no?"

Domitianus asks, "I thought you wished to learn to use Ningo weaponry?" in his native tongue. He clearly is very well spoken, even if he still doesn't say much, in his native tongue. He seems to be more the quiet type, only speaking when he feels there is a need.

Aeryn stands slides to the side coming to a slow stop about 3/4's of the way to the edge of the ice. "A girl who is not grown yet still can have dalliances can she not?" A teasing smile before she pushes off and slides to the end of the ice towards the Principle. In Ningo she offers "I wanted to spend time with you." She switches back to common "I hope this is alright? I would like to learn about blades, but I have no real knowledge of it. I am one of the best archers in the kingdom, but nae' can fight off a blade." She steps off onto the ground "I've enjoyed spending time with yae' but I don't know too much about you. I wanted to get to know you better, and see different aspects of your personality. I want to get to know you, and thought this would be a good way."

Domitianus looks Aeryn over a moment and says, "We look to be around the same age. You are a woman grown. If you are more of an archer, perhaps we should start with a pugio then." in Ningo as he's clearly more versed with it. Though some words, like the Ningo word for 'archer' might not be understood.

Aeryn chuckles softly "I am pretty much grown woman, are I not?" in Ningo. A little touch of blush accompanies her softly freckled cheeks. "Pugio? I not am familiarity."

Domitianus listens, then after a few moments reaches behind his back and pulls out what appears to be a dagger, but certainly unlike those used in Felaguria. He then says, "Pugio." Likely their word for dagger.

Aeryn nods with recognition "Oh..." she switches to common "I've used something like that before, we call them Daggers, but I don't have any real skill in them." She steps closer, reaching out to not just touch, but hold the Domitianus' hand with one of hers, and her other hand's fingers move to slide carefully along the blade. She looks from the blade, then directly into the Principe's eyes with her own blues. "You know the use of this blade well?" She then switches to Ningo making sure to keep her eyes locked on his if possible "Have you ever killed?"

As Aeryn moves closer Domitianus flips the dagger deftly in his hands, so it is held out hilt-first, the blade in his hand. He doesn't resist Aeryn's advances just yet as he says in Ningo, "I have killed beasts with it yes. Ningo have mostly raided your lands in the past. Deaths provide no benefit. The Ningo have not gone to war with anyone since the War for the Abundant Lands."

Aeryn keeps her eye contact, slipping her hands around the Pugio to take hold of it if the Principe allows. "Have you killed men?" in Ningo.

Domitianus releases the blade when the hilt is grabbed so Aeryn can get a feel for the weapon and shakes his head saying, "No wars, and death in raids are messy." in Ningo.

Aeryn flips the Pugio around so it's in her grip pointing downwards. "I have.." she says in Ningo. There's a rather resolute look in her eyes, but it gives away as she looks down and breaks away from eye contact. She switches back to Common "It's not..something you should ever rush into. Even if honourable, the deaths will eventually torment you on some level. The lives I've taken..were not honourable ones. I've been stained by thier deaths."

Domitianus nods and says, "Depends what you call 'honorable combat'." He is from another culture afterall. He then reaches over, and if allowed taks her hand and adjusts the pugio into a blade-up position saying, "Used this way. Ideally you aim for heart or lungs under the ribs."

Aeryn does allow, flitting her eyes upwards. "It wasn't honorable..I had no honour as a child. But I found my redemption by saving Princess Luanda." in common. She holds the weapon, balancing it. "I'm pretty strong for a woman, but I'm even more agile..against a man, particuarly one that I might have to go head to head against in a contest of strength in which I would be using said weapon would be that I would be overpowered. So light and mobile I imagine would fit my body best?" in common. She switches to Ningo "What do you think of my body? What kind blade be best for type and body?"

Domitianus looks at her for a moment before finally saying in Ningo, "No offense if I am misunderstanding, but I get the impression you are not speaking of weapons anymore. If I am incorrect, then a shorter blade would likely fit best. The pugio or the gladius." at the mention of the second word he holds up his right hand with the roughly two foot sword in its sheath. He doesn't appear to be offended in regards to his suspicions. Whether Aeryn is offended however.

Aeryn shakes her head "When I take on a weapon I like to put it's intended use into consideration." She shrugs her shoulders "I don't have the particular ability to flirt." She looks at the sword "Oh, that is a fair length..but do you think it may be a bit thick? Most weaponry in Two Rivers is made with men in mind."

Dimitianus says, "Man or woman, both serve the Ningo. The gladius is a broad, hacking weapon. It is nearly perfect, it can block a blow when used properly. Its length provides greater control, good defense. The tapered tip is very good for thrusting." He then sets the large shield in his left hand on the ground and draws the sword saying, "All dedicated infantry use this sword. Paired with the scutum." gesturing with the sheath to the shield he just set down, "It is a potent combination. We have the spatha as well, it has a greater reach, but as you favor speed and mobility the gladius of pugio would work best." He doesn't seem bothered by the flirting comment, as it doesn't seem to have offended her.

Aeryn holds her hands out "Will you show me how to hold it?" She purses her lips a bit. "I don't know what it is, perhaps it was lonliness now that the house of Brais is so quiet, but I find myself drawn to you. Not in some way where I desire you with my body. I was surrounded by Brais sons who embraced me as thier sister, and I miss having my big brothers around. My intuition tells me something of you. I'm not sure what it is yet.. I have feeling that perhaps you are trustworthy. But I don't know yet." She quirks her head to the side softly, brows raising a little. "What might you think of me? Do I confuse you? I do hope I haven't been taking too much of your time as of late."

Dimitianus shakes his head and says in Ningo, "No. You are... What word would you best understand... Different. In a good way. You might be picking up on the fact I am a brother, Ningo Families are extremely close. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters. I have always been protective of my siblings. Especially the twins Alfeo and Aeliana. I am also proud how Agostina has turned out, she'll likely have earned her title by the time I return home with my new mother."

Aeryn nods softly. "Perhaps..I'm not sure what it is. It's a feeling I'm not particularly familiar with and it vexes me." She pauses a moment "So I suppose your going back when every one else does? Do you know when you might be leaving? I'll be rather saddened to nae' have you here anymore." in common.

Domitianus says in Ningo, "I will be returning home when my mother does yes. I'm unsure when. As to missing me, you could certainly be adventurous and come to Unitas."

Aeryn frowns slightly at that. "Normally I would consider, however.. Princess Luanda's life was in grave danger a second time now recently, and I fear it may not be any more secure in the near future. It's my place to make sure she's safe. We are moving into a time of turmoil in Two Rivers. It's a dangerous time."

Domitianus nods and says, "Perhaps our alliance will help with this. I have learned some of your people through my mother, still your views are odd, especially the separation of sex."

Aeryn nods softly. "I know what you mean in a way..I wasn't originally from this land either. I came here when I was young, but I still remember my life before. In a way the seperation works to my advantage. It means people will underestimate me as a woman, so when they do so I can use it to my advantage by overcoming them. Everyone has fears, and it changes by culture. What are you afraid of?"

Domitianus shrugs and says, "Harm to my Family mostly, but that is fairly common for the Ningo. It is the one loyalty we all have."

Aeryn shakes her head "Not your people's fear, or your fear that you share with them. What is your fear." She reaches over to press her hand over the Principe's heart. "What is your fear that resides within you? There are deep fears there that you dont want others to share."

Domitianus' chest can be felt to be well muscled under his crimson tunic, but is that really a surprise for a professional soldier? He then says, "That is my main fear really. That or my siblings do not earn their title as that means we have failed in our raising of them."

Aeryn nods softly. "Perhaps I just internalize tae' much. I'm afraid I am not worthy to have a man as husband. I'm afraid I don't have a drive to create children. I'm afraid that my past makes me unworthy of mae' present. I'm afraid that I'll fail, and the ones I love will fall into pain. I'm afraid that some day I'll wake up and still be in a horrible life and that my life now wouldn't have happened. And I'm afraid that my life might have gone in a different direction if I made different choices. I could have been a very ruthless and merciless pirate. I don't have ambition. I have no desire to rule any land. I'm not a commoner, and I'm not a land holder. I'll to be married one day, and that does frighten me. You really never have any fears this deep? Is it just me?"

Domitianus shakes his head and says in Ningo, "No. Ningo nobility don't hold land or rule a land. Survival is what we value, if you can survive on your own in hostile conditions for days on your own, you earn your title. As far as marriage and such, I was raised expecting it, in truth its been put off too long for me. Ningo typically marry once they are an adult, or in the case of nobility when they earn their title. I am now four years beyond such an age. My training as a soldier put such things aside."

Aeryn blushes rather deeply and pulls her hand away "Erm..sorry.." she tucks the hand behind her as if to hide it. "Survival isn't really that difficult. Ah' practically do that now. Ah' hunt all th' time, but just to hone my skill with a bow mainly. So..are yae' going to marry a Ningo woman then? Can't be that long till you have tae' pick a wife, right?"

Domitianus shrugs and says, "It is far past time by our ways. I will marry someone, my father has discussed possibilities of the others of your..." Switching to common for a moment, "Kingdoms." and then back to Ningo. "I could marry one of them, I could marry one from here, I could marry a Ningo. I am the heir currently so it is important, especially with my father's age. He is approaching the age most of our people die of age, illness, or other matters." He then seems to think of something after a few moments and adds, "Survival and death are a constant for the Ningo, our lands are not safe like yours are. I understand your people will hunt alone, this is not possible for the Ningo. Our animals are larger, more dangerous, our weather colder. We have many illnesses. This is also why children are the most important thing for the Ningo. If you lined up babies, more often then not six out of every ten will be dead before they reach thirteen winters. Some are luckier then others, but that is roughly what we suffer."