675-07-20 - Betrothal Tourney

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Betrothal Tourney
Summary: A joust is being held in the Duchy of Woriscant, to celebrate the betrothal of Duke Alajos Fennim and Lady Avaline Brais.
Who: Two Rivers: Alajos Fennim, Avaline Brais, Barret Brais, Argon Brais, Ralph Fennim, Baldwin Ivounel, Slider and Selia Rainswater
The Isles: Lear Olmert as played by Teddybear
Golden Lion: Sallah Al Abukar, as played by Ottis
Estoria: Bjorn Galtiblar, as played by Slider
References: None
When: July 20th, 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 20/07/2014
Where: Tourney Grounds, Duchy of Woriscant
Room Desc: The impressive outline of the Great Barrier to the West, the natural border to the neighbour kingdom of Estoria, is quite a dramatic backdrop with its white-topped peaks and rough rocky slopes. A fitting place indeed for tourneys and jousts to be held, as the view of the mountains is complemented nicely with the edge of the woods of Woriscant to the South. The Tourney Grounds themselves consist of a long field with lists separated with wooden barriers from the stands. Banners with the deer of House Fennim flap in the wind beside the two prominent boxes for Royalty and higher nobility. There are benches for lower nobility and wealthy commoners, and an area to the side for the crowd of less wealthy ones, where they can stand and watch. Several tents and pavilions have been erected beside the tourney field, where the competing knights can withdraw and prepare for their turn, their coat of arms generously displayed both in the shield before their tents (should they still be in the contest) and smaller banners.

The day of the tourney has finally come, and knights and nobility from all over the kingdom and beyond have arrived to celebrate the betrothal of Duke Alajos Fennim and Lady Avaline Brais with a contest of skills in a joust. The area with tents and pavilions beside the tourney field is crowded with those who will compete and their retainers, squires running here and there for final preparations and errands, while a multitude of banners at the tents and pavilions is blown about by a gust of wind, in an ocean of coats of arms of Two Rivers, and a few foreign ones.

Seated in the Royal Box between his two daughters is the King himself. Barret Brais is certainly present, as the betrothed in question is his niece Avaline. Attired in a moderately regal attire, a doublet in red and black and breeches in black, he lets his brown eyes drift over the tourney field, over to the tents where he watches the preparations with an expectant smile. The crown, of course, is present on his head today. The king is in Woriscant, and for all to see!

Among those getting ready for the joust is Sir Baldwin Ivounel. The young knight is wearing his best tourney armor, slightly worn, but polished, a rather plain kind that is devoid of any decorations and somehow adjusted to the meagre purse of its owner. Grey-blue eyes scan the crowd and lighten up, once they glimpse a familiar face in the crowd of the commonfolk who are watching from one side of the stands.

Lord Ralph Fennim is present as well of course, attired in his usual black garb of doublet and breeches, with a white shirt underneath. His mien is certainly not as sombre as on other days, a cheerful grin curls his lips, and a goblet of Athereyne Red is in his hand. He is seated somewhere in the vicinity of Lady Avaline Brais and other members of the Fennim family.

The young princess Barbeta Brais is naturally sitting to the left of her father, while her sister Luanda sits to his right. If usually the young woman looks a bit stern and prefers to fade somewhere in the background, today she looks as beautiful as spring's first rose, straightening more and more proudly in her seat each time she notices the glances of gawkers, when finally her stance becomes almost equal to that one, which was usual to her mother - the Queen.

Her slim as a twig stripped of its bark body is adorned with such a beautiful floor length gown which could be wore just by the princess. The color of obsidian lightweight, semi-lustrous fabric is fitted at the bodice and has a waistline that leads to a full skirt, which is made out of delicate, sheer, and transparent raven black fabric, layered with silvery tones because of its transparency. The corset of the gown forms square neckline, baring Barbeta's pale, flawless and soft skin as pure as a lily petal. The necklace and earring set adds a touch of delicate and dramatic nature-inspired beauty to her look. This jewellry is adorned with sparkling diamonds. It looks like designed to accent the pure skin of her neckline.

The young princess whirls one of her free dark strands around her finger, while observing all the knights with eyes steely as a bird's. Though, some of her black long hair are tied with a grey ribbon, which has hundreds of glinting silver eyes.

Duke Alajos Fennim had shown himself early on in the Royal Box, welcoming the King and everyone to this day of festivities. He and his beautiful bride sat through the archery tournament and some general mummery before the young duke had withdrawn, leaving Avaline to manage the crowd and her uncle the king. As the jousts begin, he appears on the tourney field on his best horse, wearing shiny armor - and a favour in the colours of House Brais on his arm. There was an appreciative roar in the crowd when Alajos showed that he was actually able to ride well and unhorse his first combatant. Even more - the Duke has moved on to the final round and is now readying himself for the next rides.

The knight, known as the Misty Stag looks as beautiful and dangerous as a shower of broken glass in his perfectly polished armor of silver. It is posible to notice, that a mail collar is likely covering the shoulders, breast, an elegant neck and upper back to keep it safe from unexpected thrust. The mail collar sticks out of the glinting gorget used to strenghten the protection of the neck and cover the neck opening in a complete cuirass. It also covers part of the clavicles and sternum and a like area on the back. Then an equally shiny extra layer of armour is used to cover a flat belly of a quite lean knight, who still has a very handsome body shape.

Further, his long and strong legs are covered with more silver, which reminds some kind of an art more than armor. There is a wonderful and thorough decoration etched from the ankles, creating an image, that the legs of the knight are covered by the thin and long blooming in gold branches of a dainty tree.

The arms are fully covered in armor too, where the metal gloves are decorated with a thin lines of gold. However, the most impressive is close helmet. Actually, it would be just a simple bowl helmet with a moveable visor, if not the impressive golden antlers of the strongest stag, which could be the leader of his flock. These antlers look like they would be reaching for the sky, stretching as far as possible.

After all, two deers are the symbols of house of Olmert. The symbolic of the knight's family can be seen on the dark green cloak, which is attached to his armor and is blowing in the wind lively. The bloody red flower in the middle separates two shining suns from two strong deers, which are looking into the different directions.

The Misty Stag, some kind of distant relative of house of Olmert, is quietly standing beside his grey stud. The animal looks very strong and tough, his saddles are decorated with dark green fabric. Nor the stud, nor the rider looks tired.

Present among those having managed to make it to the final round as well, Argon Brais is readying himself for the next tilts as well. He is standing by his horse, all armored up for now, expression a bit focused, both as he watches those he still has to face, and as his gaze scans through the crowd, stopping in the Royal Box to offer his relatives there a brief nod and a smile, before it moves on.

The tournament had already been a long event for the time Avaline had spent out at the archery event and simply beeing seen about with Duke Alajos as was expected of them. Greetings having been given on to her uncle, the King, with a warm smile of welcome. She had taken that day all in stride, a quiet smile on her lips, for she was being watched and judged. Surely. Biding Alajos luck when he had departed to take part in the joust, having settled in with Lord Ralph and amongst the other Fennim. The young blonde woman was wearing a elegent gown of red, finely tailored to fit her form with ebony embroidery embellishing the bodice and sleeves. Setting ajust a touch more forward in her seat as the final rounds of the tilt were coming up, wondering just how her betrothed would come to fair.

The aristocracy is not the only ones who have showed up on mass. The commoners would not miss a chance to watch a joust. Children are running through the crowd who are kept in a section just for commoners. Vendors are hawking their wares. Meat Pie or red ale or buttered bread can be heard as they call out their wares. Friends are chatting and those from outlying farms are visiting with their town counterparts. It is a happy and excited crowd. Moving among these is Selia, She smiles and waves and calls out greetings to those she is familiar with. But she is making her way to a place near the containing rope. This rope is to keep people safe from the horse or the wooden fragments of broken equipment. But it is the best seat in the house, if a bit dusty.

Among the ones participating is Bjorn Macreddin of House Galtiblar of Estoria. This man just so happen to had arrived a week earlier to visit for conversation or some other duties that his house has sent him to do. He had heard of the tournament and managed to convince his men to let him enter with a simple. " I'm joining." So he joined and managed to get this far, to his own surprise but he ain't one to show it. NOw to relax he has been sitting and quenching his thirst with ale as he watches, ready when his name is called and his men ready to cheer him on, though at this time they are all been loud and already celebrating the outcome.

This man is about six foot six and a mountain of a man. Wide broad shoulders and thick neck, his legs and arms well toned and muscular. He has long black hair that sits just past his shoulder.. Thick bushy brows, brown colored eyes and a long nose, one could say it ends in a near point. He has a thick bushy mustache that curls around his lips and hang just past his chin. The armor he is wearing looks thick and heavy, there is not much that the armor has that shows weakness but it may slow him down a bit here and there. On a horse it will not matter as it's a straight point and hurt the other man, no real manuvering. His horse is a thick and powerfull horse, one that could carry this mans weight easily. The horse carries the colors of House Galtiblar, yellow and black as well as his shield with a black wild boar adorned on it.

Slider had come along wearing his usual common attire, with greens and browns as he intends to travel right after the tournament. Though he has enjoyed the contests, he is smiling at what he has at the moment invested and won from picking at least one winner within all the events happening. Right now he is watching the Joust and his money is on Baldwin, though most likely he ain't going to win but you never know. NOw looking around within the common area of crowd, he manages to grin a bitand keep moving through, why not, he is just a getting a better view area. He does glance towards the nobility sitting and watching but he is not waving, just simply merging with the common crowd, where he belongs.

Introduced by a loud and somewhat melodious fanfare, the herald rises from his seat, as it is time to announce the next round: "People of Two Rivers! Guests from foreign lands! The next round will shortly commence, with the first tilt! Watch Sir Argon Brais, cousin to our beloved king, face the mysterious knight of the Isles, The Misty Stag!"

When the princess Barbeta notices the look of her uncle Argon, she raises her hand to wave for the man. The girl is obviously cheering for the victory of this man. Her smile widens and she lets her gaze stay on that knight.

Just the voice of the herald, who announces the first opponents draws her attention. The girl leans back in her seat, placing her hands mannerly on her lap and indulges into the show.

A hand is raised in a greeting when King Barret's brown eyes catch the glance from his cousin down there. "Your uncle is a seasoned tourney knight," he remarks to Barbeta with a friendly smile that shows both pride and confidence.

When the mysterious knight hears his name, he raises his heavy lance from the ground. The man pushes himself a bit from the ground with that lance in order to sit on the stud more easily. It looks like the man does not have a squire to help him or he just doesn't want any help.

Then he raises that long firm lance color of silver but with the dark green tip at the end. He encourages the stud and rides to the necessery point.

Argon pauses for a few moments as he hears his name, but then mounts his horse and prepares himself. One brief smile to the people in the stands, and he moves the horse to the starting point, saluting the crowd with the lance.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Lear: Success          Argon: Good Success
<		Net Result: Argon wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Argon: Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Lear: Good Success          Argon: Great Success
<		Net Result: Argon wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Argon: Good Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Argon: Good Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Lear: Success          Argon: Failure
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory

The Misty Stag and the Brais Lord seem to be equally matched. During the first two passes neither of the two is able to score. A murmur goes through the crowd when the Brais is finally defeated in the third pass, and the herald announces: "Winner by points is the Misty Stag with 3 points. Cheer for the Isles!"

The Misty Stag encourages his stud to trot forward. The knight meets his opponent three times. He manages not just stay in the saddles during all the clashes, but at the same time the knight from the Isles becomes a true challenge.

Though, he does not manage to unhorse the noble lord from the Two Rivers. So, after the ride, the Misty Stag turns to the judges of this game to see, who actually is a winner.

When he finally hears the herald, the mysterious knight bows his head politely to the opponent, expressing his respect, and then rides away to wait for the next turn.

"My Uncle is the best knight I have ever seen!" Barbeta answers to her father, giving him just a very short peek, before fixing her gaze on the fiel again. The girl almost holds her breath, while waiting for the results.

"Nonsense!" whispers the young princess, hearing the results, "Who is that knight?" She turns to her father, "I bet he did some kind of a trick!" And then she claps, but not for the winner, she does that for her uncle.

Frowning as he doesn't succeed with scoring the hits at this opponent, Argon offers a brief nod to the other man. "Well done," he says to him, before riding off to where he has placed himself in between the tilts, to watch the rest of those competing, and prepare for his next tilt now.

"First up in the second bracket," announces the herald with his loud booming baritone, "is Sir Baldwin Ivounel from the Duchy of Athereyne. He will face His Grace, the beloved ruler of this Duchy of Woriscant... Your host! Alajos Fennim!"

Duke Alajos' face doesn't betray any emotions - as usual. He rides into the list, helmet under one arm, to offer a bow to the King and then to the Lady Avaline, before he puts his helmet on and waits for a boy to hand him a lance.

The commoners hiss as the winner is announced as the Two Rivers Knight is defeated but after the hiss comes a cheer for a great match. Selia cheers and hisses along with the others after all the home team should always win but a goo match is something to cheer for. The jostling to get a good view pushes people a bit farther out than the rope allows but only for a moment and then the crowd moves back to prepare for the second match. ales are called for and drinks sooth sore throats. When their own duke is announced the commoners cheer wildly. Calling out encouragement.

Baldwin has watched the first tilt in the first bracket of knights with curiosity. When his name is called he swallows. A knight of the bastard branch will ride against the Fennim Duke? But there is no time to be lost! He moves over to his brown horse, gets ready as he mounts, and grabs the shield with the Ivounel coat of arms and the lance, to ride over to his side in the lists, offering the king a salute on his way. Lowering the visor next he will grab his lance tighter, and urge his horse to a gallop, taking aim to unhorse.

Though the rounds between Argon and the mystery knight, Avaline does give cheer and support towards her uncle, as would be expected. A few cringes at particulalry hard hits. But in the end, a respectful clap is given up for the Misty Stag as he takes the round. And then there is the annoucement of the next round and it includes Alajos. Avaline sits up a bit straighten, a proper sort of cheer and clap given when he is announced. Inclinging her head to him and offering a smile when he bows her way.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Baldwin: Good Success          Alajos: Success
<		Net Result: Baldwin wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Alajos: Good Success          Baldwin: Good Success
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Baldwin: Good Success          Alajos: Good Success
<		Net Result: Baldwin wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Alajos: Success          Baldwin: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Baldwin: Good Success          Alajos: Good Success
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Alajos: Good Success          Baldwin: Success
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Baldwin: Good Success          Alajos: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Alajos: Great Success          Baldwin: Good Success
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Solid Victory

Again, the pairing seems not that easy to decide. After the third pass it is a draw, as each has scored two points. It takes another pass to decide the joust. "Cheer for the winner! Our Duke of Woriscant wins with 5 points, versus Sir Baldwin Ivounel's 2. Well ridden, Your Grace!"

After the last bout that sees the Duke land a solid blow on the knight's breastplate, Alajos lifts his lance in triumph. He offers Baldwin a nod of acknowledgement, then looks back to the Royal Box - to who in particular is not obvious - and makes his way out for a rest before the next bout.

Slider watches as the rounds happen, the first match was a good match but alas it was the Isles KNight that won it. He won there at the moment and so he is ahead but then the one with Baldwin and the man loses the match, so he loses there. Though he already figured there is always a chance for the underdog.

Argon watches this tilt in quiet now, nodding a little as he looks between those two competing. Not saying anything at the moment, just watching the happenings carefully. A brief nod as he sees the result so far.

Baldwin does well enough at first, managing minor hits, but nothing spectacular. The passes seem to continue for an endless time, when finally the Duke's lance cracks against his shield in the fourth pass. "Well ridden, Your Grace!", is offered to Alajos nonetheless, as Bladwin congratulates him, before he rides off to the side.

Avaline remains perched on the edge of her seat through each round, more so as yet another is require to break the draw at hand. Quite skilled, or he took her words to heart. A properly cheering when Alajos does come out in the end. Though really....a knight of a bastard branch against the Bastard Duke, it was really quite fitting.

Ralph sighs with relief, when he sees Alajos makes it through the first tilt of his third round. Although the ambitious knight of the bastard branch seems to be a quite an even match. "Long live our DUKE!", he calls. "Duke Alajos Fennim!"

The crowd goes wild at their Duke winning his match. Calls from the crowd of good show and we knew you could do it, can be heard. Money trades hands as bets are won and lost. Every one is watching eagerly. There is almost a feeling as if they are waiting for someone to get hurt. Not that they are wishing for it but they all know it can happen. Selia feels a small hand on her small leather purse. With out moving her gaze from the spectacle her hand wraps around the smaller one. "Rethink your mission. I'd hate to have to call a constable." her voice is very soft but the small hand withdraws and Selia goes back to watching the show.

King Barret shoots Avaline a glance. "Your betrothed competes well so far," he remarks with a warm smile. "I am sure you are cheering him on, aren't you?"

"So now it is back to the first bracket!", the herald roars over the tourney field. "Facing the Misty Stag will be one of our guests from the neighbour kingdom of Estoria! Welcome Lord Bjorn Galtiblar!"

The Misty Stag gets onto his grey stud one more time, hearing his name. The knight still looks neither tired, nor too excited, nor too worried meeting way more bigger knight than he is. After all, when the tiniest part of his body is hidden under the metal, it is impossible to see emotions. Who knows, maybe he is worried after all?

The man rides to the starting point and prepares himself for another tilt.

A smile is given to King Barret from Avaline, "Aye, I am and have been. He carries my favour as well, uncle." Another turn of a smile and perhaps a faint tinge of pink to her cheeks to mention that. It may well be the first time a man carried her favour for other than...well...political reasons.

Bjorn had been watching from the tents, still drinking a bit and noting the men and their display. Obviously he has been drinking a bit, though it seems they are all drinking at the same time, at least within the tent and the men he is with. At the call of his own name, the big man stands up and puts on a big display of drinking down his last mug before heading to his big horse. With the help of others he gets on and adjusts himself several times before he sits proper like and then he is handed his helm, shield and then finaly lance. Once again he adjusts his sitting postion and then races his lance up in the air and rides towards the starting point.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Bjorn=4+2
<	Lear: Great Success          Bjorn: Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Crushing Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Bjorn=5+4 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Bjorn: Success          Lear: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW

The Misty Stag raises his lance, gently touches the sides of his grey stud and the animal starts trotting forward, closer to the opponent. Twice smaller knight than the man from the Kingdom of Estoria manages to unhorse the opponent equal to the mountain from the first try. More keen eye can notice a tiny flinch, which betrays the surprise of the Misty Stag himself. The man does the same gesture as before,bowing to his opponent. However, before ridding away, the knight from the Isles makes sure, that Bjorn is not hurt.

Bjorn had got on alright, even though as teh call is made to start, he leans in, a bit unsteady but brings down the lance and rides towards the opponent. As he gets closer, he is chuckleling, not really concentrating or perhaps had just a bit to much to drink. His opponents lance hits him right on the helmet and then the big man rolls backwards off his horse and lands hard on the ground, his body lays there for a moment, not moving. But then his man walk on over and he is already stirring and rolls on over himself. Now with the help of his men and his men laughing at him he manages to get the helmet off, still alittle shaky but two of his men on either side, still laughing. Bjorn looks around then and grin. " Good hit, very good hit." as he speaks to the man with the stag horns on the helmet. He still looks a bit out of it but over all he is standing by himself. He bows his head to the hosts and then his mne take him away, still laughing at him.

The King rises from his seat to get a better view, after the Estorian is bested in the first pass already, and pushed out of the saddle.

A loud cheer goes through the crowd when the Misty Stag decides the next tilt already in the first pass. "People of Woriscant! The Two Rivers and dear guests! This tilt goes to the Isles! Cheer for the Misty Stag!", the herald announces. "Also, this means that the Misty Stag will move on to the next round, whereas Lord Argon Brais and Lord Bjorn Galtiblar will have to compete for the next free spot later! Not now though... As up next will be Sir Baldwin Ivounel again, this time facing one of our guests of the Golden Lion, Sir Sallah Al'Abukar!"

The crowd quiets as two strangers come to the mark. Whispers and glances spared through out the common crowd. Money is quickly changing hands as the players chose for what ever reason which knight they think will win. Selia sips from her ale and watches. Groans or cheers erupt for the good hit or the unexpected bad hit, again depending which side the cheerer is routing for. When the man from Estonia is unseated a gasp rolls through the crowd and every one waits to see if he is all right or not. The crowd erupts with a cheer as they find out that the Estonian is not hurt too badly. It is uncertain if they are cheering the victory, celebrating that the Estonian Knight is not dead, or just that it is the first fall. Either way the crowd is having a great time.

Now it will be all or nothing. Baldwin is aware of that. He can still reach the next round if he can best the Golden Lion knight with enough points. Quietly mounting his horse, the scarf that is worn about his arm shifting a little in the breeze, a glance of grey-blue eyes going towards the commonfolk crowd again, as that favour is presented, the Ivounel will once again take shield and lance and ride over to his place, lower his visor and get ready to charge.

Sallah Al'Abukar adjusts his chainmail armour, as he mounts and then is handed his weapon as he gets ready to meet his opponent. His dark skin glistening in the sunlight as he slips on an open styled faced helm, sporting a colored plume on top .

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Baldwin: Failure          Sallah: Good Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Baldwin: Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Baldwin: Success          Sallah: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Success          Baldwin: Failure
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Baldwin: Success          Sallah: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Baldwin=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Baldwin: Failure
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Solid Victory

Sallah seems to dance around the heavier armour'd knight as he shatter's two off Sir Baldwin's shield. Scoring well, and then a third against the mans chest in a passing glance though does not shatter the 'lance'. Sallah reign's in his horse, bringing it around to meet with the other knight and gives Baldwin a show of his pearly whites. "Well fought Sirah Knight... better luck next time yes?" as Sallah then bows a bit, while seated the sun glistening off his chainmail.

So far Slider has been doing alright, going back and forth between people and getting his good view of the tournament. He has won and lost coin but so far he is winning, though the loss of the big man was noted, he is still ahead. Now moving further along the crowd, he manages to spot someone he has not seen in a very long time and heads in that direction, noting that Baldwin is up again against a Golden Lion individual. Then he comes right up to Selia and says. " Enjoying the tournament?" though still looking ahead. Then he see's Baldwin lose again and he sighs. " Well, he needs to get better that one."

Alas. It is not meant to be. Although Baldwin manages to remain ahorse, he does not manage a single hit, whereas his opponent hits home three times! The Ivounel raises his visor and then his lance in a salute. "Sir Sallah. You are the victor, and rightfully so!" His gaze brushing over the crowd once again, and he flinches, as he feels some discomfort there at his ribcage.

"Sir Baldwin is eliminated from the contest! And Sir Sallah will move on to the next round in either case. Even if he were to face Duke Alajos, after the next. So... cheer for our Duke and the guest from the Golden Lion. Now... back to bracket one. Lord Argon Brais is to face Lord Bjorn Galtiblar from Estoria!!!!"

All the other matches are watched quite impassively by the young princess. Sometimes she even turns to her handmaiden to whisper something, obviously, discussing something, what has zero relation to the tournament. The handmaiden is standing behind Barbeta's seat. She leans closer to listen for her princess, but is a bit more curious about all the tilts.

Though, when the princess hears the name of her uncle again, she hushes her handmaiden and concentrates on the tilt, clapping and cheering for the man.

"Now, that was convenient!", Ralph smiles shooting Avaline a glance. "Duke Alajos does not need to ride against the Golden Lion knight, at least not yet. Poor Sir Baldwin. I know his father will be disappointed."

The crowd are a fickle bunch. This time they mostly cheer for Baldwin. But there is a number who are cheering the Dark knight. Ooohhs and ahhs can be heard from the crowd as lances are broken and points are scored. The man standing next to Selia is giving her a lesson in the finer points of Jousting. There is a sad response as Baldwin is beaten but then a cheer goes out to the next contestants. Money continually changes hands first one way and then the next. Vendors are hawking their wares and a good time is being had by most.

Nodding as he watches the happenings at the moment, Argon takes a deep breath as he hears his name called again. Moving his hand up to his arm very briefly, there's a few brief words, before he gets ready, and moves out to his place on the field. Raising the lance in salute both to his opponent, and to the spectators, he waits until the word is given, before he charges forward, lance ready.

King Barret meanwhile shares a few words with his other daughter, Princess Luanda. A brief glance is shot to Barbeta then. "Do you enjoy the spectacle, Barbeta? You know that Sir Baldwin, if I am not mistaken? He was one of those accompanying the delegation."

Avaline gives a nod towards Ralph,"It it convient. But the Duke has been doing well so far. And Sir Baldwin, has made a fine showing. Even if not a win, I do not think it should bring to great a disappointment. " Her pale eyes keeping watch on the action that takes place upon the field in those spurts.

Bjorn had been looked at by the healers and it had taken a bit of time for him to get his senses back. Some of the healers were alittle concern with the injury he had suffered but like most from Estoria he grumbles it away and just drinks a bit more, against the healers wishes. So now he was sitting with his men once again, drinking, of course they are still chuckling at him but over all he is chuckling himself. At hearing his name, he stands up, this time his men help him up to his horse, guide the horse to the starting point. Helm is handed to him, which he puts on and barely stays on and then grabbing shield and puts it on, still chuckling. Finally the lance is given and he at least points it in the right direction. When the sound is given, one of his men lets go of him, the other behind the horse, slaps the horses behind and it takes off in the genral direction. Bjorn at least manages to point the lance in the right direction.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Bjorn=4+2
<	Argon: Good Success          Bjorn: Success
<		Net Result: Argon wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Bjorn=5+4 Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Bjorn: Good Success          Argon: Failure
<		Net Result: Bjorn wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Bjorn=4+2
<	Argon: Success          Bjorn: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Bjorn=5+4 Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Bjorn: Success          Argon: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Bjorn=4+2
<	Argon: Success          Bjorn: Good Success
<		Net Result: Bjorn wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Bjorn=5+4 Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Bjorn: Good Success          Argon: Great Success
<		Net Result: Argon wins - Solid Victory

Sallah has retired to his tent for now, with his squire where he can for the time being sit down relax and gather information on the remaining knights he might end up facing. Two massive men are outside Sallah's tent watching those who compete, seeing their styles and reporting back to Sallah everything they see during each competition..

"Lord Argon Brais rode well, and scored one hit. But. Our guest from Estoria scored an even better hit, with his lance cracking in the process! Therefore Lord Bjorn Galtiblar wins with a score of 3 to 1! Cheer him on, will ya!", calls the herald with his thundering baritone. "Now we have all our participants of the next round. Welcome back, after a short break: Lord Bjorn Galtiblar, Sir Sallah Al'Akubar, the Misty Stag and... our hero, His Grace, Duke Alajos Fennim!"

"Oh, yes yes," the girl nods answering to her father, "I remember Sir Baldwin. The event is interesting, indeed..." Then the action starts and the girl freezes. A loooong and disappointed sigh leaves her throat, "But now the event becomes less interesting," she announces to her father, "Without my uncle, I have nobody to cheer for!" She sighs and lowers her gaze to her lap thoughtfully.

Bjorn does manage to at least stay on his horse this time, with the thunder hoofs of his horse he manages to lean in and hit. Perhaps it's luck or perhaps it's how he is concentrating but over all he is at least still in the competition as he finaly wins against the Lord. At the end he wins byt points alone as he removes his helm and nods to the Lord. " Well fought." then the big man just rides off and slumps forwards, seeming to have passed out. His men take him in a hurry, the healers look into him and report back to the announcer.

A brief intermission follows, with some squires clearing the field from any armor parts, and the remaining knights are retreating towards their tents and pavilions for a brief refreshment. Baldwin is moving to his tent as well, the reins of his horse are handed to a squire. Another is soon sent off for a healer, as he vanishes in his tent. Frowning as he is in pain. A broken rib, perhaps?

Alajos has been resting among his own entourage soewhere until the call goes out for the last four contestants to assemble. He mounts his horse again and waits to be called for his own joust.

Sallah once more steps out of his tent, upon hearing his name announced and who is opponent is. He speaks with his men and nods his head gracefully and smiles. Then Sallah mounts his horse and places his helm over his head. Waiting to be called up to the lists again to recieve his 'lance' to engage his next opponent.

Argon only manages that one blow, but there's still a brief smile given as he hears Bjorn's words, "You as well, my lord." He then proceeds off the field, pausing once near the Duke now. "Good luck in the finals, Your Grace," he offers to the man, before he makes his way off the field, so he can get out of his armor and watch the rest of the happenings now.

What do commoners know. They cheer for their own and then cheer for the winner. Laughter and good cheer pervade the commoners section. The smell of food and drink mix with the usual smells. Children's laughter seems to be unattached to the happenings on the field. The noise level seems to rise as the amount of drink is swallowed. But it is a good humor and and everyone seems to be getting along.

When Alajos is called for the finals, Avaline does set up that touch straighter again to give watch for when he would appear again. And to also cheer him along when his tilts would come.

The man with the impressive golden stag horns on the helmet takes the reins of his grey stud and walks forward, when his name is mentioned together with three others. He was watching all the other matches, but once again, no emotions could be seen, because he never took off his armor or helmet. Just for a few moments, the knight from the isles turned to his grey stud to whisper something, but mostly tried to study the styles of his future opponents. Now, he waits for his name to be called one more time.

There is a short delay when a retainer of the Estorian knight speaks with the herald for a long moment. A short discussion follows, and even Ralph Fennim is called over briefly, to sort things out. It takes another moment, and the Fennim moves back towards the Royal box. The herald signals for another fanfare. "So... Apparently the knight from Estoria has suffered from a head injury, he will not be able to compete. To fill the empty spot I call Lord Argon Brais forward, as by points, he deserves to move on in Lord Bjorn's stead."

"Welcome back to the lists, in all impressiveness, His Grace, Duke Alajos Fennim. He will face the knight from the Golden Lion, Sir Sallah Al'Akubar!!!"

Alajos inclines his head to Argon in acknowledgement of his wishes, then nudges his horse onwards onto the tourney ground to face the stranger from far away. His gaze drifts around the spectaculars - the rabble of commoners on one side - his people, cheering him - and to the nobles on the elevated dais. Then he puts on his helmet and waits for the opponent to ready himself.

Argon blinks a bit as he hears his name called again, and turns to head back to the lists now, looking a bit more thoughtful as he watches the happenings once more.

Hearing that the Argon is back into the game, Barbeta even jumps from her seat. Her clapping can be the loudest one from all the crowd. However, quickly the young princess understands that she is overreacting or something. So, she lowers herself back on the seat. At least she is interested in the game again.

Sallah looks over as he hears who his opponent will be and arch's a eyebrow ever so gently and grins. "Aye T'will be a grand day it seems. " As he slides his helm firmly over his head now that he know's who'll he'll be facing and is handed a lance. Sallah's mount shifts a bit as the tension grows, Impatient with the need to run and fight.. Sallah.. reaches down to pat his mounts graceful neck "Easy boy our time will come..."

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Alajos: Success          Sallah: Failure
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Alajos: Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Alajos: Good Success          Sallah: Success
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Alajos: Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Alajos: Success          Sallah: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Success          Alajos: Good Success
<		Net Result: Alajos wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Alajos=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Alajos: Good Success          Sallah: Great Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Alajos=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Alajos: Good Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory

"Ahem...." The herald clears his throat as he and the others from the jury count hits and cracked lances. Even though the Duke proves to be an impeccable rider, and is not unhorsed, a minor hit in the fourth pass brings about the surprising outcome. Now how to announce that...? "People of Two Rivers. The foreign knight Sir Sallah beats our beloved Duke Alajos Fennim, by one single point and a final score of 5 to 4."

Alajos looks disgruntled and upset about the narrow loss and only just remembers to offer a vague half-hearted bow to the winnter, the foreigner Sallah. Then he rides off back to his tent and is seen no more.

Avaline leans forward as she awaits the outcome from the conferring judges, when the herald does make his announcement. There is a sigh of disappointment. It had been such a good match, she was certain. She draws a breathe, doing what is of course the proper thing to do, a polite and respectful clap is given for Sir Sallah as it was a good match. Her eyes follow Alajos as he vanishes off the field.

"I'll be damned!", Ralph cannot help but call, when he sees his cousin being bested by points. Then turning towards Avaline, he will add: "He did remarkably well though. And I am so relieved he was not unhorsed." Thereby avoiding any heavy injuries.

It takes a moment before the commoners realize that their Duke has not won. There is a space of too quiet and then cheers. It seems that every one likes that the Duke went unseated. As the man beside Selia explains that it is a sort of victory for two rivers because the Duke is a good loser as well as a great horseman. Winning is great but showing good is just as good. Selia is not sure what exactly the Duke did well but obviously those who follow Jousting have no problem cheering for both as if it were a tie.

"The next pairing is once again our Argon Brais, cousin to our beloved King! Facing the mysterious knight of the Isles, the Misty Stag!"

Sallah rides up to greet the Duke of the Two rivers but only recieves a .. .well its hard to explain as he is shocked at the mans bow , as he Gives the Duke a formal bow back. "Well fought your Grace.. T'was a hard fought.....battle.." as Sallah sighs, and lowers his lance absently returning it to his squire when he returns to his tent and dismounts, only to head into his own tent to await news on who his final opponent will be.

The Misty Stag moves to the starting point to face lord Argon one more time without any words. The man just raises his lance and encourages the grey stud to start another tilt.

Moving to get into place now, Argon offers a nod to the Misty Stag. "We meet again, Sir Stag," he offers, before he mutters something under his breath, and sends his horse charging forward as the new tilt begins.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Lear: Good Success          Argon: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Argon: Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Lear: Good Success          Argon: Failure
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Argon: Success          Lear: Great Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Argon=Horsemanship
<	Lear: Good Success          Argon: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Argon=Polearms Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Argon: Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory

The spectators watch breathlessly the spectacle unfolding before them. Many do indeed hope for Lord Argon to save the day for Two Rivers. A deep sigh goes through the stands, coming from nobles and commoners alike, when the herald announces the outcome. "The winner is the Misty Stag, scoring 3 points against Lord Argon Brais!" Some cheer, but most watch in stunned silence.

Once again, the Misty Stag meets the knight, who is incredibly good opponent and forces the other knight to work really hard in order to win. So, when the match is over, the Misty Stag rides closer to the lord Argon and bows even more deeply to the man, expressing even bigger respect now for a wonderful fight.

Then the Stag first time raises his look to the crowd, looking all people over, stopping his gaze at the Royal Seats. It is not clear, what interests the knight there the most, but soon he just moves away one more time.

"It is time, people of Woriscant, of Two Rivers! Dear guests from Estoria and Golden Lion, and the Isles! Time for Golden Lion to face off against the Isles in the final tilt of today, Sir Sallah Al'Akubar versus the mysterious Misty Stag!!", the herald announces now, with maybe a hint of less enthusiasm than before.

Argon offers a deep bow in return to the Stag, before he this time makes his way off the field, to get out of the armor and such, although he waits until he's heard the herald's announcement first.

The Princess Barbeta freezes in her seat. her lips are slightly opened in surprise. She just can't believe, that her uncle loses the second time for the same mysterious man from the Isles, "That is just..." She tries to whisper, but instead just follows lord Argon with her gaze.

The Misty Stag looks over his opponent. The Golden Lion against the Isles, an old friends and rivals, because these two Kingdoms had many fights in the past, but a strong alliance now. So, the mysterious knight bows his head to the opponent, before moving to the starting point for the last time.

The Commoners are a silent lot as they watch the second Duke lose. Whispered comments move through the crowd. The betting had been brisk and most lost. But a joust is a joust and the game is afoot and all that. When the next tilt is announced the crowd begins to shout at the participants. Give him a good one. Unseat that piece of pig snot. No names so no one is really sure who is behind which knight. But everyone is seen to be having a good time.

King Barret's friendly mien seems to be little clouded by disappointment, no, he seems to be quite intrigued in a way. "They all ride well, and let us not forget these were the best six of 36 contestants. Your uncle gave an astonishing performance! He is not the youngest, you know." he chuckles softly, in Barbeta's direction.

There is disappointment as her uncle loses again, Avaline does still try to be proper and polite as claps are given for the winners. It would not do to do anything else, even if it was not whom she had been rooting for. There is the occasional glance the way Alajos went, though she does not expect to see him again. She knew he had.....moods.

Sallah Al'Abukar once more mounts up and toss's out his brightest of smiles, before donning his helm once again and takes up with his 'lance'. Sallah rides out to meet his opponent and brings up his lance in salute to the other knight. %

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Good Success          Sallah: Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory
<OOC> Baldwin says, "1:0 -> Pass 2"
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Failure          Sallah: Good Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Success          Sallah: Good Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Lear: Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Good Success          Sallah: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Marginal Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Good Success          Sallah: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Success          Lear: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Success          Sallah: Great Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Great Success          Sallah: Great Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Failure          Lear: Good Success
<		Net Result: Lear wins - Solid Victory
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Lear=Polearms Vs Sallah=5+3
<	Lear: Success          Sallah: Success
<		Net Result: DRAW
<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Sallah=4+3 Vs Lear=Horsemanship
<	Sallah: Good Success          Lear: Success
<		Net Result: Sallah wins - Marginal Victory

The Princess Barbeta missed such a good duel! The moment when her uncle left the field, she stood up, offered a curtsy for her father and older sister and then left. Likely, to congratulate her uncle.

The Misty Stag unmounts, after a very long and tense duel. He walks closer to the winner and bows his head to him, before moving back to his horse. He takes the reins of the grey stud and starts leading the animal out of the field.

Sallah Al'Abukar rides up to greet the Misty Stag Knight and bows to the man. "Well Fought sirah... " Sallah is about to ride up to offer the knight his hand but notices how The knight leads his mount away.. Sallah then turns to those in the Royal box, and offers those who are seated a bow, as well as a warm friendly wave, before ridding his mount slowly waving to the crowds to his own tent.

The crowd had started to pick up their things and prepared to move the party figuring that three passes and someone would win. As the passes begin to multiply the commoners realize they are watching a great show of both horsemanship and great use of lances. The crowd cheers each pass. The excitment grows and grows. It has becom the match of the whole Joust. Gasps and ahh filter through the cheers. Then just as expectations reaches an all time peak the winner appears to be the knight from the the southern kingdon. The crowd goes wild as it becomes clear that he barely has beaten the Isle's champion. The accolades are for both contestants. Selia watches until the last when the horses are removed from the field and the contestants return to their tents before she follows the crowd back to the town. Everyone seems to be talking about the final match. Selia knows that it will be retold for years to come. A tilt that took 8 passes.

The stands grow quieter and quieter, as the Misty Stag and the Golden Lion knight continue to ride against each other. After scoring one point quite early one, the Islander does not manage to avoid receiving a minor hit, which leads to a draw, that lasts until the eighth pass. There Sir Sallah finally manages another minor hit, and a murmur goes through the stands.

"Now that was an impressive final tilt indeed," the herald then calls, after a moment's pause. "We have the winner, and it is... Sir Sallah Al Akubar of the Golden Lion!" Now a cheer finally comes up, for despite the fact that a foreigner won, the Two Rivers people do recognize a close tilt when they see one.

King Barret rises from his seat and waves down to the two finalists with a warm smile. "Well ridden, sirs! Your countries can be proud of you!", he calls, his own even deeper baritone managing easily to drown that of the herald. A gesture of his hand, and the prize will be brought forward, a fine stallion bred in the Fields of Perescan, a white courser of finest quality, worthy of a high ranking noble. The reins will be handed to Sir Sallah by noone less than Ralph Fennim, who stands in here for his cousin the duke; as that one seems to be indisposed.

With a winner announced, there is more clapping from Avaline. All the tilts had been most impressive. And the final was certainly a step above them all. Standing as well when the prize is brought forth an presented, looking not at all surprised it is Ralph doing the presenting. QUietly dispursing when much the rest of the crowd does. Preparations ot be made for the tourney banquent and all.