675-04-29 - The Winner and the Prize

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The Winner and the Prize
Summary: The Winner of the Tournament of the Knights comes to the chambers of the Queen's Council to meet with the Lady Imma,whose hand was the prize of the tournament.
Who: Lady Imma Grunhaid, Sir Vandrik Yldon, The Royal mother Eleora Machuri and Ralph Fennim
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 675-04-29
Related Logs: 675-04-28 - Knight's Tourney
Date of RP: 2014-04-30 (backscened)
Where: The chamber of the Queen's Council
Room Desc: Two guards stand at the entrance at all times, their uniforms of red and gold standing out against the white of the room itself, The door is heavy and thick, carved with the images of dove across it's surface. The room itself is formed of the odd white stone, while floors are white marble. There are a few vases found within, often filled with flowers to offer a little freshness to the otherwise windowless room.
Shelving makes up one wall, small cubbies formed to hold various rolled scrolls and parchments, both bare and waiting to be written on, and others already holding various missives. In another area, various small pieces similar to that which mght be used for chess, can be found, grouped together and carved from different colors of marble. A huge table stands in the middle of the room, chairs pushed in around it for the council to sit at during meetings. The large map of Felaguria currently hangs upon the wall, and yet could easily be taken down to cover the table to be used with the pieces during strategy meetings. One chair at the end of the table is obviously larger, a throne meant for the Queen. Two other chairs are located in the corner of the room, for the servants that might attend the Queen and room when in use.

The Royal mother Eleora Machuri is sitting at the end of the table on obviously larger chair, which reminds the throne and is usually used by the Queen. The woman is wearing traditional cloth of the priestess and is a bit irritated, tapping with her fingers on the edge of the table. On the right from the girl, the prize is sitting - lady Imma. There are many papers in front of both women.

Seated at the table, Imma has been nicely dressed for the meeting. Her handmaiden (if allowed), stands just behind her should she be needed. The young lady from Grunhaid is a little nervous, hands fidgetting in her lap, though it's the irritation of the Oni next to her, that draws her attention time and again, though she tries not to call attention to the fact that the Royal Mother is tapping her fingers in such a way.

It is the morning after the knight's tourney, and Vandrik Yldon follows the High Oni's request to present himself before the Queen's Council. He arrives with one of the representatives of the Two Rivers, and it is Ralph Fennim whose offer to accompany him there he has obviously accepted. The knight of Beresgond does wear his martial attire of chainmail and tabard, but both have been throughly cleaned, also his hair and face look tidy and surprisingly orderly today. The young man looks composed when he enters his hands folded before him. Offering a bow to the royal mother first after a quick glance towards Ralph, who follows his example. Those light blue eyes flicker towards Imma next, and Vandrik's lips curve into a faint smile. A comely prize indeed, as he offers her a nod in greeting.

When two men arrive, Royal Mother does not raise from her seat, just nods, "Welcome," she smiles to the young men and gestures toward the chair on her left, opposite side of lady Imma. "Please, take a seat." Then her gaze slips to Ralph. The woman frowns slightly and eyes the man for a few moments, before leaning in her seat, "Excuse me, but I believe just this young man won the tournament?" She leans her head to the side.

When the two men arrive, Imma's gaze swings to the doors. First Ralph is studied, and soon dismissed. Not the knight she remembered upon the field. Then her gaze finds Vandrik, and in return, she offers a slight bow of her head to he as well. Straighter does she sit, only to blink in surprise when the Royal Mother speaks up, verbally tossing the other from the room.

Ralph inclines his head to the question of the Royal Mother. "I agree, High Oni. But as this man is not able to bring his father, I have offered to accompany him in his stead. I swear, I will not disturb the proceedings and would gladly stay. If you are agreeable to it.", he explains in a friendly and polite tone, gaze lowered in reverence to the woman who handles affairs in the Queen's absence. And yes, Ralph is sober! A rare sight indeed.

Vandrik's gaze shifts from the High Oni to Ralph and he frowns slightly. "I was not aware, that I should come alone,... High Oni.", he remarks, as his gaze drifts back to the more pleasant sight of Imma Grunhaid. "My lady." There, a greeting for Imma, finally.

"Royal Mother," Eleora corrects the young man, "The Royal Mother Eleora," she finally introduces herself. The woman gestures towards the seat one more time, a bit more irritated. Obviously asking the young man just to take a seat. Then she looks at Ralph and ponders a few more moments before turning to Imma's handmaiden, "Please, you can leave us. I am sure, that the lady is safe with me. The lady and her honor."

Then the woman looks back at Ralph, "Well, it's not a political alliance or anything. The man fairly won the tournament, I would say." She turns to the boy again and smiles, "Very wonderful show. Just wonderful. We are happy to welcome such a talent in our home."

"Very well, please, take a seat," she agrees to let Ralph stay, "However, please, be sure, that the conditions of all the treaties of betrothal are confidencial. What will be told in this room, can't leave the room. It will be enough for everyone just to know, that we have a new pair."

The Royal Mother glances at the girl, both men and smiles again, "Are you ready?"

The handmaiden curtsies to the Royal Mother, and exits the room without another word beyond the last look to her charge. Imma doesn't say anything, but offers a greeting to Vandrik, "My lord." Her nervousness doesn't show beyond the slight tremor in her voice, though she remains watching both men curiously as the Royal Mother allows Ralph to remain. Hands are lifted from her lap to lightly touch the table as proceedings continue.

"Not so much a political alliance, I agree," Ralph replies smoothly, "even though it will strengthen the bond between our kingdoms if one of our blood becomes an Islander, I daresay. I am not here for political reasons, I assure you. Just to support this knight in a situation he probably would not face on his own under normal circumstances." His dark gaze flickers a bit as he takes the offered seat by the side. Inclining his head to the clarification. "Certainly, Royal Mother.", he mutters before he falls silent.

Vandrik meanwhile steps closer and sits down by the table, a bit cautiously perhaps, his hands come to rest on the table and he shoots Imma another glance, before looking back at the High Oni. "I am," her replies, and yes, there is a slightly nervous grumble discernible below his polite tone, for those with attentive ears.

"Very well," the woman gestures towards the girl, "This is Lady Imma Grunhaid. She is our little diamond, one of the bests, because she was trusted to get the possibility, which knocks on our doors just twice in three hundred years." Then she gestures towards the boy and looks at Imma, "You saw how talented this man is. He will keep you safe, my dear. He is Sir Vandrik Yldon." The woman pushes two papers forward. There are two quills for both to use, "These are two identical papers. The contract, that you two are betrothed from now on. I need you both to sign. There is the Queen's signature already." Eleora looks at Ralph for a brief moment, before continuing, "Conditions are very simple. First of all, you will not be nor Grunhaid, nor Yldon. Before the day of your marriage, you both have to chose the title of your new house, which you start. You will chose the heraldry too." The Royal Mother stands up and walks near the map on the wall. She points with her finger at two islands, which are very close to each other, "The Cormorania - your new home. That place is just fulfilled with Cormorants." She laughs, but quickly becomes more serious, "What does it mean to be solicitor of the Queen, I do believe your wife-to-be will explain for you. The marriage have to happen in three months. Everything is clear for now?"

Imma blushes a touch at the praise from the Royal Mother, and yet nods her head, "Aye, he is, Royal Mother." Again, shedips her head towards Vandrik when he's formally introduced to he by the Oni. As papers are slid towards her, she nods quietly once again, prepared to place her signature upon it without even looking it over - she obviously trusts the Queen and Royal Mother. When the islands which will become her new home are pointed out, she is surprised, pleased. "Oh yes, thank you.." She says, turning to Vandrik, "I can answer any questions he has later, if he would like to talk more?"

Sir Vandrik may already have heard about the fact that he may have to give up his name to marry Lady Imma. There is little surprise to be found in his face when his gaze drops to those parchments. It is when Eleora continues, that his lips twitch into a smile, and yes, he does look a little relieved when he glances towards that map and sees those Isles pointed out by the High Oni. "Cormorania," he says softly, as if digesting the sound of his new home. Then shooting Imma a glance, he will smile a bit more openly, noticing that blush. "I will keep her safe, aye.", he remarks towards Eleora, still a bit hesitant to address Imma directly. Which his about-to-be-betrothed is as well, obviously. He watches her as she places her signature below the contract, before he will have a look at the parchment itself. Pleasantly surprised to find it is written in the Common Language, he will take a moment to read through the contract carefully. He is about to seal his fate, is he not? While he nods to Imma's remark, a little distractedly. "I certainly would enjoy a few words with you, afterwards, my lady..."

"Of course, my dear," the Royal Mother pats the hand of the young lady, "You both will have many many days to speak and get to know each other." She coughs a little bit, before continuing, "When the Queen will come back, you, boy, will have to swear the loaylity for the Queen. That will have to happen the day before your marriage. Your sword will fight for the Queen Abigayle Onimus and for our Onimoria." The Royal Mother inhales deeply and closes her eyes for a few moments, when she is close to the most important part, "Traditions," she whispers, "This has to stay quiet for now. People do not have to hear it suddenly, because... Not everyone are used to the changes. This has to be done very carefully not just for the sake of our Kingdom, but for the sake of both of you. The head of the House will be this young man. The Queen decided, that she wants to see how things changed from the day first, when our Kingdom was created. Lets call it the challenge for the men spieces. We would like to see, how they can handle... Well, it just has to be like that. Little experiment. And you, boy, will answer directly to the Queen. Such an opportunity is given first time in almost seven hundred years. But you may be good with it, right? Because you come from the Kingdom, which has such deep tradition?" The woman frowns and stabs her gaze straight into the young man's eyes, as she would be trying to see his fate in there.

"Certainly, my lord." Imma answers, already signed the parchment before turning to the Royal Mother. Now, as she continues, there is a bit of shock to show upon Imma's face at what is being said, marked by certain confusion. She looks to Vandrik, then back to the Royal Mother, "But..." This is not exactly what she was promised! There well may be some problems with this on her part.

Vandrik inclines his head when the High Oni speaks of him having to swear fealty to the Queen. "Certainly," he agrees, shooting Ralph a glance. Maybe they have spoken about that on their way here. "I will do so, of course." Both his brows twitch upwards in surprise at the news about the 'experiment' though, and his eyes shift to Imma, noticing her rather luke-warm reaction. "Oh... this is.. unexpected, Royal Mother." But not unwelcome, of course! "How generous of the Queen, to respect our traditions in such a way..." And then he signs, writing his name below the contract, the quill scratching over the parchment quite determinedly.

Ralph, meanwhile, exhales audibly, looking quite stunned as well by the news. "The Queen is wise indeed," he mutters, below his breath, his dark eyes shifting to Imma, whose attempt to keep her composure has not escaped his notice.

"Do not worry, my dear," The Queen's regent pats the young woman's hand again, "You will be the boy's tutor, who will judge his actions. That may be a little bit different from his traditions, and a little bit more close to ours. The treaty says, that if the tiniest one mistake will be made by this man, which will displease the Queen or you, his wife, you, my dear girl, will become the head of the House immediatly. After all, he is from another Kingdom and it may be hard for him to get use to our traditions. So, lets call it... the little game, if you wish, which will easy the union of two different cultures. We try to make a mixture. The condition I mentioned, will not push you away, lady Imma, but here, this young man, will not be feeling as just the male figure for breeding." %rSeeing, that both signed the treaties, the Royal High Mother takes one for herself and gives another to Ralph, "Present it to your King or the man's father. Our copy will be kept in the Castle of Onimoria." It's the court house in this Kingdom. "Let me congradulate you both, my dears. I hope to hear the wedding day soon. Try to decide on it in a week or so. And do not forget to chose name and heraldry. Feel free to find a ship and go to take a glance at your new home."

Imma actually moves her hand away after the first pat given to it, not happy at all with the news. "He may be from another Kingdom, but he knew upon entering the Tourney, what he was signing up for should he win my hand, Royal Mother. Why do we change traditions now, to ease him into our society?" The question comes from the generally honest young woman. She won't question the queen out loud, but surely it lies in her expression when she looks to the Royal Mother - WTF is the queen thinking?!? Ahem. Hearing that she would still be in charge, and if displeased, things would go to normal has her turning to look to Vandrik, a certain challenge in her eyes then.

When he is again being referred to as 'boy', Vandrik's brows twitch ever so slightly. But he is smart enough not to voice his light irritation and lowers his gaze instead. Especially when he learns his future will be an experiment, a game to divert the nobles of the Isles. His jaw sets and his arms cross before him. Before he exhales and nods. "Fair enough.", he replies with a lightheartedness that does not seem all too genuine. His gaze flickering towards Imma next as she voices her doubts in the rightfulness of the decision. Great. The first disagreement already showing its first signs before they are even married! A bit of irritation appears in his lightblue eyes, especially at that challenging look. But he smiles and inclines his head to her. Challenge accepted! "To learn from foreign cultures?", he suggests, raising a brow.

Ralph rises and accepts the contract from the High Oni, meanwhile. "I will present the contract to both the King and Sir Vandrik's father and family," he affirms, but rather chooses not to comment on the exchange between Imma and Vandrik, or on the Queen's decision on how to handle things, as he certainly is in no position to do so.

The Royal Mother shakes her head. She glances at the girl quite stern and leans closer to her, she wants it or not, whispering something in their own language, very quietly. When she leans back, glancing at the girl with brow risen, obviously, expecting to see the thankful smile in her face. Whatever the reaction of Imma will be, the woman turns to foreigners and smiles warmly, "Excuse us. As you see, it may be really hard for our people to see some changes in our traditions. However, we do hope, that this young knight will feel welcomed here and I do believe, that we will see a wonderful collaboration, where the traditions of both Kingdoms will be respected." Then she concentrates her attention of Ralph, "If there is no any other questions, I would like to leave. Time for prayers."

Imma tilts her head, listening to the whisper, and after a moment, seems chastized for her reaction. A slow nod of her head is given, and a quiet whisper returned before she straightens again as the Royal Mother turns back towards the two men. Hands return to her lap, unseen beneath the table, and her earlier mood seems a little shifted now. Still not quite happy, but will bow to the Queen's wishes.

Vandrik watches the interaction between the High Oni and Imma, his brows furrowing a touch. But when the lady nods and she falls silent, seeming a little less rebellious for now, he relaxes and his gaze shifts to the Queen's representative, and then to the Fennim.

Ralph shakes his head at the Royal Mother's remark. "No further questions, so far, Royal Mother.", he assures her, before he rises and offers her a bow.

Before leaving, the Royal Mother glances back at the young girl. This time, she looks at her more motherly, <"Child, if you have some doubts, questions, or feel confused, or you just need to talk, you know, that you can always find me in the temple.">

Maybe in surprise or not for the foreigners, the priestess looks at the boy and speaks /in their language/ - Two Rivers language, "I know, how hard it can be to come to the world so different from yours. If you will have any questions about our religion, your new home, about our Kingdom, feel free to find me in the temple, child of Onimoria from now on." The accent is clear, but her sentences are clear. Then the woman leaves.