Ralph Fennim

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"Rash decisions in politics and immature wines - Both can lead to ill feelings."
-Ralph Fennim

Being the second son of a Fennim branch that might appear a lesser one on first sight, but is indeed based on more respectable parenthood, Ralph has achieved a good standing within his house, especially since his only and elder brother Gavin died from a hunting accident, when Ralph was 25.

And while his elder brother was swiftly married off to the sister of the later Duke of Athereyne, Ralph seemed more intent on furthering his studies of trade and serving his house by travelling the kingdom as a Fennim representative first, and so he was married rather late, at the age of 26, to the niece of the Duke Laszlo Istivean, Oryana.

The marriage was not so much graced with love, as it came about through diplomatic demands, still Ralph treated his wife with respect and held her in high regard. Especially after she gave birth to two sons, Geryon and Marvin. Alas, in the year 670, shortly after the second son was born she took to a fever and died.

Ralph seemed reluctant to agree to any other match, as the loss of his wife had left its mark on him. Still, one day the sister of one of the Fennim knights caught his eye, and he fell in love. Eileen Dalbry was a lively woman, young and a renowned beauty, and it did not take long before she accepted his courting her. The resulting marriage in the year 671 was after a all a rise in station for her. One year passed, Eileen took care of her two stepsons with admirable affection. The news of her own pregnancy though seemed what was missing to their happiness. Even though it was overshadowed by the famine.

And so, early in the year 673, Ralph's third child was born, a daughter which they named Estelle after Eileen's grandmother. The girl proved to be of a strong and healthy disposition, whereas her mother's seemed to decline, even more so when the plague hit Woriscant with relentless brutality. In early 674 Eileen succumbed to the desease and died, leaving Ralph twice widowed now and definitely reluctant to ever marry again.

That caused a bit of a dilemma, as who would take care of the children while Ralph would be away on his missions. Help was found in his mother Raina who has resisted time and sickness with a surprisingly robust health and his niece Sirelle, who took great comfort in being around the family ever since her return to Woodwatch Keep in the year 671. To leave the children to the care of the main branch seemed and still seems quite out of the question.


Ralph Fennim is a man of average height that has gained a little weight in the past year. His face is rosy, either pointing to a healthy dispostion or a regular consumption of alcohol. His brown eyes are dark and brooding sometimes, and give his face a contemplative air. A beard in the same colour of his hair covers his chin and is matched by a moustache.

When it comes to his attire, Ralph prefers the darker tones to the colours of his House, maybe because he is still in mourning for his beloved second wife's death.

Ralph is respected, it is he who is sent when there is need for a Fennim emissary. His bearing is proud, yet never arrogant, while a certain brooding sadness appears to dampen his mien now and then. Being of a quiet and reasonable character, Ralph will always persue what is best for his House.


Proud — Ralph is well aware that his mother is the aunt of the current Duke of Athereyne, and not the woman of supposedly low birth that has born the line of the main branch.

Prudent — When it comes to politics, Ralph will carefully consider alternatives before springing into action.

Twice widowed — Ralph does not plan to marry ever again, since his two marriages have ended with his wife's death.

Fond of Wine — Especially when it comes to special vintages.


House Fennim:

  • Alajos Fennim: My cousin, the Duke. He is learning, and I should be glad that he isn't showing that same reluctance he had initially when he inherited the title from his father, late Duke Siegfried.
  • Sirelle Fennim: My niece, charming, rebellious and somehow discontented with her place in life.
  • Avaline Fennim: The Duchess of Woriscant, and in fact the best thing that could happen to Alajos.
RP Hooks
  • Emissary: The King often sends Ralph on diplomatic missions.


Ralph Fennim
Ralph Fennim.jpg
Fullname: Ralph Fennim
Portrayed by: Oliver Reed
Birthday: August 24th, 540
KINGDOM: Two Rivers
HOUSE: Fennim
POSITION: Nobleman
PLACE OF BIRTH: Woodwatch Keep
FATHER: Adrian Fennim (deceased)
MOTHER: Raina Fennim, née Lenouvi
SIBLINGS: Gavin Fennim (deceased)
SPOUSE: Oryana Istivean (deceased), Eileen Dalbry (deceased)
CHILDREN: Geryon (7), Marvin (5), Estelle (2)
Logs referring to Ralph Fennim