675-03-26 - Welcome to Woodwatch Keep

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Welcome to Woodwatch Keep
Summary: Sirelle happens to be in the courtyard of Woodwatch Keep, when Princess Barbeta arrives with a rather small retinue.
Who: Sirelle Fennim, Barbeta Brais
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 26th of March, in the year 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 26/03/2014 (OOC)
Where: Courtyard - Woodwatch Keep
Room Desc: An impressive gatehouse of stone painted in an already paling red colour provides passage to the Courtyard of Woodwatch Keep, which is well kept, the ground being paved with grey cobble stones. Right ahead is the majestic keep itself, its white towers clearly visible from afar, as they protrude from the Woods of Woriscant, and in turn offer an impressive view of the surrounding region.

A path to the left leads to a smaller training yard, and the stables can be found to the right.

A late morning it is, and the weather is fair, with only a few clouds drifting lazily over a blue sky. The courtyard of Woodwatch Keep is already bustling with activity, a stable hand is leading one of the horses outside just now, a dapple grey mare, the quality of saddle and bridle marking it as a horse of a noble. Behind the lad another man follows, a knight it would seem judging from his bearing and attire of chainmail, as well as the sword hanging down by his side. He leads a black stallion out as well as a smaller white mare, and the temperament of those two horses could not be more different! Because where the white horse trods amiably along, the black steed prances nervously and lets out a impatient snort.

Melodious laughter can be heard over the courtyard, when Lady Sirelle Fennim, clad in a brown riding dress below a light woollen cloak in black and green leans over to the middle aged woman beside her. Her eyes sparkling as her gaze turns towards the black horse. "Do not worry, Nadya. I am sure Sir Harold will insist on riding his Devil, I feel your Snow will not tempt him to switch horses with you, today." Her gaze lingring on the Black Devil for a moment longer she will sigh, a bit of disappointment showing in her mien. "Alas, I only wish he would let me ride that Devil...", she sighs.

"Nay, my lady, you should better keep to your Grey Princess. She's a lovely mare, and so good-natured.", Nadya replies, drawing her own cloak about her when a sudden gust of wind brings a bit of chill. The handmaiden has rosy cheeks and a kind face, and her smile is genuine when she addresses Sirelle.

The sound of hooves bumping into the ground echoes in the air. A few moments, and five riders trot through the gates of Woodwatch Keep.

The two first riders are, obviously, guards all armored in silver, but their blowing cloaks have the colors of the House of Brais.

Two riders at the back are women. Not just their mares, but also both old women look really tired. When they finally stop, these two riders and their mares are trying to get their breath back. One of them slips down on the ground and chuckles, "I could kiss the dirt. Finally! The land!" However, the other is more sore. Her expression is showing pain or disappointment. Her words prove, that it is the second option, "I will have to inform the King now, that the Princess was riding too fast and in circles on purpose, just to lose us in the woods. That was not very proper." The first woman, who has really soft blue eyes and a warm smile, just laughs, "Oh! She was just having fun. You know, that when she is with her Dragon, she is so different than she is on foot."

And the Dragon is the stud of the middle rider. The stud snorts and angrily bumps with his legs at the ground. It looks like he is ready to start spitting fire. The rider looks quite fragile, so slim. She is dressed all in black. The trousers tighten her quite well as the top and the jacket. Her riding boots are very long, till her knees and have the blazon of House of Brais on them. She slips down from her stud and looks around, "Quite well..." She says more to herself.

The commotion at the gates is noted, and Sirelle's attention drifts at once towards the new arrivals, her blue eyes widening when she spots the coat of arms of the Ruling House of the kingdom. Recognizing the slender girl for who she must be, according to her attire and the words of the chaperones, the Fennim lady lowers herself into a gracefull curtsey, her gaze drifting momentarily downwards. Her lips though, curve into a smile, perhaps at the remark of the second woman.

"Your highness," Sirelle will greet, her voice confident and friendly as she straightens. "What... unexpected pleasure to see you here." Her hands fold before her when she adds: "I am Lady Sirelle Fennim, a cousin to His Grace, the Duke. He will be most delighted by your visit, I am sure." Her lips still curved into that smile as her blue eyes glint with mischief. Delighted may not be the right word for it. First of all he obviously does not have a clue of a Royal visit. Or he would be here, to greet Princess Barbeta in person.

Nadya will curtsey as well, whereas Sir Harold will offer a bow with a slightly bewildered smile, as he shoots Sirelle a glance.

Barbeta does not have a smile in her features and she does not offer one back to the lady Sirelle. after all, Barbeta is known for being quite serious since the day she lost her brothers. After all, she is not on her Dragon anymore. One of her handmaidens might have mentioned already, that the girl changes.

She evaluates lady Sirelle with her dark gaze, before nodding her head, "Right. I can see, how your cousin is pleased." Barbeta dusts her shoulders, tossing some of these black locks back. The girl has some kind of silver little crown tucked in her hair. Well, it is not a crown, but reminds of one. People were whispering that it is the symbol of the ashes of her people and sibling.

The young princess's gaze finds Sirelle again, "Where could I find your cousin? I have important news from the King." This is the moment when the servants come to take their horses and lead them into the stables. When one of them bows to Barbeta and extends his hands to the reins of the Dragon, the princess frowns and withdraws a bit. Her stud snorts.

"I will take care of the Dragon myself. You don't know, what he likes." Her dark gaze finds Sirelle the third time and now the smile grows in her features, "Lady Sirelle, right? Tell me, how are things in these lands? If you don't mind following me into the stables?"

After all, it has not been Princess Barbeta who caused that smile, and still, the presence of the Royal Family requires one to smile, does it not?

Sirelle will note the Princess's slightly displeased expression, her lips pursing now as she contemplates on how to answer the question of her cousin's whereabouts. "He is out,... he went for a ride, and I awas actually thinking of doing the same just now," she admits, her tone soft and friendly, as she shoots her own Grey Princess a glance, managing to suppress a sigh. "I am sure he wasn't aware of your coming, your highness. But... news of the King indeed?" Her attention shifting back at once towards the Brais princess she will gesture for the stable hand to bring Grey Princess back into the stables. "You two may ride out," she remarks with a smile in Sir Harold's and Nadya's direction, a proposition the handmaiden will gracefully decline. "No, my lady, I'll stay here with you," Nadya says, her gaze lowered after a shrug towards the knight.

Sir Harold's mien darkens momentarily, but then he will nod and hand the reins of Snow to the stable hand. "You take care of her," he remarks, probably referring to the white steed. "Forgive me, my lady, but as you can see, Devil needs to get out and about, desperately." With that said, he will turn and mount his black horse swiftly and after a final nod towards Sirelle and Barbeta with her retinue, he will ride off through the gatehouse.

Sirelle, meanwhile will address the princess once again. "Things are as would be expected in these lands. We still feel the effects of the famine and plague, especially the losses our population had to suffer. Not to mention our forces..." So close to the border to Estoria, this may be a sore point indeed. "But yes,... I will gladly accompany you to the stables. I... admire your horse." the Fennim lady admits, her blue eyes sparkling as she watches Dragon for a moment with awe. "A royal horse you have there, your highness." She will follow the stablehand with the two rather serene mares into the stables, casting a glance over her shoulder to see if Barbeta will follow.

When Sirelle gives compliment to the Princess's stud, Barbeta's expression softens. The young girl looks over her Dragon and pats the strong neck, "My fearless Dragon. I have no idea, what I would do without him." She leans closer to the stud and pecks his neck. The huge animal snorts and shakes his mane proudly, starting to move quite elegantly towards the direction of the stables.

Barbeta glances at the studs of Sirelle and grins, "Quite a nice Devil, I would say. Similar to my Dragon. They could become friends or at least have a good race. However, your mare looks very elegant, my lady." The young girl pats the pocket of her leather jacket carefully, as she is checking, that everything is in place.

"I understand, but I do hope that the Duke made all efforts on trying to improve things in these lands, yes? Or he enjoys riding more?" Her eyebrow jumps up a bit and she eyes Sirelle, trying to see the answer in her blue eyes. Of course, the Princess is expecting to hear how wonderful the Duke is, but is he really? Maybe he just spends time partying?

However, they step into the stables and Barbeta starts looking for the best place for her stallion, "You didn't have to go with me, actually, if you were ready to go for a ride. I could look around the castle on my own. By the way, quite a nice castle. I don't remember being here, actually. Maybe I wasn't or I was very little..." She finds the perfect spot and leads her Dragon there. The girl starts freeing the animal, who is eager to get rid of the saddle. "Though, with whom I should talk about the rooms? I believe I will stay here until we all will leave to the Kingdom of the Isles. Will you go?"

"Alas, that Devil is not mine," Sirelle replies with regret showing in her blue eyes. "He is Sir Harold's horse. I have to put up with Grey Princess." Her lips pushed forward in a pout, the Fennim will add: "Your Dragon may of course become friends with Devil,... but I fear their temperaments are too much alike. I could rather imagine them fighting over Princess and Snow." She chuckles at the notion, before her mien sombres a touch. "Well, His Grace has only had a few months to adjust to his new position. But I am sure he is doing all that is in his power." A bit of doubt may be visible in her eyes, before she breaks the gaze.

Sirelle will not take care of her own horse, after all the stable hand can remove bridle and saddle well on his own, and as they did not ride out, no further taking care of the horses is required. "Oh, your lodgings will be seen to, I am sure, as soon as the instruction to do so is given," she replies with a shrug, "you will receive the best room in our guest quarters, in the left wing of the keep."

The last question though will make the Fennim lady cast the Brais princess a surprised glance. "Leave for the Kingdom of the Isles?", she gasps, looking astonished. "I know nothing of any such... expedition, your highness. As to if I would go,... well," she sighs, "that will not be for me to decide." The tone of her voice submissive and apologetic, an expression that does not seem to fit the excited sparkle in her eyes at all.

Barbeta finishes freeing her stud and he joyfully starts chewing on the hay. Barbeta turns to the other lady and steps to stand just in front of her, "I am so sorry, I forgot, that this is the news I am bringing to you. We get letter. The Kingdom of the Isles is preparing a huge event. Some kind of a feast of something. Religious thing, I believe. But, anyway, I am looking forward to go there. Finally, they decided to open their borders to us, while they were closed during the whole plague," the young woman frowns, showing how displeased she is.

But then she looks straight at Sirelle's eyes. "You know, that you can always nod, when men order. But you can always do things as you think it is for the best. If you want - you should travel. And that is just for you to decide. I didn't ask permission from my father. I told him, that I will go. I could take you with me as my lady, if you wish. Well... Lady friend or something like that." Barbeta shrugs, leaning against the barrel.

"You know, there will be so many tournaments. I believe, that just men will go. So, the company of a lady would be wonderful. By the way, all the Kingdoms will come. I bet you are not married?" She mischieviously looks at Sirelle.

An innocent smile curves Sirelle's lips as she raises her brows. "I do not understand what you are suggesting, your highness. It can't be to disobey the Head of my House, can it?" The information however, is most eagerly accepted. "You mean like, a female companion, a lady-in-waiting even?" She chuckles, the expression in her mien a bit awkward. "I am not fond of needlework, your highness," she clarifies with a brief glance towards Barbeta. "And also, I am not very fond of the prospect to be married off," This added as an afterthought. "But you find me intrigued already, your highness." Her gaze brushing the almost male riding attire of the princess with a hint of envy in her mien. "I used to dress like that for riding out as well, you know," she admits with a sigh. "So much more comfortable to wear than these... stupid riding dresses! It seems a princess will have more freedom than a lady, which strikes me odd indeed. But which is so much more fortunate for you."

She pauses, her blue eyes shifting their gaze towards the stable hand for a moment as she tilts her head thoughtfully. "But let me show you our Keep next, your highness, and arrange everything to get your rooms prepared. Maybe... you would like some refreshment?" Sirelle smiles offering a curtsey before she moves to lead the way out of the stables, Nadya following in her wake.

Barbeta laughs for who knows why, but she laughs, "I like you. I already like you!" She nods at Sirelle's suggestions, "I would love to see the Keep and then to get some refreshments, indeed." She nods quite eagerly and gestures with the hand toward the exit as she would be living in here.

"You know," Barbeta speaks, while the two young ladies are walking, "I am not suggesting to disobey. I am suggesting to improve men's orders by the hand of the woman. By the way, my lady-in-waiting, wouldn't have to know how to do all that needle work. I don't do that. I like to play chess and I am interested in riding. Poetry, history, philosophy - I love these things too. So, I see no reason, why you shouldn't agree with my offer. After all, you will have to marry. We all will, we want it or not. However, you don't have to look at the marriage as chains, which you need to avoid. Conversely, you should be the one, who would look for the best match for yourself. Marriage is the thing, where we need to count. The quicker you count than the head of your house, the better opportunity to find someone with whom you at least won't die from boredom or shame."

Barbeta pats the pocket of her jacket one more time, making sure that things are in their place. "We lost brothers, my lady. We have the lack of men in our line. Someone has to stand up in their position, that the order wouldn't fall apart into the chaos. Someone has to be strong. Maybe my father is not very pleased with my apparance, but he at least knows, that I get the job done. These days, it is the most important thing. So, don't be in a hurry to agree with my offer, but being beside me would bring you a lot of possibilities."

Sirelle smiles when she notices Barbeta's amused reaction, and walking beside her now, she will accompany her all the way to the keep where they will enter through impressive double doors. "I am already looking forward to the time you will spend here at least," the Fennim lady replies, a bit cautiously perhaps, as the doors close behind them. "I would advise you though to change into a more appropriate attire, when speaking with His Grace. He might be a bit... taken aback by your choice of clothing. But for now,... Welcome to Woodwatch Keep!" A curtsey and a smile is offered, before Sirelle leads them upstairs.

After seeing the Princess and her retinue safely to the salon in the left upper wing, Sirelle will hurry to have the servants prepare the chambers for the royal guest.