Maerwynn Penderghast

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"APOTHECARY, n. The physician's accomplice, undertaker's benefactor and grave worm's provider"
-Ambrose Bierce

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
-Leo Buscaglia

Maerwynn was the middle daughter, the middle child of five born to orchard farmers from the Duchy of Granville of Two Rivers. Her father had inherited the family orchard farm where the family grew apples, pears, plums and cherries, selling the fresh fruit in Whitstock. Her mother worked to also make dried fruits and preserves to sell as well.

At the age of five, Maerwynn's talents in gardening along with her keen senses of taste and smell, led her mother to apprentice her to the local Healer, Isuet. Maer did quite well, and through the years, learned more and more from the healer until able to take over when Isuet got too old. Yet, Maerwynn would lean upon the older woman from time to time when a particular illness might have confounded her.

And then the plague hit. In the first wave, Iseut would die. Gone would be her vast store of knowledge that Maerwynn would wish to have. Even then at the age of 34 and a Master Healer in her own rights, when it came to the unknown, Maer would lean upon Iseut's knowledge for clues upon what to do. People she knew where dying around here, more and more every day. It was her first experience, and it hit Maerwynn fairly hard. Such pain and suffering was had, and there seemed to be little more she could do than to treat the symptoms, and try to ease their pain.

Maerwynn lost more than half her family, and even more of her friends to the plague. It hit her hard on many levels. As the plague faded off, she decided to travel to the Duchy of Athereyne where she took up a shop of a healer she'd heard wanting to leave the city for other sights. It was here that she met the recently arrived weaponsmith, Ottis. The two struck up a quick friendship, and in a very short time, started courting. On April 7, 675, they were wed.

Appearance and Personality

Nutty browns come to life from the shades of rich brown hair to the skin darkened to a light tan from days spent in the sun's rays. Baby-fine curls escape the carved bone clip and braids in her long curly hair to frame a face plain where a glitter of hazel sparkles from beneath shaped brows; spidery traces of wrinkles edge the corners of eyes in crow's feet earned over her years, while the sun's curse in a few freckles gather across the tip of a broad nose and thin, sometimes, dry lips below. Her average height of 5'5" paints her a bit more buxom than acceptable, but the long days of taking care of patients, and the recent plague, leaves her with a wiry strength and slim form.

Maerwynn has a quiet disposition about her, a calmness that always seems to surround her when faced with sickness or injury. She is sympathetic to her patients and their needs. Yet being a survivor of the plague has surely given her a few problems to deal with. There are days when she is not as caring or chipper, sinking into a depression that lingers for a day or two before she pulls herself up again.

RP Hooks
  • Healer: Maerwynn first apprenticed to a healer when she was but five years old.
  • Apothecary: Maerwynn owns a small apothecary in Athereyne
  • Midwife: Maerwynn has the skills to see to helping women give birth.
  • RP HOOK: Explanation


  • Borin and Loreena Parents. Orchard farmers. Both died in the plague.
  • Fendrel. Older Brother(d). Orchard Farmer. Was married and had two children. All died in the plague.
  • Gwendolynn. Older Sister(38). Was married to a Merchant in Whitstock with three kids when the plague struck. She lost her husband and two of her children.
  • Luanda. Younger Sister(d). Seamstress. Married to farmer. Both died in the plague.
  • Merek. Younger Brother(32). Baker. Betrothed to Baker's daughter, all who died in the plague.


  • Ottis Penderghast: Weaponsmith. Husband. Sometimes, things surprise you on how well they work out. From friend to husband has he moved.


  • Name: Explanation

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Maerwynn Penderghast
Fullname: Maerwynn Penderghast nee Vavassour
Portrayed By: Natalia Woerner
Birthday: August 19
Kingdom: Kingdom of Two Rivers
House: None
Title/Profession Healer / Apothecarist
Position Commoner
Birth Place Outside of Whitstock
Father Borin Vavassour
Mother Loreena
Siblings Fendrel(d), Gwendolynn (38), Luanda(d), Merek (32)
Spouse Ottis Penderghast
Children None
Notable Stats


Green Thumb
Keen Sense of Smell
Keen Sense of Taste
