675-09-15 - Advice at the Chapel

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Advice at the Chapel
Summary: Nimoria comes across Edris at the Chapel and offers some unbidden words of advice.
Who: Edris Alachri and Nimoria
References: None
When: September 15th, 675
Related Logs: Hidden Agenda logs
Date of RP: 15/09/2014
Where: Chapel - Castle of the White Dove, The Isles
Room Desc: The chapel is very small and quite dark. There are no any windows here, only a few torches on the left and right walls to offer their light. The aroma of roses and lilies fills the room. There are no benches to sit upon, just a small stage in front of the altar, most who come here kneeling in prayer upon the marble floor. Each of the three walls are decorated. The larger altar that sits directly across from the door is covered with various works of art from jewelry to a few small drawings. Scattered across the surface amongst the works of art are red roses and white lilies. However the most important piece of art is the huge drawing above the alter, a portrait of Onimoria herself. The drawing looks incredibly old and it is believed to have been made during the 1st year of current time, when Onimoria became the Queen and united all three islands. It is invaluable, a holy heirloom, and is not to be touched. There is another drawing of the same worth on the right wall. The altar under it is a little bit smaller. It has a small table on which the Book of Lotingus lay. The pages looks incredibly old and it is believed that Lotingus himself wrote on these pages the laws of the Kingdom of the Isles. It too is invaluable and considered a holy heirloom, though it is allowed to be touched only by the Queen during special ceremonies. The left wall may remind one of small garden for vases of canary creeper vine are kept fresh to either side of the drawing of Margueritte. A bowl sits upon the altar where people are toss coins in exchange for prayers. Most often, the bowl is filled with coins. This room is always guarded by two Guardians of Onimoria.

Modesty is a trait so becoming to a lady. It is a thing to be scarcely encountered at the Castle of the White Dove of late. One of its newer residents seems quite eager to display this quality. Modesty and piety. At the moment Edris Alachri is praying at the chapel, her grey-green eyes raised to study the drawing of Onimoria in deep contemplation, as her hands are folded before her. Her lips move ever so slightly, in a silent prayer. her attire is of a modest dark green, not at all concealing the curve of her growing belly.

Nimoria steps quietly into the Chapel. Her hair color of white fluffy clouds are tied into a neat bun, letting just a few curls tickle her wonderful little nose. These two curls give her some mischief and playfulness, while her almost colorless eyes are staring speechlessly at Edris.

The young woman's shoulders are bared, covered with the lucid colorless silken scarf. Nimoria is squashed into a white corset today, which just emphasises her womanly curves and slim waist. Though, the long skirt of her snowy gown is just a thorough creation of tiny pieces of the fabric. It creates the view, that the skirt is incrdibly wide and it sways in the wind making Nimoria to look like a soaring ghost.

That little ghost walks a bit closer to the praying woman and whispers softly, "Some say, that actions,not words may help to redeem the sins..."

Without shifting her gaze from the holy drawing, Edris will give her reply. "I am not aware of any sins, Holy Mother." Her head turns just a touch as she shoots Nimoria a sideways glance. "As for actions... I believe it is already too late for that. I have not lost my trust in Onimoria though. As for other things..." She gives a light shrug, a remarkably elegant gesture. Not that of a whore but a courtesan. "Or were you speaking of your sins, Holy Mother? Your missteps?", this added with a bit of sharpness hiding beneath her outwardly polite tone, lowering her gaze before it could appeaar impertinent.

Nimoria does not let out a sound for awhile. She just stares at the portrait of Onimoria. The woman looks very calm. She breaths slowly, closing her eyes, opening them, closing and opening again, "You are still so young, bold and naive... Onimoria and I are sad, that you lost your track, that you were so easily guided by Esmedia... Though, I came here not to scold you. We are all too tired to do so. However, Marguerite still sends me to inform you, that you are surrounded by enemies. Of course, you won't understand it now. However, the time will come. And when you will feel as if drowning into the darkness.. Don't be afraid to come to me... I forgive you."

Edris's head turns to face Nimoria now, when the white haired woman addresses her. There is a flicker in her grey-green eyes, but then her hands tighten about each other and she bites back a retort that was about to jump to her lips. "I have never feeled as focused as I am now, Holy Mother," she replies instead. "As for the enemies... you already told me. This is no news." A dry chuckle leaves her lips. But then, remembering her place she will lower her gaze again. "Thank you." This a diplomatic reply to Nimoria's remark about forgiving her.

Nimoria says nothing, she just quietly takes a seat on one of the benches and watches another woman.

It does not take long though and Edris will join her on that bench, standing as she had been so far before the altar. "What actions would Onimoria require to forgive my sins...?" she murmurs, her gaze fixed at the altar still. There is a tiny twitch at the corner of her mouth, but the tone of the redhead is soft and polite.

Nimoria glances at the other woman. She remains polite and speaks in the same proper whisper, "I already told you, dear. You need just to leave and forget, that your child has royal blood. You just need to be, where you always were. Onimoria's family never had bastards before. It's very important to stay pure. I old you already. Plus, you will be able to live long and happy, elswhere. As Monica, Helena, Rachelle..."

Edris's own voice remains hardly above a murmur. "Leave. And be where I always was? I don't understand, Holy Mother. You speak in riddles. My child, once it is born will be a bastard, no matter what I say or anyone else may know of it. To Onimoria it will be a bastard just the same. Even if it would grow up in a different kingdom. Like in Two Rivers." Her expression stays rather passive, curious at most, while her hands remain folded in prayer.

Nimoria shakes her head, "People usually forget. If you will give different name for him, if you will take different name for yourself... They will forget. Onimoria will forget it too. He will be just a random commoner in the other kingdom far far away... But if you wish, you can stay. I always say, that a mother should never burry her children, but if you wish so... It's your choice."

Nimoria glances at Edris and even more softly adds, "Don't worry. It won't be me, won't be mistress Adara or even the Queen. Onimoria told me. You will give a birth to a wonderful boy. Very strong one. He will have your hair and nice freckles. He will meet a woman, who will be a reason of his death. You won't see 18th summer of your boy... That is why I forgave you. I feel sorry..."

There indeed is a flicker in her eyes, anger perhaps welling up inside of her at Nimoria's remark. "Onimoria /will forget/?", Edris almost spits out, glaring at the white-haired woman. Before she falls silent and shakes her head, as her hands let go of each other and she clenches them into fists. Forcing herself to remain calm. "Whatever fate you see... I am not convinced it is bound to happen," she then remarks, her gaze lowered. "After all, we are in Onimoria's hands. If he is to die. Then so be it."

"He is your child," Nimoria stands up, "his fate is in your hands, not Onimoria's. After all, Margueritte choses, who lives or dies. Though, she never just points to someone and says, "It is your turn to leave now." Patrons offers you a few roads. You were gifted with a free will like all of us. It's up to you, which road you will chose."

"Indeed," Edris replies rising now from the bench, before she offers a curtsey to Nimoria. "I will choose the road. And in fact, I have already chosen. But pray, excuse me now. I have enjoyed enough contemplation... and advice. A good day to you." And there she moves to leave.