Born in the year 640, Adara was the youngest child of Duchess Debrah Zorich and her husband Gedeon. As a young child Adara had a fairly typical upbringing for the daughter of a duchess, though with her older sister Debbie destined to be the next Duchess this left Adara more freedom to find her own place.
A curious and adventurous girl, Adara was often getting into things she shouldn't, though fortunately she was watched over enough to make sure she didn't get into anything too dangerous. That is until one day when she was seven she somehow got ahold of a baby caiman. Most likely a chance find along a river or some such, the young girl decided she had found a new pet and was going to raise it. Fortunately for her the animal was discovered quickly before any damage could be done.
Upset over having her 'pet' taken away Adara spent several days pouting and given the guards evil looks, as it was them that had taken the animal away. Her parents suffered no better. After a few days one of the castle guards approached Adara even as she was glaring at him and offered a smile saying, "You must be a little caiman yourself to look that fierce. Keep this up and by the time you are grown you ill be just as dangerous too."
The guard was simply trying to cheer her up, and as it turned out it worked. Not only did Adara giggle at the words she positively beamed with excitement and pride that she was so 'ferocious'. She enjoyed the name so much she began to regularly be called 'Little Caiman' by the castle guards, staff, and at least in private, sometimes even members of her family.
A year later Adara started to find her place. Wishing to better serve her House and the Kingdom, Adara began to train. Around the onset of puberty, Adara stopped being called 'Little Caiman' out of respect for the fact she was becoming a woman, though she continued to be called 'Caiman' or in the case of staff and guards, who used the more formal 'Lady Caiman'. Adara has continued to accept the use of the name with those she is close to, and continues to enjoy the name.
In 656 at the age of sixteen, Adara had been betrothed to Lord Iyov of House Grunhaid. It would be another two years before the couple were married. In the year 661 their first daughter, Liat was born. In 663 the Adara gave birth to her youngest daughter Kinneret.
Two years after this a special assignment became available which Adara took advantage of. The records of the other kingdoms were becoming a bit dated, so an emissary was to be sent out to make contact with the other kingdoms and provide reports of any updates to the diplomatic or political relations between the other kingdoms and the Kingdom of the Isles.
Finally having a chance to serve her Kingdom in a big way Adara volunteered and was granted the chance. The trip was expected to take around six to seven years, though Adara would miss out on much of her daughter's lives, her husband would help watch over them and she would return before they had grown too much. Some plans don't work out as expected.
In 665 Adara arrived at her first destination, the Lands of Imamu in the Kingdom of the Golden Lion. The historical enemy of her home, they made the most logical first choice. As the Hundred Year Alliance remained intact and she was officially there for diplomatic reasons she had little trouble speaking with the head of House Imamu, and after six months of discussion, travel, resupplying, and the like she entered the Lands of Eniola.
This pattern would continue, as she averaged six months traveling and doing her job in each of the regions of the other Kingdoms. From 666-671 she made her way from the Lands of Nuru to Sefu, Ellistrin to Macreddin. Bretonnia to Kaladai, Rothstein to Woriscant, Granville to Athereyne.
In 671 Adara entered Beresgond, happy that her long trip would soon be over, that was until the plague hit. Arriving at the castle on officialy business and not being infected by the plague, Adara become a long-term guest of House Brais, living at Castle Mergorand till the plague came to its end in 674.
With the risk of the plague finally over and able to return home to her family Adara. Upon her return to the Isles Adara reported back on what all she had learned. After filing her reports the Queen decided to appoint Adara as the successor to the current Mistress of Whispers on the Queen's Council. Perhaps due to her long journey and how much she learned about the foreign powers.
Taking up residence in the capital so she could be groomed by her predecessor, even her family moving to the capital as well, Adara focused on learning all she could about her new role so she'd be ready to take over. It later came to be known, to those who should know, that the Mistress of Whispers was secretly a member of the Cult of Asmenachia. Under section 11.9 of the Book of Lotingus the Mistress of Whispers was put to death and Adara was appointed as her replacement.
Adara has been the new Mistress of Whispers for only a short time and is still catching up a bit as her training wasn't complete, but her keen mind has been helping her to finish getting up-to-speed.
Personality and Appearance
Adara is a smart, creative woman who is very much a patriot to the Kingdom of the Isles, as she seems to be willing to do anything for the betterment of the Kingdom, even if it means doing something she personally doesn't like. She has traveled more then most in the Isles thanks to her Emissary work for the crown. She is perceptive, kind, and generally easy to talk to.
Dark brown locks fall from the head of this woman, curling as it descends to her mid-back. Alert gray eyes look about often, topped by narrow, high brows. A cream complexion provides smooth skin that has yet to gain wrinkles, or at least easily noticed wrinkles. Wide, plump lips, often tinted red often yields a toothless smile that is typically soft and warm to those who see it.
Her attire changes from day-to-day, though often consists of light, soft colors. She favors tight dresses to show off her curves, though with modest cuts along the neckline with a belt to help keep things in place, as the lower parts of her dresses tend to have only a slight flare to them, enough to allow free movement and still close enough so as not to be a hinderance. A long ermine cloak is often seen about her shoulders as well.
- Abegayle Onimus: My Queen. I will serve as your Mistress of Whispers for as long as I am able, and do all in my power to ensure the Kingdom of the Isles continues its existence for ages to come.
- Lisabette Zorich: My Duchess, and my niece. She has grown into a fine woman, despite her mood.
- Edris Alachri: A valuable woman, however her betrayal nearly negates that value. You are more fortunate then you realize.
- Moshe Machuri: Despite his blood and gender, he has potential.
- Barret Brais: A male in power, what more can I say? At least he acted properly during my time as his guest. Fortunately my gamble worked and he gave up those heathen gods, now if only he can be made to accept the Patrons.
- Avraham Grunhaid: My annoyance of a nephew, he is a prime example of why men should never have power. Not to mention a prime example of why some men should be forbidden to breed and castrated early.
- Madalyn Onimus: The Princess once more, and heir. Things are getting complicated, hopefully she can adapt to them, but I will do all I can to ensure it if it is possible.
- Nathan Onimus: Driven and determined. Unfortunate that he is also guided more by male ego then reason. Too dangerous.
RP Hooks
- House of Zorich: Adara is the second daughter and youngest child of former Duchess Debrah Zorich. She spent most of her time in the Isle of the Gloomy Jungles up until she left the Isles in 665 as an Emissary for the Queen. Anyone who was around during this time would at least know her, those old enough to have known her well could be friends, enemies, or anythign else that would fit.
- Kingdom of the Golden Lion: Adara traveled through the regions of the Kingdom as an emissary between the years 665-666, spending roughly six months in each region. If you were in these regions as she was passing through you might have met her. See the Summary Timeline below.
- Kingdom of the Estoria: Adara traveled through the regions of the Kingdom as an emissary between the years 667-669, spending roughly six months in each region. If you were in these regions as she was passing through you might have met her. See the Summary Timeline below.
- Kingdom of the Two Rivers: Adara was acting as the Emissary of the Kingdom of the Isles from 669 till her arrival in the Region of Beresgond. Perhaps you encountered her during those years. See the Summary Timeline below.
- House of Brais: Adara was a guest of House Brais from 671-674. She arrived as an Emissary for the Kingdom of the Isles, but ended up stuck at Castle Mergorand due to the plague.
- Whispers: Adara is the current Mistress of Whispers for the Kingdom of the Isles, if you are a spy for the Kingdom you work for her directly or indirectly.
- Caiman/Lady Caiman: Originally named 'Little Caiman', Adara was given this nickname by one of the castle guards of House Zorich after a baby caiman was taken away from her for her protection. Trying to cheer her up the guard called her a Little Caiman and the name stuck. When she got older the 'little' was dropped and guards, staff, and anyone else trying to show respect address her as 'Lady Caiman'. Those who are close to her, family members, friends, and the like are the ones that refer to Adara as Caiman, or if a commoner Lady Caiman.
- Eidetic Memory: Adara was born with a nearly photographic memory, able to remember vividly anything she focuses on learning/remembering.
- Loyal: The Isles: Adara is a true patriot, there is nothing she wouldn't do to benefit her Kingdom, even if it meant doing something she didn't like on a personal level.
- Wealth: Rich: Adara has money and knows the value of it.
- Well-Traveled: Adara spent roughly a decade abroad and as a result is one of the most well-traveled people from the Isles. She traveled through the other three Kingdoms between the years 665-674.
Summary Timeline
- 640-Birth
- 647-Earned her nickname "Little Caiman"
- 648-Starts training in her chosen field
- 653-654-Her nickname is shortened to "Caiman", or among commoners "Lady Caiman" due to her growing older
- 656-Adara starts more specialized training in her chosen field
- 658-Adara is married to Iyov originally of House Grunhaid
- 660-Adara finishes her training in her chosen field
- 6, April 661-Eldest daughter, Liat is born
- 663-Youngest daughter, Kinneret is born
- First half of 665-Travels to the kingdom of the Golden Lion and starts work as emissary in lands of Imamu
- Second half of 665-Moves on to Lands of Eniola
- First half of 666-Moves into Lands of Nuru
- Second half of 666-Finishes in the Lands of Sefu
- First half of 667-Crosses the border and enters Ellistrin and the kingdom of Estoria
- Second half of 667-Passes into Macreddin
- First half of 668-Passes into Bretonnia
- Second half of 668-Passes into Kaladai
- First half of 669-Passes into Rothstein
- Second half of 669-Crosses the border and enters the Kingdom of the Two Rivers by Woriscant
- First half of 670-Passes into Granville
- Second half of 670-Passes into Athereyne
- 671-Passes into Beresgond and is stuck there till the end of the plague
- 674-Returns home and is appointed successor to the Mistress of Whispers
- 675-Is appointed Mistress of Whispers after the removal of her predecessor
Adara Zorich
Adara Zorich
Portrayed By:
Leena Alam
15 May 640
Kingdom of the Isles
House of Zorich
Mistress of Whispers
Place of birth
The Gloomy Hall
Gedeon Zorich
Debrah Zorich
Avidor Zorich, Debbie Zorich, Joey Zorich
Lord Iyov Zorich (From House Grunhaid)
Liat (Born 661) and Kinneret (Born 663)
Family Crest