675-08-12 - The Stain of Treason

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The Stain of Treason
Summary: Edris is brought before the Queen by Lady Adara.
Who: Abegayle Onimus, Adara Zorich and Edris Alachri
References: re:Nathan Onimus
When: August 12th, 675
Related Logs: 675-08-11 - Getting the Madame and other Hidden Agenda logs.
Date of RP: 12/08/2014
Where: The Queen's Chambers - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: This room is massive, roughly a quarter of the size of the Great hall of the castle. The ceiling is vaulted, around the edges of the room the vault is less pronounced compared to the center of the room. Pillars can be found in the center of the room, helping to support the ceiling above. The pillars are crimson in color with decorative vines winding their way up the pillars with the blooms of roses, lilies, and canary creepers stud the decorative vines in ways to enhance the beauty. The blooms and vines both are covered in gold leif. The ceiling is adorned with decorative patterns around the edges of each slope of the vaults, with a cascade of decorative feathers adorn the arches between the vaults. All of the decorative touches including the feathers are inlaid gold. The floor is white marble like the rest of the castle, though a large collection of various rugs and furs cover the floor. This both covers most of the white and also provides a warm, soft surface to walk upon as opposed to the cold, hard marble underneath. Hanging from the crest of each vault are golden chandeliers with tallow candles. Silken crimson sleeves cover the chains which connect the chandeliers to the ceiling above. Entering from the main hall the first thing one typically sees is a large portrait of Matyas Onimus, the husband of Queen Abegayle Onimus, which is centered on the wall. Surrounding this portrait are other portraits, all in gold frames, of the Queen or her husband, or the two of them together. Opposite the wall of portraits and a few feet from the door to the main hall is a massive bed with an intricately carved headboard and baseboard, covered entirely in gold leif. Running between two of the central pillars as well as between those same pillars and the wall is a golden frame that surrounds the bed, from which hang silken curtains of crimson with a golden trim and also stitched in gold is the sigil of House Onimus itself. To the left of the main entry doors are windows covering the entire wall to let in the light of the sun, and perhaps to enjoy sunrises as well. The windows are framed in gold and panes of the finest glass fills the spaces between. A few plush benches have been arranged by the windows to allow one to sit and enjoy the view. Opposite the windows is a wall with a set of double-doors matching those that lead out into the main hall, crimson in color with decorative golden frames and knobs. This door leads to an antechamber for use by the Queen and her husband only, and is almost always closed. The rest of the room is furnished with end tables, chairs, couches, a desk, and a table as well. All of these are crimson in color with gold trim, accents, or the like.

The Queen is laying in her bed. She can be found somewhere between all these blankets and pillows. There are so many fluffy and warm things around, that the Queen somehow fades. The only thing, which would betray about her existence in this room is her hair. These long as black as coal curls are spread all around Abegayle, framing a pale spechless features.

The woman keeps her look fixed on the portrait of her husband, while her fingers are playing with the fringes of the pillow. The aroma of soft vanilla incense tickles the tip of her nose and everyone's, who will enter the room.

The guards will allow Adara to enter without any questions, and they will close the door after the women will walk inside.

Lady Adara had followed orders and had Edris arrested with relatively little hassle. Giving the now former Madame a suitable room in the castle for the night, and ensuring she was guarded and provided the guards and handmaiden she was instructed to provide Adara left Edris to get as good of a nights sleep as possible.

At first light the queen had been informed of Edris' relocation, and once orders were received from the Queen, Adara personally escorted Edris and their entourage to the queen's own chambers. Once inside Adara waits until everyone is inside and the doors closed before offering a curtsey and says, "Your Majesty, this is Edris, the woman we spoke of previously. She has been given suitable quarters and a compliment of guards to protect her and her child and a handmaiden to tend to her needs as well." as she awaits further words from the queen as she stands a respectful distance away in a courtly stance.

The woman who enters after Adara is slightly below medium height, a comely albeit already a bit ripe beauty. She appears to be tidy enough, the fiery red hair has been tied back in a long braid. The dress she wears is unlike her others of less flashy looks, dark green, modestly cut at the front, and a little taken out at her sides to allow that already quite visible curve of her belly a bit of room. The features of her face are less accentuated, wearing no more colour than would be agreeable for a woman of repute.

Edris will keep her grey-green eyes downcast, her long-fingered hands folded before her. When Adara stops speaking, she will look up towards the queen and offer a most proper curtsey. "Your Royal Majesty." The greeting is breathed rather than spoken.

Abegayle glances at Adara, when she speeks. When the woman finishes, the Queen offers a calm nod for Mistress of Whispers as if making sure, that she managed to save her head on the shoulders.

Though, soft smile fades from her pale features, when the Leader of the Kingdom of the Isles glances at Edris. The old woman inhales deeply and almost whispers, "And you dare to adress me... Just adress me or there is something else you would like to say?"

Adara remains silent for the time being, as she hasn't been addressed yet, and leaves Edris to deal with matters until Adara has reason to intrude into the conversation.

"I only meant to offer you polite words of greeting, Your Majesty," Edris assures softly, lowering her gaze again. "If you had not wished me to speak, I apologize." Her lips are curled into a hint of a smile, and little emotion is visible in this almost-mask of a mien.

The Queen lowers her gaze to fix it on Edris abdomen, "Yes... I wanted to look into your eyes. Do you know, that you pushed my son into the crime. I thought, that Mistress of Whispers teaches her subjects perfectly, but now I see, that the trainings might have a weak point, if a Whisper can do such a thing. Or you did it for a reason?" The woman raises her gaze up now, fixing it on Edris' eyes.

Adara states, "I feel my investigation is complete, though I feel the details might be better suited to privacy." as her gray eyes pointedly shifts to Edris as she says this, then back to the Queen she adds, "I feel the need to point out that Edris wasn't given formal training as I was." her words are calm and serious, though the last bit about training is said more as though to provide relevant information instead of defending herself or her Whispers.

Grey-green eyes will rise to meet the queen's gaze as she so pointedly mentions her wish to see them. Edris listens to what Queen Abegayle has to say, an ever so slight flicker in her gaze indicating she may have her own thoughts on the matter. Which she voices next. "Forgive me, your majesty, but you do not do your own son justice by assuming he were the unspoiled child as which you would like to see him. He is a grown man, and of royal birth. I did by no means lure him into doing something, this I swear, by Onimoria." Her lips curve ever so slightly. "As for my reasons for being caught in my current situation..." She falls silent for a moment, allowing Adara to make her interjection.

"I am what I am because of the crown. I have always served the Isles well, you know it was I who had many... enlightening details to offer on Nawaab Arif Sefu of the Golden Lion. But... being a woman who runs a brothel, a Madame, a woman of questionable repute, what roads are there really open for me, what perspectives, after I would have been forced to retire? A family? Unthinkable. Who would want to marry one such as me? A soiled woman? And so Prince Nathan's request mayde it hard for me to decline, flattered as I was and still am by his attention. I never really thought it would work, but I assure you, it is his child that grows within me. A child that has royal blood, and I am sure you will claim, with every right to do so."

The Queen sniffs and frowns. She speaks in a raised voice, "DO YOU KNOW, THAT ROYALS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE ANY SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT MARRIAGE AND THEY ARE FORBBIDEN TO USE EVEN ENTERTAIN OF YOUR WHORES?" The woman has to take a deep inhale to calm down, "So, don't tell me, who my child is. Nathan broke the law. He definitely knew, what he is doing and he will answer to this. He is a spoiled and ungrateful son."

She glances at Edris's belly again and sniffs one more time, "You are standing here in front of me so proud, announcing that you carry a royal bastard, a threat for legitimacy of crown's succession. Your tone suggests, that you think, that I must be happy, that my royal blood was mixed with the whores? You should beg here for forgiveness and be thankful, that I didn't kill her and your bastard..."

Abegayle bites her lip firmly and closes her eyes. It takes a few moments before the Queen's features soften, "Two guards will be following you everywhere. I signed a handmaiden to you too. She will always be beside you. You are forbiden to ask her to give you some privacy. She will be always not more than an inch away from you. So, she will inform me,if you will try to have any contacts with my son. But you are a clever woman. You understand it. You are forbidden to speak with him. Knowing hsi personality, I am sure, that he will try to save you, he will treaten the handmaiden and guards. Though, he is still just a child,barely has his own money and has no power here. If he will disobey for my orders, he will be disowned. I am tired of tolerating disrespect from my own children. So, if you want your child to have not a disowned father, you won't do anything stupid. Also, the day when your child will be born, will be the last day you will see him or her. I am sure, you knew it even before getting pregnant..."

Then the Queen turns to lady Adara, "So, you said, that you have other matters to discuss?"

Adara looks to Edris as she speaks with a neutral expression as though she doesn't care if its truth or not, perhaps to even show how unconcerned she is it might be truth, after all the words of a madame. As the queen finishes her orders Adara looks to the queen and says, "The handmaiden and guards have already been assigned Your Majesty." She then looks back to Edris, giving her a look as though to make sure she knows and understand the queen's commands. Her gaze is very harsh as well as though daring her to challenge the ruling in any way, it is clear Adara is not happy with the betrayal of one of her own, much less one she trusted and respected.

Edris lowers her gaze, inhaling as if to brace herself against the queen's outbreak, when Abegayle starts shouting at her. She will give the queen a moment before she will offer a reply. "I am aware, yes. But I am not agreeing with you about my child being in any way a threat to the line of succession. There is your unborn child, Your Majesty, as well as Princess Madalyn. Also there are the other two Princes, who will certainly be married and produce their own legitimate offspring. Whereas my child will be but a bastard. And bastards," here she looks up again, focusing her gaze on Abegayle with some urgency, "have their uses, despite all of their downsides. They are known to be most reliable, and can be assigned tasks to look after their legitimate half-siblings." The redhead seems little worried about the effect her candidness may have on the queen, she means what she says, and in a way, maybe talking keeps her from falling into despair.

Her hands tighten their grip about each other next, when she affirms: "I understand however your orders and will follow them. I will avoid any contact to the prince, and understand your reasons for requesting this of me. I have already apologized to Lady Adara, for disappointing her trust. I will offer the same apology to you. As for my child being taken away from me, yes I am aware of that." Edris will add after a moment, her gaze flitting briefly to the Master of Whispers. Inclining her head to the information Adara offers to the queen.

The Queen shakes her head a bit, "Read the history of the Kingdom of the Isles. There were many stories how bastards killed their legitimate brothers and sisters to gain power. The name of ONIMUS never was stained with the bastards..." she says that in a huge despite.

The woman looks at Edris again, "Also, I order you to keep distance from my other children. I do not want them to be... ruined by you," the despite stays in her tone, "Also, even after the birth of your child, you won't be allowed to come back into the Night's dream. Mistress of Whispers will sign someone new there. That brothal is very important spot in the isles and just trusted people should control it. You are one of the most distrusted people from now on and my people will be watching each of your steps. Once again, even the tiniest mistake, attempt to escape or arrange any other plots will be understood as a treason and dealt accordingly. Now you are dismissed. Leave me alone with the lady Adara here."

Adara looks to Edris and further confirms the queen's words saying, "If there is enough of an age gap, bastards can also 'arrange' the deaths of their younger half-siblings and take control themselves. You are trained as a Whisper you should at least some of the ways such things are possible, even if not trained to do such things yourself." in a stern, authoritative tone. She then looks to the queen and says, "I have already narrowed down the list of possible replacements, I should have one in a few days." She then simply waits for Edris to leave, waving to her own personal entourage to depart as well and give them privacy.

Edris listens to Abegayle in silence, holding herself still with a certain pride, as her gaze regains its calm from before. Pondering to add something but deciding against it, as she probably already has said too much on the matter. And so she will incline her head, when both the Queen and the Mistress of Whispers are done with her. "I am sure you will find someone capable to fill my spot," she adds softly in Adara's direction, before she lowers herself into a curtsey. As there is nothing more to add really, she will turn to leave when she is dismissed. The two guards and the handmaiden accompanying her back to her humble room in the servant's quarters.

When Edris leaves, the Queen just glances at lady Adara, but says nothing.

Once the queen and Adara are alone and the double doors closed, she says, "Forgive me for holding my tongue Your Majesty, but I did not wish to interrupt you nor confirm the words of Edris in front of witnesses." "Prince Nathan concerns me politically." She continues, "He admitted to me the entire thing was his idea. He believes that due to your illness, you will die soon and Madalyn will be dethroned almost instantly, though I don't know if he'd take part in that. He believes that because the bastard would have his blood it would be respected by the people and would be placed on the throne, whether a boy or girl."

Taking a breath she continues, "I told him if he wanted to do such a thing, for the good of the kingdom as he claims, he should have wed and produced a legitimate child. Bastards are a threat to the line of succession, at which point he threatened to have his personal guard who are loyal only to him kill me. I'll admit to being a bit angered by such a threat and I warned him not to threaten a member of the council personally appointed by his mother." Pausing a moment to let that sink in she says, "I believe the best option would be to approve his idea for an expedition into the Unknown World, it will get him out of the kingdom for a time, and he can learn how dangerous the real world is without the comforts his mother and the kingdom can provide. This will also mean he won't be around to interact with Edris. After Edris gives birth I suggest sending her off to the Kingdom of the Golden Lion along with Lady Samuela Zorich to act as a handmaiden to her. This would allow Edris the chance to redeem her sins by serving the kingdom in a way more fitting, it also means she won't be here. In a sense it allows her skills to still be used and also at the same time results in a kind of banishment as well. It would also be a form of banishment for Prince Nathan as well. The child will be turned over to you if you still wish it when it is born, and then you can decide what to do with it. Does this meet with your approval Your Majesty?"

The Queen gets out of the warm blankets, not having to hide her flat belly now. Her eyes widen and she sits up in the bed, when she hears what Adara has to say. The woman looks shocked for a moment. It takes some time for her to speak again, but all she does - repeats Adara's words, whcih stuck in her head, "He admitted to you the entire thing was his idea. He believes that due to my illness, I will die soon and Madalyn will be dethroned almost instantly, though you don't know if he'd take part in that. He believes that because the bastard would have his blood it would be respected by the people and would be placed on the throne, whether a boy or girl? Lady Adara, are you saying, that my son is such an idiot, such an airhead, that instead of giving me a legitimate daughter with his proper wife he decides to bring a bastard into the world and put that bastard on the THRONE? No matter if it is a boy or a girl?! Are you suggesting, that my own son wants to break all the laws of his home, that he disrespects our traditions and might encroach on his mother's or sister's life?" The woman raises her hand and cuddles it to her chest, taking a few deeper inhales again. "Yes," she says firmly, "Yes. I do approve his journey and I want him out of the Kingdom by the end of this week. However, he should never learn, where the Edris will be sent. He might change his direction, if you understand, what I mean. So, yes. I agree. Sent Edris whereer you think she may be useful, but keep that in secret,just for yourself until the birth of that bastard." She ponders a few more moments and asks, "How many guards are around Madalyn? I want that there would be not less than six. She must be kept safe. I am not sure if she should know about her ownbrother's intentions, though..."

As the queen cuddles her arm ADara walks over and attempts to hold the queen if she would allow the comforting action. Whether she does or not ADara says, "I do not believe he would act against you, he seems to love you and the kingdom too much for that. As to Madalyn I cannot say either way. He does seem to believe she will be dethroned for being so naive, though again I cannot say if he'd try and dethrone her personally or simply cannot believe the people would not demand it. As to the travel plans. The expedition should take years at least, I agree the sooner he leaves the better as we won't have to worry about him as a threat to anyone then. The months that remain he shouldn't return before that time at which point Edris can be sent anywhere and he'd never know." If she is holding the queen by that point she leans back enough to try and look her in the eyes, if not holding her then Adara simply tries to look her in the eyes and says in a serious, solemn tone, "I will make preparations for Madalyn and the kingdom. I fear I must ask however, if there is word of confirmed treason in your son after he leaves, should he be assassinated if we are able to do so?"

The Queen does allow for Adara to comfort her, but when the Question about assassination comes,she pushes her hands away and lays down into bed, "Children... Do you know, that I never wanted to have any children? I just knew, that I must for the sake of the Kingdom. But here is the reason, why I never wanted children... The treason itself doesn't hurt so much as the treason of your own blood... What can I tell you, lady Adara? He is my son. Though, if he will commit a treason... he has to be punished as everyone else. There has to be a trial and then..." the Queen grows quiet and turns on the other side, "If you do not have any other matters to discuss, I would like to be left alone..."

ADara nods and says, "As you wish Your Majesty." as she leans over, and if allowed gently kisses Abegayle's forehead, and help to lower her back into bed to tuck her in much as a mother would when their child, or a wife would to her husband were sick. She then simply leaves quietly. If she is not allowed to do so then she simply leaves.