675-07-26 - Foolish Guards

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Foolish Guards
Summary: Adara follows a lead and makes her disapproval known.
Who: Adara Zorich
References: re:Abegayle Onimus re:Nathan Onimus re:Edris Alachri and re:Bertram
When: 675-07-26
Related Logs: 675-07-24 - Boy Chasing and 675-07-14 - Secrets and Spies
Date of RP: 2014-07-26 and 2014-07-28
Where: Queen's Council - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: Two guards stand at the entrance at all times, their uniforms of red and gold standing out against the white of the room itself, The door is heavy and thick, carved with the images of dove across it's surface. The room itself is formed of the odd white stone, while floors are white marble. There are a few vases found within, often filled with flowers to offer a little freshness to the otherwise windowless room.

Shelving makes up one wall, small cubbies formed to hold various rolled scrolls and parchments, both bare and waiting to be written on, and others already holding various missives. In another area, various small pieces similar to that which mght be used for chess, can be found, grouped together and carved from different colors of marble. A huge table stands in the middle of the room, chairs pushed in around it for the council to sit at during meetings. The large map of Felaguria currently hangs upon the wall, and yet could easily be taken down to cover the table to be used with the pieces during strategy meetings. One chair at the end of the table is obviously larger, a throne meant for the Queen. Two other chairs are located in the corner of the room, for the servants that might attend the Queen and room when in use.

Having sent word to a few off-duty castle guards to meet her in the Queen's Council chambers, Lady Adara makes her way there a bit early and takes up the Mistress of Whispers seat at the table so there is no doubt what authority requested them and who they would be speaking to once they arrived. The room is otherwise empty of other people aside from Adara herself, at least till the requested guards arrive.

Three guards enter, a slightly older one and two who are definitely younger than thirty. They arrive attired in their official garb, and all three of them offer the Lady a deep bow, but will remain silent at first until spoken to.

Adara's gray eyes shift to the guards as they enter and offers each a respectful nod and says, "Greetings, and thank you for coming. I will get to business so as not to keep you to long. I have heard word about an Edris Alachri and her guard, a certain Bertram. Have any of you seen either of these about the Prince's private quarters?"

The guards will share a brief glance before they shake their heads. The oldest of them will raise his voice though for a reply: "Edris Alachri? Isn't that the madame that runs the brothel at Steelea? I've seen her now and then here in the castle, but never in the Royal Corridor, my lady. As for the guard Bertram... There's a fancy chap that accompanies her now and then. Spotted him once with her in the Palace Garden, before she were speaking to you, if I recall correctly."

Adara nods and asks, "Have any other commoners made frequent visits to the Prince of late, or has anyone come to speak with any of you? Whether its simple conversation, someone who seems lost, or the like?"

There is another silence, following this question of Adara. The younger two stare at their hands that are folded before them, while the older one seems at ease enough to return the lady's gaze. "Any commoners?", he repeats towards his two colleagues, with some emphasis.

"Nah, not really. Except, there's some kitchen maids coming now an' then. And lately there was even a maid who started cleaning the floor of the hallway in the evening.", one of them admits after a moment.

Adara nods and asks, "Why is a kitchen maid coming to the Prince's quarters? Has he been to sick to dine properly?" in a casual tone.

"Nah, it wasn't tha' she's coming to the prince's quarters. It was a blonde on that day, when the other maid appeared to clean the floor. Now, that was an odd one, wearing a mask, the cleaner, I mean. But the blonde... she's a cute one, she chatted with us for a moment.", the younger who spoke before is quick to reply.

"There was that other one though," the other younger guard suddenly adds. "She slipped out, after the blonde had left. From Prince Nathan's quarters. She carried an empty wine flagon and a goblet, was heading for the kitchens."

Adara nods and asks, "The one that slipped out, did you see them enter?"

Both younger guards share a glance, then shake their heads.

"I remember someone told me about a blonde, who played some card game...", the older guard muses meanwhile. "It may have been some weeks ago. A blonde handmaiden. They made a bet with some guards, she lost the card game and let them have a look at her, if you get my meaning. If I recall correctly, it was in the Royal Corridor..."

Adara nods and says, "I would imagine such a look would not be easily forgotten. Was it the same blonde that was seen in the Prince's room? Also have any of you seen or heard who's handmaiden she might be?"

Again both younger guards share a glance. "The blonde wasn't in Prince Nathan's quarters. Ever. She was with us, and she never slipped away, 'cept when she returned to the kitchens," the second younger guard explains. "The one who slipped out, she wasn't as tall as the blonde. Wore a white bonnet, so I dunno what color of hair she had. Was a bit plump as well. Never saw her face."

The first younger guard says: "I've no idea whose handmaiden she is. Haven't seen her since. But. A week ago, another dark-haired handmaiden came and... had a flagon of wine. I was doing duty with..." he says a name. "Seems lately more kitchen maids and handmaidens frequent the Royal Corridor. But none of them entered Prince Nathan's chamber, I swear."

Adara nods and asks, "Did any of them enter any of the rooms of the Royal Quarter?"

"No. 'cept the one that slipped out. No idea how that one got in...", the second younger guard replies, while the other younger guard nods.

Adara nods and asks, "So if I understand correctly a blonde handmaiden you do not know, and do not know who she serves decided to play cards with you, lost and you got a show and after she left a stranger that was covered up left the Prince's quarters shortly after? None of you are able to think of how this unknown individual could have got in the Prince's quarters?" Her tone is calm but carries a tone to it as though the guards should pay close attention, she then remains silent as though to give them time to put the pieces together, at least if she got the details right.

"Nah!" comes the prompt reply. "We weren't them fortunates who got a show. We only chatted with the blonde, making sure she did not do anything odd, like, doing odd business at the Prince's quarters." They seem to be quite resistant to Adara's train of thought, it seems.

Adara nods and asks, "So you hold that you did not trust this blonde after hearing the story from your fellow guards about the 'show' they got and was determined not to allow her past you correct? Is it possible she was distracting you so you wouldn't be looking when the concealed woman slipped into the prince's quarters? I assume you attempted to catch her and checked on the Prince after you saw her departing his quarters?"

"Umm..." again the younger guards share a glance. "The blonde wasn't doing anything suspicious."

It is then that the older guard loses his temper. "Damned fools, she /was/ distracting you. As well as that darker haired wine woman. It's the one with the white bonnet, the 'slightly plump' one, that should be checked. So, did you? Check her. Check on the Prince! Speak up, and tell the lady!"

Another awkward silence follows. "Nope. we figured, she was cleaning Prince Nathan's room. Also, he stepped out for a bit shortly afterwards. He seemed to be well enough. Didn't think it odd, really.", the first younger guard finally replies.

Adara nods and says, "Then you are fools. Firstly the one in the bonnet could have poisoned the Prince for all you know, even if he did come out shortly after not all poisons take effect right away. In addition to that, even if not a threat to his life the question remains, did she belong there? Why would the Prince leave his quarters to see a simple servant off? The blonde was the distraction as your superior says." She then looks to the senior guard, "I trust these two will be 'instructed' better for their 'lapse of judgement'?" Its clear from the darker tone she doesn't mean being taught, she means punishment fitting the stupidity, as she continues, "Also I want eyes on the Prince's door at all times until further notice, even if servants have to be dealt with fine, I want at least one person constantly watching that door for all shifts. I want this woman in the bonnet apprehended and questioned by the guard, perhaps even by myself as well if I feel there is need. Whoever it is, they are not to be released until either myself or the Queen herself commands it, I don't care if the prince requests her release or not, if the Queen doesn't give her consent they stay in custody. Is this understood?"

After pausing to let that sink in she adds to the older guard, "I also want a detailed description in writing of the blonde and anyone else that was acting as a distraction, I'm sure you can determine who the distractions were after this. The more detailed the better, I don't care if the perverted guards want to go into great details about how the blonde's nipples looked. I want all the details I can get so I can pursue this matter further. I have my suspicions about who might have been involved, and whoever got them as distractions they better pray its not who I think it might be." Her casual tone is fully gone now, there is only authority and command now, she clearly is serious and leaving no room for interpretation.

The two younger guards just stand there, looking stunned, but nodding nonetheless to Adara's rebuke. The older guard rolls his eyes at them and sighs when he is addressed. "I will see to it, my lady. And I apologize for the stupidity of these two. They will be dealt with, accordingly." Another nod follows, in regards to Adara's instructions. "I will see what information I can gather from these two and others. We will keep our eyes open for that suspicious woman with the bonnet. Alas, most kitchen maids wair one. But any kitchen maid entering Prince Nathan's quarters will be apprehended." He bows to the lady. "Will that be all?”

Adara nods and says, "For now yes. I also wish to be made aware the moment anything else unusual is noticed as well. If there is nothing more you or these fools have to add you are all dismissed."

"Nothing more, my lady,", the older guard replies with another bow, in which the other two join him, before all three of them leave the Queen's Council.