675-07-26 - A New Beginning

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A New Beginning
Summary: Ottis comes to visit Rayne and finds a newly married couple.
Who: Rayne Devantry, Ottis Penderghast and Baldwin of Equis
References: re:Maerwynn Penderghast, re:Alajos Fennim
When: July 26th, 675
Related Logs: Wedding log of Baldwin and Rayne, and the Betrothal Joust
Date of RP: 26/07/2014
Where: Devantry Cottage, Duchy of Woriscant
Room Desc: A hint of flora and plant matter fills the air of this small home. Various plants hang from strings along the ceiling, while one table sits off to the side lined with vials, bowls, and other tools fit for the apothecary sort. In the middle of the main section is a small couch and a single chair where the very rare guest could sit and enjoy mingling conversation, though it is usually a quiet existance within the cottage. Off to one side is the only other door which leads to a quaint bedroom. Light from either moon or sun filters in through the one window on the two walls not occupied by a door, one in the kitchen area and the other just off to where the bedroom door leads.

Ottis smiles warmly. "Well you mean beyond the child my wife carries? then no.. its been pretty quiet. "

Rayne and Ottis are sitting at the small kitchen table, sharing a drink and catching up on life. Rayne has brought Ottis up to speed on some of the more recent events, much like Ottis has done with her. Taking another sip of her wine, Rayne gives a soft chuckle before shaking her head. "I'll definitely make plans to come see your wife, since she is about two or three months along now, is she not?" Trying to remember time frames and such which passed between the Isles and home.

Ottis actually fills in Rayne that it might be a bit more than that as she started to show signs just after they got to the Island so chances are good Maerwynn had conceived before they took the trip over to the Isles. "some where along those lines yes." he confirms, and shrugs. "give or take."

They may have noticed that light snoring has suddenly ceased. But even if they haven't, a head will appear in the door to the bedroomm from a still sleepy looking knight wearing little more than a shirt and breeches. "Rayne? Who's that speaking to you...?", Baldwin will mutter, before he steps inside with a yawn. Then smling when he recognizes the weapon smith. "Master Ottis!"

Rayne beams a smile when she hears Baldwin's voice, glancing over to the knight who pokes his head in. Not really having to answer the knight when he comes further out and into the room. She stands and shifts over to greet her newlywed husband with a gentle kiss. "He's turned his smithy practice into something more moveable and happened upon the house while looking for those needing his services." Gesturing to the table then. "Some wine or mead, Baldwin?"

Ottis snorts at seeing Baldwin.. "Who'd ya exect to be here, the weapons fairy..?" as he grins, as he drains the rest of his cup of meade. "besides none of you lot come see me no more so felt it best I at least come find ye. Or have you all lost your sense of direction and the location of my shop." as he grins a bit.

Baldwin smiles when he leans in to return that kiss in a rather relaxed and natural way. He seems to be overall less tense than he has ever been before. That smile remains, when the kiss is broken, and his grey-blue eyes continue to linger for a moment of Rayne's before they shift to Ottis. A chuckle comes and he shakes his head. "I am sorry, it seems I have been neglecting old acquaintances, Master Ottis. Some... matters, such as a tourney, and an assignment as guard to a guest. But it is good to see you." The smile he offers Ottis is genuine. "Some mead perhaps," Baldwin says next, this aimed in the direction of Rayne.

Rayne keeps her gaze upon Baldwin for that lingering moment before she turns and heads back towards the kitchen. Listening to the banter between Ottis and Baldwin before letting out a light laugh. "I fear my excuse is far more plain. I've been to town a couple of times to market my wares, but sadly I also gained a few patients I had to check up on. There was also a random run in I had with Duke Alajos before it was all said and done." Saying that much while pouring a cup of mead and bringing it to the table to place before Baldwin before sitting herself once more. "Though I need to go back to the market and trade some more supplies." Saying that much thoughtfully before her gaze shifts to Baldwin. "Did you rest well, love?"

Ottis can't help but shake his head a bit, "Well tis hard to get upset when your dealing with the things you've had to deal with, Though when your in town next stop by as your blades ready.. I've just never known where you were to give it to you. " he looks to Rayne and his now empty cup. "Might I get a bit more dear lady.. as its been quite the dusty road and that meade sure has hit the spot. " he rubs his chin. "Maerwynn has been busy too, working her shop and dealing with some interesting cravings (will have to talk to her soon to find out where we are with all that. so our stories match up. hehe) Still working out trade agreements with the various kingdoms to try and further improve my craft and make better weapons, but with so much mistrust and what not its making such things harder to Accomplish."

"Um, yes, I did," Baldwin admits with a wry grin. "Sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep, really, when I meant to stay awake for a bit of conversation with you." A warm flicker in his eyes comes as reaction to her address, before his gaze shifts once again to Ottis, and he grins sheepishly. "Oh. And yes. I was busy getting married, Master Ottis, to this wonderful woman here." With that said he sits down with them now, accepting the meade from Rayne with a grateful nod. A brow is raised next, as one of the things Rayne has said cling to his mind. "Duke Alajos? What was that about?"

"My blade...? Oh, I will certainly come by soon and pay your shop a visit," the knight says to Ottis. "How could I forget about that?", he mutters to himself, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Aye, probably to many things have been on my mind of late."

"Certainly Ottis..." Rayne says this to his request for more meade, moving to grab his cup and then shifts to fill it before bringing it back over. "I'm glad it has suited you well, especially since it is a travel from your shop to the woodlands here." A chuckle then as she takes her seat once more with drinks delivered. Though she offers a smile towards Baldwin with a slight shake of her head. "Likely the last few days have been tiring, Baldwin. You've also been mending from that bruise suffered during the tourney last. It's quite alright, we've time still for talking yet." A smile still before she hears his question regarding the Duke and her throat clears a bit. "He happened to be setting up preparations for the feast and such a day or so before the tournament. It just so happens that the tavern owner's wife is a bit ill so I was dropping off a treatment for her. The Duke was there, so we spoke of the land, and he inquired of my position. I find it interesting he did not seem to be aware that there are healers among his Duchy..." Seeing as how Rayne was of Woriscant, which the Duke prosided over beneath the king. The further of Baldwin's blade is discussed and Rayne settles in a seat aside Baldwin, taking another sip of her wine.

Ottis looks to Rayne and grins. "well If Alajos didn't know of you, I'd be surprised he even rememebers my wife. Though she has been on me to advertise more, but with how slim pick'n are what with the recent plague and all its not as easy as it sounds. " he looks to Baldwin and grins. "I was telling Rayne I should have attended the Tourny might have had a better chance to sell my wares there and get in that advertising Maerwynn was talking about. Any clue as to who won.? Rayne said she wasn't paying attention but I figgure you might have being a knight and all. "

"Oh I'm already feeling much better," Baldwin replies to Rayne's remark about his bruise from the tourney. Ottis's remark about the tourney will get a slightly different reaction though. "Um... I was eliminated in the third round, and didn't feel too well, so I missed it, like Rayne. But I hear a foreigner has won. Sir Sallah Al Akubar. In fact that one defeated me as well.", he comments with a light shrug.

"Oh good. Well see there? We have time to talk still, and I am glad you're feeling better, love." Rayne would say that much before finishing her glass of wine before turning around to stand once more so she can refill her own glass. "Was it the foreigner? I suppose that's alright. I wonder how Duke Alajos fared overall..." Saying that much with a thoughtful tone before reclaiming her seat. "I'm not sure if we're going to be going to any tournaments in the near future..."

"At least he got to the semi-finals," Baldwin replies to Rayne's question about Duke Alajos. "Past me." A shrug follows to her remark about tourneys in general. "I won't certainly ever take part in any of these any more.", he muses. "Because, what for, really? When my father has disinherited me, I needn't bother any longer. No... I will seek to serve in a more purposeful way. Maybe I should speak to the Duke, to see if he has use for a knight."

Ottis has an incrediulous look on his face, "so just cause your father, a thice damn fool If I do say so myself disinherited ya yer just gonna quit. You of all people I've met never seem to be the quitt'n type.. all ya got to do is improve and you'll do better, those on top never stay there fore ever as some youngster always shows up and proves to be their better. you've not hit your stride yet practice and improve thats the key to getting bettter and when you do start winning you do it not for your father, but yourself and your lovely lady here. "

Rayne has no idea how to really respond to any of the talk about tournaments and Baldwin's want to participate or not. "I think it's more... well I wouldn't know much. It does seem that you, love, did not truly wish to participate in the tournaments. Instead, there might be something more for you to do. If you wish, I could try and obtain an audience with the Duke..." Saying that much before she would take another sip of her wine glass. Her own opinion offered, but she wasn't sure how much weight it carried.

"I am not quitting, Master Ottis," Baldwin retorts, with maybe a hint of an indignant tone. "I'm only shifting my activity to more meaningful areas. This tourney business is something my father always has insisted on. It is not a route I wish to persue at the moment. Maybe in the future." He shrugs, perhaps already regretting his sharp tone. Rayne's remark will be rewarded with a nod. "Aye. Indeed. It seems you already understand me pretty well, Rayne.", he smiles as he raises his mug of mead to her in a toast.