Rayne Devantry

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"Status is a person's way of exuding betterness and propriety, and I for one, want nothing of it."
-Rayne Devantry

Born on the 27th of February in the year 650, Rayne Devantry was a herald of her parents beliefs. Thought to be a sign of hope, her parents celebrated her birth by offering to Felgurna, the Mother as per their secret religious beliefs. The thoughts of Rayne being a blessing to them continued as the year brought a flourish of growth to the otherwise destitute forests of Woodwatch. As the years progressed, Rayne was brought up to learn the secrets of each plant, the dangers of mixing and matching the wrong herbs and flora together, as well as the benefits of others.

From a young age, Rayne showed a knowledge of what her parents taught her, but also a natural ability to grow and nurture the plants around her. Though she was stricken with a curiosity that would cause her parents to question the truth of this 'blessing' as Rayne continued to grow and experiment with different herbs and flora. At the age of sixteen Rayne was already a natural with mixing together elixirs and salves, often times making mixtures that outshone her parents less potent cure-alls. Though it brought about better tidings for the family, as Rayne could mix together dirt and water, call it honey and sell it to those who wished to buy. Her father taught her the basics of horseback riding so she could easily travel from their home to town and back again.

The years went by without much cause for concern, and by the time Rayne was twenty her parents had grown too old to do much for themselves. The natural course of life would cause Rayne to lose both her parents in that same year and three years later plague and famine would threaten Rayne's own life several times. The perseverance of faith - at least to Rayne - as well as the natural ability she seems to have with plant life of any kind drew her to create an elixir that seemed to stave off the worse of the plague from herself. Though such was not the case for most of the kingdom of Two Rivers, Rayne found herself within a calling she could not let go of.

Recent Events

What began in the Isles as a series of unfortunate events, a ray of hope has shone in the healer's life. A blossoming happenstance that grew on the Isles, rolled over upon her return to Two Rivers. Having fallen in love with the knight, Sir Baldwin of Equis, a few more events occurred that left Baldwin disinherited, and stripped of his title. In light of such, Baldwin chose to be with Rayne over his family and upon such a choice proposed marriage to the commoner healer. With her acceptance, the healer and the knight were wed on the 23rd of July in the year 675. They currently reside in her home within the Woods of Woriscant.

Personality and Appearance

Rayne stands at five feet, eight inches - which is a little above average for her kind. She is fair skinned, has long brown hair, and soft green eyes that are almost a moss green at times. Her form is a near hour-glass figure, curved in shoulder and hips that come with her line of work. Seen usually wearing a hooded cloak when in the presence of people, she dresses in common woodland clothing. Brown shoes, basic pleated trousers, and a pale green tunic is her attire when the cloak is removed.

Rayne has a honeyed tongue, and sometimes it's a little more prominent than she would like. To the point that her words can do one of two things - either get her into a lot of trouble, or make herself a decent profit. She also is a stickler to her beliefs, and not just in a religious fashion. Though she'll debate with the best of someone any given day, it is probably hard to sway her one way or the other.

  • Baldwin Ivounel : My husband. He retains his endearing qualities with a new light.
  • Slider : Met him by chance, and has befriended him in an odd sort of way. They have a mutual agreement involving him running errands for her, and her paying him with either a meal, or coin.
  • Ottis Penderghast : The blacksmith who befriended Rayne almost immediately, nice guy, bit of a large ego about his skill in smithing.
  • Ralph Fennim : A Noble Lord of Two Rivers, she's not too sure about him yet.
RP Hooks
  • Apothecary : Yes, I work with plants. Yes, I grow plants. Interested in learning how they work as cures and salves? Might be up to talking about it. At length.
  • Love, Romance, or the lack thereof : Somehow this needs to be switched, as I have found someone to love who loves me in return.
  • Stuff and Things : Seriously, randomness is always fun. Want someone to just sit and talk to? Have a random meeting to buy some time for the next big thing? I may just be your girl.
Rayne Devantry
Rayne Fel2.jpg
Fullname: Rayne Devantry
Portrayed By: Liv Taylor
Birthday: Feb, 27th 650
Kingdom: Two Rivers
House: Unaligned
Title/Profession Healer
Position Commoner
Place of birth Woodwatch
Father Silvius Devantry (Deceased)
Mother Larrissa Devantry (Deceased)
Siblings None
Spouse Baldwin of Equis
Children None Yet
Logs referring to Rayne Devantry