676-01-14 - Good news and brother's request

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Good news and brother's request
Summary: Prince Jerrick Onimus comes to his sister Madalyn Onimus to present his future wife to be Zuhur Nuru. Also, he has a request of his sister.
Who: Jerrick Onimus, Madalyn Onimus, Zuhur Nuru
References: re:Zephan Onimus, re:Abegayle Onimus
When: 676-01-14
Related Logs: RELATED
Date of RP: 2015-01-14
Where: Madalyn's Room - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The princess's chambers, mirror the white stone walls and marble floors of the rest of the castle, but from there, the princess's personal tastes take over. The room is heavily decorated, hiding most of the austere white behind warmer colors. Tapestries adorn the walls and thick fur rugs cover the floor.

To the left of the door, there is a large, canopy, bed, covered in blankets and pillows. At the foot of the bed is a wooden chest, and on the side is a small nightstand, which usually holds a candelabra and a storybook.

Around the rest of the room, other furniture is scattered, including a small drawing table with a chair next to it under the room's only window, and another more comfortable looking chair resting near the fireplace. Atop the many small tables and other furnishings in the room are vases full of fresh flowers, leaving the room smelling much like the castle gardens.

The door of the young princess Madalyn Onimus are guarded by two. If anyone will want to get inside her room, will have to go through these two first. Both men look as if being in pretty horrible mood.

However, when Prince and Princess approach the door, one of the guards knock on them quietly and opens the door announcing about brother's arrival.

"Please, let them in!" Madalyn answers joyfully and raises to her feet from the chair beside the window. The raise is not such graceful as it used to be. The girl touches her side, which was injuried pretty badly recently and sighs, glancing towards the door, waiting for her brother to show up.

Zuhur looks to the sight of the princess of the Isles and then to her brother, "Do you need some healing? I do know a bit of the art." she offers as she moves in behind Jerrick, her arm is laced with his own and her soft light eyes glittering with excitement. She is positively glowing.

Jerrick out of respect for their position gives the two guards a nod. "Thank you." He tells them his soft voice filled with gratitude at the mundane and thankless job they do. Jerrick then proceeds into the room and takes a long look at his sister. "I would say you look worse then mother, but no one does." He approaches her, gently touches her shoulders and draws her into a hug. "Silly girl." He says smoothing her hair. "So dear and gentle. You did well though, so brave and thoughtless good qualities, and proof of the Queen you shall become." He then turns to Zuhur and draw her towards him once he has let go of his sister. He takes Zuhur's hand and presents her to Madalyn. "Sister, may I present Zuhur Nuru, Princess of the Golden Lion and my soon to be intended." He says his voice, even and filled with pride. "I hope you will approve and ask for your blessing, mother has already given her's but I also will to pay you the respect you deserve and ask for yours also."

Madalyn shakes her head at Zuhur's offer, "Thank you very much, but some wonds can be healed just by time," the young princess sighs and then turns to brother. She clasps her hands around the man and squeezes him as firmly as the young fragile wounded princess can.

"Oh, brother... I was just wounded and counciousness, while our brother Nathan and princess Luanda Brais had to endure all the horror. I am still not ready to be the Queen, that is why the Patrons won't allow for our dear mother to leave into the Gardens of Margueritte. Even if she looks horrible, she will get better. We just need time. She needs time."

Then her pale features are lightened up with a huge smile, "Jerrick! She is beautiful!" Madalyn says and her gaze slides to Zuhur, "You are very beuatiful and I am sure that you both will be happy."

The girl looks up at Jerrick, "You know, that I will approve to any marriages, which will have love. If you both want to be together, I am happy to see you both being together."

Jerrick looks saddened by his sister words and he leaves Zuhur briefly to go hug her again. "Mother will not recover pretty one, she is going to pass and you must accept this as well as your new role." He tells her. "But I have promised mother that I shall be here for you, to protect you and guide you. You will make a fine Queen if you listen to your council and seek advise when you need it. " He turns to Zuhur now. "I have also a request from you, allow Zuhur to be among your council, she is wise, cunning and will be a trusted companion. Someone who isn't after your Queen or here to manipulate you. She will be good for you sister." He smiles warmly between the two women. "I am but a man, so I can not sit with you. But trust Zuhur she is ever bit as good as I would be."

Zuhur smiles softly at Jerrick's words, so different from her own lands, she smiles then to the other Princess, "I need to learn your ways, but yes, I will help in anyway I can." she offers as she folds her hands slightly above her belly.

Princess Madalyn pushes Jerrick, "NO!" She even raises her voice and she does that very rarely, "I won't make her one of MY council members, because I won't have any council. I am just a princess for now. My mother is still alive and I won't be seated on her throne even before she actually will leave us. No no no..."

The girl walks towards the window and turns her back on the pair. She keeps shaking her head slightly, "I do not think about council for now. I won't think of it. You both should spent time praying, asking Gods and Patrons to keep the Queen alive, before trying to just split positions..."

The girl sighs and turns to the pair again. She leans against the wall, "Princess Zuhur, let me know of your talents. What do you do best? Are you good with coins? Ships? Armies? Do you know our people enough to become Mistress of Common Affairs? Maybe I am not the wisest girl in the Kingdom, but even I understand, that I can't just take these positions from the current members of the Council, nor I could give you that only one free position of Mistress of Coins. You will be a stranger here. My brother likes you and trusts you, so do I, but you will have to prove for our people, that you are islander first and lion later. That may take years..." She lowers her gaze to the ground, "I am sorry... I just do not remember the fact from our history, that not an islander would join the Queen's Council."

Jerrick lets his sister have her outburst and then looks at her stern. "You of all people should know I want nothing more then for a our to live, so she might help you turn into the Queen everyone sees you as. But you need to grow up Madalyn and start to prepare for the worst. You have a Kingdom to run and you can only do that if you accept that it will be yours. Zuhur will need to gain our peoples trust. But she can still be useful to you, she is also of Royal Blood and knows about ruling. If you do not want her on your council take her as a companion and handmaiden one you can trust and if you feel she is ready then allow her to fill what ever position you feels needs filling. I can help with the coins for now, sister you know my own talents excess in that area. But you must sees what is to come and stop hiding." He goes to her now and shakes her a little looking into her eyes. "And then we can find you a husband, one who will adore and workship you as I do Zuhur. Madalyn I will do what I must to make sure you do what must be done. Understand child, you must."

Zuhur looks to the princess then her eyes turn to Jerrick as he says she is all this and more. Her eyes flicker as she looks between them "I will strive to learn what you need of me Princess." she offers quietly perhaps not wanting to talk about skills, or knowing she will need completely new ones now.

"You think, that I am just a child... Like everyone think..." She sighs and tries to avoid Jerrick's look, "I see your point, yes. Still, she is just a stranger for our people. Does she know our troubles? Our traditions? Does she know what our people likes and dislikes? Does she even know our structure? Does she know of Solicitors?"

The girl looks at Zuhur and comes closer. If allowed, she takes Zuhur hands into her own palms. Madalyn looks into Lion's eyes, "I believe in you, but for now... Just live here, be happy. I can't promise anything. You still have courting and betrothal periods. I have my handmaiden right now and Princess shouldn't be handmaiden. Become my friend, and we will see, what future hides..."

Jerrick seems pleased by his sister's answer and draws an arms around his future bride and his sister. "Spoken like a true Queen, of course Zuhur must prove herself. I am relieved you simply did not just do as I asked. It shows you are thinking correctly and have through this through. No sister, perhaps you aren't a child any longer. You have grown and quickly, perhaps too quickly. Mother would I'm sure, have liked to have seen you enjoy your childhood and teenage years more. But we can not dwell on what was, only what will be."

Zuhur looks to the princess and she smiles slightly "Thank you, I will be sure to sit with your tutors and learn what I can of your people, and your traditions, and when Jerrick returns he can also help me."

"When Jerrick returns?" Princess repeats and looks at Jerrick a bit worried, "Are you leaving? Where? Why?"

Jerrick nods his head slowly at his sister. "The Golden Lion Emir, has given me three tasks to perform before he will allow me to marry Zuhur." He tells her gently. "It will require me to leave for a few weeks. I shall be taking Zephen with me also. Nathan will stay behind and perform his Lord Protector duties. I shall not be gone along you won't even miss us."

"Zephan will leave?" Madalyn looks to Jerrick and sighs, "I hope you are not dragging yourself into trouble..."

Jerrick shakes his head and smiles. "Nah, just think of it as an adventure and two brother bonding. If I take Zephen I might make it out alive. He knows the seas better then anyone I know. Have no fear."And he hugs them both again.

Zuhur smiles a bit and she too looks worried, knowing Nathan's own troubles on the seas. She looks to Madalyn "I will stay to keep you company as I learn, I am no replacement for a brother but.

"Thank you," Madalyn leans to give a hug for Zuhur and then to Jerrick. "Thank you for comming here to speak with me. Sadly, if you will excuse me, I would like to lay down a bit and rest. My healers said, that I must rest, that I would be as I was more quickly."

Jerrick nods his head and goes to draw Zuhur out of the room. "Of course, Madalyn, you rest well sister and I shall see you again soon."

Zuhur follows Jerrick slowly out of the room - her hand lightly wrapped about his own as if afraid to let loose of him.