675-07-14 - Secrets and Spies

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Secrets and Spies
Summary: A disguised Edris disappears on a mysterious mission
Who: Edris Alachri, a blonde (as played per Rivers) and a girl (as played by Teddybear)
References: re:Nathan Onimus
When: July 14th, 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 19/07/2014
Where: City of Deavel, and Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: Soon

It is early evening, and Edris leaves once again, on one of her mysterious missions to the castle. These visits happen at irregular intervals, but lately have become more frequent. Attired in a very very plain brownish commoner's dress, a slightly off-white bonnet that covers almost all of her fiery hair she walks together with a trusted girl of her choosing, in a likewise unobtrusive attire. They share a few words as they go, likely in a very much ordinary conversation about the market and the wares that can be bought there. It does not take long and they arrive at the castle gates.

Even if it is late evening, still these two commoners meet many passerbies. ALL of them are in a hurry to finish their common duties.

One of these people around is a young creature, who is likely a young boy or a bit older girl. The creature is wearing a long dark gree cloak with a hood. The person is carring a huge basket, covered with some linen fabric. There might be some bread, or maybe some fruits. Nothing unusual.

That creature is just moving closer to the castle as many others, who work there.

Grey-green eyes drift over the crowd as Edris passes through it. She will continue to chat with the girl in her company, directing the topic towards the castle as the approach it. What she says and the way she says it to convince anyone who should overhear them that they are kitchen maids of the castle, returning from their free afternoon.

As they reach the gates, Edris will offer a curtsey to the guards, her eyes flickering with a shy smile.

"Returnin' from our free day, sirs.", she remarks, one hand resting on the small curve of her belly, while the other girl gives one of the guards a wink. "Oh please let us pass! We may slip you a bottle of wine later!", the blonde smiles.

Edris's attention is focusing on the castle that lies ahead. Turning her gaze towards the blonde with a reproachful glare, she'll say: "Are you sure...? Nah, I don't believe we can. What if we get caught...?"

"Nevermind," the blonde replies. "We won't. Right, boys?"

The guards seem amused at first, then intrigued. They were probably inclined to let them in anyway, but when the blonde announces her intention to bring them wine later, that will be the last thing needed to make them step aside. "There, in ye go, lasses. But don't forget about that wine!"

It does not take long, before that creature comes closer to the guards too. She extands her basket and shows it to the guards. The basket is filled with berries of the forest, "The Queen's favorite. I was ordered to bring them to the kitchen."

One of the guards frowns and extands his hand. He takes one berry and tosses it in his mouth. The man just chews it, "We were not informed about it... What if they are poisoned?"

"Then you would be already dead," calmly whispers the girl, "Go. Ask the Queen if you wish. I am eager to see how she will be displeased, that her guards disturbs her for such unimportant questions..."

The guard rolls his eyes and waves with his hand casually, "Alright, go go..."

Edris meanwhile will have proceeded to the castle itself and head over towards the kitchen, her blonde companion in tow, an occasional glance being cast over her shoulder as if suspecting a pair of eyes were lingering on them. And even though she does not spot the girl following them, and odd feeling of being watched remains.

Once inside the kitchen she will move over where small plates with snacks stand at the ready, to be brought wherever those appetizers are offered along with a bit of wine. Edris will grab one of those plates, whereas the blonde will take one of the flagons.

"It's us again," Edris smiles over to the cook who gives a light shrug. And then the two women are off again, making their way through various hallways, and heading for the private hallway reserved for Royalty.

Two eyes are intently watching these two commoners, who so freely are walking around the castle. Though, which two eyes? Where they hidding? Hard to say. There are a few other guards, female and male, who are patrolling in the halls. Some of these guards are so similar or have such an unmemorising features, that less keen eye could thing, that they are twins.

The young woman with a basket filled with berries from a forest meets two other kitchen maids. They start chatting about many random things. These two others were ready to leave the castle, so they were wearing dark common green cloaks too.

The basket was placed on the kitchen table, while they talked a little bit. One of these girls were running there and there, finishing something, but even the other workers of the kitchen finally gets confused, who is who.

Finally, two girls leave, while another one just disappears in the shadows of the castle. The basket remains at the table of the kitchen. This girl takes off her cloak. She is wearing a simple linen dress as all the servants, who are responsible of cleaning the castle. She takes a broom, rag and basket. The girl starts walking into the royal passage.

She has a very long tress hair, who are hidding half of her face, while another half has a mask, which is usually weared by these, who have variola, or who injured badly their face in the fire.

When she reaches the passage, the woman just starts cleaning the ground casually.

When she reaches the Royal Hallway, she will notice that only the blonde is still around, casually leaning against the wall while she is in engaged in a conversation with two guards. There is some giggling and jesting, and it is obvious the blonde is flirting with them both.

The hoarse voice of a young woman reaches the flirting trio, "Out of my way! I need to clean the floor..." And she bumps with the brush into the feet of one of the guards. The other hand is carring a bucket filled with some kind of liquid. It smells pretty badly and most of the people would run as far away as possible.

It is the guards that gesture for the blonde comely kitchen maid to move further along the hallway, despite the slightly sceptical stare of the girl towards that other, masked maid. When the odour reaches her nose, it will crinkle though and the blonde will nod and come along with the two. "Ain't you two supposed to keep watch over this hallway though?!", she inquires to the guards, until they will continue their flirting further down the hall, but in eye shot.

The masked maid starts cleaning the floor, when the trio leaves out of her way.

She cleans everything so good, that the floor start glinting, especially close near the doors, because she spends a lot of time to clean the dusts there.

The time she spends near one, other, and another doors would let her hear, what is going inside, likely.

The blonde meanwhile continues to chat and giggle with the guards, tilting her head a little to the side. However, she will now and then shoot an attentive glance over towards the girl scrubbing the floor.

This one will hear mostly nothing at any of the doors, after all the doors of the royal chambers are made of especially good quality, often even laid out with paddings on the inside, to keep the Royal affairs as private as possible. If she is perceptive enough, she might hear the muffled sounds of a conversation behind Prince Nathan's door, but it is really hard to tell who and how many people are speaking with the prince. To learn more, the girl would have to risk getting closer to the door, even put her ear against it. But that might attract the attention of the guards or the blonde that are still in view.

The masked girl is kneeling beside the prince Nathan's door and brushes the floor with the rag. When she hears murmuring, she cuddles her ear to the door, glancing at the guards and blondie.

However, she does not last too long, just to hear a few words and then casually moves across the floor further to clean further.

She hears the muffled voices of male and female much more clearly now.

"I suspect you, as much as I, have no true idea of where things such as ancient treasures and lost temples may be found."

A soft chuckle comes in response to the male voice.

"I am truly no expert in such matters, am I?", the female replies. "But I am willing to listen to any thoughts you might have on the matter, while I enjoy your presence."

The blonde glances over to the girl once again, brows furrowing maybe a touch, as if she had glimpsed her at the door. Or One of the guards may have said something to cause this reaction.

The girl concentrates her attention on the dirty floor, or maybe she genuinely does not notice how the blonde looks at her.

The passage is very long and she will be working almost for the whole evening, if she will remain as thorough as she is.

The blonde giggles at something one of the guards says, but then walks back from whence she came, pausing before the door as she evades the girl. Alas, the floor must be quite slippery. One of her feet drifts away from beneath her as she slips, banging against the door by accident. Shooting the girl another glance as she gets back to her feet with another apologetic giggle.

"Sorry, but you are very thorough, aren't you! The prince will like the hallway to be all shiny I suppose!", the blonde says, a bit too loud perhaps. Grinning as she moves on to leave the passage.

The young woman remains to finish her work, neither looking at the other woman, nor speaking with her.

No sounds will be heard from within the prince's chamber, as all conversation seems to have ceased. After a few moments, the door will open, and a kitchen maid will hurry out of the room, her dress brown and unobtrusive but straining a little over the small curve of her belly. Her hair is covered with a white bonnet, and in her hands are an empty flagon of wine and a cup. Barely sparing the cleaning woman an outwardly fleeting glance, but indeed possibly studying the woman most attentively for a brief second, she will hurry off, supposedly in the direction of the kitchens.