675-11-16 - Dragged Underwater

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Dragged Underwater
Summary: Ralph Fennim finds himself confronted with quite a disturbing encounter of the supernatural kind.
Who: Ralph Fennim
References: None
When: November 16th, 675
Related Logs: Happens after 675-11-15 - Ocean Incident
Date of RP: 22-26/11/2014
Where: Somwhere in the ocean, near a rock in the water
Room Desc: In the scene

He had kept swimming, for he was a good swimmer for Woriscant standards, But even that could not have him prepared to struggle against the immense force of the waves, waves that carried him all the way up that he could glimpse what he could of the ship. As the ship was sinking and already halfway vanished in the black water of the ocean. He looked again, when another wave carried him further up - but when he did the ship was gone.

As soon as Ralph had been washed over board he had lost track of where the princesses had been. The only thing he remembered was that he gave them the empty barrel, and handed Luanda the rope that had been tied about it. And now all was left for him was to pray to forbidden Gods, for their fate as well as his own.

He had kept on struggling until his arms grew weak and darkness surrounded him, when another wave carried him for a bit until it washed over him, and the Fennim Lord started to sink like a heavy stone. And the world grew dark about him, when a twice widowed lord was buried in the wet grave of the sea.

"Aaaa AAAA aaaaa Aaaa..." - an incredibly quiet, soft, luring and mystical singing voice will reach the ears of Ralph.

"The sunshine dances on his skin, The little stranger's glinting chin. My heart starts beating quicker, When I see these diamonds On my little sailor's nose..."

This song will awaken the man from his dreams,likely, forcing him to cough a lot, getting rid of the water from his lungs this way. Next, what the man will feel will be the huge headache, the burning sun and the refreshing water, which will tickle his feet. The song won't stop,

"Open your eyes, Just look at me and tell Who braught you here, My bravest knight of sea."

And if the man will manage to open his eyes, he will see the young lady in the water.

She keeps her soft and glinting fingers on the cold huge stone, very close near the man's nose. Her long golden hair is weaving around her bared shoulders and slim neck. Likely, she is nude under the water. Her eyes color of bulrush will be stabbed to the man's eyes. There is something really strange about her. Something... What would make the man forget about whole world around him, even the fact, that he is on a huge stone and just very unclear shadow of some kind of a land can be seen in the horizon. Just water around.

"Aaaa AAAA aaaaa Aaaa..." - the young luring woman will continue her song. "MmmmMmmm Mmmm..."

Ralph opens his eyes, and it takes him a moment to focus. Indeed, at first there is that fit of coughing, when water he has gotten into his lungs forces its way out. His hands will hold on to the rock that he had been washed ashore upon. When his dark eyes regain their focus, they will soon shift to the female form in the water, narrowing next as he studies her in astonishment, and her song has his fullest attention.

The Fennim has been married twice, he is no stranger to female charms. Yet, it has been awhile, long enough to make him resist against the luring quality of her song. His eyes close and he shakes his head, as if to get rid of the spell.

When the man closes his eyes, the female raises her hand up and gently brushes the man's hair. Her humming is still soft and luring. Her gaze is loving and seductive. Though, she gently pushes from the stone, leans back a bit and swims a bit away. The man will be able to see her full, nicely rounded breasts. She is definitely all nude under the water.

The cheeks of the young woman blush a bit, and she sings out, "Come... come to me my brave knight. I will show you the way home..."

And she waves with her hand for the man to get into water and swim closer. Her other hand will be extended in case he would like to take her hand.

There is a light flinch when Ralph feels the unexpected touch of the female's fingers brushing against his head, a low grumble leaves his throat, before he opens his eyes again, his dark gaze following her as she brings a bit of distance between them.

"Who are you?", he asks, his voice raspy from his dry throat. "Where am I?" He glances about him, eyes narrowing as they try to spot any land. "Are there others? Have you seen others that survived...?" This inquired with a touch more urgency to his tone.

Distrusting he seems to be of her, despite the luring sound of her voice - and yet, maybe even because of it. It was he after all, who resisted Nimoria's charms some months ago, and his age and experience has cautioned him against women who display their charms too openly. The Fennim will stay where he is for now, waiting for his questions to be answered, before he would even consider to follow the strange woman's request.

The woman dives under the water.

Ralph won't be able to see her for about two minutes, before she will show up on the other side of the rock on which the man is. She will continue in all that singing manner, "It's just a dream, little stranger. Don't be afraid to free your mind."

And then she disappears again, just to show up behind the man, "You are alright. Your friends are alright and you will wake up when all this will be over!"

And then she dissapears again, before showing up on the fourth place, "Just come... Just free your mind and then you will see your way back home. Just free your mind..."

She raises her hands up and waves with a small finger, inviting the man to dive into the refreshing water. The day is pretty hot, after all.

Ralph raises his head, his eyes blinking in the rays of the sun. One hand goes up to shield them. "You have seen them then?", he inquires. "And this is no dream I fear. Not even a nightmare. Nigthmares wouldn't have such... enticing women in it." A dry chuckle leaves his dry lips. "I can swim... and what wrong can there be to go for another dive...?" His hands let go of where they had been holding onto the rock, as he lets himself drift into the water, before he swims a little away from the rock, heading more or less in the direction of the woman.

The woman's smile grows wider, when Ralph gets into the water. She smoothly swims closer. If allowed, she will wrap her hands around the man's shoulders and will raise herself this way a bit to place a kiss on his lips, if allowed once again.

If Ralph will touch the creature, he will feel that her skin is cold as ice. Maybe she was swimming for too long?

If allowed, creature will take Ralph's hand, giggling and then will dive under the water, gently tugging the man to do the same.

It is a surreal situation - the brooding Fennim, whose features are seldom lightened by a smile, a man who had to cope with the losses of two wives, a man who has been quite reluctant recently to engage into any dabblings with the fairer sex, will watch the approach of the woman warily, him not really pulling back, but at least averting his face when she aims to kiss him. "No.", is all that leaves his lips, his gaze imploring, as if he were not ready to open himself to such action.

The coolness of her touch adds to the oddness of the situation, still, the Fennim does not pull back his hand when she reaches for it. "Peetairas, if you are there... Watch over me," he whispers in a faint prayer when he senses her intention. Taking a deep inhale next before he dives with her and vanishes beneath the waves of the sea.

The moment, when the man vanishes beneath the waves of the sea, the quiet mysterious humming of the young beauty stops. Suddenly the gentle tugging changes into a fierce and incredibly strong dragging. If Ralph will open his eyes, he will understand, that once again, his old Gods were deaf to hear his prayer.

This beauty from the waist down is like a fish with fins and a spreading tail. The beautiful lady faded and he can notice the two tentacles instead of hands color of bulrush on his arm. The mouth is full of tiny spiky teeth. There are two holes in the pale face instead of eyes, deep, empty, dark holes. There are two smaller holes instead of the nose and ears looked like two huge fins.

The soft and quiet humming has changed into a deafening squeal.


Ralph's eyes are open all the while, at least they will be when he feels the change and those slender fingers suddenly turn into tentacles, pulling him further down. He freezes momentarily when he beholds the horrifying visage of the monster, and if not that alone, it will be the deafening squeal that brings his survival instincts back which replace instantly that dreamy readiness to follow the female where she would lead him.

The Fennim pulls back, trying to tear his arm free of her grasp, and if that will not suffice, he will attempt to punch her with his other hand, his legs pedalling frantically to bring him back up to the surface.

The man will be able to drag his arms of the tentacles of a mermaid. However, he is quite deep by now. So, even if she is punched in the face, the mermaid soon will be able to wrap her tentacles around the legs of the man. She will show her long teeth to the man and will hiss something.

Somewhere in the depth of the ocean, Ralph will be able to see more mermaids raising up, swimming closer and squealing, hissing, hunting the poor man.

These are circumstances that do not really manage to calm the Fennim lord. He will continue to struggle free, attempting to tear himself off the grasp of the mermaid's tentacles, legs wiggling and kicking against her, as his panic is clearly visible in his eyes and hectic movements in the water, and a bit of air that leaves his lips in a row of bubbles. Should he manage to break free once again he will try to swim back up.

Alas, the odds seem to be against him this time, when a Fennim lord is caught deep beneath the waterline of the ocean, his leg entangled in the tentacle of a mermaid, and more of those horrible creatures approaching, as he feels what is left of air in his lungs fade more and more.

When the man is close to lose his conciousness, he will be able to hear some kind of quiet blow of the horn in the background. Then a rain of arrows will hit the water. It's a bit different than usual arrows. They have different sharp tips of a strange form.

Likely, these arrows are used to hit targets under the water. And a few arrows do that pretty well, hitting the tantacle of the mermaid, who keeps Ralph.

When the man is released, a strong manly figure jumps into the water, grabs the man of Two Rivers and tugs on the rope, which is tied around his waist. That moment, two men will be draged into the ship really quickly.

People on board will shout some kind of joyful words. The sound in the background might remind some kind of a party. These hunters are actually pretty happy, getting a chance to hunt these mermaids.

On the right side of the ship, a few men will try to drag a bleeding mermaid inside the ship. However, she quickly, almost in the eyes, changes her form. She becomes beautiful young female and all what the man get is a dead body. But that is not all. Then the body slowly grows old, old, older and finally turns to dusts.

Hunters hiss and start discussing something, while a young female runs closer to Ralph, shouting, "Poor man! Bring him to me! Bring him to me!"

Everyone is talking in the accent common to the Isles.

The Fennim will not hold still, when more of those horrifying mermaids approach, and in a last effort he tries to pull his leg free from the tentacle's grasp, the last of his air leaving his nostrils in a row of more bubbles, shortly before darkness tears at him, his limbs grow numb and he is dragged deeper and deeper down, hardly noticing the arrows piercing the water about him and the squeals become louder as they grow into pained screams; consciousness has already left him when the man appears beside him and helps to pull him up towards the waterline.

Once on the ship, he will be dropped to the floor, his eyelids fluttering when Ralph notices the rays of the sun on his face, his eyes opening a tad as he turns his head, blinking as they try to focus on the mermaid that is pulled on board, only to change her form and turn into dust next.

Choking up water from his lungs he will fall into a fit of coughing, before he mutters: "I...am fine..." in Common, but with the unmistakable accent of the Two Rivers.

"No, no, no...." The young woman shakes her head, "Carry him to my chamber. Place him on the bed. He has scratches. He may be still not himself for a few hours. He lost a lot of air, after all. Carry him.." She sounds honestly troubled.

Though, when the captain of the ship hears an accent of Two Rivers, he walks after the man who will be dragged by two others after the healer, "Tell me, what happened to your ship? How you appeared here? It's the most dangerous place. Mermaids are pretty active here. Do you think, there are survivals?"

The healer will start shouting, "CAPTAIN! DO YOUR JOB AND LEAVE THIS MAN ALONE..." Then she calms down and more pleasantly adds, "Allow me to do my job. You will be able to speak with him tomorrow."

"Indeed, I... do not know," Ralph replies to the captain, his voice a hardly recognizable croak. "The two... princesses..." And then he breaks into yet another fit of coughing, before he adds "I only can hope they are still alive."