Lisabette Zorich

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"People are like dresses my dear; when they have served their purpose and are no longer needed, you simply get rid of them and find another that suits your fancy."
-Lisabette Zorich: Spoken to a hand-maiden

"You can say and think what you want mother, and I as the daughter you wished you'd never had must obey. However, I want this to be perfectly clear. I always get what I want; always."
-Lisabette Zorich: Overheard words from the argument with her mother; the last time they spoke.
Family Crest



First born of Duchess Debbie Zorich, The Wise, Lisabette grew up knowing her mother cared not for her as she did the children that would come afterwards. Even her twin brother, was preferred to her, the heir. Too dark, too silent was she. The servants whispered often that one could see death in the girl's eyes, especially when she was displeased. More often than not, she could be found in her uncle's company. Avidor Zorich was a man who inspired her with stories, and who later trained her in weaponry with blades. He never married, instead, devoted his life to his niece, both as a mentor and adviser. When not upon the field training with he and the knights, she could be found in the library, her nose buried in books.

Outside her uncle, Lisabette didn't trust anyone, not even her twin brother, Noach. To her, he was even stranger, hanging out with the healers in the jungles. And yet, she could always feel him, knowing how he felt, or when he was hurt. Able to almost read his mind in the way that twins sometimes have. As much as she didn't want to trust him, there was always the need there to take care of him that she tried her best to ignore.

It is said that she was prepared to leave the Kingdom of the Isles with her uncle after having a huge fight with her mother. Before she could actually leave, her mother was bitten by a snake during a walk in the gardens, and died from the poisonous venom, leaving her as duchess at the age of 16.

Many would be saddened that Lisabette's younger sister, the favored golden girl, Samuela, had not inherited the throne, for she was everything that Lisabette was not; a caring, beautiful, sensual and well-liked individual who would have made the perfect Duchess over the Isle.

Yet, Lisabette seems to have the favor of the Queen, and kept it all these years. First, upon gaining the position of Duchess, she saw to the protection of the peace with the Kingdom of Golden Lion, sending her younger sister to the Duke's son, who is known as the most cruel creature in the whole region of Felaguria. No one else would send their daughter to him but Lisabette. In one move, she gained the Queen's favor with the suggestion, and got her favored sister out of her way. Secondly, she had a hand in getting her other uncle, Joey Zorich, married to the Queen's own sister, Jaquetta Onimus. Each move made, surely setting the young Duchess up further with the Queen.

Lisabette has recently named her younger sister, Annalisa, as her heir until she marries and produces children of her own. Cloistered at home with tutors and a governess, it is said she favors her older sister, and often tries to make her laugh. Others say she's too young to understand the real game being played.

Lisabette is said to spend a good deal of time upon the Isle of the Crown, part of the Queen's Council. She is never alone, however, always traveling with her handmaidens, her uncle Avidor, her enforcer Deron, and her knight Moshe. The whole entourage stays within the Royal Guest House near the castle when visiting.

Appearance and Personality

When compared to many women of the Isles, slightly dark is this young woman, with pale skin barely kissed with a hint of gold from time spent outdoors. Dark brunette are the locks that fall about her shoulders, down to the middle of her back when not captured and pulled back from her face. Eyes of a deep chocolate gleam with a hint of her emotions, stormy when upset and sparkling when happy. Her form is slim, near willowy, and yet holding feminine curves that suit her proportions. A lean wiry strength can be found, combining with a subtle grace shown in her movements. Often she favors a necklace of a silver chain hung with a large pearl as a pendant.

This linen dress is lovely in it's simplicity. The hem is beautifully completed with a broad damask border of the same dark goldenrod as the linen, while sporting a touch of satin ribbon as a border in the brown accent color that shows at the top of the dress as well as the sleeves. The neckline is designed wide, but without exposing the shoulders. The extra-long hanging sleeves of brown have an opening at the top through which her arms can be put through for ease of movement. Down the back of the dress runs a generous lacing with brown satin ribbon.

Lisabette is called the Dark One for a reason; she hardly ever smiles, and is known to be quite the task mistress amongst the nobles and slaves that serve her. Growing up knowing that your mother did not favor you, can sour a child's disposition, one might say. Intelligent is she, her comments kept short most of the time. There are only a few to whom she might converse with longer; her uncle, her enforcer, her knight, and of course, the Queen, whom may be counted as her only friend.

RP Hooks
  • The Isles: She is Duchess of Gloomy Jungles.
  • House of Zorich: She is the head of this House.
  • The Queen's Council: She's a member of Queen Abegayle Onimus' council.
  • Blades: She was taught to use a blade by her uncle, oddly enough.
  • Riding: She enjoys the occasional ride.
  • Hunting: She also enjoys the occasional hunt as well.


  • The Duke Lazar Zorich (Landos): Father. "I was always closer to you. As Steward you keep Gloomy Hall running in my absence."
  • The Duchess Debbie Zorich: (d) Mother. "Sorry I was not Sameula. Too bad you did not watch your step."
  • Noach Zorich: Twin Brother. "I still do not understand you even though I know your mind. Do you know mine?"
  • Samuela Zorich: Sister. "Your unhappiness is the cost for my happiness."
  • Annalisa Zorich : Sister. Heir. "Listen to me Anna and I will teach you all that you need to know."
  • Deen Zorich: Brother. "Are you even still alive?"
  • Avidor Zorich: Uncle. Confidant. "Where would I be without you?"


  • Deron Bleich: Servant-Guard. "My word is your command."
  • Moshe Machuri: The Bastard of Machuri. Knight. Adviser. "We grew up together, understanding one another as no other could."
  • Queen Abegayle Onimus: Queen. "I am yours to command."



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Lisabette Zorich
Fullname: Lisabette Zorich
Birthday: 16th of May, 651
Kingdom: The Kingdom of the Isles
House: House of Zorich
Title/Profession Your Grace
Position The Duchess of the Kingdom of the Isles
Place of birth Paricha
Father The Duke Lazar Zorich (Landos)
Mother The Duchess Debbie Zorich (d)
Siblings Brothers: Noach Zorich, Deen Zorich
Sisters: Samuela Zorich, Annalisa Zorich
Spouse None
Children None
Notable Stats


  • Administration
  • Blades
  • Horsemanship
  • Command
  • Chess


  • Humorless: It is said that Lisabette hardly ever finds anything funny.
  • Perfectionist: Everything must be perfect, or else.

Logs referring to Lisabette Zorich