675-08-05 - The Gift That Keeps Giving

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The Gift That Keeps Giving
Summary: Rayne returns with the gift for Baldwin from Ottis, and a gift of her own.
Who: Rayne Devantry and Baldwin of Equis
References: Re:Ottis Penderghast,Re:Maerwynn Penderghast,Re:Erek Ivounel,Re:Verlak Ivounel and Re:Baldwin's Mother
When: 675-08-04
Related Logs: 675-08-04 - Mutual Giftings
Date of RP: 2014-08-05 thru 2014-08-07
Where: Devantry Cottage
Room Desc: A hint of flora and plant matter fills the air of this small home. Various plants hang from strings along the ceiling, while one table sits off to the side lined with vials, bowls, and other tools fit for the apothecary sort. In the middle of the main section is a small couch and a single chair where the very rare guest could sit and enjoy mingling conversation, though it is usually a quiet existance within the cottage. Off to one side is the only other door which leads to a quaint bedroom. Light from either moon or sun filters in through the one window on the two walls not occupied by a door, one in the kitchen area and the other just off to where the bedroom door leads.

Rayne returns from town a little later than expected, but when one stops in to see friends, time can be a close second to conversation. Never the less, the return brings a plentiful bounty as Rayne manages to bring in the whole of her haul - including the box given to her by Ottis - as well as a bag of things from the market. Setting everything onto the table near the kitchen, she takes care with the box by setting it off to the side and then moves about to put up everything else. Little money means only the essentials, but it is likely in many ways Rayne has managed to prove that surviving poor out in the woods is not as bad as some people make it out to be.

She will find her husband is at home, with little hints scattered here and there, such as his sword in the scabbard, the belt holding it hanging from a hook at the wall, beside his brown woollen cloak. A pair of comfortable but slightly worn leather boots that stand orderly beside the door; a chainmail armor, with the tabard of yellow and green - well kept but showing signs of having been fixed in various places.

Possibly alerted to her return by the sounds of a door closing behind her, Baldwin will appear in the door leading to their bedroom, dressed in a shirt and breeches, a smile lightening up his features aas soon as he glimpses his wife. "Rayne..." is murmured, as his arms reach for her to wrap her in a warm and affectionate welcome home hug.

It was all the little things newly scattered around the house that made it feel like home. Made the whole of Rayne's life feel complete in a way she never thought possible. Touches here and there that had her all smiles when she got home. Either way, hearing the shift of wood as Baldwin appears in the doorway of their bedroom she flashes him an even brighter smile. "Baldwin." Returning that hug and even shifting a bit to offer him a kiss as well. "How has your day been, love?" Asking that as the hug is relinquished - reluctantly - and she returns to putting up the few items she procured at the market.

That offered kiss will be most readily accepted, Baldwin's lips seeking hers for a long moment. The smile he offers her back, when that kiss is broken, is warm indeed. The question however eleicits a light shrug from the knight. "The day has been rather uneventful," he remarks, as he lets go of her, grey-blue eyes lingering on his wife as she continues to stow away what she had brought with her. "I feel already well enough, that I should seek out the duke, to see if he has any need of me..." The smile turns a bit pensive now, as the lack of coin, even of that little Baldwin has had as income before he was disowned, certainly will need some efforts on his part now, as he certainly cannot stand to be a burden to his skillful healer wife.

"Oh well. Uneventful days can be rather boring..." Rayne would comment and when Baldwin spoke of being well enough to seek out the Duke she would nod. "You should do that. I'm sure he could use a man of your caliber and skill among his ranks." The ever faithful of her husband, she finishes putting up what items she had, and then turns towards Baldwin once more. "I did stop by Master Ottis' shop today. I wanted to drop off a tinticure I made for his wife... and also went ahead and picked up the gift he had for you..." She gestures to the long cherry wood box sitting on the table.

The remark about the Duke will be met with a brief nod. The mention of Ottis and the gift will make that slightly guilty look fade from the knight's features, replacing it with curious anticipation. "Oh. The sword?" His eyes flit towards the box made of cherry wood, and yes its shape already hints that it can only contain the weapon Ottis had agreed to craft for him. The mention of a tincture has him raise a brow though. "What about his wife? Mistress Maerwynn? is she unwell?"

A slightly curious look would befall Rayne's face when she notes the sort of guilt that strewned Baldwin's gaze a moment. Still, when he questions the gift she mentioned, a nod is given. "Indeed. I haven't looked at it myself... figured you could have the honors of setting eyes upon it first. Still, Ottis was quite proud of his work. He did make mention that if you want to stop by his shop with the sword yourself..." A look of thought passing over, as if she's trying to remember something. "I dunno, something about balance and the hilt fitting your grip or...some such manner." A soft laugh would come from her then at Baldwin's last inquiry. "No, my heart. Maerwynn is fine. As fine as a woman with child can be anyway... the tinticure is designed to help quell any symptoms she has from such an affair."

Baldwin smiles when Rayne tries to remember Ottis exact words about the sword and he shakes his head with a chuckle. "I will pay him a visit then, at least to ask him /what/ exactly he said to you." There is no mockery in his gaze as he looks his wife's way, only a deep fondness. "I thank you for carrying this all the way from Equis. It must have been very heavy to carry for you." He reaches for the box, lifting it carefully. "It's not only the sword but the box, too." Said as he puts the box down again, and his fingers move to open it. Only to look up with the astonished and slightly dumb expression men sometimes show when pregnancy is mentioned. "Oh... didn't know that. Well. Another reason to pay a visit to Ottis, to congratulate him and his wife." Hesitating then before he adds: "Symptoms?" Looking slightly at a loss, about what Rayne is referring to.

"Very well! He should be happy to see you I think, and you two can talk swords and things to stab with them, and I'll keep the woman company." Rayne would say with a laugh before shaking her head. "S'what my horse is for... when I have him around... and I had him today. So no real burden, we rode back slow.." Another nod given before watching how his expression and statements sort of change with the mentioning of pregnancy. "She's been carrying since we were on the Isles. I imagine she would be having the babe in the matter of two or three months now..." All of this said in a sort of matter of fact way as Rayne shifts to grab a couple of cups and fills them with mead. "Uneasiness of the stomach, pains in the head, and a mixture of all sorts of ills and pains. Having a child is both a blessing and a curse I think...depends on when you ask the woman I would imagine.."

"Ah, I see," Baldwin replies when Rayne mentions her horse. "And yes, we should go there together, perhaps. Even if that means I'd return to Equis, does not mean I have to meet any of my former family there." The latter part added in an afterthought. Then the knight grows silent when the healer speaks of pregnancies and their possible ills and pains. "I wasn't aware it could be a curse...", he mutters after a moment, as his gaze shifts to meet Rayne's, while he takes one of the cups from her hand.

"Well," Rayne begins, "That might have been a concern of mine. Running into someone you know or...a member of your former family." She won't mention the rumors she heard, or the fact that she went through the city with the hood of her cloak raised. Listening to him as he takes that cup from her hand, she gives a blink and a shake of her head. "Hmm?" Taking note of the muttered words from Baldwin before she would let her gaze meet his. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh no," Baldwin is quick to reply. "I just wasn't aware of... these pregancy issues." Which in a way makes sense, with him being a man. "I mean," he continues after a moment, "you could get pregnant, too. It's a thing I've actually pondered, but to think I would put you through any discomfort..." His words trail off, unused to tackling such matters verbally as he seems to be, and yes, his cheeks take on a rosy colour.

"Baldwin..." Rayne begins, setting down her cup and shifting to close the distance between them. "I know I could get pregnant. You want to know something else? I would welcome it and everything that comes with it. In the end, it is a beautiful thing - childbirth - I've been a handmaiden a couple of times..." She recalls, seemingly lost in such a thought a moment before shaking her head some. "You keep fearing about even the slightest discomfort or pain I could be put through and you're going to have a lifetime of worry on your hands. Remember? Dangerous profession." A smile then, because somewhere in all of that she was trying to make a sort of joke, get him to smile.

She does manage, at least in a way. Baldwin's lips curve into a sheepish smile. "I am glad you see it that way," he remarks, looking a bit relieved. "And forgive me. My mood is a little off today, as I am starting to feel a bit useless. Which will change soon, I hope. Still. I am glad I have made this decision in my life. It seemed the only reasonable thing to do."

Rayne gives a blink and a shake of her head. "You're not useless. You've been injured, so it's not like I expected you to jump to your feet and get things done. Aside from that, I did warn that living out here is a simple existence. There is not much to do..." She would say that much before turning to take up her cup of mead, sipping from it gently. "I mean, most of my days are spent here... and I make one trip to the cities in a week's time..."

There is a faint smile when he hears her reply, yet Baldwin seems to be little cheered up by it. "It is not living here, Rayne. I am glad we can spend time together, here. But I am a knight, and I need to serve some purpose, especially in times as these. I do not miss my home..." His words trail off for a moment, as his grey-blue eyes flicker a little. "Apart from my mother and Verlak, that is. I hope they understand my decision, and are not wroth at me for the consequence."

She wasn't sure what more to say about what seemed to be plaguing Baldwin's mind. Still, she offers some words, "Well, then let us hope one of the Dukes accepts you into their ranks...", in hopes to be as encouraging as possible. When he speaks about not missing his home, save for his mother and one more, there is a flicker of a gaze to him while she moves over to a small table laid out with bowls and vials, along with bits of this and that in plant matter, herbs, and other concoctions. "Perhaps you should write a letter to your mother, or Verlak, or both... my little errand boy could deliver it for you - and your father would be none the wiser..." Offering that much as an option before she sets her cup of mead aside and begins to busy herself with working.

Baldwin looks up at Rayne's suggestion. "Of course! I should write to them. Strange I haven't thought of that, myself! I am sorry for mother, she may have to deal with father's wrath should he find out though. I will use the opportunity to tell them we have married, and assure them I am well enough, and happy." He will reach out for Rayne as she passes him, and pull her close, even though she may not have expected that. "Because that's what I am. Happy about my decision.", the knight murmurs into her ear, smiling, before his lips will seek hers for another kiss. "Happy. Yet a little clueless about the future. So forgive this poor knight if he may appear not to appreciate your company.", he adds, when the kiss is broken, and he still holds her in his arms.

"Well you did mention to me in your letter that it wasn't something which came... uhm...easy I think? Not something you did often, for sure. Still, it is an option you have, and I can try and do my best to ensure your father does not find out your mother has gotten a letter from you." Since Rayne did offer her errand boy to be the one that would deliver the message. She also finds herself not quite as working as she thought she would be, suddenly pulled close, hearing those words whispered and she smiles. "I am happy as well, my love." Accepting that first kiss, only to hear those next murmured words. "No one knows the future, Baldwin, not even the soothsayers who claim to do so... I do not think there is anything to forgive you of... but never the less. You are forgiven." He was still holding her, and so she would shift enough to settle in his hold, leaning against him some even. "I appreciate your company as well, love." Shifting back enough to offer him yet another kiss, perhaps holding this meeting of their lips for a breath longer.

"Oh, you mean writing?", Baldwin replies. "I think I will manage. As for mother, it is more that I doubt her wanting to keep secrets from him, alas, that will be for her to decide... I will write a letter to her and another one to Verlak. My dear little brother. I wonder what he might think of me..." A faint smile warms his features. "So far I've always tried to be a role model for him, and now I am the one who acts against our father's wishes."

"I thank you," the knight replies next when Rayne says she forgives him, holding her still in his arms as he leans into her for the next kiss, which does indeed linger for a long moment. "I'll be less brooding, I promise, in the future. And how can I really be, when I am graced with such a wonderful wife..?", Baldwin smiles, once the kiss is broken. "I would hate to keep you from your work, but... will you have some time to spare, to keep your husband company?" The way he stresses the word may suggest he is using it in a different sense than Rayne did a few moments before.

"Well, if you find yourself stuck or anything, do let me know? I'll try to be as helpful as possible." In some ways, Rayne felt saddened that she would - in all likelihood - never meet the rest of Baldwin's family. At this point, the two she's met were not the most welcoming of herself. Either way, her smile remained and she gives a small nod. "Yes, but sometimes it is the more drastic actions that make us the most free. I think you're still a role model for him... you've opened up a path of unconventional means. To go against the normal - which is not always a bad thing." Or so, that was Rayne's take on the matter.

A little surprised when he thanks her for the forgiveness she gives that she did not think he needed to begin with. Caught in that kiss the moment after, which lingers, there is not much more for her to say. She simply enjoys the moment as it is. When the kiss breaks, and he speaks once more, she gives a wry little grin. "My work is something I do...whenever I wish to do it. I've nothing pressing, that needs to absolutely get done... so if my husband wishes company - I am more than happy to oblige." The way he stresses such a thing does not go unnoticed, and now it is Rayne's turn to perhaps become colored a brighter shade of pink. "A little comfort might be needed as well, and I am sure our bed can use a few bodies to warm it up should the night become cold..."

"No, it's okay, I'll manage." Baldwin replies with a smile. "Although I will show them to you, once I am done writing them. You might meet them, one day. And I am sure you will like my brother." He smiles. "He's a squire still. Determined to become a great famous knight."

Then the kiss happens, and Baldwin lips curl even more, when he notices his wife's blush. His own cheeks show a bit of color as well. "You've been away, and I've been lonely. After all we're husband and wife, so what wrong can there be in a bit of comfort shared in our bed?" Said, with his gaze lowered. "I love you, Rayne. And I've missed you." When Baldwin looks up his gaze brushes once again the wooden box Rayne had brought with her. "I can have a look at the sword later."

There is only a nod from the healer, who then smiles at the prospect of meeting some of his family some day. After all, there is a chance he could be welcomed back into his family once more, and her along with. Either way, there is pride in Baldwin when he speaks of his younger brother, a thing which could make Rayne wish she had at least one sibling growing up.

A kiss, and then he would mention about how she was away and he was lonely. "Indeed, we are husband and wife... there is nothing wrong with sharing a bit of comfort in bed." Turning towards him, lifting a hand to cup Baldwin's cheek, she leans forward to brush her lips against his before shifting to gently pull away. "I love you as well, Baldwin...and believe me, I missed you when I was in town..." Catching his glance towards the sword, she would begin to move towards the door that leads to their bedroom. "Many things can be done later, for now, I think you should join me this way hmm?"

Yes, there is pride and brotherly love for Verlak, which cannot be denied in the sparkle of those grey-blue eyes. "I will... try to get you acquainted with him, and my mother, should she agree to it.", Baldwin remarks with a smile, before his expression softens when Rayne continues about marital delight, and she once again confesses her love for him. Leaning against her touch as she cups his cheek he will smile back, his hand moving to take hers as she turns to head towards their bedroom. "Aye.", is all he says, and his lips curve into a smile as he follows he

"I would like that. I think. I'm a little unsure to meet them as the encounters with other members of your family have thus far proven ill for the both of us in the long run.." Rayne would confess such feelings before finding that his hand has joined hers, their fingers likely entwining even as they make the short trip that it is into their bedroom.

The moments to follow that night are those best kept hidden behind closed doors.