675-05-19 - Of Knights and Maidens
Of Knights and Maidens | |||||||
Summary: Sir Baldwin pays Mistress Rayne a visit in the dungeons. | |||||||
It had been already an eventful day for Sir Baldwin Ivounel. Not only had he been summoned before the Queen's Council to answer the questions of the High Oni Eleora Machuri, upon his return to the Deave Inn he had found a disturbing note from the healer Rayne Devantry. Because of the note and some vague answers, he got from the innkeep, the knight had not tarried long and now he has arrived at the dungeons, worry and concern clearly etched onto his features as he glances around, taking in the rather depressing surroundings.
The dungeons are dark and dank, scented with that of the sea long since abandoning the area. Rayne had been visited by Ottis, and Marcus and now sits on the edge of the bunk in her cell, unable to sleep because she was sick with worry. Upon the doors opening, and Sir Baldwin being led to the doors of her cell, the guard would actually unlock the cell doors to let Baldwin step in with Rayne if he wished to. Rayne would simply glance over, standing as soon as she sees Baldwin there, and takes a few steps towards him. "S-sir Baldwin...I hoped you would come. Though, I was not sure, as I do not know how fitting it would be for people to learn that you have spent time with a suspected criminal." An innocent person, but suspected never the less, and yet somehow a smile finds Rayne's features. "Though I am glad to see you."
When Baldwin enters the cell, he pauses at the door, taking in whatever he can glimpse of the surroundings in the poor light of the torch he is carrying. The slightly worried expression in his demeanour obvious, being closer to the source of light. His grey-blue eyes will widen, when he spots Rayne and one more step will be taken towards her as she approaches him.
"Miss Rayne.", he greets, the tone of his voice low and maybe a bit hoarse. "I... am sorry I could not come sooner. I was summoned to answer some questions at the Queen's Council. I just got back to the inn, when I found your letter."
At Rayne's remark there is a light shrug of the knight's shoulders. "How fitting it would be? You have been accused of a serious crime! I had to seek you out." The smile offered in return to her admission to be glad to see him is more a hint, overshadowed by the concern in his gaze. "And regarding the suspicions against your person, I am convinced there must be a reasonable explanation why you were there." Other than she is after all guilty of the crime. "I'll do what I can to help you, but you must tell me what happened."
There's a flicker of something in those moss green eyes the healer has, perhaps an underlining fear of what may come. As he greets her, and there is that apology, Rayne would shake her head. "It is quite alright, Sir Baldwin. After all, you arrived as soon as you could, which means a lot to me. More than you may realize." Though how fitting would it be? A knight speaking to a criminal, though she supposed such was what happened in these situations. The commoners had to answer to someone did they not?
"Then allow me to tell it." She offers a softened smile. "I was in my room at the Inn, working on some new salves when there was a commotion in the room next to mine. A man had come to his room, apparently drunk, and the woman he was staying with was none too happy." She begins, then looks around, wishing there were chairs or some such. Regardless, "Though she kept saying something about how the priestess would not be happy with them. And yelled at him for being drunk and such. Another commotion of sounds came, followed by a sudden thud on the floor and what seemed like the woman straining to move something heavy. I thought he had just passed out from the drink and then it was silent once more." Taking a breath, retelling it all now was a bit trying! "Moments later I heard their door open and shut...I got curious, and when I looked out my room the woman had been retreating so I moved to follow. Then I spotted blood on the door knob of their room. Being a healer, I went to investigate that instead. There he was, laying in the middle of the floor, with a knife sticking out his throat." Recalling it caused Rayne to look away, feeling sick just at the thought, and upset over the sight as well. "I thought I could save him. Seems a bit silly now, but I truly thought he was not so far gone. I traded the knife for a waded up shirt, but there was so much blood...then a maid found me. Started screaming murderer which summoned the guards, which led me to being here." Her tale finished, she turns washed out eyes towards Baldwin. "Like I wrote, I swear on my life I am innocent of murder. I would never kill another person, much less harm them..." Taking a shaky breath, she silences herself, perhaps to wait on Baldwin's reaction.
The door to the cell may be closed, but a face can be glimpsed there behind those bars, showing the observant eyes of Baldwin's shadow. If one would care to look. The Ivounel knight seems to care little however. A smile flickers over his face at the first part of Rayne's reply, the smile will fade however, when she starts her account of what had happened at the inn. The concerned look will grow in intensity as she continues, and it is when she speaks of the horrible injury of the man and averts her gaze for a moment, that his arms move up without thinking, and his hands come to rest upon her shoulders. To offer her some consolation as it would seem, as he senses her upset state. "By the Gods...", he gasps, shocked by the facts presented to him to a degree that makes him forget about his King's decree. His grey-blue eyes wandering off to the side for a moment, as he contemplates the full meaning of the gruesome situation the healer has just described.
"I believe you.", he remarks after a moment. Of course he does! "You are innocent. You could never do harm to anyone," a light shake of his head there. "Whatever it takes,... I will do all I can to get you out of here. Speak to our diplomats. They certainly will think of something..."
What happens below in the dungeons cannot be seen by anyone who would think to spread word around, or so Rayne would hope. When she feels those hands on her shoulders, there is a moment that her green eyes would lock upon his grey-blue and she smiles softly. Reaction would have her lifting one hand to place over one of his on her shoulders and her eyes to cast downward as she recalls the tale.
Once done with her tale, and she hears Baldwin speak on believing her innocence, Rayne would lift her gaze up towards him and gives a nod of her head. "Thank you...for being here. For believing in me. I'm sorry..." Taking a breath to let out slowly, she tries to blink away the misting tears in her eyes. "I do pray you use some caution, Sir Baldwin. I would not wish you harm on any level while helping me in this matter. If it is between you holding your honor or losing it...then I pray you keep your honor. I will face whatever trial is ahead." She would say that much more before offering a kind smile.
His gaze shifts to her hand as it is placed on his, before Baldwin's eyes return to meet Rayne's, and the knight will shake his head ever so slightly. "Of course I believe in you, how could I not?", he replies softly, offering her a reassuring smile, as one of his hands moves to her cheek, to gently brush that tear away with his thumb. "My honour is not the matter of rumors or ill-placed assumptions. I have nothing to hide, and nothing to be ashamed of. But I cannot allow that you come to harm, and are to face the consequences of a crime you did not commit."
There is a small sound, a light cough coming from beyond the bars of the door, a not so subtle reminder that they are by no means as unwatched as they might want to be. It suffices to make the knight withdraw his hand from the healer's face, his gaze lowering as his lips curve into a mirthless smile. "I am sorry, Miss Rayne. That guard my sister has acquired for my... protection is quite persistent and has a vigilant pair of eyes. Even though I think his presence is not necessary at all."
"I thank you, truly Sir Baldwin. I am honoured by such a thought from you." Rayne would speak, and for a moment she would lean her face against that hand which was brushing a tear from her cheek. "No, you have nothing to hide. Neither of us do. I am confident that very soon this will all be behind us. Yet how I ever so wish we were on a ship back to Two Rivers, as I miss home ever so much." She speaks this and then offers a kind smile.
The sound of the cough from beyond the door would have Rayne giving a scowl. "I know your sister means well, but I am not intending to harm you. Though I do agree his presence is not necessary. When we are back home and you speak with your father I am sure things will go back to a sense of normalcy." She yearned for home, already having had her fill of the Isles, if for no other reason than having to watch every move she makes, curb every word that passes her lips. "So, did things go well with the Queen's Council?"
While not replying directly to her remark about her confidence their situation will change soon for the better, Baldwin will lower his gaze thoughtfully for a moment. "Ah yes. Two Rivers. I can't wait to get home as well." Too much trouble he has already gotten himself into. The mention of his sister does little to cheer him up. "I am not sure she does," he remarks shooting her a slightly worried glance. "In a way this gives her the chance to pay me back in a way." Another sigh leavs him when the healer inquires about the Queen's Council. "I said all there was to say on the matter. I can't tell if the Royal Mother believed me, yet I have a feeling there's something odd about the Village of Piradin. She hinted, that was some open secret, like that village would have a special status, that saves its inhabitants from prosecution by the authorities of the Isles. Odd indeed."
"Is that not what a sister is for? Would you not do the same if you knew someone was persuing her?" Rayne would ask, because in her eyes since the guard was adamant that /she/ not be allowed to speak with Baldwin, it was because of the rumors about their budding relationship. In a sense. She listens to Baldwin as he speaks about his meeting at the Queen's Council and after a moment, tilts her head. "You would think they would give warning about such a thing as well. Especially to those of us who do not grace the Isles. It makes sense to me." Though such was a simple thought within the mind of a commoner, and so she takes a breath, looking around her present occupancy. "I really am glad you came, Sir Baldwin. I really wanted to simply let you know that I was well. Aside from having to fight off would be persuers..." Glancing over to the few other prisoners in these halls that do nothing more but stare at her, licking their lips, and when she has no other company, attempt to whistle her over. A thought which would make her shiver in disgust.
"Indeed, the Royal Mother seemed surprised we did not know about the perils of Piradin," Baldwin replies thoughtfully. "And she asked us not to pay the village another visit. As if we were in danger of committing the same mistake again..." He shrugs at that, while the mention of his sister's intentions has him shake his head again. "You do not know my sister." Leaving it at that though.
Catching that glance she shoots over to those other prisoners, the Ivounel's demeanour will darken considerably. "Any of those that will dare to harm you," and touch her even, "will have to face my sword." Said in a low menacing grumble that may be loud enough for those scoundrels to hear. Luckily for Rayne - and for them - they are just in view and earshot, but not in that same cell.
Rayne nods a little, offering Baldwin a soft smile. "Perhaps the Royal Mother was simply allowing you a sort of free offering at having gotten into a mishap. Now you have been warned to stay away, and knowing you, you shall." She would say that much before tilting her head just so to the side. "I know of your sister, I was hoping to perhaps get to know her a little better...but I fear she already dislikes me, and this mishap will not help the matter."
Still, when Baldwin gives that warning, Rayne would almost beam from the sound of it. "Well, if that does not keep them from me, I do not know what will. My dear Knight...if only I could truly show you the depth of my gratitude." Though, there was the guard to consider, and Rayne would sigh softly. "I've spoken to Masters Ottis and Marcus, they've both come to see me. Ottis, I believe, will be willing to help. Master Marcus...wished a price of sorts. So I trust him even less now than before. So if you need help...perhaps Ottis will be obliged."
A low snort comes in reply to Rayne's expressed wish to get to know Livessa better. "She is not the best example of a Ivounel, I fear," he admits quietly. "And she may have reservations against you." Considering the commoner background of the healer. That mention of Rayne's gratitude will not even ellicit the tinyest twitch of his brows, with Baldwin being too principled a knight to allow low motives to rule his character. And so he will just incline his head. "No need to, Miss Rayne. As I offer my help without expecting anything in return." Well, that may not be the hole truth, however. even though he frowns when he hears about Marcus demanding some sort of reward. "I am surprised," he confesses. "I did not expect him to be such a mercenary character, but then again... I trust Master Ottis will do all he can. I will seek his assistance."
Once again his hand is raised to pat Rayne's cheek gently, before the knight takes a step away from her, moving towards the door, where another cough can be heard, not really by coincidence. "Take care, Miss Rayne. We will get you out. I swear." By the gods of Meladrys, although he does not voice that. A last smile towards her is shot over his shoulder, before Baldwin knocks on the door, and it is opened to let him out. The sound of a bolt being slid back in place, as well as a key moving inside of the lock, when the door is secured once again. The sounds of the steps resounding from the walls in the dungeons, soon to diminish to an almost mocking whisper.