675-07-30 - Pantry Talk

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Pantry Talk
Summary: Adara continues her search for information.
Who: Adara Zorich and a servant
References: re:Nathan Onimus and ?
When: 675-07-30
Related Logs: 675-07-26 - Foolish Guards
Date of RP: 2014-07-30
Where: Pantry - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: This room is filled with animals which were caught on hunts: birds and beasts, including swans, blackbirds, ducks, pigeons, rabbits, mutton, venison, and wild boar and others. Most have only been basically prepared for cooking, still needing to be plucked or skinned. A few small windows of this room are open to the view of the courtyard.

The young woman walks into the Pantry, humming a quiet melody for herself. she is wearing colorless linen dress, usual for servants. She has long black hair and would be just one of these common figure, if the mask wouldn't cover her face.

When she enters the room, she grabs some kind of a bird and sits behind the table, statting to tug it's feathers out.

Shortly after another woman enters, this one however is no servant. Dressed in a soft, warm blue is Lady Adara Zorich. Upon entering her handmaiden is left outside as her guard follows her inside, both stand by the door as though to watch and protect it as Adara moves closer to the table the masked woman is working at and asks, "Might I speak with you?" in a soft, warm tone.

The woman jumps up on her feet,when she sees a lady in front of her. She offers quite a clumpsy curtsy, "Of course,my lady..." She still keeps her fingers firmly wraped around the bird's neck. Being stressed out about the visit of a noble, she forgets having taht bird in her hand. So, making it bounce and dangly, she carries her hands to smoothe the fabric of her skirt,but she just makes it dirty from the bird's blood.

Adara raises a dismissive hand and says, "Calm yourself, I simply had some questions for you. I understand you were cleaning the corridor outside the chambers of Prince Nathan some days ago, is that correct?"

"yes,my lady," still nervously the young girl nods, "It is my job. To make sure that Royal Passages would be clean and sometimes,when I need to get extra coins, I work here..."

Adara nods and asks, "I understand a blonde woman I believe it was, was also there talking to the guards. Is this correct, and if so did you notice anything about the woman or the guards?"

"Of course, I did. The blonde was... Well... How to say it polite, my lady..." Her cheeks blush brightly,"She looked as if she would be one of these women from brothals. She was all...flirting, you know, my lady. And the guards...They were so lost in her beauty. They didn't see anything, just stared at her...breasts,you know, my lady..." The women shivers, "They even didn't notice me. I had to push them away with my broom.I am...with a mask, my lady. People do not see me or do not want to see me.But I see, you know, my lady..."

ADara nods and says, "That is why I sought you out, men are useless in such matters for the reasons you have said. I am a married woman I know how men think as I'm sure you do as well." winking conspiratorially, she then adds, "Please feel free to speak freely, unlike many Ladies I am not easily embarrassed or offended. You say that you saw, so tell me what you saw while there, did you see anyone other then the guards and the prostitute?" She may or may not have worked at a brothel, but given the way she has been described most would likely assume her to be one.

"Well..." the young woman starts grinding her feet into the ground, "I don't know that at all, but when I clean close to the doors of the Royals... Well... I hear things sometimes, you know, my lady?" She sighs and lowers her gaze all ashamed, "I heard voices in prince's Nathan's room..." She raises her head, her eyes widen in fear, "I swear... I didn't listen. I just cleaned further..."

Adara lifts a dismissive hand and says, "Do not trouble yourself with such things. As i said I want to hear what you have heard and seen you are not in any trouble. Tell me everything you can remember hearing through the door, even if it sounds a bit... Personal."

The woman shakes her head, "I can't remember, what they talked, really. It is always best to forget, what these royals talk or do.Otherwise..." The young woman shivers and whispers, "You may end up dead. I remember my friend. He said, he knows a noble secret. But he is dead now... It happened long time ago..." She shivers again, but quickly adds, whispering, "But I saw a woman She was dressed as a kitchen maid. I actually saw her before. I was comming into the castle from my home. Just to start my work. I gathered some fruits, which Queen loves. Our poor Queen... She is sick, I heard?"

The masked creature's eyes becomes sad a bit, but quickly she closes her eyes as if trying to remember, "She and the blodne were comming into the castle too. They bribed the guards to let theminto the castle. I think. They were so sweet. Dressed as maids. Kitchen maids. They went into the kitchen and... I understood they are doing it not the first time. People remmebered them.Like these guards, you know, my lady..."

The woman looks nervous. She speaks very quickly, "So, then they went there... Somewhere. When I got into the Royal Passage, I saw just blonde, but then the other one left Prince's Nathan's room. She couldn't be commoner. Just a Kitchen's maid. She was so beautiful. I got a chance to see her long red curls. So wonderful hair. But then she hidden herself and left. I was just continuing my job..."

Adara nods and says, "I will not speak of where I learned what you told me and you don't tell anyone you told me and we should both be safe." smiling softly. She then asks, "The one with the red curls, did she seem around my age, attractive, pale skin, green eyes, a comely figure, perhaps carrying herself almost like nobility?" She also holds up a hand near herself to around the height of five and half feet, "About this tall as well? As to the sounds through the door, can you recall if it sounded more like talking or something more... Physical?"

The young woman nods a few times, "Yes, indeed.Perfectly described. She looked like nobility. Her voice was soft and sweet. As I said, I can't recall the conversation. The blonde was always staring at me. She looked worried and irritated, when I approached prince's door. So, I moved away. But that redhead one was sweet. She sounded sweet. I can swear, I heard giggles. I think, I heard, you know, my lady..."

Adara nods and asks, "So the blonde was distracting the gaurds and was also perceptive enough to notice you when most others go out of their way to avoid noticing you?"

"I believe so. I am not sure. I am not clever. I am just telling you, my lady, what I saw. The blonde didn't care about me. At all. She was all... you know, showing how lovely she can be. Showing to the guards. But then... I approached prince's Nathan's doors. She quickly looked at me. She looked... stressed out? I am not sure, maybe I overheard, but she started comming closer. Then... being close to the prince's door she spoke to me quite loudly. She raised her voice, my lady, and made a comment about how I clean the floor..."

Adara nods and asks, "How would you like to be assigned to a noble estate for awhile?"

The masked woman's eyes widen, "What do you mean, my lady?"

Adara says, "Given what you have said, perhaps it would be an option for you to work at a noble's estate for awhile, away from the castle so you don't have to be concerned so much about such looks or threats from brothel workers?"

"My lady..." the woman lowers her gaze, "What estate? I... I get good coins here, my lady..."

Adara says, "It would only be temporary and completely your choice whether to accept or not. The estate I am thinking of is outside the city walls in fact. If you wish to accept I will speak with those needed to make the arrangements and inform you of who's estate it is. If you choose not to, then you may continue with your duties here and I will not speak a word of the offer to anyone."

"I am just used to this work. My father is very proud, that I managed to become servant in the castle.Not everyone get such a possibility, my lady. Thank you for your good heart, but I do not want to...makemy father angry..."She lowers her head and just now notices that bird in her grasp.

Adara waves dismissively and says, "I do not see why your father would be angered then, after all why would you leave this job?" smiling softly as though to show she understands and she is treating it as though she never even made the offer as she said. "Is there anything more you can tell me of the two women?"

The woman shakes her head.

Adara nods and says, "Then I won't keep you from your work further." as she slips her hand into a pouch and gives the table a tap saying, "Good day to you." in a polite tone as she turns to leave, a small pile of coins left behind where she tapped the table. Not a large amount, but enough for a few days worth of food.