676-01-14 - My Colours Are Blue

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My Colours Are Blue
Summary: Madalyn pays Zephan a visit, seeking brotherly counsel.
Who: Zephan Onimus and Madalyn Onimus
References: re:Jerrick Onimus, re:Zuhur Nuru
When: January 14th, 676, late evening
Related Logs: 676-01-14 - Good news and brother's request
Date of RP: 15/01/2015
Where: Zephan's Room - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown, The Isles
Room Desc: The room is lavishly furnished at least from what can be glimpsed in the flickering light of the torches at the walls. First of all there is the bed in the center, big enough for two, covered with the finest sheets of purple and a slightly ruffled blanket in a darker shade drawn across it for colder nights. A chest in the corner, holding the personal belongings of the Prince, is almost overlooked in the poor light. On a small table is a flagon of red wine and two glasses beside a white burning candle. All pieces of furniture have been carved from dark red cherry wood. In a corner stands a dummy carrying the armor of the prince, well polished and gleaming faintly due to the poor light conditions.

It is one of those evenings where Zephan has nothing to do, preferring the confines of his quarters to the danger of meeting any company he is not agreeable with. Picking a company instead that consists currently of a flagon of wine, a cup in his hand from which he occasionally sips, as well as his beautiful slave girl, one arm of his is wrapped about as he lounges leisurely on the bed. Attired still, but tired. Pale blue eyes staring at the far wall in a half-lidded gaze. Waiting for the effect of the wine to kick in, as his fingers tap lightly against Pureal’s upper arm, following a rather coincidental pattern.

Announced by the guards, Madalyn will enter her brother's chambers if allowed. Her gaze finds that slave woman for one second, but then young princess quickly looks away and her cheeks blush brightly, "I am so sorry, am I disturbing?" She asks,turning towards the door, being ready to leave.

Zephan’s head lifts from his comfortable position when his sister is admitted, his gaze drifting towards her as he lazily shifts into a seating position and his arm leaves the shapely form of Pureal. “Sister, how unexpected,” he says with a yawn, not even bothering to conceal it with a hand. A light nudge is given to his slave, along with a “ks ks,” encouraging her to leave him alone with his sister. “No, not really,” the prince replies then to Madalyn, as his eyes follow Pureal with their gaze, when she moves to leave them. “It is a rather dull evening, one I had intended to spend with my vices, wine and a woman. Activities that can be put off for sure…” He gestures towards the space beside him on the bed that has just been vacated by the slave girl. “Won’t you sit down? I have wine enough for two…”

"I am sorry for ruining your evening a bit, because I came to speak not about the best things..." Madalyn drawls, turning to look at Zephan. She slowly walks closer to the bed and sits down. The pale girl gives a shake of her head, "I do not drink wine. It makes me a bit dizzy and I... just don't like it!" She chuckles, "So, I came to speak about..." she folds her hands on her lap, "My mother is still alive and people already come to me with requests. I am so confused. I feel bad for it... I can't tell them nor yes, nor no. I asked Jerrick to wait and now I feel bad."

A light shrug comes when Madalyn declines his offer of wine. “Fine then… if you want anything else I shall have it brought to you,” Zephan says, lifting his goblet in some hint of a toast before he takes a good sip. “You can hardly ruin my evening, not you. I’m glad to see you…” A faint smirk curls his lips at the mention of the queen still being alive. Pale blue eyes settle on Madalyn and he studies her curiously. “Jerrick had a request for you? What about?”

"You know of his wife to be? Princess Zuhur Nuru. He is in love with her and wants to marry her," Madalyn explains. "He asked me if I could assign her as one of the council members, when mother will..." the girl sighs. It is hard for her to admit it, but she does, "When mother will leave to the Gardens of Margueritte. He said, that I shouldn't be a child, I should grow up and make my own decisions. He said I will be in the need of a friend and Zuhur could be one."

Madalyn leans a bit closer to Zephan, "But she is not an islander. Would mother be happy with someone else on the council? I asked what she does good, but I got no answer. I asked them to wait..." Then she smiles a bit, "Jerrick wants to travel somewhere with you, by the way."

“Princess… who?” Zephan’s forehead wrinkles a touch when he tries to recall the face that belongs to the Golden Lion woman. “I think I saw her once… long ago. At a banquet. I was drunk.” Probably. “So…? He got himself a good match - for love even..?” A notion that seems to amuse the Onimus prince immensely. “And here I thought he was after Nimoria.”, is added after a moment, mischief dancing in his eyes. Another sip is taken from the wine, and from the slightly slurred tone of his voice Madalyn can already see he has had more than that goblet of wine he is currently sipping from.

When she leans closer to him she can smell the scent of alcohol - wine, and something stronger even - but even so there is a clarity to his gaze as it focuses on her. “A Golden Lion princess - member of the council? Jerrick must be joking.”, he snorts. “Seems his wits went overboard, which speaks for how much he must feel for this Zuhur. You don’t have to wait really to tell him mother would never allow that.” He takes another sip form the wine, almost choking on it when Madalyn makes that remark about Jerrick’s travel plans.

When the man almost starts choking, Madalyn slides closer to him, "Are you alright, brother?" She reaches with her hand to pat his back, "Are you alright?" When she is sure, that he is, Madalyn settles more comfortably on his bed and stabs her look to the man, "You should drink less... But... anyway! Could you tell him? Please... I just can't tell them in their eyes it... It pains me... I never ruined people's dreams before."

Zephan coughs, one hand moving to cover his mouth this time, before he waves Madalyn’s concern off with a gesture of his hand. “I am… fine. Just surprised, that’s all. You know I can hardly remember the last time I travelled with him.” Which is a lie. As that sea voyage they embarked on when they were children had rather drastic consequences. He chuckles at her rebuke about drinking and shakes his head. “Why should I drink less, when wine is what keeps me going? And no. I won’t tell him. Jerrick doesn’t listen to any word I say anyway. You have to tell him. You will be queen. Well…”, he considers for a moment, mischief sparkling in in his pale blue eyes. “I could tell this princess. It has never been hard for me to voice harsh truths, to women especially.” A low mirthless chuckle accompanies the admission.

Madalyn lowers her gaze to her own lap, "Don't bother," she sighs, "You are right. I will be a Queen and I will have to learn to say no, at some point. Though, I still won't say no to them right now. Maybe that princess Zuhur Nuru has actual talents...."

Madalyn looks at Zephan and adds, "You should find new things or people, who would keep you going, you know, brother. My tutor used to tell me, that if you can't find happiness anywhere, look for it in your family. She said that the husband, and especially children, bring actual happiness and become the best reason to move forward..."

Zephan’s face twists into a haughty smile. “If she should prove herself to be clever, you can always keep her as some kind of unofficial advisor. But I feel the /council/ won’t be happy if you should choose to give one of their offices to a foreigner.” His gaze flits briefly downward when Madalyn speaks about happiness. “It is funny you say that, dearest sister. But I feel I can only be really happy when I am at sea. As for the family,” he sighs, quirking his brows. “You know you are the only one I’m fond of. The others despise me like I despise them. As for marriage… that is not my road to go. Unless…” And here his voice trails off, a probing glance is shot Madalyn’s way. “You haven’t forgotten what we spoke of last time, have you?”

Madalyn rubs her arm a bit nervously, but she does not turn her gaze away from Zephan. No. She stares straight into his eyes. The blush on her cheeks just deepens, “I… Of course, I did not forget it! I still hope that our mother will get better and we will speak about it. I mean, we need to discuss all this religion thing and possibilities. Though, I guess… if Patrons were allowed to do so… There is a chance. After all, I can’t marry anyone I love, because they have lower titles. So… I love you, brother, already. You are my brother. My family… So, yes… Mom… We need mom…” She rubs her arm nervously again.

“I agree with you about foreigners, though!” She turns the discussion to other direction, “I don’t want to make Council unhappy. They served to our mother so faithfully, you know!” The girl stands up, “But I shouldn’t disturb you anymore, dear brother. You should rest. Try to drink less and you will see the world in different colours, trust me!” She walks around the bed just to appear on his side and offer him a warm sisterly hug.

A faint smile tugs at the corners of Zephan’s lips, his eyes watch her closely like a hawk watches its prey… or is it just the flickering light of the torches that creates the impression? “I love you too, Maddie,” he says, the voice hardly more than a husky whisper. One arm slips about her when she comes around to offer that sisterly hug, returning it with perhaps more emphasis than would be appropriate, breathing a gentle kiss to her temple before he lets go of her. “My colours are blue,” he admits with an enigmatic smile, “What more colours do I need? Honestly?” His hand still holds onto his goblet, which is not quite empty yet.

“Rest well. And tell Pureal she can come right back in… and keep me from feeling lonely…” He regards her with a hint of reproach in his pale blue eyes, still, the smile is there as Zephan watches her depart, before he moves back onto the bed, settling himself there in the comfortable position he had before.