673-12-09 - Asking Permission

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Asking Permission
Summary: Sir Vandrik speaks with Ralph Fennim about plans of travel with Ralph's niece Sirelle.
Who: Ralph Fennim and Vandrik Yldon
References: re:Sirelle Fennim
When: December 9th, 673
Related Logs: Other backscene log memoirs of 673
Date of RP: 09-11/12/2014
Where: Ralph's Quarters - Woodwatch Keep, Duchy of Woriscant
Room Desc: The door opens into a room of surprising space, lighted by two larger windows and a smaller stained-glass one inbetween, showing the heraldry of House Fennim. The theme of the deer can be found carved onto the backs of six chairs surrounding a rectangular table, all made of cherry wood. To the other side by a hearth are two comfortable seats with cushions of dark green brocade, showing signs of slight wear. Three additional doors lead to the sleeping rooms of Ralph and his wife Elaine, and that of his children. While no door but a curtain of dark green sammit bars the way to a smaller adjoining sleeping chamber, reserved for the nanny.

There is a table to the side of the room, where Ralph Fennim occasionally does his paper work, little as it is for now. The current duke has his own advisors, and to be honest, Ralph has not been very close to his uncle. Too dark is the stain Siegfried Fennim has left on his family name, by taking a woman of unknown origins as his wife.

At the moment this Fennim lord sits at said table and pens a letter. His wife and children are not about, using the late morning for errands and spending some time in the Solar or the Grand Hall, while he is enjoying a moment of tranquility.

Ralph will hear a knock at his door, though Vandrik won't wait long before entering. "Lord Fennim, may I have a word with you? I have a request to make of you, if you've got time to hear it," he calls out, stepping inside the door. He also doesn't wait to introduce himself, either, stepping forward and bowing at the waist. "My name is Vandrik Yldon - you may have seen me in the tournament these past several days."

The interruption will cause the Fennim to lean back in his chair and lift both of his brows, the quill with the hand hilding it coming to rest upon the table as Ralph pauses in his current task of writing the letter. "Sir Vandrik," he greets after a moment, the tone cordial and maybe even friendly. "Of course I have seen your remarkable showing in the lists, as well as I have noticed your interaction with my dear niece, Lady Sirelle Fennim." His brows furrow as he asks: "Does your request pertain in any way to her?"

Vandrik blinks several times, obviously confused and more than a little surprised that Ralph would have any idea why Vandrik would be bothering the Fennim. "Um ... yes, actually, it does," he admits, rubbing at the back of his neck a little nervously. "Actually, I had a favor to ask you, regarding her. It has not gone unnoticed that the young Lady chaffs at some of our customs here in Two Rivers, after her time abroad. She even approached me about my feelings on women in combat. And while I don't wish to discount or disparage your talent for raising her properly, I think she could use a little bit more of a worldly perspective on things. I'd like to ask your permission for her to accompany my entourage when we return to the army for a few days, until the troop passes back by here in a fortnight." Vandrik doesn't bat an eye as he makes the request, either, obviously believing that the best course is the straight one.

Ralph looks a bit surprised when Vandrik confirms his wild guess. "Oh indeed," he murmurs, raising his brows. "I saw you speaking with her at the feast. But this request..." A slightly bewildered smile appears when the Fennim pauses to digest the words of the knight. "It's true, Sirelle has shown some reluctance to adapt to our customs. In fact she has always been a little rebellious.", he continues after a moment. "Those years spent with her mother's relatives in Estoria may have had a slightly confusing effect on her."

Ralph's mien, while still friendly enough, has grown pensive, although there is a curious sparkle in his dark gaze as it continues to linger on Vandrik's face. "Allow me a question, Sir. Why would a knight such as you concern himself with my niece's ways?"

This last question gives Vandrik pause. He looks suddenly confused, and obviously had not contemplated such a question himself. His mouth works for several seconds until he realizes he's going to actually have to think about that for a moment, so he shuts it. He looks thoughtful for a few seconds, then shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not sure, my lord. I suppose ... well, really, we had spoken before the feast as well. I quite literally bumped into her handmaiden when I was coming out of my tent on the fields after the ground combat rounds in the tournament. We spoke, and she challenged me to an archery competition. If she won, I was to take her on a hunt, and if I won, I could beg a favor of her," Vandrik explains. Then, his brow furrows a little. "However, once I'd agreed to terms, she implied that if she won, the hunt she would have me take her on was a hunt of bandits plaguing the territory, and not of game or fowl. Which, of course, is not becoming a young Lady, nor is it remotely safe."

Vandrik folds his arms across his chest, now, the memory obviously still perturbing him a little. "I was surprised and more than a little angry that she would twist her terms in such a way. Thankfully, I outshot her with the bow and won. But, I thought to myself, here I have an opportunity to maybe do a little good and quiet a small storm that appears to be brewing." He sighs and runs one of his hands through his hair now. "Our people are suffering, and many have resorted to banditry to try and get by. Currently, the army is stationed at a village that is bringing in the harvest, and we're already painfully aware that there will /not/ be enough food to go around. Sirelle seems to believe that we see women as weaker or inferior, and thus do not allow them to lead. I had thought that perhaps, if she were to come and watch the harvest, and watch the men sacrifice their food for their wives and family, and how much more concern is given to the women's well-being, she might have a better understanding of why we wish our women to be protected from hardships such as leadership or combat. That it is out of love and respect, and not out of some banal need to oppress or suppress them, that our customs were formed. Also, she will have the opportunity to see that fighting is not something to be taken lightly, nor is the field any place for a Lady."

After explaining all of this, Vandrik frowns, then grimaces and shakes his head, rubbing at his neck nervously. "So, really, I suppose I make such a request because she angered me in challenging me and threatening to force me to take her into harms way. Which must sound terribly selfish and trivial to you, my Lord."

Ralph notices the confusion his simple question causes, it is something that does not anger him though but raises his curiosity even more, judging from the slightly intrigued glance he shoots the knight when he starts to give an explanation - an explanation that proves to be lengthier than expected. Arms are crossed before the Fenimm lord as he leans back in his chair, listening attentively to what Vandrik has to say, with a light shake of the head here and a slightly amused smirk there - when Sirelle's interesting suggestion of 'hunting' bandits is mentioned.

The mirth fades from his features when the speech comes to a close and ends with self-accusations, and Ralph's dark gaze settles once again on the face of Sir Vandrik Yldon. "Indeed, it does not," he replies, with a low rumble in his voice. "She is... special, and her antics do not really help to improve her position here at Woodwatch. His Grace may have hopes to marry her off to some noble - of House Lenouvi, preferably, as that would ensure us resources in these meagre times. Alas, who would marry a woman that refuses to act like one...? Do not get me wrong, I adore my niece. She lives with us, almost, even though I have children and a wife of my own. I was just wondering whot your motives may be. You have answered my question well enough to soothe my worries, in a way, that you might have ill intentions - not that I would really have assumed such. But to ask for her to accompany you... well, it is a surprising request."

Ralph exhales, his brows quirking upwards as he offers Vandrik a friendly smile. "So I understand your reasons, and cannot help but find them honourable. How could I refuse her the experience then? Know this, however. I will send a few guards with her as well as a handmaiden, as I do not wish for any ill to befall her on the way. You will be heading towards Granville, if I am right?" This added in a casual tone as he rises from his chair.

Vandrik nods, bowing his head when Ralph agrees to send his niece with the convoy. "I welcome the extra guards, my lord, and agree she should have the extra help. Also, the favor that I asked of her is that she will keep quiet and follow my instructions completely and without argument, to which she agreed. So, while I highly doubt she will be easy to manage on the trip, she at least will not havea strong argument against me. Is there anything you would like me to be sure she sees or learns?" He asks.

"I will make sure to speak to her before she leaves with you then," Ralph replies with a light lifting of his brows. "To do exactly that - follow your instructions, and not to cause any trouble." A bit of amusement shows in his smile. "And oh, I have no special requests in regards to the travel. I am sure the both of you will find the voyage quite educational." The latter part is added with a good-natured smirk.

With his business concluded, Vandrik nods. "I will await her arrival at my caravan, then. Thank you, my lord, for your hospitality and generosity. We will meet again, I am sure," he says. He then bows at the waist and turns, heading out as quickly as he entered.

"It is you who deserves gratitude, Sir Vandrik," Ralph replies, offering a bow in turn to that of the knight. "Your demands in regards to hospitality seem to be very humble, as I've failed to offer you any refreshment.... But mayhaps, upon your return you will allow me to invite you to dinner at my quarters, to share the news of how you have fared. A good day to you!"

Ralph's dark eyes follow the knight as he leaves as swiftly as he entered, and that slightly amused sparkle in the Fennim's gaze cannot be denied.