675-03-28 - In Need of Mending

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In Need of Mending
Summary: Baldwin visits the Weapon Smithy to get his sword fixed, Ottis agrees to see to it, and Maerwynn joins the conversation. Old memories threaten to cast their shadows.
Who: Ottis Penderghast, Baldwin Ivounel and Maerwynn Vavassour
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: March 28th, 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 28/03/2014
Where: Weapon Smithy, Duchy of Athereyne
Room Desc: A pair of double doors, made of sturdy oak, to the right when facing the building, are mostly open during the day, admitting light into the interior. The whole room is surprisingly neat and tidy, with everything carefully stowed away to prevent anyone who enters from tripping. There is a chain from the ceiling with scales made of brass towards the left. Hanging from various hooks at the walls are several hammers and tongs, but also a few bellows of various sizes, and two or three small casks containing oil are stowed away in the left corner to the front. At the back is a niche, divided from the rest of the room by a steel barred door with a high quality lock. Stored within are several chests, each of them reinforced with iron bands. In the right corner of the room is a stair well that leads up to the floor above, probably to some private living area.

Outside of the building to the left is the place where the smith usually works, enclosed by a high wooden fence that allows entrance from the right. There at the wall, taking up the majority of the space is a massive forge for heating metal and the bellows that attaches to it to supply oxygen to keep the fires nice and hot. A few feet away from the forge there is a larger anvil, intended for the crafting of bigger items, and another smaller one at the back, for working on arrow heads, smaller knives and the like. More tools such as several molds and crucibles hang from hooks at the outer wall of the building.

Ottis is currently working on a pair of newly forged blades. Each with a simple handle, bound in leather. Ottis is currently at the grinding wheel, his foot on the pedal as he slowly turns the wheel for a steady grind. Occasionally dipping the blade into a small barrel before he runs it along the stone. Ottis seems quite focus'd as he keeps the edge just perfect.. before dipping the blade in the barrel again and swapping sides to sharpen the other side as he finish's his work.

Into the loud ruckus the sharpening of the blades may cause enters a young knight, wearing the colours of House Lenouvi - green and yellow. Dark brown locks frame his slightly pensive face as his grey-blue eyes drift about until they come to settle upon the weapon smith, and a curious smile will enter his features, his gaze dropping to the blade Ottis is currently working on. "Good day," Baldwin greets, stepping closer, his left hand resting on the pommel of his sword.

Arriving with a basket over her arm, Maerwynn steps into the forge area and looks about for a moment. Hearing steel on stone, she makes her way over to where the grinding wheel sits, nodding to the smith as he works. With a curious look does she peer towards Baldwin, the Knight to earn a respectable nod from the woman. A small gesture seems to indicate for Ottis to finish, the covered basket set upon a clear table to the side. She wont interrupt conversation.

Ottis stops after he runs the blade along the stone a few times, mentaly keeping track of how many pass's he's done and turns to face the man.. " Evening sir.. how might I be of service to ye.. " he does spot Maerwynn and his grin brodens. "Mistress Maerwynn, " as he smells the food and grins. " ahh, though of me stomache have ye.. " he teases. "yer blades are nearly complete, just finishing up on the last one here. "

With that said he then turns his gaze back on the knight and waits to see what it is he requires.

Turning to eye the woman who enters, Baldwin will offer a nod as well, the smile on his features turning a touch awkward. "Mistress." The word is mumbled, almost unintelligible, his gaze lingering ever so briefly on her, although the basket she deposits onto the table will recieve a curious glance. He clears his throat. "Hrrm," and turns his attention to the weapon smith. The corners of his mouth will move upwards when he hears his question, his right reaching for the pommel of his sword to draw it - slowly, as he intends not to intimidate or kill. "This is an old friend of mine," the knight explains, his voice surpisingly clear given the mutter from before. "Alas, I fear my uncle wore it out when I sparred with him last eve." His eyes dropping to the blade as she hands it Ottis for an inspection, his forehead wrinkling as if in concern for his valued weapon.

"Of course. It's the least I could do for the knives you work on." Maerwynn answers Ottis as he grins her direction. "No worries, it will keep, though you best make sure to not let them sit too long." A tease offered the man before her words fade and she turns to greet the Knight, his muttered reply to leave her watching curiously. When he turns to Ottis to draw sword and offer it over, she does murmur, "If need be, I can return?" She offers to Ottis, not wishing to interrupt his work. You paged Ottis with 'The blade is of moderate quality and really worn out! ;-)'

Ottis accepts the blade, and studies it. Gently turning it over in his calloused hands. "I've seen better.. " he states matter of factly, and looks up at Baldwin "And I've seen much worse.. " a light grin if offered. "If your wanting it resharpened and honed I can do that, though if you wish a new blade I can certainly use the work and you'll be quite pleased with the result too. It'll take a week for the blade should you wish one made, and in the mean time I can do some repair to this fine blade and put a new edge on her. " he looks to Merwynn and shakes his head. "there is no need for you to leave, as your being here saves me trip to yer shop. " he says with a light smile.

The exchange between Maerwynn and Ottis is of course noticed, a quick glance shifting from the woman to the basket and then to the smith. Hearing her murmur, Baldwin will shift a little, a concerned look on his face. "Oh, pray tell me, if /I/ picked an unappropriate time for my visit, as I can see, your wife has already brought you some well deserved food...?" Wild guessing there on his part, but what other explanation can there be really?

The weapon smith's assessment of Baldwin's blade is accepted with a wry grin. "Aye, tis old, and not the best, but all I could afford so far. So yes, sharpening her, that would be my request." Although his gaze flits to those blades Ottis had been working on, even if they are of smaller size they seem of good quality, even to untrained eyes such as his. There is regret in his grey-blue eyes as he lowers his gaze. Someday. Maybe soon.

Maerwynn chuckles quietly in turn to Ottis, "Then I'll stay." But, when Baldwin speaks up of she and the smith being married, there comes a flush of color to her cheeks, and a shake of her head given, "No.. " Oh boy, maybe it's her turn to stutter a little over an answer!

Ottis's grin grows as Sir Baldwin makes his statement. "Mistress Maerwynn isn't my wife good sir. Though in time perhaps, as she' was kind enough to accept this old smiths request to court her. " he clears his throat a bit to get minds back on the blade in hand (quite literally) "I can have it ready for you on the marrow, should you wish to leave it here, as you can see im just finishing up one order and then I can get started on yours first thing. " Ottis Quotes Baldwin a price that is currently below market for similar work just as a show of good faith and so that in the future the knight will spread word of his skillful work.

Baldwin lowers his gaze again, now clearly looking uncomfortable, when Ottis clarifies the relationship between the two, and Maerwynn, in a way does as well. "Forgive me," he says, his forehead wrinkling. "I did not mean to cause any discomfort with my remark," - he certainly caused some for himself! - and then he seems unable to continue for a moment, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, and he clears his throat again. Ottis offer of taking care of his blade rather swiftly comes and the knight will smile gratefully back at the smith. "Oh, would that be possible? I can certainly leave the sword here." Although his gaze does linger for a moment almost affectionately on that old blade in Ottis' hands. "Your shop is new, and from your accent I gather you are not from Athereyne, Master...?" Baldwin inquires, as the thought crosses his mind.

Ottis smiles "Penderghast.. Ottis Penderghast, and Im from Cornith before the plague hit. " he reaches up to place a hand on the knight shoulder and give it a squeeze. "There is nothing to forgive sir knight, and be of cheer. When you see your friend again tomorrow eve she'll look brand new and sing songs.." as he does his best to cheer up the knight. " I do have a few more baser blades should you wish to exchange for the night so that you'll not feel ... naked I believe the term is.. and when you return tomororw we can swap blades back. Is this a fair offer sir?"

Maerwynn manages to get her thoughts in order, soon to chuckle softly, "All is well, sir Knight." She assures him, though nods towards the smith as he speaks of their courting. With arrangements to be made over the blade, she does offer her own introduction, "Maerwynn Vavassour, from near Grainville. I am a healer and apothecarist. My shop is just down from here, if ever you need my services."

Baldwin smiles when Ottis introduces himself. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Master Penderghast. But Cornith...? Isn't that somewhere to the north, in Beresgond? What made you move to Athereyne, when you certainly can make more coin in the Capital?" Grinning at the squeeze of hisn shoulder he will offer his hand in greeting. "I am Sir Baldwin, of House Ivounel." The bastard branch of the Ruling House of Athereyne. "Nephew to Sir Berec, and it was he who is to blame for my sword's sorry state."

When Maerwynn speaks up, the knight will indeed face her for the first time today, meeting her gaze with a polite smile. "Granville? I've squired there," he admits, the expression in his eyes turning thoughtful. "I fear I witnessed the most dire times there." Revolts, burning of shrines, and yes, piles of dead bodies going up in flames have left their mark on the young Ivounel, it seems.

Ottis nods his head, "Aye north we were, and yet My family and I were better able to find work here, besides I learned they lost their smith here and Why go to captial and compete with other smiths when I have a free reign here. That and my sister and her husband found work here and wanted to be close to our folks. That and the towns friendly enough. " as he casts a glance over to Naerwynn and grins. " Though your blade will be ready tomorrow night and I can give you a loaner until you stop by to reclaim your blade. "

As mention of the horrors that happened back home is brought up, Maerwynn grows quiet, merely giving a quiet nod to the Knight before turning away, allowing the men to conclude their business. She brushes fingers along the counter, stepping aside, her expression remaining rather thoughtful.

Baldwin almost forgot about Ottis' offer, with all these news and memories suddenly claiming his attention. "I would like to accept that spare blade you are offering, even though I hope not to be forced to use it, I will indeed feel... uncomfortable without any means to defend myself." He pauses, smiling when he hears the smith's explanation on how he came here. "Yes, the old smith... a great loss to Equis, and I am sure His Grace is happy you came to fill the empty spot so swiftly." His gaze will brush Maerwyyn as she turns away, and that smile will fade, suspecting that he shares some horrible memories of Granville with her. Remaining where he is, he will remark: "Time will heal all wounds, Mistress Vavassour," pausing next as if he had contemplated to insert the usual "Peetairas willing," but then falls silent with a shrug. Better not become guilty of treason against the King's decree. A decree that forbids any worship of the Gods.

Ottis nods his head. "Well any use you get out of the loaner will be fine, as I dont make blades for show. So if it is used to save a life, then its done its job.." Ottis gets up and moves to the rack to study the few blades he has brought with him and looks to you and the blade you handed him for repairs and selects one that he feels will be a good match. "Here you go sir Baldwin.. May she serve you well. " as he slowly hands over the sword and scabbard to you.

Maerwynn turns as her name is spoken, eyes dark with her own memories of those times within her eyes. Being a healer during the plague was not easy at all in any way. "Eventually, it does. Or so they say." She will offer the Knight then, "Sorry, I think it's safe to say there are none within Two Rivers that was not touched by the plague in some way. Some more than others." Queit are her words, and once Ottis steps aside to look over the plain swords, she smiles, "My blades may not be the same as yours, sir Knight, but I can say that the work he does is well and good."

Baldwin accepts the sword and the scabbard, his eyes studying the blade intently as he weighs it in his hand. A few swings are executed, carefully, as to avoid to injure anyone, and the knight will nod, looking quite pleased. "Very well balanced. So this is one of your loaners, Master? Your regular swords must be of outstanding quality then." And probably unaffordable for him, his worried glance seems to add. He will look the loaner over once again, the well polished blade, the solid pommel, before he sheathes it. Acknowledging Maerwynn's remark with a grim smile, he will reply: "The knight who trained me passed away, briefly after he knighted me. Claimed by the plague. I admit, I actually left for Athereyne before the worst was yet to come, but..." His voice trails off and he will nod. Relieved that she changes the subject. "You see me suprised that you have need of weapons, Mistress," he remarks curiously.

Ottis looks to Sir Baldwin. "well I dont typically loan out blades sir knight as that blade and the few others I have up on the wall are for sale. I am just doing this loan so that you've a blade on ye while I tend to yours. " as for his prices well they are probably higher than most smiths, but as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. "that blade is of my less than perfect but fully functional blades sir knight. As I've worked hard to prefect my craft and try to produce the highest quality blades to my customers."

Maerwyn cannot help but smile as Ottis speaks of his blades, knwoing herself that his works is as fine as any she's seen before. But when he questions her of needing a weapon, she shakes her head, finally stepping forwards, "Not truly a weapon, but blades for cutting, chopping and the like. Good strong sharp blades for my work, though dagger size instead of sword."

Baldwin nods to Ottis' explanation. "I see, Master Penderghast, so I am fortunate that you provide me with this... sword. I will return it to you tomorrow, of course." Raising a brow when Maerwynn speaks, the knight replies: "Oh, daggers /are/ weapons. They can be used for cutting vegetables and the like, but... That does not make them less dangerous..." He clears his throat, fearing he is overstepping. "Your work, you say? What do you do for living, Mistress Vavassour?"

Ottis sets Baldwins blade down on the shelf reserved for clients as he picks up the blade he was working on for Maerwynn and redips it and remembers the count as he resumes sharpening it, While she and the knight talk. Figguring that he he gabs all day he'll not get any work done at all. So its back to grind, grind grind, dip in oil, then grind, grind, grind. Until Ottis gets the blade exactly where he wants it and gives it a final dip and then takes it to a leather hone to put the final edge on the blade before placing it with the other blade that is to be given to Maerwynn.

Maerwyn ohs, nodding, then says again, "I'm a healer and apothecarist, sir Knight. My shop is just down a few from here. I trained beneath Master Isuet from Whitstock from the time I was six years old, until her death in the plague." A glance is given to the knife being sharpened by Ottis then before she turns back to Baldwin, "Generally, when I use a knife, it's hopefully to help someone become well again."

"A healer," the knight will nod. "Good to know,... I might seek you out, perhaps, when Uncle Berec gives me another thrashing." A smile there, but very faint, when he addresses the woman. "And yes, I am sure you do." This said in reply to her latter remark. Seeing the business he came here for being taken care of, Baldwin will incline his head in the smith's direction next while moving towards the exit. "I will see you tomorrow then, in the evening, Master Penderghast." A glance in Maerwynn's direction. "Good eve, Mistress Vavassour." And the knight slips out onto the Market Place.

Ottis watches as the knight moves to depart, where Ottis moves to a trough filled with water as he applies so lye soap and scrubs his hands and arms throughly before rinsing them off and taking a wool towel and drying his hands and forearms before he cleans off the two blades for Maerwyn and sets them in a box he had the carpenters make for him as they fit snugly as he closes the lid to then present it to her.

A nod is given to Baldwin as he turns to head out. "A pleasure, sir Knight. If you ever do need my services, come by or send someone to me." Maerwynn offers to Baldwin with a smile, "May your night be blessed quiet." She offers then before he leaves them both.