675-07-20 - The Feast after the Tourney

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The Feast after the Tourney
Summary: Can't dance, won't dance.
Who: Alajos Fennim, Avaline Brais, Ralph Fennim
References: None
When: After the Tourney
Related Logs: 675-07-20 - Betrothal Tourney
Date of RP: 23.07.14
Where: Grand Hall - Woodwatch Keep, Duchy of Woriscant
Room Desc: The immense hall is mostly used for feasting, with several trestle tables covering the expanse, whereas one at the far end is slightly elevated on a dais to overlook those present, this of course being the place where the Duke and his closest family usually will be seated. The floor is comprised of dark stone tiles, covered with a layer of rushes that will be changed regularly. A great hearth, made of dark stone over which a shield with the coat of arms of House Fennim adorns the wall, will occasionally have a fire burning within, providing warmth especially during the colder seasons. Four huge tapestries of common Fennim legends cover the walls of the Grand Hall: There is Nigel the Grey fighting a huge pack of wolves in the black of night, as well as Orville the Strong wrestling with a massive boar; there is Cuthbert the Craven, whose swift wit prevented Woodwatch Keep from going up in flames; and there is Madrog the Valiant's joust with Lord Vernon Lenouvi, which ended with the Fennim's victory and the Lenouvi's death.

Avaline had waited as promised, allowing the betrothed pair to arrive at the banquet together. Perhaps a touch late, though surely intentional to make that 'proper' entrance. Even if a number of the Fennim family were no doubt pleasantly surprised that Alajos had designed to appear at all, they all surely knew how he could be. Surely Lord Ralph was quite relieved. The meal had been a grand affair, the best had been seen to and served for the occasion. Light music had been played through the meal, though the din of chatter easily overtook it as people discussed the tournament events, the fashions of the day, and all other manner of gossip and politics. As servants saw to the clearing of the tables, empty plates and platters, the music began to take a louder turn for those wishing to dance. Several hired entertainers already taking the floor to encourage such, and simply to give others something to watch as they chatted on. Through the meal Avaline had kept up conversation easily enough with those seated near, people from both their families, no doubt including the King as well. The occasion turn of a prompt to include Alajos, though if he desired to simply listen she did not try to draw him into conversation to oft. Just enough to keep him looking...like a proper host. As the meal came to it's conclusion, Avaline sipped upon what was left of her goblet of wine. Commenting gently,"The kitchens did a lovely job, don't you think?"

Alajos for his part, has been his usual quiet self, making some strained conversation when others try to draw him in. Luckily very little mention is made of the tourney. He eats little, as usual, but does take to the wine. When the last desserts have been cleared away and Avaline addresses her question to him, he does nod and smile. "I do think we've been able to impress your uncle sufficiently, so he'll know you are in good hands here.", he replies, casting a look over to the king who's deeply engrossed in some conversation. GAME: Save complete.

"Aye, I believe between a safe return from the Isles and a fine day as today, has assured him of such," says Avaline. Even if she would like to hope if her uncle had any reservations, he'd not even give the match consideration, unless the political need was truly dire. Then again, Alajos' line certainly needed the surge of 'pure blood'.

Better not mention that to him or a sulk of epic proportions will be afoot. He nods to her words, but remains silent, his rather small cache of small talk exhausted. One of the male Fennim cousins (no, not that one) appears by his side, leans down and whispers something into the ducal ear that makes Alajos assume a deer-in-headlights look. The cousin wanders off again and the young duke clears his throat. Giving Avaline a look, he asks: "Would you like to dance?"

As if she would be so foolish to actually mention that to him! (Well maybe if he deserved that sort of verbals slap.) Of course, not that cousin else he would have appearing at Avaline's side! Perhaps it is the look that comes after that tips Avaline off to the question that comes. "I would be honored to have a dance, Your Grace," noting more softly with a faint smile," and surely they are waiting for us to do such. Aye?"

"So I have been told.", Alajos admits. It's rather obvious that the dance floor is still empty although the musicians have been playing jaunty tunes for quite a bit now. "Thought your uncle would make the first move.", he murmurs, then inhales deeply to steel himself. Once he gets to his feet, it's all fluid elegant emotion though, from offering his hand to Avaline with a little bow to leading her onto the dance floor. The lead musician immediately changes to a fresh tune with some undertones of romance and Alajos begins to lead Avaline into the dance.

Avaline notes softly,"The tournament is not celebrating his betrothal. " Intricate matters of protocol and subtle differences that come into play. Her wine goblet is set aside with the matter of dancing at hand. Her hand lightly settling to his when offered, gracefully moving to her feet and at his side. Murmuring softly as they move to the dance floor,"It need only be one dance if you wish, after it would be permissible for you to slip back off to have a few words with this or that person, before taking your leave, if that is what you wished." A smile falling easily upon her lips when the dance floor is reached, turning to Alajos as the dance begins and he would lead her through....the romanticly inclined number.

Alajos bristles a bit when Avaline lectures him on protocol - it's not that he doesn't know, it's just that he really doesn't care much. Unless he's forced to. Like now. Looking a little bit grumpy, he leads her into the dance. The frown increases when the musicians launch into a romantic number. He mutters something under his breath, but obviously it's not a dance he's very familiar with. His dance steps are awkward and not at all in tune with the music. It looks more like he's pushing a chair around the room. With everyone's eyes upon them. Woe.

It was not so much a lecture, as a gentle murmur of guidance and perhaps subtle notation she does not expect much else from him this night. Avaline does sigh inwardly as Alajos' mood does seem to just continue to slide downwards. His frown certainly contrasting to her smile, much like her graceful movements contrast to his awkward steps. She does well to yet follow as he leads, perhaps a subtle turn here or there to help him get through the dance. A faint flicker of...something....in her eyes....he had not danced so poorly before with her.

Alajos really doesn't do attention well. Mercifully the musicians realize that the young duke does not do well with the present tune and since they do not want to end up in the dungeons, they exchange a look and change the tune to something more upbeat and faster, a tune and dance that is well-known in Woriscant. So Alajos looks at Avaline and without so much as asking her permission moves into another dance to try and do better.

Avaline had perhaps expected an exit from the dance floor after the first number, between knowing how much he enjoys this sort of thing....and how the dance went. But there is only a faint bit of a blink when he instead is moving right into the next dance as the musicians take to the more upbeat number. Her steps coming with a fluid and easy grace to them as she manages the dance well.

But alas, Alajos still doesn't do well, even with a number he's so familiar with. "I just suck at everything!", he hisses at Avaline and before the song is even finished, he drops his hands away from her to bow deeply and make a hurried exit - not back to his seat, but to the far end, where a galley opens out to the evening sky and he can find some fresh air and the merciful cover of darkness.

The hissed words have Avaline blinking, more so when he just suddenly drops her hands and sulks off even before the song is finished. Giving a dazed sort of curtsey to him, more cause it is a well trained response then truly knowing what exactly to do or make of the situation at hand. It is a spectacal that certainly is taken by most, and soon all as whispering and talk start up, a few gasps of shock and surprise. Some of which echo the look on the young blonde's face, uncertainty falling as she is simply abandoned on the dance floor. Mercifully, an elder uncle manages to sweep in and take her into the next dance before seeing her from the dance floor. But the damage had been done, gossip was already flying before Alajos even made out the door.

It may be a coincidence, but that 'elder uncle' that snatched Lady Avaline for the next dance is no other but Alajos's cousin Ralph. "Would you do me the honour...", is muttered as his hand reaches for hers to guide her into the next dance, the usually so brooding looking Fennim manages even a warm smile when his dark eyes meet Avaline's gaze. Pointedly avoiding to look to where Alajos vanished, Ralph manages far better than the Duke, both to keep his composure and to remember the steps as they continue.

Alajos stays at the gallery for a while, staring out into the dark night sky. He seems turn for a while, but it finally seems like sense got the better of him. Instead of running off completely, he sneaks back into the Great Hall to resume his seat. Seeing with some relief that cousin Ralph has stepped in and taken care of Avaline.

Perhaps not that elder, but compared to Avaline, he was atleast somewhat 'elder' just like her betrothed was 'older'. There is a touch of relief when Ralph does appear, murmuring softly,"Aye, I would be delighted, Lord Ralph." Her hands meeting his as she steps into the dance, displaying much of the grace that was seen before, though not such a contrast with Ralph's ability as it was to Alajos. There is a murmured,"Thank you," as the dance is had, though she says nothing else concerning what just happened. Noting softly when the dance would reach it's end,"I think I could perhaps do with a break and a drink. Thank you for the honor of dancing with me, my lord."

His dark gaze flits over where Alajos has reappeared ever so briefly, and a tiny head shake is given in a silent comment, as their dance takes them closer to his seat. "Do not take it personal. Our Duke has his moments, a bane which I trust you will learn to save him from, sooner or later.", Ralph offers as the dance comes to a close. "Aye, a drink. Mayhaps you'd like me to join you for a bit of conversation? Or would you like to return to your betrothed over there? It seems he has made up his mind and has returned..." A smile curls his lips as he bows before the Brais lady. "The honour has been all mine, Lady Avaline. I apologize for my cousin's bad mood and ill manners."

Alajos has indeed returned. One cousin approaches him with a sparky expression, mouth already opened for a jest, when the ducal glower convinces him it's a better idea to change course and talk to someone else. Alajos picks up his freshly refilled wine glass to have a good deep gulp. Ah, bliss.

Avaline gives a little nod,"It is hard not to take it personally at times, Lord Ralph. Even if I have come too see how his...moments can be. I am trying though. " She had gotten him to come to the banquet afterall. Though she is no longer certain that was a good thing. A glance going to see that indeed Alajos has returned, when Ralph makes mention of it. "I should return to him," it would be expected," but I should like to enjoy some conversation, if it would not be an inconvience for you to join us for a time." Turning a gentle curtsey in response to his bow,"Thank you, Lord Ralph. Your apology is excepted. "

A faint smile flickers over Ralph's mien as he hears Avaline's reply, he will escort her back to the table to her betrothed, although the look he shoots his cousin holds little warmth. "Your Grace.", the older Fennim greets a bit stiffly, before he executes a much more fluid gesture to one of the servants. And swiftly more wine is being brought. "After all this feast seems to be a success," he remarks next with an almost challenging smile in Alajos' direction. "As was the joust. Even though you did not win that one, cousin, you did remarkably well." Then, his goblet is raised in a toast. "To you, Lady Avaline, future duchess of Woriscant. To you Alajos. And to our wonderful region, the Woods of Woriscant..." A smile curls his lips when ralph raises the goblet to his lips for a good sip of the wine.

Alajos smiles a little sheepishly when Avaline returns to his side, though the smile freezes a little when Ralph appears as weell and even brings up the tourney again. But before he can grumble something sulky, his cousin launches into a toast that is quite impossible to resist. "Thank you cousin. To Woriscant." He lifts his glass, manages a faint smile and takes a drink.

Avaline does manage a smile to Alajos when rejoining him, upon Ralph's arm at that. A gentle 'Thank you' comes with the delivery of the wine . A drink forestalled as Ralph does give a toast, riasing her glass in turn to Ralph, Alajos as well," To Woriscant and the Duke." Before taking a drink, a longer on then perhaps is usual. But only by moments. "It has been a good feast, the kitchens did a remarkable job with all the food."

"Will you stop making a display of yourself, cousin?", Ralph mutters to Alajos as he leans over casually. His tone less reproachful, but rather pleading. "The king is watching." Indeed they have Royal guests in attendance, as well as nobility from all over the country and some foreign guests. Leaning back again, he will continue at a moderate volume, easy to overhear for those nearby. "It may have been a good fortune indeed, that a foreigner won after all. This Sallah Al'Akubar will bring word of this back to the Golden Lion, and mayhaps we can soon establish some bonds... Who knows?" Speaking from the political point of view of a diplomat. "Although I felt bad for you cousin, you came quite far, and were only bested by the winner of the tourney."

"Can we not talk of the tourney?", Alajos asks crankily when Ralph brings back the memory of his loss. Though at least he also offers another subject to change to. "So are you planning a journey to Golden Lion then, cousin?", he asks, "I would not mind. In fact I would welcome it." If only to have him off his back. But after a little glance towards Avaline he adds: "After the wedding of course."

A few more sips of the wine are taken, Avaline trying to ignore the fact that people are paying them even more attention after the recent display. A quiet nod going towards Ralph in agreement, they were similar points that had been made earlier. "Establishing further relations, even if small trade matters, would be beneficial." Entirely keeping from the topic of the tournament given Alajos' cranky statement. "As I am to travel home to make the arrangements needed there, I am sure there is time if you and Lord Ralph wished to take a trip to Golden Lion to see to matters of trade or other potential alliances." She had never been in a rush to marry, and tonight certainly had not changed that.

"I am not sure," Ralph replies to Alajos, and his gaze shifts to where the King Barret Brais sits. "It will depend upon what His Majesty's next plans are. He is offering the Isles an alternate wedding match. And for now we are awaiting word on Queen Abegayle's thoughts on the matter. We have had little to do in the past with the Golden Lion. But maybe... they have options too. Alas, this slave business is an obstacle." Scratching his beard pensively, Ralph Fennim will lower his gaze. "Oh, I did not mean to bore you with politics, Your Grace. My Lady.", he adds, after a moment with an apologetic smile. "Forgive me, if that was the case. Although I would doubt that His Grace will leave the Two Rivers before you two are wed, Lady Avaline. His love for his country and our beloved duchy is too strong." And with that said his attention returns to his goblet of wine as he falls silent. Brooding being a thing, that is after all in the family.

"Indeed, I have no plans to travel anywhere anytime soon.", Alajos confirms quickly, "I am sure that my cousin can be fully trusted to go on a diplomatic mission by himself, can't you, Ralph?", he smiles at the man, then looks at Avaline: "Are you returning to Brais with your uncle, Avaline? I would assume it to be the safest means of travelling just now?"

Avaline gives Ralph a gentle smile,"You did not bore me, so there is nothing to forgive, Lord Ralph." Giving a slight nod, as Alajos' matter of travel, or not as it seems is neatly nipped in the bud. Least as something to further forestall the wedding. Not even wanting to think of the pressure that will fall once the wedding has come! There is a sudden need for a long drink just then. " It would likely be best, for as you have noted it is the safest course of travel. I am sure you are eager to have me out from underfoot as well." They had rather gotten thrown into this betrothal straight upon their return to Two River. "I am certain we can decide before I leave when you would wish for me to return."

This does not bring an immediate response from Alajos. In fact he looks fidgety again, as so often. Finally, without looking at her, he says as if to the contents of his wine glass: "I am not eager to have you out from underfoot. I understand the necessity of this trip, but I do wish for your speedy return."

There is perhaps a flicker of disbelief that comes to her eyes at his words, likely missed since he is absorbed by looking at his wine goblet. "I am sure my return can be scheduled to you satisfaction, Your Grace. " It said with some hint of distance, simply because Avaline is not entirely sure what to make of him, of things right now. "If you will excuse me, Your Grace, it would seem my cousin Kylinia has wish to have word with me." Moving gracefully from her chair to go speak with said cousin, as well as a few others that have turned out for the event. Before she seeks to retire for the evening.

"Of course, Mylady." Alajos doesn't look up, just sits there with a look of defeat. He will sit for a while longer before grabbing a chance to depart himself.