Sirelle Fennim

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"The easiest way is for cowards."
- Sirelle Fennim

Sirelle was born as the only child to Gavin Fennim, nephew to the late Duke Siegfried and his wife Alyssa of House Hrossmork; the result of one marriage of many that was intended to ensure the peace between the Kingdom of the Two Rivers and the Kingdom of Estoria, despite her parents being of minor branches of their respective Houses.

Shortly after her eighth birthday Sirelle's father did not come back from a hunt and an expedition of guards and knights soon returned with his dead body, one arrow that had gone astray obviously having pierced his chest and caused the proud Fennim lord an untimely death at the age of only 28 summers. Her mother grieved over Lord Gavin's passing, and feeling still a stranger in Woriscant with all its repressing views of the role of women she soon chose to return to her family's home in the neighbouring kingdom of Estoria where she and her daughter would remain for the next six years.

Those years were long enough to smite Sirelle with a desire for a more emancipated stance within society, as women of Estoria are seen as equal to their men, allowing them even to help in defending the lands in times of war and to practice their skill with a weapon. This strengthened the girl's already rather stubborn character. The lack of a father had an effect on Sirelle as well, and missing Gavin's fatherly affection and his spoiling her with gifts she found some kind of replacement in her uncle Ralph upon her return in the year 671 to Woodwatch Castle. Especially since she chose to be around his family a lot, a most welcome companion to his two sons Geryon and Marvin.

While the rest of the Fennim's eyed her with suspicion and even ridiculed her strange views of the world - especially her ambition to fight like a man - only Uncle Ralph seemed to show some understanding and kindness, for which Sirelle is thankful until this day. While the plague claimed many of her relatives' lives, Uncle Ralph and her mother were spared. When the borders to Estoria were almost closed due to the epidemic, there was even an attempt of Sirelle and her mother to flee to her other family.

The attempt was uncovered in time, and mother and daughter were caught by Duke Siegfried's guardsmen before the two even came close to the border. This attempted escape was not forgotten though, and is still remembered by the rest of the Fennims, deepening the rift between these two women and the ruling House of Woriscant even further.

Shortly after they were captured, Ralph's second wife Eileen died of the plague, leaving Sirelle the task to look after her uncle's children when he was away. This has given the young lady some deeply needed tasks to distract her from her restricted situation.

Now that Sirelle has reached an age eligible for a marriage the Fennim's are most eager to get rid of her, alas, given her unusual ambitions and difficult character no-one so far has been found willing to marry her.


Sirelle is a young woman of medium height and a slender physique, with shapely curves that are usually arranged most tastefully in dresses that befit her station. Light brown hair is mostly arranged into a bun at the back of her head, or sometimes worn in a braid even. Her eyes are of a deep blue colour that mostly flicker with a stubborn fire.

Her dress is of a deep green sammit and a hem of black at the décolleté, tightly bound at the bodice, with wide skirts and sleeves that accentuate her slender upper arms while being wide below the elbow.

Sirelle will be quiet and agreeable in other's company - at least she will try to. Her discontentment with the role that is expected from her will show in more subtle ways - tiny little intentional missteps that aim to sabotage the standing of her House in public. Some of them, like preferring to ride in men's clothes rather than a dress an expression of her wish to be accepted as equal to men in some regards.

After all there is often a deeply felt anger and dicontentment present in her bearing, boiling beneath a thin façade of polite courtesy.

Quirks: Stubborn: Sirelle has her own head, and the harder people try to convince her of the opposite, the more she will cling to her position.

Fearless: She has already lost her father at a young age, and has been denied the right to live with her mother's family. Bandits and swords being pointed at her do not make her feel threatened at all, as she feels she already has been through hell.

Rebellious: Sirelle does not accept the authority of the Duke nor of the rest of the Fennims - the only other opinions she will listen to are those of her mother and her Uncle Ralph.


House Fennim:

  • Ralph Fennim: My uncle. I adore him and his children, as he offers me protection from my family.
  • Alajos Fennim: The Duke. We are not on the best of terms.
  • Nadya: My handmaiden and chaperone, I do hold her in great esteem, as her warmhearted disposition has helped me through many hard times.
  • Sir Harold: The knight who is assigned with my safety. I'd rather get rid of him and keep his horse, though. Black Devil.

House Brais:

  • Barbeta Brais: The Princess, who paid our Woodwatch Keep an unexpected visit. I was in the courtyard when she arrived, and the only Fennim to offer her the first greeting.
RP Hooks
  • Estorian Blood: Sirelle's mother is of House Hrossmork. She has spent some time in Estoria.
  • Unmarried: So far noone has shown interest. Maybe she will be married off abroad?
Sirelle Fennim
Sirelle Fennim.jpg
Fullname: Lady Sirelle Fennim
Portrayed by: Natalie Portman
Birthday: January 26th, 657
KINGDOM: Two Rivers
HOUSE: Fennim
POSITION: Noblewoman
PLACE OF BIRTH: Woodwatch Keep
FATHER: Gavin Fennim
MOTHER: Alyssa Fennim, née Hrossmork
SPOUSE: None yet
CHILDREN: None yet