675-05-16 - A Knight's Proposal

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A Knight's Proposal
Summary: The healer Rayne causes a commotion that turns into a conversation which leads to shushed conversations.
Who: Baldwin Ivounel, Rayne Devantry, and Ottis Penderghast
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 675-05-16
Related Logs: 675-05-13 - A Sister's Concern
Date of RP: 2014-05-16
Where: The Deave Inn
Room Desc: Beyond the gates lies the main square of the city of Deavell. The focal point of the square is the beautiful fountain found in the middle; a large lily bush carved from marble, and to the delight of all, water is found to squirt from each flower into the basin that surrounds it. Benches are found placed about the fountain, offering places to sit near it, while others are placed beneath the few trees that dot the area, offering shade on sunny days. The square is a favored place for people to picnic when the weather is pleasant.

It had been several days since Rayne had last bandaged up Baldwin, tended to his wounds as it were. Of course, she had tried to go back a couple times. Each time there was a guard, and the guard wasn't letting her past. This time, in the early afternoon hours, she would approach the guard at the door once more. "As Sir Baldwin's healer, I demand to see him. Ask him yourself, if you've got a mind enough to do so...but I'm not leaving until I see him." Her tone, it wasn't a pleasent one, and a little more of that Two Rivers Woodland accent could be heard.

The guard seems little impressed with Rayne's request, after all he has already gotten used to her visits - or rather attempted visits as he had been excessively good at the job of not letting her pass. "He won't see ya Miss." This replied in the broad Atheryene dialect as his arms cross before him, he is a rather tall fellow so he looks down as he smirks at her. "No matter if you leave or stay."

Rayne gives a slight scoff at the guards words, shifting to place her hands on her hips. "I've seen others visit him. I've been to see him before. What's the difference now?" Oh she was angry, because a part of her knew, just /knew/ that it was those stupid rumors from the drunkards and others that caused this to happen. "Damnit this isn't right and it isn't fair! You'd be doing him a favor to let me pass, because I'll bet if you actually asked him he would either let me in or come out here!" Raising her voice, perhaps because of anger, and perhaps partly because if she shouted enough, Baldwin might realize she was outside his room.

"I have my orders," is all the guard offers in reply.


There is a bit of commotion behind the door, the sounds of footsteps approaching, slow and lacking the momentum of those in good health. And there the door opens, a glance being cast outside by a pair of grey-blue eyes. "Now What's the meaning if all this ruckus...?" The question grumbled in the direction of the guard, before Baldwin turns, his eyes widening as he spots the healer. "Miss Rayne..." He wears a green tunic and black breeches, his face is less pale than a few days ago - especially now.

"You can take your orders and shove them up your..." Though there's commotion before Rayne can finish speaking and then the door opens. She silences herself for a moment before letting those moss green eyes fall upon Baldwin. "Sir Baldwin. I apologize for not having come sooner. Truth be told there seems to be something going on involving me and orders that the guard has." Venom in her words, but they're kinder in tone when she speaks to the Knight. Noting he has color back which is good, but she wonders if his bandages have been tended to at all since he was last seen by her.

Ottis comes from the Merchants square and seems to have a very pleased look on his face as he approaches the Inn. Ottis slows as he spots the Guard and hears a commotion. When Ottis gets closer he'll look around asking. "anything a matter?"

"So she's called here before, and you have not admitted Miss Rayne to my room?" A brow is raised towards the guard, the reply of "I have my orders," waved off in an impatient gesture as the realization dawns already upon Baldwin.

"I am sorry. This must have been some kind of misunderstanding," the knight says, turning towards Rayne now, a faint smile flickering over his features. "I am feeling better, actually well enough to venture downstairs for a Cup of wine. Another healer came to check on me just yesterday."

A glare towards the guard, as the man falls in behind him with a light shrug, while Baldwin slowly makes his way down the stairs. "Maybe you'd like to join me, Miss Rayne? And oh, good afternoon, Master Ottis." The greeting offered with a friendly smile, when Baldwin spots the weapon smith.

"Three times at least..." Rayne speaks as if to reaffirm what Baldwin sort of realizes when speaking with the guard. A small smirk twitching the corners of her lips as Baldwin seems to dismiss the guard as well. She glances to Ottis after a moment, giving him a brighter smile. "Good afternoon, Ottis." Saying as much before Baldwin has her attention once more. "If you think you are well enough, Sir Baldwin. I am glad to hear that your wounds were still attended to while I was being...hindered." A nod then before she shifts to follow the man downstairs. "I think I will join you, little different atmosphere and fine company would be wonderful." Saying as much before muttering something unintelligible, and most certainly in the Two Rivers tongue. Perhaps something about guards and their supposed idiotic 'duties'.

Ottis beams a smile two the both of you, edging his way past the guardsman.. " pardon me." as he places himself between the knight and healer and the guard. "You two wouldn't mind a sourpuss joining you would ya?" as he studies the pair a bit, remembering what lady Livessa has said but chooses to ignore it.

"Fine then," Baldwin replies with a warm smile towards Rayne, that is not diminishing but turning into a light smirk when he overhears her muttered curse at the guard. "I fear he is not to blame really," he remarks to her as he carefully lowers himself onto a seat at one of the vacant tables. The guard follows and will position himself before one if the walls nearby. "Oh certainly not," the knight replies to Ottis. One more to watch over them might not be a bad idea after all.

Rayne is apparently not going to just let it slide in the moment. "I just don't get it. We didn't do anything wrong. We talked a bit, I tended your wounds. It's neither fault of ours if a couple of drunkards want to spew lies off the tips of their putrid tongues." Yep. She was still angry, and likely she would be that way for a little bit. "If the guard isn't to blame then who is? Why is it anyone else's business? And don't come to me with this idiocy psychobabble of you being a knight and my being a commoner. At the end of the day I'm a healer, and that's the service I gave you." Her gaze shifts to Ottis once more then and she tries to put on a smile. "If it behooves you to join us, Master Ottis, then by all means please do so. Forgive my angry tongue, I just..." Letting her words trail as she sits at the same table with Baldwin, sliding into a seat across from the Knight.

"Miss Rayne, you anticipated some people might gossip about our last encounter," Baldwin replies evenly. His gaze brushes the guard and he smiles faintly as he notices the man's twitching of brows at the healer's words. "My sister is... concerned about my reputation." A faint smirk there. "In fact she fears I might show the same lack of principle that is so typical for /her/ character." His gaze shifts to Ottis and he smiles when the man joins them at the table. "It seems we are well advised to avoid situations that might be putting our reputations at Risk, yours and mine..."

"Well...maybe. I just didn't expect the rumors to be...I didn't think things would come to this..." Rayne would speak, her tone having calmed down considerably, and perhaps even a bit softer than normal. "I didn't mean to upset your sister. I didn't mean to upset anyone, or get anyone into trouble. I was just...I was just doing what I was brought over here to do anyway..." Though even now she wished desperately she was back in Two Rivers, sitting in her home, crushing herbs or listening to the rain, or both. "Perhaps...perhaps this is all for the best then. I didn't mean anything by it, I swear such on my life...but if things are going to be...if it seems that this has complicated many things." She would rest her hands in her lap then, her eyes staring at the wood grain of the table. "I concede to the positions we have. Reputations none withstanding. I suppose it is time I learned my proper place."

There is a flicker in those grey-blue eyes, a light twitch at the corner of his mouth when Rayne gives her reply. "I don't think this rumor has complicated things," Baldwin says after a moment, his tone soft and not as impartial as their company maybe requires. "We both know nothing unappropriate has happened between us. I am grateful for... your help, Miss Rayne." A smile appears on his mien when Ottis rises and offers to get them some wine. "My intentions haven't changed, even though my sister probably would prefer them to be." This added at a lower volume as Baldwin leans a bit closer, but only for a brief moment, too brief for the guard to be required to intervene.

Rayne's own eyes seem to flicker a little, perhaps in the growing candlelight as late afternoon turns to early evening and the candles on the wall are lit. She nods to his words in the beginning, and even hints at a smile on her lips as her eyes lift from their favored spot of wood grain to look into Baldwin's own. "I'm glad that I was able to help you, Sir Baldwin. Truly." She speaks that much before he's leaned in and speaking upon other things, this being after Ottis has stood to go fetch them something to drink. "You know...I do not think we have ever truly spoken on what these...intentions...are. I know I can be bold at times, Sir Baldwin...but I am of the mind to not want to look too deeply into things. So, in this regard, what are your intentions involving me?" Her tone is low as well, and she flickers a glance to the guard who perhaps seems a bit uninterested in them for the moment, but she does sit herself up a bit more properly after asking such a question."

A bit of air leaves Baldwin's lungs in an almost inaudible sigh when Rayne looks up and meets his gaze. Holding it for a moment before it is lowered after she has posed her question. It takes him a longer moment to bring some order into the thoughts, find the appropriate words to circumscribe his feelings on the matter. A glance towards Ottis reveals he is still busy at the counter, having engaged in conversation with the innkeep. "Miss Rayne," the knight finally begins after clearing his throat. "I... thought I had already made myself clear. Once we are back in Two Rivers, I will speak with my father and ask him for his permission... to seek your hand... in marriage." The words are mumbled rather than spoken, a bit of a rosiness suddenly colouring the young man's cheeks.

Rayne lets her gaze flicker over to Ottis, still at the bar talking to the inn keeper and then her gaze shifts back to Baldwin. She remembered, somewhat, of the intentions, but her own were just to make sure that her friendship with Baldwin was well received. Though she had been harboring romantical feelings for the man, she wasn't sure he returned them. When he speaks of his full intention, she tries her best to not show her giddiness at the fact and instead clears her throat - but she smiles never the less. "I had...hoped that was such a fact, Sir Baldwin. I simply, did not wish to jump to conclusions, and perchance simply thought even our friendship was ill warranted. Still, your intentions honor me. Thank you." She speaks the words softly, secrets in the dark for only the two to know. At the rosiness to his cheeks, she smiles all the more and then glances up as a maid comes by to serve them a pitcher of wine and two glasses.

The guard shoots the pair at the table a curious glance, as he seems to become aware of their hushed conversation. He even takes a step closer to them when the girl arrives with the wine.

Baldwin meanwhile exhales audibly, and a smile flickers across his features that shows both joy at Rayne's words as well as relief he had managed to get that declaration of his intention out in the first place. The smile is tempered somewhat when the knight gives his reply. "I can only hope my father will approve, but at least he knows me well enough to pay any mind to that rumor." At least in regards to what he assumes has taken place.

When the wine arrives, the knight will fall silent. At least for a moment, a nod in thanks offered to the girl that brings the pitcher and the cups.

Rayne takes note of the guard shifting closer as her gaze moves past the woman who brought the wine and cups. A soft "Thank you," is offered to her and then Rayne is shifting her gaze towards Baldwin once more. "I can only hope that much as well, Sir Baldwin." A little on the side of wondering if - for now - she's over stayed her welcome. Still, sitting a bit more upright then, she offers an even broader smile while shifting to fill the cups with wine. "Perhaps a little drink, and then I should take myself to bed. It has been a long day after all and you, good Sir, still have a little more healing to do, I suspect." Saying that much, and then she silences herself and simply waits for his thoughts on the matter.

Baldwin, for his part, seems not eager to add anything, let alone voice his thoughts on the outcome he expects for that conversation with his father. Maybe the knight has already exerted himself beyond his usual talkativeness around women in general and Rayne in particular, having given her the affirmation she had asked of him. And so he simply inclines his head, accepting the offered cup before he raises it in a wordless toast, leaving the approaching guard and the returning Ottis oblivious to its meaning.
