675-04-28 - Knight's Tourney

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Knight's Tourney
Summary: People from all over Felaguria have gathered for the Knight's Tourney, to show their skill - and win a most formidable prize.
From the Isles: Nathan Onimus, Lisabette Zorich, Moshe Machuri, Jerrick Onimus, Zephan Onimus, Imma Grunhaid and Zakkai Landos
From Estoria: Teodor Gylkrohn, Hakon Hrossmork, Oddr and Arni Arnstor(emitted by RainStorm)
From Two Rivers: Ralph Fennim, Baldwin Ivounel, Ottis Penderghast, Maerwynn Penderghast, Manfred Mordake and Vandrik Yldon (both emitted by Rivers)
From the Golden Lion: Nadhir Imamu, Najla Eniola, Zuhur Nuru and Az-Zuban al Asad (emitted by Nadhir)
References: None.
When: April 28th, 675
Related Logs: Other events of the Days of Onimoria, such as 675-04-23 - Welcoming Feast
Date of RP: 28/04/2014
Where: Tournament Grounds - Steelea, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The Tourney Grounds consist of a huge field that can be used for jousting but for other tournaments as well, with lots of benches provided for the spectators. Banners of the Houses of the Isles flapping in the wind over the pavillions and tents of those who take part. There is a box for those of royal and greater noble birth, as the constant clatter of weapons clashing against each other is now and then drowned by the cheer of the crowd.

Today is the day of the tournament of knights. Anyone who has been knighted at some point can participate here, choosing the weapon he prefers. The prize is really tempting - the hand of the lady, the island, the creation of your own new line of nobles, and the possibility to become the solicitor of the Queen.

Usually the people of the Isles must pray for their Patrons to get some rain, or that the rain would stop. The kingdom is known for its rainy autumns and incredibly hot springs. Though, when you don't need the rain at all, it comes by surprise. Each knight would agree, that the drizzling is the worst, what can happen. Sadly, the whole day was clouded and the rain made the ground quiet muddy. The heavy armored legs of the knights just sink in the mud, bringing cusses out.

The royal family is seated under the huge umbrellas. However, there is no Queen. She is still missing. The Royal High Oni is sitting in the middle, where the Queen should. Madalyn Onimus is sitting from right and the lady, whose hand will be won today is sitting on the left. Nathan Onimus is seated beside the heir of the Isles, while his twin brothers are already preparing for the tournament with some help from their squires.

The herald stands up on a small stage and speaks, "Welcome everyone to the tournament of the Knights. Such events happen just twice before. We can be sure, that today's winner's name will be written in history! The rules are very simple. You can chose the weapon you want and just show your talents." The man coughs a bit and adds, "Good luck everyone, but for now, Sir Hakon Hrossmork from the Kingdom of Estoria and the prince Jerrick Onimus are invited to open the event, when they are ready!"

Nathan is quite content to watch, rather then be a part of, he finds it all amusing in a way. A new noble house that will hold little sway over his mother..his -sister- is another question. He's even here in his own armor, as if to make a showing, or annoy knights who can't afford the gleaming plate of their own.

Teodor and his entourage have arrived to the tournament, not minding the wet weather at all. The men are quite loud and in good spirits. Four have outfitted themselves with weapons and armor, and are left with several back slaps from the Prince, amongst those other Knights who seek to try their hand at winning this tournament before they move into seating.

When called forth, a young man likely in his 20s, steps forwards. Hakon Hrossmork wears the colors of his House and leather armor fitted with bands of metal. He carries in his hand shield and a battle axe.

Nadhir has arrived as well, along with the Lady of Eniola, the pair of whom is seeming to enjoy the rain, perhaps because it is so rare in the Golden Lion.

Among those lined up to take part is Baldwin Ivounel, a knight of the Two Rivers. He may be used to the bad weather, being from the north, as he does not mind the drizzling too much at all. His short dark brown curls are plastered to his head already, as he stands there, the light half helmet tucked beneath his arm, he wears his chain mail beneath the already slightly moistened tabard in yellow and green, the sword hanging at his side for now, until his name is called.

Beside him is another contender from the Two Rivers, slightly shorter and of broader built. Sir Manfred Mordake is slightly more affected by the weather, an annoyed glare cast about him. Being of a minor House, just like Baldwin, but still more battle-hardened than the younger knight, Manfred takes a sip from a wine skin, before he hands it to a servant with a grunt.

Arriving with Nadhir, Najla is enjoying the rain, though an umbrella is had to keep her somewhat dry. Still, she can be seen to hold her hand out from beneath it, to feel the cool drops of water upon her hand from time to time. Her gaze turns to those men gathered to take part in the coming tourney, curiously darting over each one, before turning as they move towards seats.

Zakkai is here! He stands off to the side of the field of the Tourney grounds, looking outright miserable, wet.. and covered in an assorted amount of stuffy armor, with which the man seems to clunk around quite poorly. His movements are always robotic, foolish and above all else, slow. Thus, it is not uncommon for the man to constantly fiddle with the straps and bits and bops of his armor, trying to tighten this, loosen that gauntlet, fiddle with that boot.. IT is not exactly the greatest demonstration of talent, but perhaps.. just perhaps if he fenangles it just right..

More people from the Two Rivers delegation are in attendance, of course. Duke Alajos is there, sitting beside Lady Avaline and Princess Barbeta, as well as Ralph Fennim, who studies those on the field and about him with mild curiosity. A slight frown is present on his features, as he takes a sip from his wineskin - a medicine against the chill of the rain?

When the Prince of the Isles hears his name, he steps in the middle of the tournament grounds. The man is wearing a silver armor, which is decorated with the colors of his house. Jerrick Onimus bows for his opponent and lowers the hand to the pommel of his sword. The man freezes.

The herald quiet fatherly glances at the young boys, "Good luck for you both. Let the fight begin!"

To the glory of his kingdom, there is a man in leathers, with a long streaming keffiyah, and twin katars. He, too is in the rain, though looking less than happy at it, and the mud that threatens to engulf the boots.

When the herald announced about the start of the fight, the young boy from the Kingdom of Estoria springs on Jerrick without thinking and the prince is barely able to withdraw his sword. The young boy makes the prince kneel on one of his knees, before the sound of clashing blades ripples across the tournament ground. The fight is quite intense, thought, it is obvious, that the prince Jerrick has lower skills of fighting than his opponent. That is why he ends up all muddy and with a huge scratch in his arm.

When the fight is over, herald raises his hands announcing, "Sir Hakon Hrossmork from the Kingdom of Estoria wins and can prepare for the next round. What a wonderful fight!"

The clouds start crying even more, making it barely possible to fight, but the herald shouts, "Next - Lord Baldwin from the Two Rivers and Az-Zuban al Asad from the Golden Lion!"

Az-Zuban comes out, standing easily in the the mud and crosses his arms over his chest, weapons raised in salute. "Victory to the one deserving!" His voice is a harsh bass.

Baldwin rolls his shoulders as he hears his name being called, and that sword of his makes a hissing sound through that curtain of rain as he draws it from its scabbard. His helmet is donned, and the knight of the bastard branch of House Lenouvi steps forward. A brief glance given to Ottis, whom he recognizes in the crowd, after all it was the smith who had fixed his blade just recently, and another glance brushing a young woman of his home country, ever so briefly, but long enough for her to notice. "May the better knight win," he replies, his voice firm and steady as he salutes the Golden Lion man, before he assumes a defensive stance, his eyes studying Az-Zuban attentively.

When both men are in their places, the herald announces once more, "Let the fight begin!" And he moves under a huge umbrella from the heavy rain.

It is to be said that Maerwynn, the healer from Two Rivers, is there as well, seen standing near the knights from her Kingdom. By the satchel that she carries, she's a healer, standing with others in case they are needed.

A low whistle comes from the stands as Ralph leans a touch forward, to cheer the Two Rivers man on. "Sir Baldwin! I-VOU-NEL!", he roars, waving that wineskin as if it were some sort of flag.

Lisabette is seated with umbrella held by a handmaiden. Her gaze are upon the knights that are gathered waiting their turn in the ring. Her gaze studies each one in turn, but often returns to one in particular, that of her personal Knight, Moshe. With the first round going to the Estorian, she looks on in curiosity as Two Rivers and Golden Lion meet upon the field.

Ottis is on the stands and drenched by this time as he Notices Sir Baldwin in the sally and ready to fight and gives the knight a nod, wishing him well.

Az-Zuban's style is more defensive, and he uses his blades to both block, parry, and attack. Only striking when there are clear gaps, as the brown-eyed man fights for the glory of his kingdom.

Baldwin lets the Golden Lion man come at him first, and it seems he manages to parry a few of Az-Zuban's blows, but not all of them, as his opponent manages to breach his defenses here and there. Doing better on the defensive side of the fight than the offensive, as his blows and own attacks seem to lack momentum, and all are most effortlessly blocked by the darker skinned warrior. So in the end it is Sir Baldwin who offers the other man a bow. "Well fought indeed, Sir. Your victory was most deserved.", he remarks, with a frown that becomes visible when he removes his helmet. His eyes flickering towards the stands again, before he moves off.

Moshe watches the bout, noting he styles of the different kingdoms. His eyes stay on the combat, until the bout is done. It is then that Moshe looks around, eyes wondering the crowd, coming to a certain person. Seeing Lisabette he bows his head towards her but then looks back to the winner.

Az-Zuban bows afterwards. "You fought well, Sir Baldwin. Better than most I've been against. You will do well," he predicts, before retiring.

Najla watches, though her attention turns more towards the man from her own Kingdom than the others. When Az-Zuban seems to win, she claps with a touch of excitement, leaning in towards Nadhir, "He fights well!"

The herald comes out into the rain again, "That was quite a fight, quite a fight! Even the weather can't stop our knights today! The winner is the Sir from the kingdom of Golden Lion. Now, Sir Moshe from the Kingdom of the Isles and Sir Manfred from the Kingdom of Two Rivers should get ready!"

"Oh, damn!" Ralph calls out, slamming his hand against a wooden post. "Damn, that was... a shame indeed." His dark gaze drifts to Alajos and he remarks: "Well, we got one more in the contest. That Mordake will give a better showing, I hope."

Ottis watches the dazzling display and groans as he sees Sir Baldwin out matched. " and this is why I stick to making them and not fighting with them.. " he looks around and yup, nobody nearby to even overhear him.

Moshe had been standing there for a bit of time, watching and once the bout was done he seems to keep on looking, straight faced. As his name is called, he steps up and starts to walk towards the certain of the area set for the bout. Once he does get there, he bows towards Lisabette and any of the Lords present. Then waits, patiently, still sterne faced and all.

After the tall and lean knight of the Two Rivers comes the shorter one, of more sturdy built. Sir Manfred Mordake draws his sword as he makes his way towards the field, mud sputtering here and there from his heavy steps. A grunt comes from his lips as he studies the Islander, giving his huge sword some warm up swings. A nod is offered, bit nothing more, before the Mordake charges for a ferocious attack.

Lisabette hears the name of her knight called, and her attention shifts fully to the field. When Moshe bows her way, she dips her head towards him, offering barely a smile to show upon her lips. One might wonder if she worries for the Knight.

It seems strength and ferocity cannot make up for a certain clumsiness and slowness. At least not in this case, where mud hampers the movement of those fighting even more than usual, rain gets in their eyes and a certain Mordake knight is pretty much bested by an Islander,... until that last attack of Moshe comes down for a crushing strike, which Manfred suddenly manages to parry, his eyes widening as his own weapon cracks, but intercepts the blow. The fight is lost, though, the weapon tossed aside. A low grumble is offered to Moshe, along with the hint of a nod, when a most displeased Mordake trots off to the side, and reclaims his wine skin to drown his frustration.

Moshe had just bowed and watched the other Knight enter as he too takes out his sword. The charge nearly took him off guard but Moshe had been trained and so he blocks and parries. Blows are exchanged back and forth, he lands a few and the other man lands a few as well. Moshe grunts but here is no smile at the end as his last blow comes down, the opponents blade breaks. Moshe stands there now and he nods to the vacating Knight. Wiping his blade away and putting it back, he bows to the nobles and a deeper one to Lisabette. Then he turns and walks off, his expression not once faultering from a flat look.

"Hmm," is all that Ralph manages, commenting on the second Two Rivers knight being bested and eliminated from the contest. His dark eyes follow the man and as if reminded of his own wine skin he will take another swig. "Well. It was not meant to be.", muttered quietly in Alajos' direction, as he leans back and closes his eyes, enjoying the drizzling rain on his face with his eyes closed for a moment.

"Very close duel!" The voice of herald echoes in the tournament ground, "Very close, but the winner is Sir Moshe from the Kingdom of the Isles! Applauds!" The man looks around the crowd of viewers and adds, "Now, we please ask Sir Zakkai from the Kingdom of the Isles and Sir Arni Arnstor from the Kingdom of Estoria to prepare!"

Maerwynn step forwards after having looked over Baldwin to check out Mordake as well once he exits the field. Seeing no injuries that need immediate care, she steps off to the side as the next two are called forwards.

Arni is an older man in his 40s, a grizzled fighter from Estoria. With shield and sword in hand, the large man takes the field, a single slam of his sword against his shield to call forth his opponent.

When the last fight starts to wind down, and the last participants limp their way off the field, Zakkai makes his way on, again, more robotic than anything in his armor, apparently looking more dreadful of this all than anything., but soon.. he stops in his tracks, looking up at the scarred and grizzled Arni, his eyes wandering up the blade.. than to the man's face as Zakkai's brow raises. "Oh.. Good." Zakkai's sword tightens in his hand still smiling weakly, what has he gotten himself into.. he moves to take.. a very, VERY defensive stance.

Arni faces Zakkai as the young man steps onto the field, sizing him up in his armor. A grim smile comes, and with a gleam in his eyes, the grizzled man actually waits for Zakkai to attack first. Maybe it's the mugginess that slows him down a little, or maybe Arni is just playing with Zakkai a little. Surely the man could have done better, not that he was any slouch in the end. His blade flashes in each move and parry that come between. When the match is over with, he grins, "Good fight. Now we share wine!" And just like that, the big man walks off, grabbing up some wine and offering it to Zakkai.

Oh god! What is going on!? Zakkai in this fight.. has discovered.. how to actually move in his armor, the man is quick to raise his shield, and give half-hearted swings of his sword, but really, the man is quick to leap back, jump away, and just in general avoid Arni directly with any confrontation, more than content to put a great deal of space between himself and the giant of a man until the bout is called off.. and.. barring one rather nasty mark, and another cut.. Zakkai is alive!

"If not these few wonderful attacks of the knight from the Kingdom of Estoria, I would tell, that it is a draw!" The herald laughs and continues, "Congratulations! Sir Arni wins!" The man glances over the last pair of participants, "The last, but lets hope as tasty as the others fight! Sir Oddr from Estoria and Prince Zephan from the Isles!"

When Zephan hears his name called, the man walks into the field quite proudly. This time he is not drunk at all. That is a surprise. But not that makes the crowd whisper. The man is wearing light armor and does not have any weapon. He looks at his opponent and grins mischieviously. It looks like the man of the storm has a different tactic than others.

Hearing his name, the bald Oddr heads to the ring. Like the others, he's got his shield, his weapon of choice, that of a heavy battle axe. When Zephan is spied, he looks the prince over, snorting lightly as he looks over the light armor and lack of weapon in his hand, "Boyo.. you forget something?"

Zephan just raises his eyebrow and weaves with his hands, offering the other knight to attack first.

When invited to attack the unarmed man first, Oddr doesn't hesitate to do just that. With a grunt, his arm is raised, and he moves forwards to hack and slash. Imagine his surprise when Zephan manages to get away from him a few times! "Damn monkey fighting!" He dares to call out with a few other curses in his own language. His shield comes into use many times, slamming it into Zephan a time or two. Hard. Why use the axe when the shield comes in handy enough now?

Baldwin stands somewhere to the side still, after Maerwynn had briefly checked on him. He is already quite drenched by now, but does not seem to mind that much, as his attention is drawn to the spectacle unfolding before his eyes. "Wait! He is unarmed!" Not very chivalric to attack an unarmed opponent, indeed. His grey-blue eyes widen when he sees the Estorian attack, nonetheless. "Somebody do something!" Is that one of the princes getting a beating even? Baldwin can't believe his eyes.

Lisabette watches what unfolds, perhaps surprised as others are when the Prince goes in unarmed. While others might call out how unfair it is, she sits back, waiting to see how the Estorian handles this. The use of the shield seems fair enough to her.

Zephan, even without the weapon, shows up as quite a good warrior. His main defense is avoiding the opponent, who is heaver in his armor and moves with the blades. Though, the man is hurt quite badly during the first round of attacks. He gets a wide scratch close to his ribs. The wound bleeds, but when the time to attack comes, the man manages to hit his opponent hard a few times, and at least keep the draws. Then the fight is over and herald announces the winner, Zephan straightens, keeping the hand on his wound and shouts, "All men can fight with an axe in their hands! But a true men can fight equally with his bared hands. Look at this parade! Men playing with their toys. But how they will look in a war, when the toys will be lost between dead bodies?!" And he slowly moves out.

The herald is confused for a moment, but then adds, "We start the second round! The only one participant left from the Kingdom of the Golden Lion is invited to meet Sir Hakon from the Kingdom of Estoria!"

Moshe is looked at by one of the healers but nothing too grave it seems and so he has settled back and relaxes some. Taking a bit of a drink from his wine. He then reaches within his armor and pulls out a small piece of fabric. He looks at it and then nods to himself before he stuffs it back into his left side breast.

Ottis relaxes as best he can with the downpour, occasionally wiping rain from his eyes so that might see better. As each fight unfolds.

Ralph has continued to hug his wineskin, his gaze brooding as it drifts over those in the field and the spectators in the stands alike. Little could manage to draw him out of his low-spirited state. But as his dark gaze brushes another, he had missed to notice before, he suddenly straightens, the hint of a smile spreading slowly over his sombre features. "Look! I almost forgot that one over there," he says to Alajos, pointing towards the man in question. "He was victorious in that other match we seemed to have missed. That Yldon there. Of Beresgond."

Zuhur of course sits with the royals as she watches the tournament. Her eyes fixated on the contestants and actions. She seems to lean in and hold her breath before sipping on her wine.

The herald announces, "Congratulations. The winner is Sir Hakon from the Kingdom of Estoria. Even if is raining today, the sun shines for that Kingdom! The next pair is..." The man looks over the crowd in silence.

"Yes, yes, Sir Oddr and Sir Vandrik Yldon!"

Oddr strides back to the field to meet his new opponent. Shield and axe are in hand, and there's a look cast to his Prince before he faces Vandrik.

Lisabette remains somewhat dry in the stands beneath an umbrella held by her handmaiden. As the various matches continue, she quietly sits by and watches. Occasionally does her gaze seek out her personal Knight, waiting to see how he continues to fare.

Miserable is only one word to currently describe Ottis's position, as he sees that none he knows of from Two Rivers are still competing and so he makes his way out to a tavern or maybe a desert, where its not raining, so that he can transform it into a paradise with how much water his clothing has soaked up.. "Gah! too bloody wet to do anything, I miss ma smithy.." as he pauses to empty his boots and then trudges on while there is still some fighting going on.

Sir Vandrik Yldon straightens as he hears his name being called. A tall fellow he is, and he moves towards the field with swift and sure footed steps. A few strands of sandy blonde hair can be glimpsed below that half-helmet as he turns and offers Sir Oddr a bow, light blue eyes flickering a little as he raises his sword in a salute. "Estoria and Two Rivers," he remarks coldly. "Just like back then, at the River of Thorne." A low chuckle follows as he assumes a stance, that might look like he will let the Estorian attack first, but then darting forward, his sword whirling through the air.

What Manfred might have lacked in agility, Vandrik clearly makes up for. Were it not for that slightly haughty snort when he lands that single clear hit, and manages to parry all of the Estorian's attacks, one might clearly want to cheer for him. Ralph Fennim does, however, as the Yldon knight is of the Two Rivers just like him. "YLDON! BERESGOND!", he roars, swinging his wineskin anew. Dark eyes already glowing with the slightly feverish light of those already far into the cups.

"These are peaceful times. Why bring up old transgressions, boyo?" Oddr questions the knight from Two Rivers. He stands back, waiting, even after Vandrik seems to gesture for him to go first, ready for when Van comes after him. Shield and axe are used again and again, the clash of weapons to be loud across the field. Attacks are parried by the axe, or left to thud against the shield, but in the end, Vandrik prevails with a slash that lads across the Estorian's ribs that leave him bleeding and a healer being called for when he walks off the field.

"Congratulations! Sir Vandrik gets into the next round!" The herald informs, "Please, Sir Moshe and Sir Arni, take your positions! The last fight in this round! We are getting closer to the final!"

Moshe had been drinking a little of the wine but also looking at a small piece of fabric. Though once his name is called again, he stands up and stuffs the fabric back into his left breast pocket. Then once again in the rained soaked area, mud been splashed as he walks into the center of the arena. Once again he nods his head to the nobles, bows his head to Lisabette and then turns about, to get ready for his opponent. Pulling out his sword once again, his eyes on the man but still with that stern look on his face.

A clap of hands to shoulders is given by Oddr and Arni as one comes off the field, and the other goes towards it. Handing over his wine skin, Arni grins and continues on, feet splashing into the churned mud. The grizzled man draws his sword once he reaches the middle, nodding to Moshe. When the fight is called to begin, he won't waste time, but will head for Moshe straight off the bat intending to rush him.

Moshe knows the man has skill or brute strength and many years a veteran but Moshe does not back down. At first Moshe holds his own against the man, back and forth but in the end, the man's defensive stance is way better and Moshe falls to a knee as he barely blocks the man's last attack. Moshe's arm goes numb then, his strength spent.

Arni doesn't play at fighting, especially against someone who actually fights unlike the Prince the last round. With sword against sword, he goes round Moshe, the two for the longest, seeming to be equally matched. But with a series of hard hits, Arni manages to wear Moshe down and as the knight goes to one knee, another two hits numb the man's arm, and Arni knows it. Stepping back, he bows his head to Moshe, then offers him a hand up out of the mud, "Good fight." Respect is shown to the Isles Knight.

"The winner is Sir Arni! Wonderful fight, wonderful fight! The next round starts! Sir...."

And a few more fights give some pleasure for all the viewers. The knights bleed, the knights roll in the mud from a heavy rain, when finally the herald announces, "We reached the final! Just a few more moments and we will learn, who won a possibility to become the solicitor of the Queen of the Isles, who won the hand of a lady and an Island! And a chance to start a new line of nobles. If I would have good skills in the art of swords, I would definitely be on a field. Though, now I invite the best of bests. Sir Arni of the Kingdom of Estoria and Sir Vandrik from the Kingdom of Two Rivers. Let the fight begin!"

Moshe does step off the field, nodding to the man in response and then goes to get himself looked at, he is scraped pretty good and his arm almost useless.

Lisabette leans forwards in her seat when Moshe begins to fight, the young duchess to frown at times, her hands to clutch at the arms of her chair. When he goes to one knee, she inhales sharply, and will soon slip from her chair to head down to check on him.

Zuhur leans in to watch a little more as she follows the progress. She claps and shifts watching the sport a bit sad none of her own knights seem present but it is fine... she claps and watches Sir Arni.

Sir Vandrik Yldon returns to the field, not too hurriedly this time. An incline of the head is offered to Sir Arni, then a salute with the sword raised, after light blue eyes have studied this Estorian knight briefly but attentively. He will wait for a moment, as if gathering his focus, before he launches his attack against the man.

"THORNE!", Vandrik calls, venting a frustration that may have gathered there, deep within his soul, when Two Rivers was suffering famine and plague - whereas Estoria is known to have thrived more than ever.

Ralph straightens once again, holding his breath as he watches the spectacle unfold.

Arni meets the knight who was heard to speak of that which was in the past, the older man but smiling at the blue-eyed knight from Two Rivers. With sword and shield in hand, he waits as the knight charges him, laughing as he meets the attack.

Teodor has been sitting within the stands with the other royals, cheering on his own men. This time, the prince sits forwards, muttering the man's name in a ruckus call.

And so the Storm of Beresgond attacks, blows whirling here and there, with a ferocity that may push Vandrik's ability far beyond what he is usually capable of. Managing to breach the strong Estorian's defenses thrice, while Arni only hits home once. The fight is soon over, with all of the Two Rivers delegation now on their feet, cheering their hero on. "Sir Vandrik Yldon!", "Vandrik!" or just "YLDON!" are the calls that thunder from the stands, when the knight relaxes, straightening as he looks up, as if recovering his senses. A nod is offered to Arni, as well as a mumbled: "Good fight, Sir." As if he had not really meant to mention the River Thorne and all the wars of the past at all. Suddenly looking no longer cold but surprised, that he really made it and now is the winner of the tourney of the knights!

Arni gives as good as he gets. Or tries. In the end, the Knight from Two Rivers overwhelms him, pushing him back. When the match is declared, he rises back up and nods to Vandrik. "Good Fight. " And then he grins as he leans forwards, "And now you get to marry the girl, start a family, and live under the Queen of the Isles." Oh, how he points that out! Some men might not like that fact they will be under a woman! And so the Estorian limps off the field.

"And we have a winner! Congratulations, Sir Vandrik. You are the beat of bests." The man claps and adds, "Tomorrow morning you are invited into the chambers of the Queen's Council, where you will be able to meet your prize and where all the questions will be answered!" The man claps one more time, "Now all the participants are invited in to a small feast in the Grand Hall to meet the nobles and royals. What a wonderful tournament it was!"

The Royal High Oni, who was sitting beside the prize stands up and leaves, taking the girl with herself. It looks like the pair will be allowed to meet just tomorrow strictly.

Many might have wondered who the young lady sitting with the Royal High Oni was, but Imma has remained quiet, white-knuckling the arm of her chair. When the winner is declared, her eyes fall upon Vandrik. But before she might say or do much, she's being led away, one last backwards glance given to the Knight before she disappears.

Zuhur watches the knights, she smiles a bit as she hears the winner declared and she offers a friendly clap to him.

Lisabette would talk with Moshe and the healer that looks him over. The two return to the stands to watch the end of the tournament, and once the winner is declared, she hmms, glancing towards the young Imma, "I think she will with him, but that will be seen." With the feast announced, she will make her way with others towards the Castle, riding her horse that was stabled nearby.

Vandrik's face twists into a faint grin as he hears Sir Arni's comment. "I'll do just fine.", he counters, with a smirk. His pale blue eyes flickering towards the young girl beside the High Oni, he'll briefly incline his head, before she is so hurriedly led off. "I will be there.", he replies. Turning to those of the Two Rivers then who had cheered him on, with a wide grin. Oh how sweet is the taste of victory!