675-05-19 - Piradin Interrogation: The Knight's Tale

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Piradin Interrogation: The Knight's Tale
Summary: Sir Baldwin is summoned to speak before the Queen's Council
Who: High Oni Eleora Machuri (played by Teddybear) and Baldwin Ivounel
References: None
When: May 19th, 675
Related Logs: Logs regarding the incident at Piradin
Date of RP: 19-20/05/2014
Where: Queen's Council - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: Two guards stand at the entrance at all times, their uniforms of red and gold standing out against the white of the room itself, The door is heavy and thick, carved with the images of dove across it's surface. The room itself is formed of the odd white stone, while floors are white marble. There are a few vases found within, often filled with flowers to offer a little freshness to the otherwise windowless room. Shelving makes up one wall, small cubbies formed to hold various rolled scrolls and parchments, both bare and waiting to be written on, and others already holding various missives. In another area, various small pieces similar to that which mght be used for chess, can be found, grouped together and carved from different colors of marble. A huge table stands in the middle of the room, chairs pushed in around it for the council to sit at during meetings. The large map of Felaguria currently hangs upon the wall, and yet could easily be taken down to cover the table to be used with the pieces during strategy meetings. One chair at the end of the table is obviously larger, a throne meant for the Queen. Two other chairs are located in the corner of the room, for the servants that might attend the Queen and room when in use.

The Regent The Royal Mother Eleora Machuri is sitting in the place, where usually the Queen is seated. She keeps her hands clasped and placed on the table in front of her. There are two goblets of wine. One is in front of an empty chair, another in front of the Royal Mother. She looks really sad, tired and displeased. The woman is wearing usual clothes of the priestesses of the Isles.

Two Guards are standing outside of the room as there are two Guardians of Onimoria inside the chambers of the Queen's Council.

Into the Queen's Council enters Sir Baldwin Ivounel. He is attired in his chainmail and the tabard of yellow and green, his sword by his side, secured in its scabbard. He looks tidy and neat as much as possible, only a slight limp in his gait may hint the trouble he has been engaged with of late, as well as some signs on the tabard, a recently fixed damage to the fabric where it has been torn, as well as some brownish shadows that somehow dim the brightness of the colour - old stains that proved resistant to the process of washing?

The knight of the Two Rivers offers a deep bow towards the High Oni, the greeting "Royal Mother," is offered with all due respect, the demeanour of Baldwin as he straightens, composed, but with a tiny hint of a nervous flicker in his grey-blue eyes. "You wished to see me?"

When the man from Two River Kingdom enters the chambers of the Queen's Council, the Regent raises her gaze at the man. She gestures towards the seat, "Please, take a seat, my lord, and feel free to enjoy your wine..."

She makes a few more scretches on the paper,before placing it aside and concentrating her gaze on the man. The woman clasps her hands and lowers them on the table, "I believe, you know, why I invited you here. Please, forgive us, if we are making a mistake, but we need to check each detail in such a troubled time. So, tell me... What happened in the Piradin and why. And please,just be honest..."

Baldwin's gaze flits to the offered chair, and he inclines his head. "Certainly, Holy Mother," he remarks before he approaches and sits down, a bit cautiously perhaps, his gaze lingering for a brief moment on the goblet of wine as his face twists into an apologetic smile. "Thank you, but I am fine.", declining her offer of wine politely. "Certainly," he replies after a moment. "I understand you must have questions regarding the incident." A sigh there, and a slightly annoyed flicker in his grey-blue eyes, even if it may only be a hint. "We knights of Two Rivers are bound to the same code of chivalry as yours. So the truth I will tell you, and naught but the truth."

After setting that straight, the knight leans back in his chair, the gaze lowered as he recalls what happened about a week ago. "I had been exploring the woods you have here, ahorse, and lost my way, so when I wanted to ride back to Deavel, I somehow took the wrong turn... and came to Piradin. It was already evening by then, and I noticed my mistake at once, and would have left the way I came,..." His words trail off as his eyes rise to meet the gaze of the High Oni. "But I spotted one of my acquaintances, a member of our delegation, Master Ottis Penderghast, as he was threatened by three scoundrels with daggers."

The Royal Mother just calmly listens for the man. She does not show any emotions. Nor that she believes him,nor that she does not trust him. The woman just waves her hand, "Please, continue, my lord..."

There is a light twitch of one of the knight's brows at the wave but he is quick to follow her bidding, after clearing his throat. "I rode over to Master Ottis and dismounted, to assist him. We were lucky, because another friend of ours seemed to be in the area. Master Marcus.", he clears his throat again. "Meanwhile four other villains joined the three from before. My warnings were ignored, I asked them more than once to leave us alone." Then a shrug. "My attempt to disarm one of the fighters went astray. But my warnings seemed to work, at least, on four of them. We fended them off as best we could, I got two severe injuries," a light frown there. "But I managed to kill the man. The other two got away finally, and we retreated as swiftly as we could, into the woods, and from there to Deavel. We arrived there very late at night, had to persuade the guards at the gates to let us in. Which they did, after a while."

A sigh leaves Baldwin's lips as he studies the High Oni for her reaction. "While we were only defending ourselves after being threatened, I regret if we have caused any fuss, Royal Mother.We were not aware of the perils that would await us in Piradin, but we will avoid paying it a vist in the future. That much I can promise you."

The Royal Mother can't hold a quiet chuckling sniff in her throat, but it is really quiet and she becomes serious once more, "My lord, all the visitors know, that Pirad has a different law. It is not entirely our city and it is a public secret, if you understand, what I mean. There was and are warning about this city. I am surprised, that you missed them and didn't hear of them. However, let me say, that I am sorry for what happened in there..."

Then the woman takes a quill and writes something on one of the parchments. It takes awhile, when before she raises her gaze back to baldwin, "And how your friends appeared there? They both were lost too? That is quite a conjunction!"

Baldwin's gaze drifts for a moment to the goblet of wine, standing there before him, untouched so far. "I was not aware, Holy Mother," he replies after a moment, his grey blue eyes raised to meet the gaze of the High Oni once again. "I noticed the nature of the place as soon as I entered the village. As I already said, I didn't intend to go there in the first place. I got there by accident." Seemingly not sharing her amusement there, as the knight's tone remains composed. "As for Master Ottis and Master Marcus, I can hardly tell how they got there. Master Ottis was perhaps exploring the Isle in search of local smithies, but that is but an assumption on my part. As for Master Marcus,... I honestly don't know. You should better ask them, as they no doubt can offer better information on the matter."

"Oh, I will definitely speak with them. They got the same letters as you did, my lord. Thank you for comming and I am sorry for inconveniences. However, I must ask you not to visit the city of Piradin anymore. It is just for your own safety," the woman offers kind of a cold smile for the man. She would ask not to leave the city of Deavel too, but... The city is closed and she does not have to mention it.

"Don't you like our wine, my lord?" The Royal Mother adds, glancing at not touched goblet.

"I see, and already assumed as much," Baldwin inclines his head. "I think I can speak for all three of us, that we will not seek Piradin out again. But, forgive me the question... Why do you tolerate a village of filth such a this on your Isle?" As if he were suddenly aware of the possible impertinence of his question his gaze drops once again down towards his hands. After noticing that cold smile. Clearing his throat when the Royal Mother asks him about the wine. "I do not mean any offense, Royal Mother. Just didn't feel like... drinking wine." He looks up. "I will try it though, if it pleases you." Thoughts racing in his head, oh, the pitfalls of diplomacy. And so Baldwin reaches for the cup and takes a cautious sip. "Hmm, not bad... I mean, very good.", he remarks, although that smile he offers her may not be that convincing. Truth be told, he cannot wait to get out of there.

The Royal Mother just rolls her eyes at such a strange behaviour of the man. He doesn't look so young to be scared, as he doesn't sound really silly. Though, he looks very strange, "If you are not thirsty, you do not have to drink the wine. I just asked if you do not like it. These days to see how someone drinks you wine is not enough to be pleased. Too many troubles."

Then the woman starts writing something else on the parchment. However, she keeps talking at the same time, "Piradin is a private business of our Kingdom. I am sure, that your King does not speak about private business with the simple acquaintances, right?"

The woman lets something similar to a quiet laugh out of her throat, "I heard all I wanted to hear. You don't have, my lord, stay and drink wine, if you don't want." She raises her head and smiles,this time warmly at the lord. Her smile can remind that one of a mother, who looks at he three years old son, who just faced his biggest fear - spider.

Baldwin's gaze flickers a little and he clears his throat. "I should at least try the wine to decide if I do not like it, I think... Which is not the case."

He'll nod to the remark about Piradin, taking the rebuke with all possible dignity given the situation. "I was just... curious," he admits, with a hint of an apologetic smile. Gods, this is getting worse and worse. So when he is finally dismissed, he rises to his feet, depositing the still almost full goblet onto the table. "In that case I will not detain you further from your duties, Royal Mother." A deep bow is offered, after all the High Oni acts as the representative of the Queen in her absence, a fact that may have been stressed towards Baldwin by more than one Two Rivers diplomat prior to his visit to the Queen's Council.

And then Sir Baldwin turns to leave, a bit of air leaving his lungs at the relief to be finally done, as his steps regain some of their confidence as he approaches the door that leads outside.